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DocuSign Envelope ID: 825F08E0-8B8C-4025-B847-35643F5A066C

exploitation of such Inventions by Forma, the parties shall agree to a commercially reasonable level
of compensation, based on the parties’ respective contributions to the Invention in question and
having regard to standard industry practice in such matters. The Institution would then be
responsible to pay the agreed amount to the Principal Investigator or Staff as applicable. For the
avoidance of doubt, the collection and processing of Trial results by the Institution and/or the
Principal Investigator in the normal course of performance of this Agreement does not constitute
an Invention which would entitle either to any compensation under this Section in addition to the
sums already provided in Schedule A. The Institution and the Principal Investigator shall notify
Forma immediately of any Inventions in writing and shall provide such information and cooperation
as Forma may reasonably request from time to time to enable Forma to exercise its rights
hereunder, including but not limited to perfecting Forma’s ownership of such Inventions, the
preparation, filing and prosecution of patent applications related to such Inventions, and the
enforcement of patent and other rights to said Inventions.

10. Term and Termination

(a) Term. This Agreement enters into force on the Effective Date and shall continue until the due
completion of the Trial unless terminated earlier by the written agreement of the parties or under
the other provisions of this Section 10.

(b) Termination by Forma. Forma, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to terminate with
immediate effect the conduct of the Trial at any time and give notice to the Institution accordingly.
Upon receipt of the notice to terminate the Trial, the Institution and the Principal Investigator shall
immediately take all reasonable steps to cease conduct of the Trial at the Institution as soon as
reasonably possible and to protect the welfare of Subjects participating in the Trial.

(c) Termination by the Institution. The Institution shall have the right to terminate the conduct of the
Trial upon a thirty (30) days’ prior written notice, if necessary, to protect the welfare of Subjects.

(d) Termination due to Unavailability of the Principal Investigator. In addition, either party may
terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by written notice to the respective other party if the
Principal Investigator is no longer available or terminates his or her relationship with the Institution,
and a suitable replacement cannot, after reasonable efforts by the Institution, be found that is
agreeable to Forma as described in Section 3 (b).

(e) Termination for Breach etc. Either party may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by
written notice to the other in the event that (i) the other party commits a material breach of this
Agreement which (if remediable) is not remedied within thirty (30) days of a written notice from the
non-defaulting party; or (ii) the other party becomes insolvent.

Any violation of the good clinical practices, the Applicable Anti-Corruption Legislation, or data
protection provisions under the Applicable Laws and Regulations shall be deemed to be a material
breach of this Agreement.

(f) Respective Obligations in the Event of Early Termination. In the event that the conduct of the
Trial at the Institution is terminated prior to its completion other than by Forma under Section 10
(e), Forma shall pay to the Institution the remuneration detailed in this Agreement for the milestones
which have been duly achieved to the date of termination and all non-cancellable expenses
previously approved by Forma. In the event of early termination for any reason, the Institution shall
provide all such assistance as Forma shall reasonably require in order to ensure an efficient
handover of the conduct of the Trial to a third party and with due regard for the welfare of the

(g) Return of Documents and Material. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason the
Institution shall and shall procure that the Principal Investigator shall return to Forma all documents,
Trial results and Material used, generated or referred to in the course of the Trial, and the Institution

DocuSign Envelope ID: 825F08E0-8B8C-4025-B847-35643F5A066C

and the Principal Investigator hereby irrevocably waive any ownership interest or intellectual rights
worthy of protection of any of the above.

(h) Survival. Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15(b), 15(c) and 15(h) of this Agreement shall survive the
expiration or termination of the Trial and this Agreement for a period of fifteen (15) years.

(i) The Agreement shall be terminated in writing by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt.
The termination of this Agreement by e-mail communication shall be excluded.

11. Indemnification

(a) Indemnification by Forma. Forma shall indemnify the Principal Investigator, the Institution and its
officers, agents, directors, trustees, authorized representatives, employees including the Staff and
the IRB that approved the Trial (collectively, the Indemnitees) against any loss, liability or costs
incurred in connection with a claim, demand, action, suit or proceeding (a Claim) arising out of the
participation of the Indemnitees in the Trial, except to the extent that the Claim results from (i) the
failure of an Indemnitee to comply with this Agreement, the Protocol or with any written instructions
delivered by or on behalf of Forma or with the Applicable Laws and Regulations or (ii) any negligent
act or omission of or wilful misconduct by an Indemnitee.

