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2010 1. J. Radiation Oncology 0 Biology 0 Physics November 1986. Volume 12, Number I I

in the light of what we know about the physiology of Several studies have been carried out in which anemia
tumors, in particular their cell proliferation and oxygen was induced immediately before radiation was given. In
use under different conditions of O2 availability. two of these studies35.49no clear relationship was found
between anemia and tumor radioresistance, but in a recent
Experimental methods of altering oxygen delivery investigation in three mouse tumors acute anemia caused
Several different methods have been used to alter the a consistent increase in resistance to X rays.3o This indi-
level of oxygenation in animal tumors to study its effect cates that, at least in these tumors (EMT-6, KHT and
on radiosensitivity. These may be divided into two broad RIF- I), anemia induces a higher fraction of hypoxic cells.
categories: Experiments where drugs are used to induce anemia25*6s
1. Alterations in the partial pressure of oxygen (POj are difficult to classify as acute or chronic, but in each of
in the inspired gas. This may be accomplished either by these studies where anemia was induced by injection of
a change in the percentage of oxygen breathed from the phenylhydrazine 24 hrs before irradiation a pronounced
normal 2 l%, by a change in the pressure of the gas mixture increase in the radiation resistance of mouse tumors was
from the normal 1 atmosphere or by a combination of observed. The conclusion that acute anemia causes ra-
the two. Obviously, this procedure alters the oxygen dioresistance is, however, not consistent with all physio-
transported by the blood, but compensatory mechanisms, logical data. One study36 measured oxygenation directly
both rapid (cardiac output changes) and long term (altered and found in a rat sarcoma that the optimum hematocrit
blood chemistry and hematocrit) must be considered in for oxygen availability was 30-35%, slightly below normal.
the interpretation of results. It remains to be seen whether this is a true difference
2. Alterationsin the concentrationofhemoglobin in the between these tumor systems of whether direct measure-
bloodfrom the normal value of about 15 g/l00 ml (in the ment of oxygen tensions is a poor prediction of radio-
mouse). Methods of achieving this include acute phle- biological response.
botomy, injection of red blood cells, plasma or dextran 2. Chronic reductions in oxygen delivery Under these
solution, kidney irradiation (to suppress red blood cell conditions tumors are exposed to low oxygen levels for
production through the erythropoetic system), red blood long enough to permit adaptive mechanisms to act to
cell destroying drugs such as phenylhydrazine and by ex- restore tissue oxygenation. In one study6’ the effect of
ploiting the anemia which often accompanies the growth chronic exposure to low oxygen levels (12%) on the sen-
of tumors to a large size. All of these procedures produce sitivity of RI-IT tumors to X rays was investigated. Ra-
an alteration in the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood diosensitivity was the same as in mice which had been
which varies linearly with hemoglobin content, but tissue exposed to normal air, but the experiment was compli-
oxygenation depends not only on the amount of oxygen cated by a gross adaptation in the form of greatly elevated
in the arterial blood but also on tissue perfusion and tissue/ hemoglobin levels. so that any other adaptation would be
hemoglobin gas exchange. Perfusion varies inversely with masked. These authors attempted to compensate for the
hematocrit in a nonlinear manner so that in anemia, for hemoglobin increase by phlebotomy, every 48 hrs, and
example, increased perfusion compensates for the loss of although more radio-resistant tumors resulted, it is diffi-
hemoglobin.6*5’ In addition the affinity of hemoglobin for cult to assess the effect of the bleeding itself.
oxygen may be altered to promote oxygen release to the In a study of chronic anemia3’ tumors which were ini-
tissue.3’*73Nevertheless, for several tissues optimum he- tially radioresistant when irradiation immediately fol-
matocrits have been shown at which the maximum oxygen lowed the acute loss of red blood cells, became progres-
delivery is achieved2’,37*46V48and these vary with the level sively more sensitive as the interval before irradiation was
of tissue activity. ‘7*2’ increased until their response after 24-72 hrs was not dif-
ferent from tumors in animals that have never been ane-
Eflect of reduced oxygen delivery on radiosensitivityof mic. This adaptive mechanism occurred even though the
animal tumors anemia persisted. Based on these results, a tumor in a
As we have Seen oxygen delivery can be reduced by patient with low hemoglobin levels would seem fully
lowering either the hematocrit or the oxygen tension in adapted to conditions of poor oxygen transport. However,
the inspired gas. The effect of both procedures on tumor this conclusion is based on the assumption that the ex-
radiosensitivity has been investigated and will be classified perimental anemia of 1-3 days duration is equivalent to
as acute or chronic for the purpose of this analysis. that seen in the cancer patient. One recent study56 has
1. Acute reduction of oxygen delivery These are ma- looked at anemia of much longer duration. The effect of
nipulations which were carried out a short time before the long term progressive anemia which follows kidney
irradiation (within a few hours) so that there is insufficient irradiation in the mouse was described. CA NT tumors
time for many adaptive mechanisms to compensate. As in these anemic mice were actually more sensitive to X
part of a comprehensive investigation of the effects of ox- rays than those in non-anemic controls, implying not only
ygen tension in the inspired air on radiosensitivity of the that adaptation may have occurred, but that some other
RI-IT tumop it was clearly shown that an acute reduction process affects radiosensitivity beyond the l-3 day interval
in the PO2 from normal caused a drop in arterial blood investigated by others. 30It is dangerous, of course, to draw
PO2 which in turn increased tumor radioresistance. conclusions from differences in results when the systems
Anemia in radiotherapy 0 D. G. HIRST 2011



