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A Mini Research

Submitted to:

Dr. Joel M. Jimera Ph.D.

Biostatistics and Epidemiology Professor

Universidad De Zamboanga

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Biostatistics and Epidemiology
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023

Submitted by:

Book, Bience Jermie S.

Orbigoso, Jan Leanne E.

Perez, Kristen Abigaile M.

Soriano, Sherina Fereil C.

June 30, 2023

Food Safety and Sanitation have been perennial problems of public health in the

community. Under the Food Safety Act of 2013 or Republic Act No. 10611 which aims

to enforce food safety protocols to regulate the process in which food is manufactured,

advertised, and supplied to the public, this study aimed to determine the level of

Practices of Food Safety and Sanitation of Street Food Vendors at Barangay Putik .

The researchers suggest street food vendors research more on the issue and acquire

knowledge and guidance from local health and food-service institutions.

They are also encouraged to immediately apply the proper and safe food

handling practices at service and procure safe food supplies and materials at their

financial convenience. Furthermore, this research aims that the local government

authorities should implement a license or permit system to ensure control and

adherence to food safety regulations by street food vendors. Competent health

inspectors should be appointed to oversee the entire establishment of the system. In

conclusion, This research intends to see how efficient the food safety practices of food

handlers are. Street vendors may be subject to a regular sanitary inspection regarding

how they sell their goods to prevent contamination and protect the food they serve from

any health risks. The researchers provided a survey questionnaire that is going to be

distributed among the Street Vendors at Barangay Putik.



Background of the Study

Statement of the Proble


Significance of the Study

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Scope and Limitations of the Study


Research Design

Population and Sampling Procedure

Research Instrument

Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument

Ethical Consideration

Data Gathering Procedure


lV REFERENCES --------------------------------------------------------------------------

V Questionnaire -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Background of the Study

It was found out that though street food vendors are knowledgeable about food safety,

they fail to observe and practice it. It was shown that vendors have trash bins but the

wastes were not segregated. Most street vendors do not consider covering their hair

during the food preparation process, do not wear proper attire, and continue chit-

chatting while preparing food. The majority of them have long fingernails, while cooking

or serving food. Respondents' overall knowledge of food safety did not translate into

positive attitudes in food safety practices. He also suggested that ongoing food safety

education, as well as subsequent monitoring and evaluation, are vital. (Pascual et al,


Street foods are ready-to-eat foods sold by vendors in public places. In the

Philippines, it is both a common and popular business venture in the informal economy

of trade. Due to the lack of employment opportunities, unemployed men and women

have forged innovative avenues for selling a variety of goods such as food. Thus,

making street food vending a thriving business activity (Milgram, 2019).

The popularity of street foods comes from two primary factors. First, street foods

are affordable and easily available. It makes up an important portion of urban food

intake for millions of low and middle-income consumers regularly. Moreover, its

strategic location in streets, schools, train stations, bus terminals, entertainment, and

festival areas, target a mass market. For people who like affordable, convenient, and

delicious food, street food stalls become a preferred food source.

Food-borne diseases are illnesses contracted from eating contaminated food or

beverages. These diseases may be occupationally related if they affect the food

processors (e.g., poultry processing workers), food preparers and servers (e.g., cooks,

waiters), or workers who are provided food at the worksite (Occupational Safety and

Health Administration, n.d.). For street food vendors, who cook and serve food directly

at their worksite, food safety and sanitation become controversial health issues.

The causes of food-borne diseases in street food stalls are mainly attributed to

the lack of stall and food supply storage, foodstuff from insecure origins, reheating of

food, minimal cook handwashing and proper handling of foods, and improper cleaning

of cooking tools and materials. Other risk factors also include cooking time interval and

temperature of solid food, environmental contamination in water, soil, or air, and

weather conditions. (Cheng Y, Zhang Y, Ma J, Zhan S., 2017). Various studies have

identified microorganisms belonging to the genus Bacillus, Staphylococcus,

Clostridium, Vibrio, Campylobacter, Listeria, and Salmonella as the sources of

microbial contamination involved in street foods.

Prior studies indicate that most food-borne outbreaks are the outcome of eating

cheap street-vended foods, prepared with reduced care to sufficient food hygiene

measures (Hassan, 2020).

In this light, the researchers will conduct a study on the level of practices of food

safety and sanitation of street food vendors at Barangay Putik. This study is of
significance as it will provide valuable health information and awareness to the public

about the health issue and serve as a framework for future related research.