(b) Conditions on the Indemnification by Forma. Forma’s indemnification obligations are subject to
the following conditions:

(i) Forma shall have received notice of a Claim or events likely to give rise to a Claim without
undue delay (but, in any case, within ten (10) days after the Institution or the Indemnitees
seeking indemnification shall have received notice thereof).
(ii) Forma shall be given the opportunity at all times to manage the defence of the Claim, with
the cooperation and assistance of the Institution and the Indemnitees seeking
indemnification. In no event shall the Institution make or attempt to make any settlement
or make any admission with respect to the Claim without the prior written consent of
(iii) An Indemnitee seeking indemnification shall take all reasonable steps to mitigate the
amount of any Claim for indemnification.

(c) Settlement or Compromise. No settlement or compromise of a claim subject to this

indemnification provision will be binding on Forma without Forma’s prior written consent. Forma will
not unreasonably withhold such consent of a settlement or compromise. Neither party will admit
fault on behalf of the other party without the written approval of that party.

(d) Exclusion of Liability. In no circumstances shall either party be liable to the other party in contract,
tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise howsoever arising or whatever
the cause thereof, for any loss of profit, business, reputation, contracts, revenues or anticipated
savings for any special, indirect or consequential damage of any nature, which arises directly or
indirectly from any default on the part of any other party.

This indemnity will not inure to the benefit of any Indemnitee’s insurer, by subrogation or otherwise. The
provisions of this Section 11 constitute the Indemnitees' sole and exclusive remedy against Forma in
respect of all Claims.

12. Notices

Any notice required or given by either party hereunder shall be in writing. Such notices shall be deemed
received on the date delivered personally, or five (5) days after the date postmarked if sent by registered
mail or recorded delivery, return receipt requested, to the address stated on top of this Agreement or to
any address as may be communicated at a later date under this Section 12.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 825F08E0-8B8C-4025-B847-35643F5A066C

13. Transparency

(a) Forma collects, records and publishes Information (as defined below) regarding Transfers of Value.

(b) For the purpose of this clause, "Transfer of Value" means any direct or indirect transfer of value, in
cash or in kind or otherwise, which relates to: donations and grants, funding for research and
development, including but not limited to, clinical trials and non-interventional studies, non-
monetary benefits in connection with attending continuing medical education conferences,
including conference/registration fees, sponsorship, agreements, as well as travel and
accommodation expenses, service and consultancy fees, as well as other benefits in kind.

(c) For the purpose of this clause, "Information" includes, without limitation, the amounts attributable
to Transfers of Value, the name and business address of the healthcare professionals and/or
healthcare organizations, types of non- monetary benefits received, the relevant reporting period
for a Transfer of Value and the purpose of the Transfer of Value. Institution and Principal
Investigator acknowledge and agree Forma may have certain disclosure and reporting obligations,
including, without limitation, the disclosure/reporting of fees and amounts payable pursuant to this
Agreement. Accordingly, Institution and Principal Investigator shall report to Forma any Information
made for a Transfer of Value. Reports shall be in the form provided by, or approved in advance
by, Forma. Forma shall have the right to review receipts and other documentation of Institution
and Principal Investigator related to such Transfers of Value.

14. Debarment of Institution/Principal Investigator or other restrictions from the Competent


(a) Debarment. The Institution and the Principal Investigator certify that they are not debarred or more
generally under a prohibition under the relevant Applicable Laws and Regulations to perform their
activities. They certify that they will not use in any capacity the services of any person debarred (or
otherwise under a prohibition to perform their activity) with respect to services to be performed
under this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement and for three (3) years after its
termination, the Institution and the Principal Investigator will notify Forma promptly if this
certification needs to be amended in light of new information. Principal Investigator also certifies
that he/she does not have a revoked or suspended medical license or applicable certification.