by cell death and with red blood cells by cell

shrinkage of cord . proliferation

5 mins 5 mine 6-24 hrs



by increased with red blood cells by reduction in

2.3-DPG 2,3-DPG

5 mlns 24-46 hrs 5 mins 6-24 hrs

Fig. 1. A diagrammatic representation of a tumor blood vessel surrounded by its dependent volume of tumor cells.
The effects on this model of anemia and subsequent transfusion with red blood cells are shown for two independent
mechanisms of tumor adaptation, one or both of which may be important in determining the radiobiological
hypoxic fraction. Radiobiologically hypoxic cells are depicted by shading.

used are not the same, but speaking with some confidence, 3. Restoration of oxygen delivery levels before irradia-
adaptation to anemia probably occurs and tends to bring tion. Whatever the mechanisms which contribute to ad-
the tumor radiosensitivity back to that in non-anemic aptation of the tumor to lowered oxygen delivery, most
hosts. available data indicate that any increase in tumor hypoxic
Adaptation to anemia can occur at several levels within fraction induced by reduced oxygen availability is only
the body. These have been discussed in some detail pre- transient. It follows that this adaptation may be exploitable
viously30 where several possible mechanisms were shown therapeutically. If tumors are allowed to adapt to condi-
to have a time scale inconsistent with the restoration of tions where oxygen transport is poor, and normal con-
tumor radiosensitivity described here. Two likely mech- ditions are restored immediately before irradiation, their
anisms remain (Fig. 1). Histological examination of tu- previously hypoxic cells should become oxygenated. This
mors in animals exposed to low oxygen tension for several hypothesis has been tested using a retransfusion tech-
days has shown that the thickness of the “cords”* which nique. 25*27Hemoglobin levels of previously anemic, tu-
can be supported by blood vessels is less than in animals mor-bearing mice were restored before irradiation and a
breathing normal air,*67adaptation is therefore simply the change in radiosensitivity was obtained which was con-
shrinkage of these “cords.*’ This explanation has been sistent in each case with a reduction in hypoxic fraction
proposed previously’4T62 to explain animal and clinical by about 50%. Using the same strategy but different pro-
data. It could be argued, however, that complete recovery cedures, Siemann et a1.62obtained a similar sensitization
to a normal hypoxic fraction would not be expected with with tumors in mice which had been adapted to breathing
this model because of geometric considerations, which a low oxygen tension but were placed in normal air during
would predict a slightly higher hypoxic fraction in irradiation. An exciting aspect of this study was that the
shrunken “cords.” An increase in the red blood cell 2,3- effect could be repeated for 7 fractions of radiation and
diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) concentration (see appen- still produce sensitization.
dix) has also been noted’j2 in mice exposed to low oxygen The amount of sensitization seen in these studies where
tension. It was also shown that this had, as would be ex- retransfusion with red blood cells was carried out in the
pected, increased the Pw, therefore promoting the un- 24 hr period before irradiation25*27 was not large. This is
loading of oxygen in the tissues. rather disappointing as we might reasonably expect to

