Case Digest

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I. EFFECT AND Gazette, unless it is otherwise provided.

This Code
APPLICATION OF LAWS shall take effect one year after such publication.”
The phrase “unless it is otherwise provided” refers
to the date of effectivity and not to the requirement
Effectivity of Laws of publication itself, which cannot in any event be
omitted. All statutes, including those of local
application and private laws, shall be published as a
condition for their effectivity, which shall begin
Tañada v. Tuvera G.R. No. L-63915, fifteen days after publication unless a different
effectivity date is fixed by the legislature.
December 29, 1986
In the case at bar, the SC held that all presidential
decrees and executive orders promulgated by the
President in the exercise of legislative powers
FACTS: whenever the same are validly delegated by the
legislature or, at present, directly conferred by the
Petitioners seek a writ of mandamus to compel Constitution, shall be published as a condition for
respondent public officials to publish and/or cause their effectivity. On the other hand, interpretative
the publication of various Presidential Decrees regulations and those merely internal in nature, that
(PDs), letters of instructions, general orders, is, regulating only the personnel of the
proclamations, executive orders, letters of administrative agency and not the public, need not
implementation and administrative orders, in the be published.
Official Gazette.
Therefore, the Court declared that all laws
Petitioners invoked that a law, to be valid and aforementioned shall be published in full in the
enforceable, must be published in the Official Official Gazette to become effective in accordance
Gazette or otherwise effectively promulgated. The with Article 2 of the Civil Code.
government argued that while publication was
necessary as a rule, it was not so when it was
“otherwise provided,” as when the decrees
themselves declared that they were to become
Farinas v. Executive Secretary, G.R.
effective immediately upon their approval.
No. 147387, December 10, 2003
The SC, in its decision in 1985, affirmed the
necessity of the publication of the presidential
issuances which are of general application.
Petitioners then moved for FACTS:
reconsideration/clarification asserting that the
clause “unless it is otherwise provided” meant that
the publication required therein was not always Section 14 of Republic Act No. 9006 (The Fair Election
imperative. Act), insofar as it expressly repeals Section
67 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 881 (The Omnibus Election
Code) which provides:
SEC. 67. Candidates holding elective office. –
Any elective official, whether national or local,
Whether or not publication is an indispensable running for any office other than the one which he
requirement for the effectivity of the presidential is holding in a permanent capacity, except for
issuances in question. President and Vice-President, shall be considered
ipso facto resigned from his office upon the filing
of his certificate of candidacy.
YES. Publication of presidential issuances at bar is The petitioners assert that Section 14 of Rep. Act
an indispensable requirement for their effectivity No. 9006 violates the equal protection clause of the
despite the special provisions as to the date they are
Constitution because it repeals Section 67 only of
to take effect.
the Omnibus Election Code,
Art. 2 of the Civil Code provides that “laws shall
take effect after fifteen days following the
completion of their publication in the Official
leaving intact Section 66 thereof which imposes a Another substantial distinction between the two
similar limitation to appointive officials, thus: sets of officials is that under Section 55, Chapter 8,
Title I, Subsection A. Civil Service Commission,
SEC. 66.Candidates holding appointive office
Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987
or position. – Any person holding a public
(Executive Order No. 292), appointive officials, as
appointive office or position, including active
officers and employees in the civil service, are
members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
strictly prohibited from engaging in any partisan
and officers and employees in government-owned
political activity or take part in any election except
or controlled corporations, shall be considered ipso
to vote. Under the same provision, elective
facto resigned from his office upon the filing of his
officials, or officers or employees holding political
certificate of candidacy.
offices, are obviously expressly allowed to take
Respondents contends that there is no violation of
part in political and electoral activities.
the equal protection clause of the Constitution.
Section 67 pertains to elective officials while Moreover, it is not within the power of the Court to
Section 66 pertains to appointive officials. A pass upon or look into the wisdom of this
substantial distinction exists between these two sets classification. Hence, equal protection is not
of officials; elective officials occupy their office by infringed.
virtue of their mandate based upon the popular will,
while the appointive officials are not elected by
popular will. Equal protection simply requires that
all persons or things similarly situated are treated De Roy v. Court of Appeals G.R. No.
alike, both as to rights conferred and 80718, January 29, 1988
responsibilities imposed.

