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Ejercicio 2. Unidad 2

Lis ten to the extract to complete the s entences us ing the verbs and the pictures in the
box to help you.

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n4K _G 7ujlOxB R trR 9s G /view? us p=s haring

inject diagnos e monitor cons ult relieve meas ure

prevent operate s uffer trans mit admit
rehabilitate adjus t

1 Was hing your hand _________________________________________________________

2 The doctor us es the x-ray to _________________________________________________

3 The nurs e ____________________________________________________ to the hos pital.

4 The _____________________________________________________ about her recovery.

5 The nurs e is ________________________________________________________________

6 He is _________________________________________________ into the patient’s arm.

7 The doctor is ______________________ _______________________

8 The medical s taff have many devices to _______________ ________________________

9 Taking medicine ____________________________________________________________

10 The s urgical team __________________ ___________________

11The therapis t is trying to _____________________________-___________________

Ejercicio Material Página 1 de 1


12 S he is _____________________ ______________________

13 S haking hands can ____________________________________________ monitor

ANS WE R THE S E QUE S TIONS : (pers onal ans wers . Us e long s entences )

1 How do you relieve a headache?

2 What are you as ked to do when you are admitted to a hos pital?

3 Are you s uffering from any kind of problem in your life at the moment?

4 Who do you cons ult when you have a problem?

5 Do you us e the internet when you want to diagnos e a health problem? Why/why

Ejercicio Material Página 2 de 2

Exercise 2

Match the words and expres s ions in the box to the pictures .

complicated s urgery “uns table chemicals ” pois onous

“donate blood” “checking vital s igns ” breathing decompos e
monitor compatible “identical twins ” “a lot of pain”
podiatris t “clinical pathology” diarrhea

Ejercicio Material Página 3 de 3

1_____________________________ 2____________________________

3_____________________________ 4____________________________

5_____________________________ 6____________________________

7_____________________________ 8____________________________

9_____________________________ 10____________________________

11 ____________________________ 12____________________________

13____________________________ 14____________________________

15 ____________________________

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