* The term “cord” will be used to describe the functional unit is often portrayed in tumor models, may be histologically rec-
of a blood vessel and its dependent tumor cell volume72 although ognizable in only a few tumor types.
it should be emphasized that a structural unit of this kind, as it
2012 1. J. Radiation Oncology 0 Biology 0 Physics November 1986, Volume 12, Number I1

eliminate most of the cells in these tumors which are hyp anemia and its correction might affect the response of
oxic as a result of the limited oxygen diffusion range from human tumors to clinical multifraction radiotherapy for
blood vessels. However, we have recently established that comparison with the available clinical data.
for one mouse tumor (RIF-1) the ability to sensitize is
critically dependent on the interval between retransfUsion The anemic cancer patient
of the anemic mice with red blood cells and irradiation 1. Should anemic patients’tumors be more radioresis-
of their tumors. Figure 2 shows that while considerable tant?On the basis of the available data from anemic an-
sensitization can be obtained when the transfusion im- imals we would not expect tumors in anemic patients to
mediately precedes the irradiation the effect is rapidly lost be significantly more resistant to radiation than those in
so that by 24 hrs sensitivity is not different ftom that of patients with normal hemoglobin levels30*56because they
tumors in control animals with no history of anemia and should have adapted to conditions of low oxygen delivery.
transfusion. The result implies that tumors will also adapt However, most clinical studies have indicated that better
to an improvement in their oxygenation just as they do tumor control can be achieved in those patients with
to the reduced oxygen supply of anemia. The mechanism higher hemoglobin levels. 18,26.50,57,59,74 Surprisingly, this

of this adaptation is not known, but it is possible that the applied in one trial with head and neck tumors” even
tumor cells respond to increased oxygen levels by more when the “low hemoglobin” group had levels well within
rapid proliferation28S66so pushing cells once again beyond the normal range, implying perhaps that hemoglobin lev-
the diffusion distance of the available oxygen supply, or els which are perfectly adequate for supplying the normal
that 2,3-DPG levels fall when oxygenation is restored. metabolic requirements of tissues do not optimally oxy-
The results of these animal studies emphasize the com- genate tumors. An alternative explanation for these effects
plexity of the relationship betweeen the oxygen transport is that radioresistance is not a direct consequence of ane-
characteristics of the blood and the sensitivity of tumors, mia but that certain tumors may have vascular properties
even to single radiation doses. They should, however, al- which tend to cause both severe blood loss and radiore-
low some prediction to be made about the way in which sistance.14 This has yet to be investigated and would be


4’ 30
z 20
RIF- 1 (leg) RIF- 1 (flank)

IO40 24
02 6 24 48 02 6 24 48


Fig. 2. The effect of a single dose of 20 Gy X rays on RIF-I tumor cell survival in C3H/Km mice following various
hemotacrit manipulations. (0 and cross-hatched areas) non-anemic control mice given 20 Gy only; (irradiated
whole body at a dose rate of 2.85 Gy/min; tumor excised immediately after irradiation.“) (0) mice irradiated
immediately after induction of anemia;W (m) mice irradiated 24 hrs post anemia: (A) mice irradiated at different
times after red blood cell transfusion (0.5 ml i.v. obtained from syngeneic donors) to restore hematocrit to normal.
Hematocrits measured during this experiment are shown in the upper panels. Data points are geometric means
f 1 s.e. from 4-9 separate determinations obtained in 3 independent experiments.
Anemia in radiotherapy 0 D. G. HIRST 9013

