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Java Institute for Advanced Technology

H7DX 04

H7DX 04/AS/01

Evolution of Database Management Systems.

Historical Overview

A database can be defined as a collection of data and information that is stored in a

computer. And it is controlled by the database management system. A database
management system collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to manage and
access to data in it can also be called a software that helps us to maintain and utilize a
database. (S. Sumathi, 2007). In the early days data was stored on external media such
as cards or tapes. In the beginning in the late fifties and early sixties, data was being
stored online using Direct Access devices such as disks. during the late 60's and early
70s, the database management system was developed and this concept helped a lot and
it allowed many applications to maintain and manage large amounts of data all
controlled by a central device. (Chamberlin, 1976) The higher the number of data, the
difficulty of managing it becomes more complex. Therefore having a database
management system helps us a lot in managing the data. We can write the data on a
book or a file but when we want to retrieve information from the database it becomes
very difficult. Storing it in a digital place like a computer has helped a lot because when
we want to find any data from a collection of data we can use the database management
system. So now we can store and retrieve data from the same place and that saves our
time and also it is very effective. The database Management system was said to be
developed and designed by Charles W. Bachman in 1960. From then onwards it has
been developed and designed in a use of friendly way.

Key technological advances

The database management system provides an environment to store data in an effective

manner. Most of the time the database management system will be seen only by the
developers and it is designed such that it has very good security and privacy. So that
the details and the data of the customers have been secured. It helps us in many different
ways, for example in an organization we can search, update, delete and insert data very
quickly. Data is stored in tables. A relational database Management system is where the
tables get connected so we can manage the database in an effective manner.
Industry trends

Nowadays almost all the countries around the world are using the database
management system. It helps them to deal with large amounts of data. In finance
industry database management system is used to check transactions processing, risk
management and also customer relationship management. For example, the banks use
database management system to check and manage large amount of transactions that
have taken place within that bank customers. This can help them to manage the risks
that happened within the bank. Overall database management systems are widely used
across many industries because they can easily manage large amounts of data and it
can increase efficiency and also it can improve customer satisfaction.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Database Management

Systems approach vs. File Based Systems approach

File Based Systems approach

A file-based system means storing data on a computer or any other files in a file-
based system. Data is stored in a separate file and they are named with different
names. They are organized and they are managed by a group of people. In the early
days when there was not much data, it was easy to manage the files and the data in it.
The work was simple. But eventually, it became difficult when managing a lot of data
at once. One of the biggest challenges of file based system is maintaining data
integrity. Since the files are separated in different names it is difficult to find data
quickly also it is very difficult to change and update the data when needed. When the
number of data increase it becomes difficult to maintain the privacy and security as
well. However, many modern software applications have been developed to manage
the data in organizations

Database Management Systems approach

A database management system is an approach that is mostly used to manage a large

volume of data. In a database management system data is stored in tables and each
table consists of rows and columns. And the tables can be connected which makes the
database a relational database. One of the main advantages of a DBMS is that it
allows us to search, update, delete and insert data very efficiently. This allows us to
manage large amounts of data effectively. There are many techniques and methods to
achieve this and this can reduce the amount of time that takes to retrieve data. Also,
DBMS provides high security and it ensures the privacy of data. Another advantage is
that it create relationships between other tables. Therefore, DBMS approach provides
a powerful and flexible way to store and manage data and it is very helpful for
businesses and organizations.

Advantages Disadvantages
A database management system The expense of DBMS hardware and
(DBMS) can store and retrieve data software is enormously expensive,
which impacts your organization's
overall budget
A database management system A database management system
(DBMS) is an effective manager for (DBMS) is not suitable for doing
handling a large volume of data complex mathematical calculations.
Data Integrity and Security are Since it’s difficult to manage a complex
guaranteed by DBMS. database, employees must be always
trained to use them
The database management system Many individuals using the same
provides immense amount of protection application simultaneously lead to data
against unauthorized access to loss.

Data Administrator (DA)

A data administrator is a person who takes care of the data resources of an

organization. The security of data is very important in every organization and a data
administrator is responsible for this. A data administrator works closely with the data
by monitoring and developing methods to make sure that the data is secured and safe.
It is very important to ensure that the organized data is accurate, complete, and up to
date. This responsibility goes to the data administrator of that organization.

Database Administrator (DBA)

A database administrator is responsible for the data basis of an organization. The main
responsibility of a database administrator is to design and maintain the databases and
also to ensure the availability, security and integrity of the organization's data. Some
of the main responsibilities are database design and implementation, database
security, database maintenance, database performance tuning, and troubleshooting.
Ensuring the security of an organization’s data is very important to any organization
that relies on data. A database administrator should monitor the database activity and
should keep it safe from unauthorized access and any other security breaches.
Therefore a database administrator must choose a proper database management
system and also a proper design which is suitable for the organization.
Database Designer

A database designer designs the structure and organizes the database system. The
main role of a database designer is to design an effective database schema that is
suitable for a business. A database designer should identify the organization's data
requirements and he should decide and design a database that meets those
requirements. Another responsible of a database designer is creating data models that
accurately represent the organization's data. A database administrator may have to
identify table relations that are relevant to the organization's data. Once the data
model is complete, the database designer is responsible for designing the physical
database schema. He also should select a suitable database management system. A
database designer is also responsible for designing the database security features
which is very crucial for an organization

Application Developer

An application is very important for every organization. An application developer

designs and builds software applications and maintains the software applications
which are built for an organization. Developing a Software which is suitable for an
organization is an important role for an application developer. application developers
design and develope software using programming languages like Java, Python or
JavaScript in order to build a successful and effective software or an application. The
application developer must work with other members of the development team
including designers project managers to ensure a successful completion of the
software. Problem solving skill is very important for an application developer because
he must identify and solve issues with software applications and they must be
committed to continuous learning with the developing technology in the industry. An
application developer must be skilled with programming problem solving testing the
bugging and project management in order to provide a good service.

End User

End users can be considered as a main part of a software development cycle and it is
the last part of it. An end user is a person who uses the final software which is created
by the developers. These end users are very important in a software development
cycle in order to make sure that the developed software is user-friendly and easy to
use. So that the designers and developers of that software or application can check
whether the software is based on the target audience. General users use technology
products like browsing the internet or using social media. Applications have been
created and developed for businesses where the business users use the technology
products for work-related tasks. By understanding the different types of end users
developers and designers can get an idea about the need and preferences of the final
product that they have created.

Chamberlin, D. D., 1976. Relational Data-Base Management Systems. ACM Computing
Surveys, 8(1), p. 66.

S. Sumathi, S. E., 2007. Fundamentals of Relational Database Management Systems.


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