WON the repeal of Section 67 of the Omnibus Petitioner Feliza De Roy was the respondent in a
Election Code pertaining to elective officials gives civil case for damages filed by Luis Bernal.
undue benefit to such officials as against the
In the civil case, the RTC found De Roy grossly
appointive ones. negligent and awarded damages to Bernal for the
injuries he sustained and for the death of his
HELD: daughter caused by the collapse of a burned- out
building’s firewall owned by De Roy. The CA
affirmed the RTC’s decision. On the last day of the
No. Substantial distinctions clearly exist between 15-day period to file an appeal, petitioners filed a
elective officials and appointive officials. The motion for extension of time to file a motion for
former occupy their office by virtue of the mandate reconsideration. The CA denied the motion by
of the electorate. They are elected to an office for a applying the rule laid down in Habaluyas
Enterprises v. Japzon that said period cannot be
definite term and may be removed therefrom only extended.
upon stringent conditions.On the other hand,
appointive officials hold their office by virtue of Petitioners contend that the rule enunciated in the
their designation thereto by an appointing Habaluyas case should not be made to apply to the
case at bar owing to the non-- publication of the
authority. Some appointive officials hold their decision in the Official Gazette when the CA
office in a permanent capacity and are entitled to decision was promulgated.
security of tenure while others serve at the pleasure
of the appointing authority. ISSUE:
Is publication in the Official Gazette required
before SC decisions can become binding and
effective? did not violate Circular No. 20 and was acquitted.

HELD: We agree with the Solicitor General that the laws in

question do not require the publication of the
No, publication is not required. circulars, regulations or notices therein mentioned
in order to become binding and effective. All that
There is no law requiring the publication of SC said two laws provide is that laws, resolutions,
decisions in the Official Gazette before they can be decisions of the Supreme Court and Court of
binding and as a condition to their becoming Appeals, notices and documents required by law to
effective. It is the bounden duty of counsel as be of no force and effect.
lawyer in active law practice to keep abreast of
decisions of the SC particularly where issues have However, section 11 of the Revised Administrative
been clarified, consistently reiterated, and Code provides that statutes passed by Congress
published in the advance reports of SC decisions shall, in the absence of special provision, take
and in such publications as the SCRA (Supreme effect at the beginning of the fifteenth day after the
Court Reports Annotated. This is a collection of completion of the publication of the statute in the
rulings made by the Supreme Court since the Official Gazette.
beginning of its existence.) and law journals.
Article 2 of the new Civil Code (Republic Act 386)
In this case, petitioner’s contention that the SC equally provides that laws shall take effect after
decision was not binding and effective because it fifteen days following the completion of their
lacks publication is without merit. publication in the Official Gazette, unless it is
otherwise provided. It is true that Circular No. 20
Since publication is not required, the SC decision is of the Central Bank is not a statute or law but being
binding and effective even without being published issued for the implementation of the law
in the Official Gazette. authorizing its issuance, it has the force and effect
of law according to settled jurisprudence.
In the present case, although Circular No. 20 of the;
Central Bank was issued in the year 1949, it was
People v. Que Po Lay G.R. No. L- not published until November 1951, that is, about 3
6791, March 29, 1954 months after appellant's conviction of its violation.
It is clear that said circular, particularly its penal
provision, did not have any legal effect and bound
FACTS: no one until its publication in the Official Gazette
Que Po Lay was charged for violating Central Bank or after November 1951.
Circular No. 20 when he failed to sell foreign
exchange amounting to $7000. Because of this, he
was sentenced to spend six months in prison and If as a matter of fact Circular No. 20 had not been
pay a Php1000 fine. Circular No. 20 was issued in published as required by law before its violation,
the year 1949, but it was not published until then in the eyes of the law there was no such
November 1951, three months after Que Po Lay’s circular to be violated and consequently appellant
conviction of its violation. committed no violation of the circular or committed
any offense, and the trial court may be said to have
had no jurisdiction.
Can Que Po Lay be justly convicted of violating
Circular No. 20 before its publication?

National Power Corporation v.

RULING: Pinatubo Commercial G.R. No.
No. The circular prescribes a penalty in the event of 176006, March 26, 2010
its violation. Thus, it has the force and effect of law
and therefore should be published before it could
have a binding effect. Before publication, “in the
eyes of the law, there was no circular to be FACTS:
violated.” Que Po Lay therefore
NPC Circular No. 99-755 dated October 8, 1999 set materials specially viewed in the light of RA
the guidelines in the “disposal of scrap aluminum 7832.13 According to NPC, by limiting the
conductor steel-reinforced or ACSRs in order to prospective bidders to manufacturers, it could
decongest and maintain good housekeeping in NPC easily monitor the market of its scrap ACSRs.
installations and to generate additional income for There was rampant fencing of stolen NPC wires.
NPC.” Items 3 and 3.1 of the circular provide: NPC likewise maintains that traders were not
prohibited from participating in the pre-
qualification as long as they had a tie-up with a
3. QUALIFIED BIDDERS manufacturer.

