Philosophy Interview KnowingAboutNature KiannaMagnaye Kurien

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Directions: Interview a family member in the age bracket of 30-80 years old, in your own home.

When performing the interview, maintain appropriate decorum most particularly if this is to be
done online. Be guided by the following questions:

1. What are the things that you remember in your environment when you were my age?
- Aunt and Uncle: “When I was your age, I am the one who usually do the house chores. I always
wake up early and take care of my siblings while my parents are the ones who cook rice cakes
which will then be sold. I remember back then, whenever I am done with the chores, I am the one
who’s going to sell it, I will walk around our barangay, shouting ‘puto, puto kayo diyan’. Despite
the hardships back then, it was still fun. I remember whenever there is a festival in the barangay,
everyone goes to the court and have games to play. Everyone was enjoying, there was no cell
phones back then. Also we always swim at the sea and play around like jumping from a boat. The
surroundings back then was so refreshing because there are no cars that much. And also before
November, we usually roam around at night and steal different things at our neighbor’s house and
bring it all at the market, I remember someone back then who stole a jeepney and brought it ate
the market, everything was just so fun back then. (It was like a tradition to do the ‘stealing’ thing,
it was all for fun and the things are always given back to the owners.)”
2. What are the things that you like doing when you were young?
- Aunt and Uncle: “All of it, it was all fun after all. I want to bring back those happy moments
wherein there was no problem at all as long as we play around outside.”
3. What are the positive and negative changes in the environment?
- Aunt and Uncle: “The positive ones are those vehicles, it is now easier to go anywhere even if it
was far away, however the negative effect of it was the pollution. Back then it was very
refreshing, the air is clean, the sea is clean, and the surroundings are full of trees, unlike now.”
4. Do you think environment plays a vital role in a person’s development? Why or why
- Aunt and Uncle: “I think yes it does play a vital role in a person’s development. Whenever I am
stressed, I tend to take a breath outside, and it somewhat eases my stress. But now, I tend to be
more stressed when I look outside. I believe that what you see on the environment reflects you as
a person. Through that, you’ll be more aware of your surroundings and that will make you a
better person.”

After conducting the interview, write the summary of your findings where the following questions
are answered. Be guided by the rubrics found on the Appendix of this module on how you will be

1. Who is the person that I interviewed?

- The persons that I interviewed are my uncle and aunt. Both of them are in there 40s.
2. What have I learned from the person I interviewed?
- I learned that there is more to life than being hooked on technologies. I should have been more
aware of my surroundings. I should be at least cleaning the surroundings and taking care of it.
3. How do I feel about the things that I learned?
- I felt motivated. I do want to take care of my surroundings and because of that interview; I felt
the need to do it right away. I should be appreciating my environment more because without it I
would have been sick already.
4. Will this knowledge gained from the interview help me in understanding the role of
the environment in my development as a person?
- Yes, this knowledge that I gained from the interview will help me in understanding the role of the
environment in my development as a person. I will be more aware of my surroundings now. I will
be more responsible in everything that I will be doing.
5. What should I do with the environment?
- I should be appreciating the environment more. I should be cleaning my surrounding. I should be
preserving this environment. I should be aware of it as it plays a role on my development as a
person. As a person, I should be more responsible in my surroundings.

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