Statement of the Problem

In this study, the main problem is the food safety and sanitation practices done by

street food vendors at Barangay Putik. This study specifically attempts to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the level of practices on food safety and sanitation of food vendors?

2. What are the supplies and measures they use to ensure food safety and sanitation?

3. What are the preventive measures used for food safety?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the level of practices on food safety and

sanitation of food vendors?


Ho: There is a significant relationship between the level of practices of food safety and
sanitation of street food vendors at Putik Central School.
Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

The Street Food Vendors. In particular, sanitation and hygiene techniques used to

keep a clean and healthy environment for food production, processing, preparation, and

storage. Furthermore, because proper food hygiene is an essential component of any

perfect recipe, steps should be taken to improve street food stall operating conditions

and facilities, such as providing clean protected structures, access to potable water, and

efficient waste collection and disposal systems.

The Consumers. The researchers determined that consumers would benefit as well.

Practicing proper food safety and sanitation are effective interventions that can reduce

the high burden of diseases for Barangay Putik consumers by guaranteeing that they

are safeguarded on supplying delicious meals that eliminate the risk of food poisoning.

The Community. The study's findings will also be highly beneficial to the

community. Applied sanitary science can enhance waste disposal, resulting in less

pollution and a better ecological balance. As a result, when implemented properly, food

cleanliness and general hygienic practices benefit our environment.

The Researchers. This study’s findings can be incorporated into their related studies

and provide them with insights that can help them expand their knowledge and

understanding in a related field.

Theoretical Framework

This theory is known as the “Social Cognition Theory” which was developed by a

Canadian-American psychologist Albert Bandura. According to Albert Bandura's social

learning theory, people learn primarily through observation and modeling. The idea that

learning is the direct result of interacting with the environment is only one aspect of

Bandura's theory. Social learning theory is a useful tool for workers to employ when

assessing and assisting clients. This theory can often help identify and treat the

identifiable cause of certain behaviors.

As traditional training methods have failed to produce the desired food handling

behavior changes in food handlers, researchers have advocated using social cognitive

theories and models to help food handlers understand behaviors. According to SCT,

people learn from others through observation, imitation, and modeling; the individual’s

mental states are essential to the learning process, and people can learn new things

without demonstrating a change in behavior. Behavior change is dependent on the

environment; hence, human behavior is a continuous interaction between personal

(cognitive) factors, those behaviors, and environmental factors.

Conceptual Framework


Level on Practices of Food Sanitation of Street Food

Safety Vendors at Barangay Putik
Figure no. 1 The Conceptual paradigm of the study

The Independent variable is the first box in the conceptual framework, and it

states the Level on Practices of Food Safety. The dependent variable is the second box,

and it addresses the Sanitation of Street Food Vendors at Barangay Putik. The arrow

pointing to the second box indicates if the independent factors have a significant impact

on the dependent variables.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research focuses on finding out the Level on Practices of Food Safety and

Sanitation of Street Vendors at Barangay Putik. Recent studies will be utilized as a

reference in finding out the Level on Practices of Food Safety and Sanitation of Street

Vendors at Barangay Putik.

The data collection will be conducted to Street Vendors at Barangay Putik who will

represent the population.

This study won't cover other problems that aren't considered jointly of the results

and Level on Practices of Food Safety and Sanitation. The results of this research will

apply only to the respondents of this study and cannot be used as a measure of the the

Level on Practices of Food Safety and Sanitation of Street Vendors at Barangay Putik

who don't belong to the population of this study. The research is conducted in Barangay

Putik, Zamboanga City.



Research Design

This research used a quantitative-descriptive design and a descriptive-survey

method in determining how street food vendors in Barangay Putik handled food safety

and sanitation.

Quantitative research focuses more on the number of responses, and they use

large sample sizes. Descriptive research is a kind of research plan that intends to

deliberately get data to portray a peculiarity, circumstance, or populace. More

specifically, rather than answering the why, it helps answer the what, when, where, and

how questions about the research problem.

Additionally, a descriptive survey is appropriate since it is more logical and a

time-efficient research strategy. Descriptive survey draws in individuals at the center of

the research objective.

Furthermore, a survey method is a way for gathering information in research by

asking questions to the chosen group of participants. The survey approach allows for

quick and efficient information gathering for researchers. The researchers will have a

better comprehension of the data provided by the survey participants.

Population and Sampling Procedure

The target population of this study includes the Street Food Vendors at Barangay

Putik. The researchers will randomly select the respondents of this study where there is

an equal chance to be in the sample population using the simple random probability

sampling. The researchers will utilize survey questionnaires to the respondents, then

the respondents will answer the questionnaires. The researchers chose 30 participants

as the sample size of the study out of the population of 50 Street Food Vendors.