(b) Investigations, Inquiries, Warnings or Enforcement Actions Related to Conduct of Clinical

Research. The Institution and the Principal Investigator certify that they are not the subject of any
past or pending governmental or regulatory investigation, inquiry, warning, or enforcement action
(collectively, Competent Authority Action) related to its conduct of clinical research that has not
been disclosed to Forma. The Institution and the Principal Investigator will notify Forma promptly
if it receives notice of or becomes the subject of any Competent Authority Action regarding its
compliance with ethical, scientific, or regulatory standards for the conduct of clinical research, if the
Competent Authority Action relates to events or activities that occurred prior to or during the period
in which the Trial was conducted.

15. Miscellaneous

(a) Assignment. The obligations under this Agreement are personal to the Principal Investigator
designated for the Trial and neither this Agreement, nor any right or obligation hereunder may be
assigned by the Principal Investigator to any third party without the prior written consent of Forma.
In the event the Principal Investigator entrusts any tasks to a third party approved by Forma, the
Principal Investigator shall still be responsible for the oversight of such third party in the
implementation of the trial related activities. Forma reserves the right to assign to its Affiliates or to
procure the performance by its Affiliates of some or all of its rights and obligations under this
Agreement, including the payment or collection of monies due hereunder. Forma shall be entirely

DocuSign Envelope ID: 825F08E0-8B8C-4025-B847-35643F5A066C

liable for the acts and omissions of its Affiliates, which are not parties to this Agreement. Affiliates
shall mean any person or legal entity that controls or is controlled by or is under common control
with Forma. The term Control shall mean the possession, directly or indirectly, of at least fifty
percent (50%) of the share capital or voting rights or of the power to direct or cause the direction of
the management and policies of a legal entity, whether through the holding of voting common
shares, by contract or otherwise. A person who is not a signatory to this Agreement may not enforce
any of its terms.

(b) Legal position of the parties. This Agreement shall not create any relationship of employment
between Forma and the Principal Investigator or Staff or an agency or partnership, respectively,
between Forma and the Institution and shall not give either party any authority to bind the respective
other party. Neither Forma nor the Institution may use the other party's name in connection with
any notification or other publication without the respective other party's consent.

(c) Governing Law & Jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All disputes arising in connection with
this Agreement shall be resolved by the courts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

(d) Invalidity and Severance. In the event that any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid or
unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in
full force and effect.

(e) Amendment. Any amendment or change of this Agreement shall be made in writing; the written
form clause shall also apply to the amendment or change of this Section 15 (e).

(f) Entire Agreement. This Agreement and any Schedule, Protocol and documents referred to in this
Agreement, shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the conduct of
the Trial. Each party acknowledges that in entering into this Agreement, it does not rely on any
other promise, warranty, or other provision except as expressly provided for in this Agreement and
that all conditions, warranties and other terms implied by statute or implicitly are hereby excluded
to the fullest extent permitted by law.

(g) Conflict with Attachments. To the extent that terms or provisions of this Agreement conflict with
the terms and provisions of the Protocol, the terms and provisions of this Agreement will control as
to legal and business matters, and the terms and provisions of the Protocol will control as to
technical research and scientific matters unless expressly agreed in writing between the parties.

(h) Force Majeure. Neither party will be liable for delay in performing or failure to perform obligations
under this Agreement if such delay or failure results from circumstances outside its reasonable
control (including, without limitation, any act of God, governmental action, accident, strike,
terrorism, bioterrorism, lock-out or other form of industrial action) promptly notified to the other party
(“Force Majeure”). Any incident of Force Majeure will not constitute a breach of this Agreement and
the time for performance will be extended accordingly. However, if it persists for more than thirty
(30) calendar days, then the parties may enter into discussions with a view to alleviating its effects
and, if possible, agreeing on such alternative arrangements as may be reasonable in all of the

(i) Language. Institution and Principal Investigator acknowledge that they have requested and are
satisfied that this Agreement and all related documents be drawn up in the English language only.
In the event of a dispute, the English language shall prevail.

(j) No waiver. No failure or delay by a party in exercising any right or remedy provided by law or
pursuant to this Agreement shall impair such right or remedy, be construed as a waiver, or preclude
its exercise at any subsequent time. No single or partial exercise of any such right or remedy shall
preclude any other or further exercise of it or the exercise of any other right or remedy.