difficult to test, but it does Seem likely that we can elim- more slowly to the blood transfusion. The rate at which
inate an association between metastasis and anemia, at expansion of tumor “cords” occurs after irradiation is
least for cervix carcinoma.” dependent on many factors. These include the fraction
It should be emphasized that neither of the animal of cells surviving the radiation dose, the number of cell
studies where “chronic” anemia was investigated30.56 divisions of which they are capable, the cycle time of these
would have predicted the clinical results so the theory of survivors and the rate at which dead cells are removed
a common denominator may have some merit. Whatever from the tumor “cord.” With so many parameters af-
the mechanism underlying the clinical association be- fecting the rate of “cord” expansion, it is all but impossible
tween hemoglobin levels and radiosensitivity, the systems to predict whether it will occur rapidly enough in a given
that have been used in animals do not adequately model tumor during a given course of radiotherapy to cancel out
the complexity of the clinical situation. They should, the oxygenating effect of retransfusion in a previously
however, permit an understanding of underlying princi- anemic patient. However, the turnover time of human
ples to be gained. tumor cells is much longer than in the mouse.‘1.63 There-
2. Should blood transfusion be given to anemic patients fore, in the absence of cell killing by radiation the adap-
before radiotherapy? It is considered to be good clinical tation time, if it is dependent on cell proliferation, will
practice to transfuse the severely anemic cancer patient be at least several days. The introduction of cell killing
before treatment. This improves the general well being of by radiation should prolong this. It is not unreasonable,
the patient and helps them to withstand the rigors of ther- therefore, to expect that daily doses of 200 cGy should
apy, irrespective of any benefits from a more radiosensitive kill sufficient cells to delay “cord” enlargement in the hu-
tumor. A more difficult question is whether patients with man tumor for the effect of red blood cell transfusion to
hemoglobin levels at the lower end of the normal range be seen. This should be tested using fractionated irradia-
should be transfused with red blood cells to boost their tion in a mouse model, preferably one of the few slow
levels before radiotherapy. This has been tested directly growing mouse tumors.
in one clinical trial” in which those cancer patients whose Although recent experiments (Fig. 2) in mice led to the
hemoglobin levels were maintained above 12.5g% showed conclusion that changes at the cell population level are
a significantly lower recurrence rate after radiotherapy important in tumor adaptation to changes in oxygen
than those with levels between 10 and 12%. This rela- availability, biochemical and rheological changes in the
tionship, it should be noted, held only for the more ad- blood should not be ignored. It has been calculated that
vanced Stages, IIB and III (for review see Bush’). Another up to half of the oxygen deficit in anemic patients may
study, also involving patients with carcinoma of the cervix, be compensated for by a 2,3-DPG mediated reduction in
looked at the influence of anemia and blood transfusion hemoglobin affinity for oxygen (see appendix).73 It has
in a trial of radiotherapy given in hyperbaric oxygen.14 also been suggested that increased levels of 2,3-DPG may
Hemoglobin levels did not influence the validity of the affect the adaptation of tumors to low inspired oxygen
trial nor was there an overall difference in local tumor tensions62 and anemia3’ so it is not unlikely that a reduc-
control between those patients who were classed as slightly tion in 2,3-DPG will follow hematocrit restoration, per-
anemic (lo-12g%) before treatment and those classed as haps accelerating the loss of tumor radiosensitivity. We
non-anemic (> 12g%). The striking result from this study, know of no data in man showing a loss of 2,3-DPG under
however, was seen in the severely anemic/transfused pa- these conditions, but it has been clearly shown that 2,3-
tients treated in hyperbaric oxygen. This group showed DPG levels return to normal within 3 days when altitude
the highest tumor control rate. Possible explanations for acclimatized subjects return to sea level.” If a similar loss
this will be discussed later. occurs after anemic cancer patients are transfused with
What can be predicted from animal studies? The re- red blood cells this effect would accelerate the loss of ra-
duction in the hypoxic fraction resulting from transfusion diosensitivity. The complexity of these adaptive mecha-
of red blood cells in the tumors of anemic mice is transient nisms must contribute to the difficulty of predicting the
(Fig. 2). The duration of any benefit therefore must depend importance of hemoglobin levels and transfusion in clin-
on how quickly the tumor adapts. It has been shown that ical radiotherapy from animal models. Some useful in-
the rate of tumor cell proliferation is highly dependent formation about the possible importance of these effects
on the level of oxygenation and the position of tumor could be assesed by measuring 2,3-DPG and Pso values
cells in relation to their supplying blood vessels.28*66It is in transfused, previously anemic patients, and from fur-
reasonable to expect therefore that the tumor cells which ther studies of the effect of hemoglobin affinity on the
are abruptly exposed to higher oxygen levels, as following radiosensitivity of tumors in animals.
blood transfusion in anemic mice, will begin to proliferate 3. Is the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen increased
more rapidly and will once again outgrow their oxygen in anemia? A way of avoiding the complexities of tumor
supply, thereby restoring the proportion of hypoxic cells. adaptation to attempts to oxygenate them would, of
In the mouSe this process must begin within 2 hrs and be course, be to use a procedure which exposes tumors which
complete in 24 hr (Fig. 2) in the absence of radiation. are already adapted to anemia to restored oxygen delivery
However, a more slowly proliferating human cervical car- only at the time of irradiation. The transient application
cinoma during a course of radiotherapy may adapt much of raised oxygen tension is an old strategy in the form of
2014 I. J. Radiation Oncology 0 Biology 0 Physics November 1986. Volume 12. Number I I

