Vocabulary CH 1 & 2

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Vocabulary CH 1 & 2

1. Clambering (p.7)
- The action of climbing awkwardly
2. Gesture (p.7)
- Body language and expression
3. Lodgments (p.7)
- A place to rest, sleep
4. Solemnly (p.8)
- Say or tell something in a serious and formal manner
5. Proffer (p.9)
- An offer
6. Grubby (p.9)
- Dirty
7. Foliage (p.9)
- Group of leaves and straw
8. Upheavals (p.10)
- Strong or violent disturbance
9. Terrace (p.10)
- A raised. Flat mound of earth that look like a platform with sloping sides
10. Garter (p.10)
- A band worn to hold up a stocking
11. Prominent (p.10)
- Something that is particularly noticeable
12. Efflorescence (p.12)
- The state or a period of flowering
13. Specious (p.12)
- Apparently good or right, pleasing to eye but deceptive
14. Breakers (p.13)
- A wave that breaks or dashes into foam
15. Lolled (p.14)
- Relaxed
16. Effulgence
- A brilliant radiance
17. Sapling (p.15)
- A young tree
18. Interposed (p.16)
- Interrupted, inserted between two people.
19. Fulcrum (p.16)
- The fixed point around a which lever pivot
20. Embossed (p.16)
- Raised, standing out in relief
21. Clamor (p.17)
- Loud noise or shouting
22. Incredulous (p.19)
- Disbelieving, skeptical
23. Muddled (p.19)
- Mixed up or confused
24. Frill (p.19)
- Useless, excessive elaborateness or ornamentation
25. Complexions (p.19)
- The natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially of the face
26. Precentor (p.20)
- A person who leads a congregation in its singing
27. Furtive (p.22)
- Secret
28. Pallidly (p.22)
- Without liveliness
29. Acclaim (p.22)
- Praise
30. Mortification (p.23)
- Great embarrassment and shame
31. Suffusion (p.23)
- To overspread with color
32. Conch (p.24)
- Authority or a shell
33. Dispersal (p.24)
- The movement of organism from one place to another
34. Indignation (p.25)
- Anger as a result of something unjust
35. Glamour (p.25)
- Attractiveness, beauty
36. Surmounted (p.26)
- Overcame
37. Ascent (p.26)
- Climb
38. Pliant (p.26)
- Flexible
39. Lavishly (p.28)
- In a rich or plentiful way, abundantly
40. Petered (p.28)
- To diminish gradually and come to an end
41. Fringe (p.29)
- Decorative edge of hanging threads, edge
42. Flailed (p.30)
- Hit
43. Aromatic (p.30)
- Fragrant
44. Contemptuously (p.30)
- Without respect, in a disdainful manner
45. Hiatus (p.31)
- A gap, opening, break
46. Enormity (p.31)
- The quality of exceeding all moral bounds
47. Fluently (p.32)
- Speaking a language effortlessly and correctly
48. Gesticulated (p.34)
- Gestured
49. Coarse (p.35)
- Rough
50. Assurance (p.36)
- A pledge, freedom from doubt, self-confidence
51. Exasperation (p.37)
- Irritation, frustration
52. Conspiratorial (p.37)
- Secretly plotting
53. Swathes (p.38)
- A row or line of grass, grain, or other crops as it lies when mown or reaped
54. Errant (p.38)
- Mistaken, straying from the proper course
55. Ebullience (p.38)
- Intense enthusiasm
56. Officious (p.40)
- Too helpful, meddlesome
57. Leeward (p.41)
- Facing away from the wind
58. Taut (p.42)
- Pulled or drawn tight
59. Recrimination (p.43)
- An accusation in response to one from someone else
60. Festooned (p.44)
- Decorated

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