3.1 Qualified bidders envisioned in this

circular are partnerships or corporations that
directly use aluminum as the raw material in
producing finished products either purely or
Whether National Power Corporation (NPC)
partly out of aluminum, or their duly appointed
Circular No. 99-75 had to be published?
representatives. These bidders may be based
locally or overseas.
In April 2003, NPC published an invitation for the
pre-qualification of bidders for the public sale of its 1. National Power Corporation
scrap ACSR7 cables. Respondent Pinatubo (NPC) Circular No. 99-75 did
Commercial, a trader of scrap materials such as not have to be published.
copper, aluminum, steel and other ferrous and non-
ferrous materials, submitted a pre-qualification
form to NPC. Pinatubo, however, was informed in In this case, NPC Circular No. 99-75 did not have
a letter dated April 29, 2003 that its application for to be published since it was merely an internal rule
pre- qualification had been denied. Petitioner asked or regulation. It did not purport to enforce or
for reconsideration but NPC denied it. implement an existing law but was merely a
directive issued by the NPC President to his
The RTC upheld Pinatubo’s position and declared
subordinates to regulate the proper and efficient
items 3 and 3.1 of the circular unconstitutional. The
disposal of scrap ACSRs to qualified bidders. Thus,
RTC ruled that it was violative of substantive due
NPC Circular No. 99-75 defined the responsibilities
process because, while it created rights in favor of
of the different NPC personnel in the disposal, pre-
third parties, the circular had not been published. It
qualification, bidding and award of scrap ACSRS.
also pronounced that the circular violated the equal
protection clause since it favored manufacturers
and processors of aluminum scrap vis-à-vis
It also provided for the deposit of a proposal bond
dealers/traders in the purchase of aluminum ACSR
to be submitted by bidders, the approval of the
cables from NPC. Lastly, the RTC found that the
award, mode of payment and release of awarded
circular denied traders the right to exercise their
scrap ACSRs. All these guidelines were addressed
business and restrained free competition inasmuch
to the NPC personnel involved in the bidding and
as it allowed only a certain sector to participate in
award of scrap ACSRs.
the bidding.

It did not, in any way, affect the rights of the public

In this petition, NPC insists that there was no need
in general or of any other person not involved in
to publish the circular since it was not of general
the bidding process. Assuming it affected
application. It was addressed only to particular
individual rights, it did so only remotely, indirectly
persons or class of persons, namely the disposal
and incidentally.
committees, heads of offices, regional and all other
officials involved in the disposition of ACSRs.
NPC also contends that there was a substantial
2. Pinatubo’s argument that
distinction between manufacturers and traders of
items 3 and 3.1 of NPC
aluminum scrap
Circular No. 99-75 deprived
it of its “right to bid” or that
these conferred such right
in favor of a third person is brokers were using their influence to push the
erroneous. approval of the NBN Project by the NEDA. Neri,
the head of NEDA, was then invited to testify
before the Senate Blue Ribbon. He appeared in one
Bidding, in its comprehensive sense, means making hearing wherein he was interrogated for 11 hrs and
an offer or an invitation to prospective contractors during which he admitted that Abalos of
whereby the government manifests its intention to COMELEC tried to bribe him with P200M in
invite proposals for the purchase of supplies, exchange for his approval of the NBN project. He
materials and equipment for official business or further narrated that he informed President Arroyo
public use, or for public works or repair. Bidding about the bribery attempt and that she instructed
rules may specify other conditions or require that him not to accept the bribe.
the bidding process be subjected to certain
reservations or qualifications. Since a bid partakes
of the nature of an offer to contract with the However, when probed further on what they
government, the government agency involved may discussed about the NBN Project, petitioner refused
or may not accept it. to answer, invoking “executive privilege”. In
particular, he refused to answer the
questions on:
Moreover, being the owner of the property subject (a) whether or not President Arroyo followed up
of the bid, the government has the power to the NBN Project,
determine who shall be its recipient, as well as (b) whether or not she directed him to prioritize it,
under what terms it may be awarded. In this sense, and
participation in the bidding process is a privilege (c) whether or not she directed him to approve. He
inasmuch as it can only be exercised under existing later refused to attend the other hearings and Ermita
criteria imposed by the government itself. As such, sent a letter to the senate averring that the
prospective bidders, including Pinatubo, cannot communications between GMA and Neri are
claim any demandable right to take part in it if they privileged and that the jurisprudence laid down in
fail to meet these criteria. Thus, it has been stated Senate vs Ermita be applied. He was cited in
that under the traditional form of property contempt of respondent committees and an order
ownership, recipients of privileges or largesse from for his arrest and detention until such time that he
the government cannot be said to have property would appear and give his testimony.
rights because they possess no traditionally
recognized proprietary interest therein.
W/N these 3 are covered by executive privilege.
Neri v. Senate Committee on (a) whether or not President Arroyo followed up
Accountability of Public Officers the NBN Project,
G.R. No. 180643, March 25, 2008 (b) whether or not she directed him to prioritize it,
(c) whether or not she directed him to approve.