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(k) No Third Party Rights. unless expressly set forth in this Agreement, nothing in this Agreement
shall confer an, rights on any person who is not a party to this Agreement.

lN WTNESS WHEREOF, Forma, the lnstitution and the Principal lnvestigator have executed this
Agreement (in the case of Forma and the lnstitution) through their duly authorised representatives.

Prince pital Forma Therapeutics, lnc.

By: By:
Name: Name
Title: Title: cMo

Date: Date: 6/L/2022

Dr. Hafiz Mosa

b u TT
DocuSign Envelope ID: 825F08E0-8B8C-4025-B847-35643F5A066C

Schedule A
Forma shall pay to the Institution 12.947,89 USD per Subject (plus VAT, if applicable) for Double Blind Treatment
Only and 19.885,91 USD per Subject (plus VAT, if applicable for Double Blind Treatment + Open Label Extension
to conduct the Trial. Payment shall be made every month either directly by Forma or through the third party
Synteract appointed by Forma, as the case may be. A one-time start-up payment of USD 5.014,53 shall be paid to
the Institution upon execution of this Agreement for initial costs borne by the Institution. Payments to the Institution
shall be subject to the following:

• “Evaluable” Subjects shall be any and all Subjects correctly entered into the Trial in accordance with the
Protocol, i.e. those who satisfy all of the inclusion and exclusion criteria specified in the Protocol,
commence the dosing regimen and complete the Trial;
• The final payment will not be due and payable until the entirely and duly completed Case Report Forms
(CRFs) were sent to and have been accepted by Forma;
• Every month, the Institution will issue an invoice to Forma for payment of the services it has provided, to
Forma's satisfaction, in the relevant month. The Institution shall only bill according to the milestone
schedule as set out below and in respect of Subjects participating in the Trial for whom Forma received
CRFs in the preceding quarter. For the avoidance of doubt, Forma will not pay invoices presented more
than three (3) months after the relevant CRFs have been received. In any event no invoice will be paid
more than three (3) months after completion of the Trial.
• Subject to the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement, Forma shall pay the amount set out in the
invoices within thirty (30) days of the receipt of such invoices.

The amounts set forth in the following tables shall be exclusive VAT. Forma shall pay VAT if legally required and if,
in addition, the Institution charges and details VAT on its invoices which have to be in full compliance with the
applicable tax laws.

The Institution shall be solely responsible for the payment of any and all taxes or other charges that are or may be
levied. Unless expressly approved by Forma prior to incurring the cost or expense, the Institution shall be
responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by it in conducting the Trial. This includes, among other things, the
payment of all Staff, including the Principal Investigator.

Planned Subject Visits: Please refer to Schedule A1

Conditional Subject Visits: Please refer to Schedule A1

Additional Applicable Fees:

Subject Reimbursement:

Subjects will be paid the amount of 450 SAR (around 120 USD) for each visit they complete to cover
meals, parking and traveling to and from the study doctor’s office. The amount will be paid at the end of
each study visit. If subjects do not finish the study, they will be paid only for the visits they completed.

Trial Equipment
If Forma or CRO provides Institution with equipment (e.g., laptop, ECG machine, etc.) for use in the
conduct of the Trial, the Institution is responsible for the security and proper care of such equipment during
the course of the Trial. Institution shall also ensure that such equipment is utilized solely in support of the
Trial and that only authorized Personnel under the direction and supervision of the Investigator shall
manipulate such equipment during the Trial. Forma may require the Institution to return the equipment, in
its original condition (less reasonable and normal wear and tear, as applicable) to the leasing vendor or
another designated entity upon completion of the Trial. Forma or CRO will coordinate the shipment and
return of such equipment with Institution for purposes of proper insurance coverage and receipt. Forma
DocuSign Envelope ID: 825F08E0-8B8C-4025-B847-35643F5A066C

reserves the right to withhold final payment from Institution until all such equipment has been returned.

