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Psychological Disorders




Psychological Disorders


Psychiatric diagnoses refer to strategies utilized to discriminate between different

psychological disorders. Psychological disorders are also known as mental or psychiatric

disorders, and these are patterns of behavioral changes that impact life in a detrimental way

because they create distress by affecting how people feel, think, function and relate with one

another. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder provides a list of major

categories of mental disorders and their standardized criteria for diagnosis. The following four

disorders namely neurodevelopmental disorders, bipolar and related disorders, depressive

disorders and anxiety disorders were selected and their diagnostic criteria described in details as


Brief Description of Diagnosis

Neurodevelopmental Disorders occurs during infancy or at childhood and sometimes

adolescent stages. Several diagnostics criteria are included in this example. These include

intellectual development disorder, which occurs prior to 18 years. It is characterized by limited

adaptive behaviors and intellectual disability. The second example is global development delay,

which occurs in children below 5 years, and is characterized by slow speech, delayed

development of motor skills, language and cognition. Bipolar and Related Disorders are

characterized by changes in energy levels and activities as well as shifts in mood from periods of

depression to elevated moods. For instance, mania occurs when one experiences elevated

irritable mood that leads to irritability and distraction, while depressive episode occurs when a

person lacks interest or experience sad mood (Cherry 2022).


Anxiety Disorders are psychotic conditions characterized by persistent and excessive

worry and fear leading to disturbances and anxiety. People become anxious when they anticipate

the occurrence of future threat. When someone worry excessively everyday they are likely to

experience generalized anxiety disorder. Depressive Disorders includes a number of conditions,

and are characterized by irritable moods, emptiness, sadness that leads to cognitive and physical

symptoms. These may differ depending on disruptive mood (extreme irritability and anger

especially in children), major depressive (lack of interest) and persistent depression (chronic or

severe depression) (Cherry 2022).

Symptoms of Each Diagnosis

Intellectual disability and Global development delay present with symptoms such as

impulsivity, hyperactivity, inattention and is characterized by IQ score less than 70. Other

symptoms include limitations in living skills, social interaction and lack of self-care. Global

development delay is characterized by poor motor skills, lack of appropriate social function, and

cognition. Symptoms of bipolar and related disorders include irritability, fatigue and guilt, losing

interest even in events that they previously enjoyed taking part in. Besides; they may also

experience thoughts of suicide and difficulties in sleeping. Generalized anxiety disorder is

characterized by symptoms such as sleeplessness, muscle tension, irritability, lack of

concentration and general fatigue. Symptoms of depressive disorders includes outburst of

temper, suicidal thoughts, feeling of guilt and hopelessness, lack of appetite and sleep, loss of

interest, and depressed mood (Cherry 2022).

Two Treatment Options for Each Diagnosis


A number of treatment strategies are needed to manage neurodevelopmental disorders.

These include education, behavioral therapy, and self management and medication. The two

methods of treatment for bipolar treatment include psychotherapy and medication. Treatment of

anxiety includes meditation that aims to relax the mind and muscle (Cherry 2022).

Psychotherapy can also be an appropriate way of treating anxiety problems. Cognitive-

behavioral therapy will help the patient change their thoughts and change their emotions. Two of

the strategies for treating depressive Disorders include adopting lifestyle change through

engagement in exercising and taking medications such as antidepressants.



Cherry, K. (April, 2022). Theories, a list of psychological disorders. Retrieved from

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