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sth Sh av * ACCELERATING THE GOSPEL HELLo, YoUTH ALIVE! OR eee Re Mec) Pe uee eae Lem og Ose Em am mer a eae CoML UID around the country to help us grow deeper in CR a DEVAN ue eure eee oe UL Rue CORR ERCCN et er ee gel ed fete Cue aM NAR LS SLL PA eee CEM mt) Pee Co MC aa mg Sais MUO nas Rote CaC Cue DR UCC Rea To in Christ. DOr Caen C ke conc of our commitment to this month-long intentional Ot URN eer en oe nee Cu ean a Nae eRe eee Cl MUR eI ea cea cate PeTate rN e T sian ON 202.01 DEVOTIONAL STEPS ON How To HAVE YOUR DAILY DEVOTION 1. Go To YOUR SECRET PLACE AT YOUR SCHEDULED TIME. Go to a place and set a time where there is no distraction just you and the Lord, 2. WORSHIP Play at least one worship song. Worship God first. 5. PRAYER Start your devotion with prayer - a sincere and authentic one. 4. OPEN YOUR BIBLE You can have one chapter in a Book per day, or you may downioad a Bible Reading Plan on the internet. 5. GET YOUR NOTEBOOK AND PEN, AND Do THE STRAP METHOD. Here's how the STRAP method works: \. SCRIPTURE - In the chapter you've read, write down all the jorses where God spoke directly to your Neate b. TITLE/TOPIC - What isthe title or topic of your devotion? Winere fs the Holy Spirit leading you? What does God want ‘you to learn in this devotion? Some Bibles provide a title OF Yopic per chapter already. You may adapt those, oo. E;REELECTION - What ore your reflections about the hich Ml youretieclons and Sbservaions myeurrcbeocke After having your reflection, you may read more Bib! ‘explanations of the verses to avold misinterpretation. 4. APPLICATION - Devotion without application isn 3 aU. As itp writen in James 1-22, “But dont Just hi ‘Bea's word. You myst do whot I sayS. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” ‘Thus, write down all the, thinas/actions you can do to apply What you have learned. Are these verses teaching you about {ergiveness? then lear to appiy it by forgiving yourself and Someone who hurt you. Thats NOW the application WOKS - PRAYER - Last but not least, close it with an intimate and hankegiving prayer. Talk to God and thank Him for the rela Hlonship you trave with each other, and ask that His Word vill help you ln your dally living. Ask His help and guidance = that You May apply your devotion in reabiife situations. Pray oloheartedly ABOUT THE (OVER There are three main elements in the illustration. The silhouette of people giving praise and singing in the background is to portray all Christians! Then, the Bible and Jesus Christ at the center, is to emphasize that the Scriptures from Old Testa- ment to New Testament is all pointing to Christ. For us to make Jesus famous, there is an urgent message to accelerate the Gospel by sharing it among the nations. For the Gospel “is the power of God for salvation", according to Paul. And it is also great to take note the intentional placement of the singing people at the back- ground, because it is to show that it is not about us but only about Jesus Chri HAJ) DE JESUS ARTIST. TACCELER TE Cd ACCELERATING THE GOSPEL a x CHRIST ALIVE IN US Galatians 220 WEEK Two: ACCELERATE THE GOSPEL: MAKING JESUS FAMOUS! JESU Dans THE HOPE OF GLORY loins 29 THE PURSUIT: MAKE HIM KNOWN! Matthew 2819-20 YOU'RE MY NUMBER ONE Matthew $35 (NN) CALLED, CHOSEN, CHAMPION! eter 29 (NASB) OUR BLESSED HOPE John 6-H may ACCELERATINGTHE GOSPEL ARTWORK BY: HAJ) DE JESUS HIRTY ON=PY.N4 DEVOTIONAL LET THE REDEEMED SAY SO! Zephaniah 13 a28oc66e908e WEEELY TORI EDITOR: PTR. LEYNARD TABERNA ALIVE IN US Ihave been crucified with Christ. It is no longer | who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life | now live in the flesh | live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me, Galatians 2:20 Apostle Paul is imperiously declaring in this verse about salvation and justification by putting our faith in Christ. He argued that when we are saved by faith, we are positioned in Christ and not by our old sinful nature, as we iden tified ourselves in His death on the cross. We are marked with all that He is and all that He has done. Christ in us and us in Christ. In Him we live, breathe, and have our bein. This verse also speaks of His radical love to us - who loved [us] and gave himself for [us]. He did not wait for us to come to Him. He came to us in the person of Christ, making Himself at home with us. He did not just die to take us out of hell and into heaven, but He died to take Himself out of heaven and deposit Himself into us. So then, the challenge for us sto lve for Him as we accelerate in ac- Hay our testimonies show complishing His purpose and mission in our lives. Let Him breathe ijen Christ who dwells through us by living our lives as an offering to Him. May our testi- tnus. monies show the risen Christ who dwells in us. There is a vast ocean of