On April 21, 2007, the Department of
Transportation and Communication (DOTC)
Yes. The communications are covered by executive
entered into a contract with Zhong Xing
Telecommunications Equipment (ZTE) for the
supply of equipment and services for the National
Broadband Network (NBN) Project in the amount The revocation of EO 464 (advised executive
of U.S. $ 329,481,290 (approximately P16 Billion officials and employees to follow and abide by the
Pesos). The Project was to be financed by the Constitution, existing laws and jurisprudence,
People’s Republic of China. including, among others, the case of Senate v.
The Senate passed various resolutions relative to Ermita when they are invited to legislative inquiries
the NBN deal. In the September 18, 2007 hearing in aid of legislation.), does not in any way diminish
Jose de Venecia III testified that several high the concept of executive privilege. This is because
executive officials and power this concept has Constitutional underpinnings.
The claim of executive privilege is highly President. Under the “operational proximity” test,
recognized in cases where the subject of inquiry petitioner can be considered a close advisor, being
relates to a power textually committed by the a member of President Arroyo’s cabinet. And third,
Constitution to the President, such as the area of there is no adequate showing of a compelling need
military and foreign relations. Under our that would justify the limitation of the privilege and
Constitution, the President is the repository of the of the unavailability of the information elsewhere
commander-in-chief, appointing, pardoning, and by an appropriate investigating authority.
diplomatic powers. Consistent with the doctrine of
separation of powers, the information relating to
these powers may enjoy greater confidentiality Respondent Committees further contend that the
than others. Several jurisprudence cited provide grant of petitioner’s claim of executive privilege
the elements of presidential communications violates the constitutional provisions on the right of
privilege: the people to information on matters of public
1) The protected communication must relate to a concern.50 We might have agreed with such
“quintessential and non-delegable presidential contention if petitioner did not appear before them
power.” at all. But petitioner made himself available to them
2) The communication must be authored or during the September
“solicited and received” by a close advisor of the 26 hearing, where he was questioned for eleven
President or the President himself. The judicial test (11) hours. Not only that, he expressly manifested
is that an advisor must be in “operational his willingness to answer more questions from the
proximity” with the President. Senators, with the exception only of those covered
by his claim of executive privilege.
3) The presidential communications privilege
remains a qualified privilege that may be overcome The right to public information, like any other
by a showing of adequate need, such that the right, is subject to limitation. Section 7 of Article
information sought “likely contains important III provides:
evidence” and by the unavailability of the The right of the people to information on matters of
information elsewhere by an appropriate public concern shall be recognized. Access to
investigating authority. official records, and to documents, and papers
pertaining to official acts, transactions, or
decisions, as well as to government research data
In the case at bar, Executive Secretary Ermita used as basis for policy development, shall be
premised his claim of executive privilege on the afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as
ground that the communications elicited by the may be provided by law.
three (3) questions “fall under conversation and
correspondence between the President and public
officials” necessary in “her executive and policy Pimentel v. Senate Committee of the
decision-making process” and, that “the
Whole G.R. No. 187714, March 8,
information sought to be disclosed might impair
our diplomatic as well as economic relations with 2011
the People’s Republic of China.” Simply put, the
bases are presidential communications privilege
and executive privilege on matters relating to
diplomacy or foreign relations. FACTS:
On Sept. 15, 2008, Senator Pimentel called to
attention the double insertion of 200 Million
Using the above elements, we are convinced that, appropriated separately for the construction of
indeed, the communications elicited by the three Carlos P. Garcia Ave and C-5 Road which was said
(3) questions are covered by the presidential to cover the same stretch.
communications privilege. First, the
communications relate to a “quintessential and non- Lacson further stated that when he investigated
delegable power” of the President, i.e. the power to on the double entry, it led to Senator Villar, then
enter into an executive agreement with other Senate President.
countries. This authority of the President to enter
into executive agreements without the concurrence On October 8, 2008 Senator Madrigal introduce
of the Legislature has traditionally been recognized P.S. Resolution 706, which states that there was
in Philippine jurisprudence. Second, the indeed double entry of said project, with
communications are “received” by a close overwhelming evidence of abuse
advisor of the
of authority of the Senate President (Villar) to The motion was approved with ten members voting
profit from such project. in favour, none against, and five absentation.
It also stated that the acts of the Senate President ISSUES:
are indirect violation of the Constitution, the Anti-
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, the Code of
Conduct and Ethical standards of Public Officers.

