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, London Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism, 16, 23-25 (2003)


How Should We Manage Growth Hormone Deficiency in

Adolescence? Transition from Paediatric to Adult Care
Maria Papagianni and Richard Stanhope

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and The Middlesex Hospital (UCLH), London, UK

Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) in adult life Many studies of adults with GHD have docu-
is a recognized clinical syndrome that can be mented changes in body composition, particularly
treated with growth hormone (GH) replacement increased fat mass, decreased lean mass and
therapy. Continuing GH replacement therapy in increased body mass index (BMI)7'8. Furthermore,
patients with childhood-onset GHD that persists it has been demonstrated that adolescents and
into adulthood is an emerging issue. Patients with young adults with GHD lose lean body mass and do
multiple pituitary hormone deficiency (MPHD) do not gain muscle strength; this suggests that GH in
not stop glucocorticoid, thyroxine or sex steroid adolescence and young adulthood is of importance
replacement treatment in adult life, so why do they for the maturation of muscle mass and muscle
often cease GH treatment at the completion of strength9. The influence of GHD on bone mass is
linear growth? significant10,11. Bone mineral density (BMD) is
It is well established that GH plays an important reduced in children and adults with childhood-onset
role in longitudinal bone growth during childhood GHD12'13. Peak bone mass (PBM) is a major
and adolescence. However, 'growth' hormone is a determinant of osteoporotic fracture risk in adult
misnomer, as it has many other important metabolic life and it is considered to be attained by
functions in addition to growth. As growth comes approximately 20 years of age in both males and
to an end, the metabolic effects become more females. Consequently, the accumulation of bone
apparent. GH has an important role in maintaining mass continues after the cessation of linear growth.
normal levels of blood glucose and preventing Moreover, a high incidence of psychological
hypoglycaemia. Moreover, other common meta- problems has been indicated in adults with GHD.
bolic abnormalities associated with GHD include There is evidence that GH replacement therapy has
insulin resistance and dyslipoproteinemia with high a beneficial effect on well-being and quality of life
low density lipoprotein (LDL), high cholesterol, of patients with GHD14.
high triglycerides and low high density lipoprotein The traditional cessation of GH replacement
(HDL) serum concentrations' ,2 . Visceral obesity treatment in childhood-onset GHD at completion of
associated with adult GHD has been implicated as linear growth requires re-evaluation. Consensus
having an important role in mediating increased guidelines from the Growth Hormone Research
cardiovascular mortality in hypopituitarism3"5. By Society are available15'16. The increasingly recog-
contrast, congenital GH/IGF-I deficiency, which nized importance of GHD in adults underlines the
is also associated with obesity, may not affect need for continuing medical follow-up of indivi-
lifespan6. duals with childhood-onset GHD and their
transition from paediatric to adult care. However,
according to several studies, approximately one
quarter of children who have a diagnosis of isolated
Reprint address:
Dr. Richard Stanhope
GHD and have been treated with GH replacement
Institute o f Child Health
3 0 Guilford Street
London W C 1 N 1EH, U K KEY WORDS: growth hormone deficiency, adults,
e-mail: transition, growth hormone treatment
VOLUME 16, NO. 1,2003 23

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therapy do not have permanent GHD and will pro- followed into adult life. The timing of transition to
bably not require treatment during adulthood 7 ' 18 ' 19 . adult health care requires careful consideration.
This percentage depends on the population studied Should this be after the completion of linear
and the·, diagnostic criteria for GHD, and rates as growth, or after attainment of peak bone mass?
high as 67% have been reported 20,21 . Reversal of Moreover, should it be before or after retesting the
GHD to normal in these children could be related to patient's GH secretory status? Given that paediatric
GH assay variability, particularly as different tests endocrinologists have considerable experience with
are often used for diagnosis and reassessment, auxology, it is logical that children with GHD
differences in sex steroid priming provocative tests should be followed up by them at least until they
and reversibility of GH insufficiency in psycho- have achieved their final adult height, but perhaps
social short stature22. Consequently, there are until they have achieved peak bone mass 25 .
questions that occur regarding the patients who may A successful transfer from paediatric to adult
need to continue GH treatment, the necessity as care should follow certain steps, but needs to be
well as the timing of retesting them, the time that is modified according to local circumstances. First, all
needed to stop GH treatment before re-evaluation, patients with GHD and their families should be
the time of their transition to adult health care, and informed by their paediatric endocrinologist about
finally the dose of GH for their initial replacement the long-term consequences of GHD in adulthood
therapy in early adult life. A recently published and the potential need for lifetime GH replacement.
consensus statement by the Growth Hormone Second, there will be a need for retesting
Research Society16 and a critical review article hypothalamic-pituitary function, assessment of
sponsored by the same society23 have tried to replacement therapy for other pituitary hormone
answer some of these questions. deficits, measurement of fasting lipid concentration
There is no doubt that the majority of children and the assessment of skeletal integrity. Third, the
with certain aetiologies for GHD (e.g. genetic option of attending a joint outpatient clinic with
hypothalamic-pituitary abnormalities, sella/suprasella both the paediatric and adult endocrinologist should
tumours and those treated with high-dose irradi- be considered. Optimal arrangements need to be
ation to the hypothalamic area) will be growth established depending on local factors, such as
hormone deficient for life 17 ' 20 . Consequently, re- geographical location of the two departments. The
testing of children with MPHD may not be required age at transfer, timing of retesting GH secretory
just to reconfirm their GH status. However, all status and interpretation of assessments of skeletal
integrity need to be carefully rehearsed by the close
adolescents with 'idiopathic' isolated GHD will
collaboration of the paediatric and adult endocrino-
need to be retested after the attainment of adult
logists. Last, but not least, the wishes of the patient
height. Before retesting, the patients should
should be respected, provided this is possible.
undergo a washout period, during which no GH
Because in the past there has been suspicion about
treatment should be given. Retesting could be
GH treatment and its association with accelerated
performed with confidence at 3 months and perhaps
tumour growth 26 and the development of diabetes
as early as 4 weeks after the cessation of treatment.
mellitus, it will be essential to follow up patients
Two different provocative tests are recommended23'24.
with childhood onset GHD treated with GH
GH replacement treatment should be restarted in
throughout adult life, whether or not they are truly
patients with confirmed persistent GHD (peak level
GH deficient.
of stimulated GH secretion <5 ng/ml) but at a
smaller dose than that used during childhood. A
step-down dose regimen in young adults, reducing
to an 'adult' dose in their mid-20s, would mimic
normal physiology. Given that the long-term con- 1. Vahl N , Juul A, Jorgensen JO, 0 r s k o v H, Skakkebask
sequences of GHD in adulthood are responsible for N E , Christiansen JS. Continuation o f growth hormone
considerable morbidity 7 ' 8 , it is essential that (GH) replacement in GH-deficient patients during
transition from childhood to adulthood: a two-year
patients with childhood-onset GHD should be


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