difference between trying to compel Christians to imitate Christ and learning how to impart an implanted Christ. The former only ends up in failure and frustrations, while the latter brings joy and lie. Let us live in our identity as “Youth Alive” for His glory and honor. Make Christ alive in us! It is my hope and prayer that we always allow Him to move in us and through us, as we proclaim: Christ in us, the hope of glory. THIRTY DEVOTIONAL THE HOPE OF To them God willed to make known what are riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Glosians 1:23 | got a bitter heart for being unappreciated and being neglected. So, | tried to scan my phone and distract myselt from the overflowing emotion. When | looked at my phone's album, | saw a saved picture from social media. It said, “Never be too proud, never too bossy. Remember that you live on a planet that has gravity. What goes up comes down. Humility counts.” In this worl, rejection is inevitable. Even our Lord Jesus christ (0 “€ling to His he was rejected and crucified despite His great miracles and mises preachings. But because of His unselfish love, He was lifted testi How he ranstor form us” even more. We may have disappointing moments in life, but the Lord washed away our sins. His love has washed all of them away. His love endures forever, and He still ives with us. We only need to focus on Him and not on this world. Let us always choose to make Him lifted in our lives and worthy to be praised, not us. He is our hope in this hopeless world. Let us cling to His unbreakable promises, and let us testify how He transforms us into who we are now. The Cross is for all and is not limited to any racial lines. So the moment we believed and accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour is also the moment we unlocked the riches of His glory among us. THIRTY DEVOTIONAL THE PURSUIT: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything | have commanded you. And surely, | am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Go. Teach. Baptize. Make disciples. These are not just commands that God has given to the apostles but are also in- structions for all Christians to follow and live by. Living in this world, we know that we all have different pursuits. ‘We have our pursuit of excellence, our pursuit of happiness, and our pursuit of purpose. Fortunately, the Word has an answer to all these quests we are taking. Matthew 28: 19-20 is a response to what our reason for living is. It is to glorify Him by making Him known to all ages, by making JESUS FAMOUS! ‘As we carry out the Great Commission, we must be a disciple of Christ. A disciple of Christ must be a follower of Him, ready and willing to learn about Him, and mature in faith. It reveals the heart of God that desires all people to be saved and to know the truth. It also compels us to share the good news until everyone has heard. yy During these trying times, it is a challenge for us to reach out to people, but we have the means and resources to do so. We can con- te ip) ect with the whole world and share the Word through our fingertips meee tt and with just ove click: Social Distancing? No physical gathering? Canceled Chureh services? Ifthe enemy has leveled up inhi tactic, we should also accelerate our ways to counter them. If we desire victory over the difficulties that we face in pur- suit of our purpose, then let us follow God's voice. It is not an easy task, but God has assured us that He will always be with us, and that the Holy Spirit will come on us. Then we will be witnesses to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Brethren, are we up for the challenge? THIRTY DEVOTIONAL YOU'RE MY NUMBER But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33 (NKJV) People nowadays are super worried about lots of things, especially in their daily lives. Most are worried about what to eat, drink, and wear. If “worry” or “worrying” was a person, he would be the most famous person in the world because he has lots of followers — those who think of him all the time and even serve him. But have you ever heard of someone who can give all that we need and want, but was rejected, and even until now is still yet, “et us make Hira our number to be known te some areas ofthe word? Hisname'is "JESUS." | one priority. Seek Him, serve Hint, ie Seid welt nc oko i ory iota aind obey Hira are at their last resort. Even among His followers, some are hla siraistel eal their own ways [ost to met oll their needs.