Forma/CRO Payment Information:

All invoices from Institution shall be sent to the following:

Invoices should be issued to:

FORMA Therapeutics, Inc

300 North Beacon, Suite 101,
Watertown, MA 02472
TAX ID: 37-1657129

And invoices should be mailed to:

Synteract, Inc.
5909 SeaOtter Place, Suite 100
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Attn: Site Payments

Any questions or comments regarding payments shall be directed to the person noted above.

Institution Payment Information

PAYEE NAME: Hafiz Mosa Malhan

Alrayan 4341, Jazan, KSA
BANK NAME: Alrajhi Bank
ACCUNT NUMBER: SA63 8000 0253 60808623

Institution shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt of final payment to dispute any payment discrepancies
identified during the course of the Trial.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 825F08E0-8B8C-4025-B847-35643F5A066C

Schedule A1
Sponsor Name: Forma Therapeutics Inc
Indication: Sickle Cell Anemia
Phase: II/III
Protocol Number: 4202-HEM-301
Protocol Date/Version: Final 31 July 2020 on
Currency: USD

Screening Double Blind Treatment Period

Day -30 to -1 D1 W2 W4 W8 W12 W16 W20 W24 W28 W32 W36 W40 W44 W48 W52/EOBT
Procedures Cost V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16
Informed Consent 107.45 107.45 107.45
Inclusion/Exclusion 53.86 53.86 26.93 53.86
Physical Examination (Includes (where applicable):
Medication and Medical History, Social History,
Demographics, Height, Weight, BMI, Vital Signs) 143.18 143.18 143.18 143.18 143.18 143.18 143.18

Physical Examination - Symptom Directed (Includes

(where applicable): Height, Weight, BMI, Vital Signs) 95.45 95.45 95.45 95.45 95.45 95.45 95.45 95.45 95.45 95.45 95.45 95.45
Single 12 Lead ECG 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66 74.66
Adverse Events 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73
Concomitant Medications 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26

Central Lab (prep, collect, ship) Serum Virology (if

applicable), Safety Labs (Hematology, Coagulation, Hb
Electrophoresis, Serum Chemistry, Erythropoietin,
Endocrine, Iron, Folate, Vitamin B12 Studies,
Exploratory Studies, Pharmacokinetic Sampling) 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52 132.52
Urinalysis 24.26 24.26 24.26 24.26
Randomization 32.26 32.26
Study Drug Administration/Study Drug Accountability 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73 35.73
SC Fee 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.45
PI Fee 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51 144.51
Subtotal 855.89 765.23 583.66 658.31 658.31 706.04 658.31 658.31 730.30 962.80 658.31 658.31 658.31 658.31 658.31 730.30
Overhead 15% 128.38 114.78 87.55 98.75 98.75 105.91 98.75 98.75 109.55 144.42 98.75 98.75 98.75 98.75 98.75 109.55
Total 984.27 880.02 671.20 757.06 757.06 811.95 757.06 757.06 839.85 1,107.23 757.06 757.06 757.06 757.06 757.06 839.85

DocuSign Envelope ID: 825F08E0-8B8C-4025-B847-35643F5A066C

Total Completed Patient Cost (Double Blind Treatment Only) 12,947.89

Total Completed Patient Cost (Double Blind Treatment + Open Label Extension) 19,885.91

DocuSign Envelope ID: 825F08E0-8B8C-4025-B847-35643F5A066C

Patient Invoiceables Cost OH Total

Patient Assent (Adolescent Patients Only) 53.73 4.03 57.76
In-Clinic Visit for Patients who Require a Dose
Reduction After Recovery from AE Causing Treatment 479.94 71.99 551.93
In-Clinic Visit After a Dose Reduction, if Treatment is
479.94 71.99 551.93
Tolerated at the Reduced Dose for ≥ 14 days
Tanner Stage For Patients < 18 Years 30.93 4.64 35.57
Serum Pregnancy Test (Central) Females of Child
Bearing Potential - At Screening; If urine pregnancy
37.33 5.60 42.93
test is positive (Females of Child Bearing Potential
Urine Pregnancy Test - Local (Females of Child
20.80 3.12 23.92
Bearing Potential Only) - At subsequent visits
Patient Reported Outcomes (Includes (where
applicable): ASCQ-Me Patients > ≥18 Years of Age,
PROMIS Fatigue Scale) ; Patient Reported Pain and 30.13 4.52 34.65
Opioid Usage, PROMIS Neuropathic/Noiceptive Pain