hyperbaric oxygen (HBO), but recently its ability to sen- used clinically, only 0.2% of the measured values were
sitize tumors to radiation therapy in transfused anemic equivalent to oxygen tensions at which radiosensitivity is
patients has been compared with its effects in patients reduced by 50% compared with 16% of the values in air.
with normal hemoglobin levels.14 In this MRC trial pa- However, from logarithmic cell survival curves we know
tients who had been anemic and were transfused before that the ability to sensitize the last few hypoxic cells has
treatment showed a dramatic response when their radio- as big an impact on tumor curability as sensitizing the
therapy was given in HBO; a control group of anemic first 10’or 10 hypoxic cells which probably exist in many
transfused patients irradiated in air had a poorer outcome. human tumors. This view is supported by radiobiological
Some sensitization by HBO was also seen in the non- studies in which the effects of hyperbaric oxygen on the
anemic patients, but it was less pronounced. The effec- sensitivity of mouse tumors to single doses of radiation
tiveness of HBO in anemia has led one group (Sealy, writ- is generally modest. 42V64 It is not difficult to understand,
ten communication, February, 1985) to induce anemia then, how the addition of a procedure such as transfusion
deliberately in some cancer patients several days before of the anemic patient which alone does not sensitize
commencing radiotherapy with HBO and to restore the enough cells to give a clear benefit could however help to
hemoglobin level shortly before the first dose. The effec- eradicate the last few cells which with HBO alone could
tiveness of this strategy will not be known for some time. survive to regrow the tumor.
Why should tumors in transfused, anemic patients be 4. Is there a better transfusion medium that red blood
so sensitized? We must assume that some residual effect cells? Recent interest in the use of perfluorochemical
of the anemia/transfusion procedure combines with the emulsions to transport oxygen to hypoxic tumor tissues
HBO to give benefit; this might be either at the level of has led to many investigations in mouse tumor systems.
the tumor “cords” or blood biochemistry, It has already While the commercially available formulation Fluosol-
been suggested that the only long lived consequence of DA (20%) clearly has the ability to sensitize hypoxic cells
prior anemia after retransfusion will be the reduced di- in many tumors to radiation,23,34*424*s2-55*69-7’ recent in-
ameter of tumor “cords” which have been speculated to vestigations suggested that it is more effective given as a
persist for several days after the beginning of fractionated transfusion to the anemic animal prior to irradiation of
irradiation, The idea that the effectiveness of HBO is in- its tumor.24 It has the advantage that tumor adaptation
creased under conditions where some shrinkage of tumor to increased oxygen delivery should not occur because
“cords” has occurred is supported by the observation that Fluosol-DA (20%) is effective only when oxygen is
the effectiveness of HBO is increased through fractionated breathed at higher than normal tensions (at least 1 at-
irradiation32*64 when cell killing will cause a reduction in mosphere) and the tumor is exposed to these levels only
diameter. A preexisting anemia should have created nar- at the time of irradiation. Another method by which the
row cords which will be present from the beginning of effectiveness of Fluosol-DA (20%) treatment can be in-
radiotherapy and not only, as in the non-anemic patient, creased is by combining it with HBO. It was recently
after sufficient cell killing has already occurred. It has al- shown that a dramatic reduction in hypoxic fraction can
ready been suggested that HBO may be especially effective be achieved using this combination.42 Thus Fluosol-DA
in the anemic patient,15 even without blood transfusion. (20%) could be a superior transfusion medium to red
Hyperbaric oxygen increases the oxygen transported in blood cells for the anemic cancer patient who is to receive
the blood mainly in simple solution giving a 25% increase a course of radiotherapy.
in total transport at 3 ATM. This increase should permit In this analysis of the clinical value of blood transfusion
PO;! to be maintained longer as blood passes along the to the anemic cancer patient, no consideration has yet
vascular network within the tissues so reaching cells at a been given to possible deleterious effects. The risk of in-
greater radial distance from the blood vessel. Nevertheless, fection from contaminated blood has been well publicized
there will probably still be cells located in the most un- recently, but assuming that this problem will be controlled,
favorable position at the perimeter of the tumor “cords” are there any other considerations? It is obvious that the
and at the venous end of capillaries which receive little oxygen transporting properties of donor red cells should
or no extra oxygen because of the known ability of tumor be optimized particularly with regard to organic phosphate
cells to increase their oxygen use in response to an increase levels3 but perhaps more serious are concerns that blood
in the oxygen supply. 22Thus, these cells may not be fully transfusion per se may be prejudicial to the control of
sensitized by HBO alone. The transfused, anemic patient some tumors possibly through inhibition of immune re-
should, however, have cords of reduced diameter for at sponses.4~8*20
least part of a course of radiotherapy so that these most Whatever strategy is to be used against hypoxic cells in
difficult to oxygenate cells can be sensitized. How effective tumors, guard must be taken against adopting too simple
is HBO at oxygenating tumors? In one elegant study4’ the a model when considering its effectiveness. The most ac-
effect of hyperbaric oxygen breathing in the Hb/02 sat- curate model of hypoxic fraction will be one which in-
uration in individual red blood cells in rat tumors was corporates the concept of a dynamic, constantly changing
measured. At 3 ATM of pure 02, the pressure most widely tumor cell population where the degree of hypoxia at any
Anemia in radiotherapy 0 D. G. HIRST 2015