-Then trey end up forgetting Jesus However, Jesus still loves us and remains faithful to His promises to us. He promised that if we seek Him first, all that we are worrying about will surely be given and provided for us because He is the source of everything, But, is Jesus really our priority? This Is a battle of whom to seek first because this world will offer many things to us. But, as believers and followers of Christ, let us make Him our number one priority. Seek Him, serve Him, and obey Him, and surely blessings will follow us all the days of our lives. THIRTY DEVOTIONAL ‘But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light | Peter 2:9 (NASB) Hi there! Come. Get up now! Get out from that dark room in Z Your heart, ‘cause that’s not where you're meant Stop Alrigh imprisoning yourself. Maybe you just made a: mistake, but y you're not a mistake. Okay? So breathe in, breathe out You're doing great! Now, let me tell you some good news - it’s about you, your identity, and your God! Alright. You're doing great! Dear friend, you're forgiven, you're freed, and you're meant to fly. Yes! God created you wonderfully and intricately for an amazing purpose - a purpose even bigger than yourself! That means you're awesome! Really. Since God has callled you out of the darkness, He has already chosen you for a high and holy calling (a calling/pur- pose even greater than yourself), and that is to champion the gospel of Jesus and the work He has done in you Remember your life without Christ and your life now in Christ - it’s like from nothing to something, from being re- jected to accepted, from hurt to forgiven, from unloved to loved. How's your journey with Jesus? Your journey with Jesus is your testimony about Jesus. Don’t you know that your testimony might be an encouragement to a friend some miles away? So, let me tell you again, “Come. Get up now! And get out of that dark room..” because SOMEONE'S WAITING FOR YOU. God called you out (saved you, forgave you, freed you), He has been walking with you, and He has chosen you to be a champion of the gospel of Jesus! See, your life is not just about yourself and for yourself. You are meant to fly, and soar high! Not just for you, but for the glory of the real Champion of all, JESUS CHRIST! Are you ready to be a champion of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Get up, testify, and make Jesus known. THIRTY DEVOTIONAL OUR BLESSED | For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him John 3:16-17 Within a short period of time, we have witnessed what equates to the shutdown of civilization - economy, travel and trade have been halted; a significant number of people were forced out of work and ordered by the government to stay at home. Infected and dying people are rising rapidly. ‘Sometimes fear can become crippling and overwhelming. If we live in fear in this time of uncertainty we ask ourselves the question, “How can I get out of here?” But, if we live in love in the same uncertain time, we then ask ourselves the question, “How can | be a light in this situation?” Jesus is our blessed hope in these perilous times. God’s ways may always remain mysterious to us, but we can be confident in His love for Fea is our blessed hopes wscreson ands love tore one oe a pert OUSTIMEISIN? oor takes our focus away from the things that are set sbove but Goo's Prec iorarieselt earns As believers in Christ we are confident that we have more to live for - even life eternal. And through Christ's death on our behalf, we have been delivered from the fear of death which in turn delivers us from fear in life! THIRTY DEVOTIONAL LET THE SAY SO! The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing, Zephaniah 3:17 If we are to read the whole chapter 3 of the book of Zephaniah, we can see that it tells us of the punishment await- ing Jerusalem for her unrepentance and unfaithfulness. In the latter part, however, God made a promise to restore the remnant of Israel. He said that he would purify them, and that as a result, they will trust in the name of the Lord. Come to think of it: before we knew the Lord and had a relationship with Him, we were very much like Jerusalem. We do not accept correction, we rebel against God's ways, and we trust in ourselves more than His plans. The result? Chaos, disappointments, heartbreaks, troubles- those mr pes 4s iat We things that are not the ultimate will of God for our lives. can res efylly tw His love. Individually, maybe we are experiencing struggles right now. Only God would know the root cause of these troubles. Maybe, like Israel, we went against God's wil, or maybe, there was a sin that we are not able to deal with the Lord, and we are still nursing it in our heart. | wouldn't know for sure, but God is all-knowing, He knows our hearts. He wants us to overcome and have that peace that only He could give. God assures us that we can rest peacefully in His love. We only need to ask Him to save and restore us with His mighty power. Try it! ‘We will be happy to hear you singing and shouting for joy. Let us make our joyous salvation stories go viral. Accel- erate now and share Jesus! THIRTY DEVOTIONAL

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