Additional Central Lab (prep, collect, ship) At the

discretion of the Investigator or designee (eg, if the
132.52 19.88 152.39
results of any tests fall outside reference ranges or
clinical symptoms necessitate testing to ensure safety)

Additional Hematology - Local (If needed for

immediate patient care or treatment decisions, blood
samples may be obtained and shipped to 34.40 5.16 39.55
local laboratories (in addition to the required central
laboratory evaluation)

Additional Serum Chemistry - Local (If needed for

immediate patient care or treatment decisions, blood
samples may be obtained and shipped to 60.79 9.12 69.91
local laboratories (in addition to the required central
laboratory evaluation)
Microscopic Urinalysis (If clinically indicated) 20.26 3.04 23.30
FSH - Central Lab prep, collect, ship (Post-menopausal
46.39 6.96 53.35
Women) - At Screening
TSH and T4 - Central Lab prep, collect, ship (Patients
64.52 9.68 74.20
<18 years of age - At Screening
Additonal Semi-Intensive PK Samples - Group 1 Dose
Determination Participants at Weeks 2, 8 and 12 42.93 6.44 49.37
between 1-4 and 6-8 hours

VOCs (Reporting, Documenting VOC data for

109.05 16.36 125.41
adjudication, Source document collection)
PPE 1,200.00 180.00 1,380.00

DocuSign Envelope ID: 825F08E0-8B8C-4025-B847-35643F5A066C

Per Assessment
Unscheduled Visit (If required)

Remote/Telemedicine Visit - SC Fee (hourly) for

redaction, copying of Documentation - Budget XX per 107.45 16.12 123.57
hour for XX hours per day
Remote/Telemedicine Visit - PI Fee (hourly) (Budget
43.99 6.60 50.59
upto max of 1 hour per visit)
Remote/Telemedicine Visit - Data Entry Fee (hourly)
45.06 6.76 51.82
(Budget upto max of 1 hour per visit)
Telepone Contact - Dosage Adjustment (Budget upto
129.58 19.44 149.02
max of 30 minutes per call)
Home Health Visit - Data Entry Fee (hourly) (Budget
45.06 6.76 51.82
upto max of 2 hours per visit)

Site Costs Cost

Admin Study Start-Up Fee/Site Set-Up Fee 5,014.53
Record Archiving (Total) 787.89
Advertising 335.69


*Applicable only if a patient is prematurely discontinued from participation

in the study during the Double-Blind Treatment Period (ie, after Day 1 and
before the Week 52 visit) or during the Open-Label Extension Treatment
Period, the Investigator or designee must make every effort to perform the
assessments scheduled for the W52/EOBT or W104/EOT visit

DocuSign Envelope ID: 825F08E0-8B8C-4025-B847-35643F5A066C

Schedule B

Principal Investigator Statement

Trial No.: 4202-HEM-301

I, the Principal Investigator in the Trial (as described in the clinical trial agreement to which this Schedule is attached
(the Clinical Trial Agreement)) hereby ensure and warrant to Forma as follows:

(a) Freedom to Perform the Trial. I am free to participate in the Trial and owe no obligations to any third
party that might prevent or restrict my performance of the obligations specified in this Clinical Trial

(b) Clinical Research History. I am not involved in any regulatory litigation or investigation by any Competent
Authority or other regulatory authorities. No data produced by me in any previous clinical Trial has been
rejected because of concerns as to its accuracy or because it was generated by fraud.

(c) Staff. I shall use only properly qualified and experienced personnel, to carry out the Trial, and all such
personnel shall work under my supervision and control.

(d) Insurance. I carry medical liability insurance (or the Institution carries medical liability insurance covering
me) and will provide details and evidence of my coverage to Forma upon request.