one time will be determined by the balance between ox- and Gray’* and many other investigators since have had
ygen consumption and oxygen supply. Obviously, if tu- a similar model in mind. It applies equally well to both
mor cells died rapidly at an oxygen tension above that at mechanisms currently thought to be of importance in
which reduced radiosensitivity is seen, viable hypoxic cells creating hypoxic cells, the Thomlinson and Gray’* dif-
would not exist in tumors. We know, of course, that this fusion or chronic hypoxia model and the perfusion or
is not the case and that tumor cells can survive at low acute hypoxia model.’ It accounts well for the adaptive
oxygen tensions for many hours.5~‘3 It is often supposed responses to altered O2 availability reported in several
that hypoxic fraction is determined by some aspect of the studies25*27*m0.62
and the new data reported here show the
vasculature, but in fact it may simply reflect a particular time course of these effects in one mouse tumor. Any
tumor’s cells ability to survive under hypoxic conditions. application of altered tumor oxygenation as a means of
Both duration and severity of hypoxia will be important reducing tumor hypoxia must be carried out with regard
in determining survival. In the “cord” model, the two will to these processes if it is to have any chance of success
be interdependent as hypoxia will become more severe when applied to fractionated radiotherapy.
the longer and hence further a given tumor cell can mi- Although we have come to associate anemia with poor
grate away from its blood ~upply.*~.~~As oxygen supply local tumor control we should now perhaps view the ane-
is altered, a transient change in hypoxic fraction will occur mic patient more optimistically as an opportunity to ex-
until the balance is restored by changes in the rates of two ploit tumor adaptation. The evidence shows transfusion
opposing phenomena within the tumor, cell death on the to be generally beneficial to the anemic cancer patient,
one hand and cell proliferation on the other. This view but that it must be given as soon before the first radiation
of hypoxia is not new; it is indeed likely that Thomlinson dose as possible to maximize its effects.

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The importance of 2,3_diphosphoglycerate to the anemic ment, particularly those with leukemia and lymphomai6
cancer patient and in some childhood malignancies.‘9 This recent study”
It has been known for some time that 2,3-diphosphog- also reported an important difference in the blood chem-
lycerate (2,3-DPG), a product of glucose metabolism, istry between the cancer patient presenting with anemia
modifies the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen by pro- before treatment and the patient who becomes anemic as
ducing a conformational change in the hemoglobin tet- a result of therapy. A normal correlation between 2,3-
ramer.‘,” With increasing concentration of 2,3-DPG in DPG levels and PSo, whereby a concomitant rise in PSO
the red blood cell the oxygen/hemoglobin dissociation should occur when 2,3-DPG concentration increases, was
curve moves to the right so that the Pw (the oxygen tension
often not found in the latter group, implying some red
at which the hemoglobin is 50% saturated) increases. This
cell abnormality. Thus, while some anemic cancer patients
is a powerful mechanism capable of increasing the PSO
compensate well for their anemia by changes in blood
from a normal value of 28 mmHg to as high as 36 mmHg,
a change which has the effect of approximately doubling chemistry others, particular-y those who have received
the amount of oxygen released by the blood as it passes chemotherapy within one day of blood transfusion, do
through the tissues. It has been known for some time that not.” Currently measurements of 2,3-DPG and PSOare
this intraerythrocytic adaptation is probably the most im- not part of the routine blood work up for the cancer pa-
portant means by which tissue oxygenation is maintained tient. It would seem desirable to have this information as
in anemia so avoiding the necessity for a large increase an aid to determining the need for blood transfusion and
in cardiac output.3’,73 It is also common to find elevated whether the normal compensatory physiological mecha-
2,3-DPG levels in anemic cancer patients before treat- nisms are functioning adequately in a given patient.

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