Therefore it was resolved to direct the

Committee on Ethics and Privileges to investigate
the conduct of Senate President Villar.

On Nov. 17, 2008, Senator Enrile was elected

Senate President and the Ethics Committee was
reorganized with the Election of Lacson as

On Dec. 16, 2008, Senator Lacson inquired RULING:

whether the Minority was ready to name their

After consultation, Senator Pimentel informed

the body that there would be no members from
the Minority in the Ethics Committee

On Jan. 26, 2009, Senator Lacson reiterated his

appeal to the Minority to nominate their
representative to the Ethics Committee.

Senator Pimentel stated that it is the stand of

the Minority not to nominate any of
their members to the Ethics Committee.

Thereafter, the Senate adopted the Rules of the

Senate Committee on the Ethics and Privileges.

On April 20, 2009, Senator Villar on a privilege

speech where he stated that he would answer the
accusations against him on the floor and not before
the Ethics Committee.

On Apr. 27, 2009, Senator Lacson stated that

the Ethics Committee is not a kangaroo court.
However, due to the accusation that the Ethics
Committee could not act with fairness on Senator
Villar’s Case, Senator Lacson moved that the
responsibility of the Ethics Committee be
undertaken by Senate, acting as a whole.
Conjuangco, Jr. v. Republic G.R.
No. 180705, November 27, 2012
Garcillano v. House of
Representatives G.R. No. 170338,
December 23, 2008
Villafuerte v. Cordial, Jr., G.R. No. Aside from the requirement of materiality, a false
222450, July 7, 2020 representation under Section 78 must consist of a
deliberate attempt to mislead, misinform, or hide a
fact which would otherwise render a candidate
ineligible. In other words, it must be made with an
FACTS: intention to deceive the electorate as to ones
Petitioner and respondent were both candidates for qualifications for public office. The use of surname,
the Gubernatorial position of the province of when not intended to mislead, or deceive the public
Camarines Sur in the May 2013 local elections.
as to ones identity is not within the scope of the
Petitioner file a with the COMELEC a verified
Petition to deny due course or cancel the certificate provision. Respondents nickname is not considered
of candidacy of respondent alleging that the latter a material fact, and there is no substantial evidence
intentionally misrepresented a false and deceptive showing that in writing the nickname LRAY JR.
name/ nickname that would mislead the voters MIGZ in his COC, respondent had the intention to
when he declared under oath in his COC that deceive the voters as to his identity which has an
LRAY JR.MIGZ was his nickname or stage name effect on his eligibility or qualification for the
and that the name he intended to appear on the office he seeks to assume.
official ballot was VILLAFUERTE, LRAY
JR.MIGZ NP; that respondent deliberately omitted
his first name MIGUEL and inserted, instead
Notably, respondent is known to the voters of the
LRAY JR., which is the nickname of his father, the
incumbent Governor of Camarines Sur,LRay Province of Camarines Sur as the son of the then
Villafuerte, Jr. incumbent Governor of the province, popularly
known as LRay. Their relationship is shown by the
posters, streamers and billboards displayed in the
COMELECs First Division and COMELEC en province with the faces of both the father and son
banc ruled that there is no reason to cancel the on them. Thus, the voters of the Province of
COC of respondent as matters of material Camarines Sur know who respondent is. Moreover,
misrepresentation in the COC pertains only to it was established by the affidavits of respondents
qualifications of a candidate and nothing is witnesses that as the father and son have striking
mentioned about a candidate’s name. similarities, such as their looks and mannerisms,
which remained unrebutted, the appellation of
ISSUE: LRAY JR. has been used to refer to respondent.
Hence, the appellation LRAY JR., accompanied by
Whether or not respondents COC should be
cancelled the name MIGZ16written as respondent’s
nickname in his COC, is not at all misleading to the
voters, as in fact, such name distinguishes
respondent from his father, the then incumbent
HELD: Governor LRAY, who was running for a
Congressional seat in the 2ndDistrict of Camarines
No. Decision of COMELEC en banc affirmed.
misrepresentation contemplated by Sec. 78
of the Omnibus Election Code refer to
qualifications for elective office

In order to justify the cancellation of the certificate

of candidacy under Section 78, it is essential that
the false representation mentioned therein pertains
to a material matter for the sanction imposed by this
provision would affect the substantive rights ofa
candidate the right to run for the elective post for
which he filed the certificate of candidacy.

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