(e) Financial Interests. I certify that neither I, nor my spouse or any dependent children, have entered into
and I will not enter into any financial arrangements with Forma, nor do I hold financial interests in Forma
that are required to be disclosed pursuant to Section 21 CFR Part 54, namely: (i) the value of
compensation, if any, which I and my spouse and dependent children receive could not be affected by the
outcome of the Trial (as defined in 21 CFR 54.2(a)), (ii) I and my spouse and dependent children do not
have a proprietary interest protected by copyright in the products being tested (as defined in 21 CFR
54.2(c)), (iii) or a significant equity interest in Forma (as defined in 21 CFR 54.2(b)) and (iv) I have not,
and my spouse or dependent children have not, been the recipient of significant payments from Forma (as
defined in 21 CFR 54.2(f)). As regards subparagraphs (iii) and (iv) I understand that such prohibitions
relate to the period in the course of which I carry out the Trial and for one (1) year following completion of
the Trial. I undertake to inform Forma immediately upon learning of the existence of any such financial
arrangements or interests.
All relevant provisions of the 21 CFR 54 stated above are available on the website (

(f) Other Interests. I have disclosed to Forma any personal direct or indirect commercial or other interests
with respect to the Product, any Material or relating to the conduct of the Trial I myself or members of my
family or any other persons depending on me may have.

I have read this Schedule B and the Clinical Trial Agreement to which it is attached and agree to be bound by the
terms and conditions of this Schedule and the relevant provisions of the Clinical Trial Agreement, including but not
limited to the obligations of nondisclosure, ownership of Inventions and publications set out in the Clinical Trial


Signature Date

DocuSign Envelope ID: 825F08E0-8B8C-4025-B847-35643F5A066C

Schedule C

Bribery and Corruption

The Institution, the Principal Investigator, the Staff and any other person contributing to the Trial (the Trial Parties)
shall at all times in the conduct of the Trial comply with the Bribery Act 2010 of the United Kingdom (Bribery Act),
the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977 of the United States of America (FCPA), and any other applicable anti-
bribery and anti-corruption legislation (together the Applicable Anti-Corruption Legislation).

It is the responsibility of the Trial Parties to ensure that they are familiar with, and comply with, the provisions of the
Applicable Anti-Corruption Legislation. Nevertheless, the following is intended as a summary of the key principles
underlying the Bribery Act and the FCPA.

(A) The Trial Parties must at all times act with integrity and honesty and comply with the highest ethical

(B) The Trial Parties must not make, give, or offer any payment, gift or other benefit or advantage to any
person for the purposes of:

(i) securing any improper advantage; or

(ii) inducing the recipient or another person to do or omit to do any act in violation of their duties or
responsibilities (or for the purposes of rewarding such conduct).

This restriction applies at all times and in all contexts. For the avoidance of any doubt, it applies both to
dealings with "public officials" and to dealings with employees and agents of commercial enterprises.

(C) Nevertheless, particular care must be exercised with dealings with public officials. The Trial Parties must
not make, give or offer any payment, gift or other benefit or advantage for the purposes of influencing any
act or decision of a public official (or inducing such official to use their influence with another person, entity
or government instrumentality or to affect or influence any act or decision of such other person, entity or
government instrumentality).

(D) The term "Public Official" includes any person acting on behalf of any government department, agency
or instrumentality or any state-owned or controlled enterprise. By way of example, this includes health
care professionals employed by a state- or local municipality-run hospital or clinic, and representatives of
public international organizations.

(E) The Trial Parties must not make, give or offer any payment, gift or other benefit or advantage to any person
whilst knowing or suspecting that all or a portion of such money, gift, benefit or advantage will be used,
whether directly or indirectly, in breach of (B) or (C) above.

(F) The Trial Parties shall make and keep books, records, and accounts, which, in reasonable detail,
accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the Trial Parties;

(G) The Trial Parties shall devise and maintain a system of internal accounting controls sufficient to provide
reasonable assurances that –
(i) transactions are executed in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization;
(ii) transactions are recorded as necessary
(I) to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles or any other criteria applicable to such statements, and
(II) to maintain accountability for assets;
(iii) access to assets is permitted only in accordance with management’s general or specific
authorization; and
(iv) the recorded accountability for assets is compared with the existing assets at reasonable intervals
and appropriate action is taken with respect to any differences.


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