Table 1. shows the population of the study which is distributed to different strata as


Table 1. Population of the study

Street Foods Vendors Sample size from the Population

Male Vendors 15

Female Vendors 15

Total 30

Research Instruments

The main instrument used in the study was a researcher-made questionnaire.

The responses and comments of the respondents will be gathered through the use of

survey questionnaires. The researchers used the 5-point Likert Scale Checklist

method to get the appropriate data needed, and the researchers will have

questionnaires with two (2) parts. Part I will ask for the profile of the respondents to

determine their gender and age. Part II is the tool that determines the level on practices

of food safety and sanitation of street food vendors which is composed of ten (15)

questions, wherein each question has five (5) options. The options are described as 1 -

Strongly Disagree, 2 - Disagree, 3 - Undecided, 4 - Undecided , and 5 - Strongly Agree.

Validity and Reliability of the Instrument

The research instruments were developed based on the research problems,

related literature, and studies. This study also underwent a number of evaluations in

terms of methodologies, ethics, validity, and the reliability measuring tool in order to

obtain valid and reliable results.

The questionnaire's validity and reliability will be confirmed and authorized by the

research adviser in terms of relevance, suitability, and appropriateness. After studying

the research instrument’s validity, a survey was conducted to see whether it was

accurate and if there were any errors that shouldn't be ignored.

Ethical Consideration

The ethical aspect of this study will be strictly observed too. Any deceit or

distortion about the study's goals and objectives, as well as the dissemination of

misleading material, will be avoided. The survey questionnaire that would be delivered

to the participants in this study had the option of accepting or declining. The researchers

will obtain the consent of the respondents, and this authorization will benefit their

submitted data. The researchers further guarantee that the participants' privacy data will

be protected, and that the confidentiality of their responses will be rigorously adhered to

and respected.
Data Gathering Procedure

In order to serve the target respondents, the researchers allotted their time,

energy, and cooperation in constructing the research questionnaire. The survey

included questions derived from previous research as well as new ones produced by

the researchers. The Likert scale was utilized in the survey to evaluate whether the

respondent agreed or disagreed with a statement. The researchers used the

researcher- made questionnaire on the Level on Practices Food Safety and Sanitation

of Street Food Vendors At Barangay Putik. The researchers gave the respondents time

to answer before collecting the survey. The researchers will tabulate and tally the

survey after collecting all of the data. The outcome, therefore, will serve as a basis for

further research into the Level on Practices Food Safety and Sanitation of Street Food


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the findings, analysis, and interpretation of data that the

researchers gathered. The discussion is carried out according to

Problem No. 1 What is the level of practices on food safety and sanitation of food

Table 1
Level of practices on food safety and sanitation of food vendors
Food Safety and Sanitation Mean Remark
1 . Food safety and sanitation are important 4.87 Strongly Agree
2 4.87 Strongly Agree
3 4.9 Strongly Agree
4 5 Strongly Agree
5 4.97 Strongly Agree
Grand Mean 4.92 Strongly Agree

Legend: Descriptive Equivalent

4.51 – 5.0 Strongly Agree
3.51 – 4.50 Agree
2.51 – 3.50 Neutral
1.51 - 2.50 Disagree
1.0 – 1.50 Strongly Agree

Interpretation of data:

The table 1 shows that the street food vendors gathered the highest weighted

mean of 5 in washing hands before handling, preparing, or serving foods. This implies

that street food vendors wash their hands before handling and preparing the foods. On

the other hand, the lowest accumulated weighted mean is 4.87 which stated food safety

and sanitation are important and food preparation areas are cleaned with hot water and


The grand weighted mean for the Level of practices of food safety and sanitation

of street food vendors is 4.92 described as strongly agree.

Problem No.2 What are the supplies and measures they use to ensure food safety and


Table 2
Supplies and measures they use to ensure food safety and sanitation
Supplies and measures Mean Remark
1 . Food supplies shall be secured in clean containers 5 Strongly Agree
2 4.53 Strongly Agree
3 4.87 Strongly Agree
4 4.2 Strongly Agree
5 4.97 Strongly Agree
Grand Mean 4.71 Strongly Agree

Legend: Descriptive Equivalent

4.51 – 5.0 Strongly Agree
3.51 – 4.50 Agree
2.51 – 3.50 Neutral
1.51 - 2.50 Disagree
1.0 – 1.50 Strongly Agree

Interpretation of data:

The table 2 shows the mean responses of the supplies and measures they use

to ensure food safety and sanitation. It is to be observed that the highest mean came

from the first statement, which states: Food supplies shall be secured in clean

containers, with a mean of 5. This indicates that the vendors ensure that all their food

supplies are stored in a cleaned container. On the other side, the lowest mean

response is 4.2. Which belongs to the fourth statement, which states supplies shall be
refrigerated properly. This meant that some of the vendors supplied their products


The grand mean of the responses is equal to 4.71, which indicates to strongly

Agree, which means that the respondents strongly affirmed that all of the supplies that

they use to ensure food safety and sanitation are secured in cleaning containers, use

protective coverings, and properly dispose of their supplies in order to maintain safety

and sanitation.

Problem No. 3 What are the preventive measures used for food safety?
Table 3
Preventive measures used for food safety
Preventive measures Mean Remark
1 . Trash bins shall be placed near the stalls. 4.77 Strongly Agree
2 4.4 Agree
3 4.67 Strongly Agree
4 4.93 Strongly Agree
5 4.03 Agree
Grand Mean 4.56 Strongly Agree

Legend: Descriptive Equivalent

4.51 – 5.0 Strongly Agree
3.51 – 4.50 Agree
2.51 – 3.50 Neutral
1.51 - 2.50 Disagree
1.0 – 1.50 Strongly Agree

Interpretation of data:

The table 3 showed mean responses of the questions regarding the preventive

measures used for food safety. It is to be observed that the highest mean came from
the fourth statement which states: Clean cooking tools first before preparing street

foods, with a mean of 4.93. This indicates that the vendors ensure that they have a

clean set of cooking materials before preparing their street food. On the other hand, the

lowest mean response is 4.03, which belongs to the fifth statement which says: Avoid

using jewelry and watch while working. This means that there are some street food

vendors that may perceive wearing jewelry and watches to not affect the safety of the

preparation of their food.

The grand mean of responses is equal to 4.56 or Strongly Agree, which means

that the respondents strongly affirmed all of the practices of preventive measures such

as wearing protective coverings and having a clean water source, in order to maintain

the safety of their street food products.

Problem No. 4 Is there a significant relationship between the level of practices on food
safety and preventive measures of food vendors?

Table 4
Significant relationship between the level of practices on food safety and preventive
measures of food vendors
X variable Y variable r - value Interpretation p- Remark Decision
value on Ho
Food safety Preventive .910 High .000 Significant Accept
measure Ha

Correlation is significant @ the .05 level

Interpretation of data:
Table 4 shows that the p-Value is less than the alpha level (p-Value <.05),

which implies that there is a highly significant difference in the relationship between the

level of practices on food safety and preventive measures of food vendors. The

hypothesis, therefore, which states that there is a significant difference on the level of

practices on food safety and preventive measures of food vendors is rejected.


The current study reveals that the level on practices of food safety and sanitation

of street food vendors at Putik Central School was relatively high. Therefore, our results

may present an imperative foundation for design to increase food safety and sanitation

practices in other schools and beyond.

Survey Questionnaire

Part I will ask for the profile of the respondents to determine their gender and


Name: (optional)

Gender: Male/ Female


Part II is the tool that determines the level of practices of food safety and

sanitation of street food vendors, supplies, and the preventive measure for food

safety which is composed of fifteen (15) questions, wherein each question has five (5)
options. The options are described as 1 - Strongly Disagree, 2 - Agree, 3 - Undecided, 4

- Agree, and 5 - Strongly Agree.

Level of Practices of Food Safety and Sanitation of Street Food Vendors

Statements Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. Food safety and

sanitation are important.

2. Food preparation

areas are cleaned with

hot water and soap.

3. Food inspections are


4. Wash hands before

handling, preparing, or

serving foods.

5. Cleaning of wiping

cloths using

disinfectants on a daily


Statements Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. Food supplies shall

be secured in clean


2. Including protective

coverings, such as

gloves, & hair net as a


3. Proper disposal of

used supplies.

4. Supplies shall be

refrigerated properly.

5. Ingredients of street

foods are important to

be checked.

Preventive Measure for Food Safety

Statements Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

(1) (3) (5)

(2) (4)

1. Trash bins shall be

placed near the stalls.

2. Protective coverings,

such as gloves and hair

net are important when

preparing street foods.

3. Clean and adequate

water sources are

necessary in preparing

street foods.

4. Clean cooking tools

first before preparing

street foods.

5. Avoid using

jewelleries and watch

while working.

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