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Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 60 (2006) 310–317

Dossier: Acute and chronic pain management

Pain management: is opioid immunosuppression a clinical problem?

Keith Budd, FRCA*
Emeritus Consultant in Pain Management, Newlands, Chevin Avenue, Menston LS29 6PE, UK

Received 21 March 2006; accepted 12 June 2006

Available online 30 June 2006

For more than 100 years, the use of opioid analgesic agents has been linked with modulation of the immune system in man. More recently, it
has become apparent that both exogenous and endogenous opioids exert some effect upon the immune system but that this can be beneficial or
deleterious depending on numerous variables. Of the strong opioid analgesics in current use, the majority are seen to cause immunosuppression
in man. However, it still remains unclear whether this is clinically important in man although it would appear to be good practice to avoid such
agents in patients already immunosuppressed by disease or pharmacotherapy. Powerful opioid analgesics without immunosuppressive properties
can be selected and should be used in such situations and as these agents can offer additional benefits in addition to their non-immunosuppresive
analgesia, it should be considered whether to use them at all times in preference to immunosuppressive opioids.
© 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Opioids; Analgesics; Immunomodulation

1. Introduction suppression in the human in a variety of disparate situations

Opioid use and abuse has been linked to suppression of the It is, therefore, vitally important to examine the available
immune system in man for in excess of 100 years [1]. evidence to determine whether opioid immunosuppression is
real and significant or whether we can continue to, as it
It is now well accepted that opioids and endogenous opioid
would appear we have done this far, ignore a potential hazard
peptides modulate immune function and there is increasing evi-
to many of our most seriously ill patients.
dence that opioid use in the surgical patient and those critically
ill has a profound immunomodulatory effect. But, whilst this
2. The evidence
has been clearly observed [2], there has been little written or
said that would indicate any change of attitude to the use of
In the human, all forms of trauma including surgery inevi-
opioids in the severely ill or those already immunosuppressed
tably result in immune system suppression [5] which is recog-
by either their disease process or treatment, even though the
nised as depressed lymphocyte proliferative responses to mito-
understanding of the peripheral actions of the neuroimmune
gens and natural killer (NK) lymphocyte cellular activity [6–9],
system has progressed markedly [3].
decreased cell mediated immunity [10,11] and alterations in the
Whilst the inter-relationship between opioid analgesics and balance of T-lymphocytes (T-helper cells: Th-I, Th-2 cells)
the immune system is not a simple one and may appear to vary compromising cellular immunity [12,13].
depending on the opioid studied, dose range of the opioid, spe- The invasiveness of the surgery has been associated with the
cies in which studied, immunological parameters measured and magnitude of the immune suppression [12] and immune func-
the time course of the study, increasing availability of data tion is comparatively more suppressed by surgery in indivi-
indicate that opioid prescription and usage is lagging behind duals with cancer [11], although this finding does not always
the available evidence of significant opioid-induced immuno- appear to be consistent [14].
As the pain and the trauma of surgery each contribute to
* Correspondingauthor. Tel.: +44 1943 87 6331; fax: +44 1943 87 0456. immunosuppression, analgesic agents, at least in part, alleviate
E-mail address: (K. Budd). that immunosuppression. For them to themselves produce addi-
0753-3322/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
K. Budd / Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 60 (2006) 310–317 311

tional depression of the immune system is both counterproduc- 1β were also elevated but the csf cytokine profile of CRPS
tive and illogical prescribing. patients may differ at different stages of the disease process
Immune outcomes, including NK-cell activity, have been with IL-1β and TNF-α being elevated acutely whilst others
shown to improve when epidural and spinal anaesthesia is such as IL-6, later in the process.
used for lower body surgery when compared with general Many central pain syndromes have been shown to demon-
(inhalational) anaesthesia [15–17]. Epidural analgesia has also strate increased csf levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines [35–
been associated with fewer postoperative infections when com- 37]. The involvement of pro-inflammatory cytokines in painful
pared with inhalational anaesthesia, further confirming the disorders in humans suggests that part of the process, at least,
aforementioned implications [18]. resulting in chronic pain, involves a central neuroimmune acti-
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is produced by many immune cells such vation [31–33,38]. The pro-inflammatory cytokines, including
as lymphocytes, macrophages and monocytes. It has an impor- TNF-α and -β, IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, interferon-gamma (IFN-
tant role in both the inflammatory process and the regulation of γ), granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-
metabolic and endocrine functions, particularly the hypothala- CSF), induce the recognition of non-self or the injury of local
mic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and catecholamines [19]. cells and lead to the generation of inflammatory signs via the
Raised levels of IL-6 accompany surgery with levels in both release of classical inflammatory mediators such as eicosa-
plasma and cerebro spinal fluid (csf) being proportional to the noids, biologically active amines and peptides, together with
degree of invasiveness of the intervention [20,21]. Inflamma- the sensitisation of peripheral sensory neurones (hyperalgesia).
tory changes and hyperalgesia are promoted by prostaglandins Anti-inflammatory cytokines, IL-4, IL-10, IL-13, IL-beta
which also depress NK-cell activity [22]. In man, techniques receptor anatagonist (IL-βra) may well obtund this response,
which reduce inflammation have been shown to alleviate pain with IL-βra being released together with the pro-inflammatory
and immune suppression [20]. cytokines or later in the process [39].
It has been recently demonstrated that spinal glia are Immune cells are a natural and primary component of the
involved in the creation and maintenance of pathological pain skin where nerves form their terminal receptive fields and
[23]. Animal models of neuropathic pain have shown that glial express receptors for immune products. They are also found
cells (microglia and astrocytes) are activated and secrete a in peripheral nerves where multiple types of immune cells are
number of substances which will excite pain transmission in in constant intimate contact with nerve fibres and can midax-
neurons [23,24]. These substances include the pro-
onally alter nerve anatomy and physiology. Immune cells in
inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-6 and
dorsal root ganglia ensheath and modulate every neuronal cell
tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) [25]. Spinal cord glial activ-
body. Lastly, in the spinal cord, they form dynamic networks
ity provides a major factor in creating and maintaining a wide
well suited to maintaining and spreading excitation. It can,
variety of exaggerated pain states. Trauma to peripheral nerves
therefore, be well appreciated how such cells are well placed
causes intense microglial and astrocyte activation in the central
to provide the pathways by which immune activation can both
nervous system (CNS) [26]. Glial activation appears to corre-
damage peripheral nerves and enhance their excitability and
late with the emergence of neuropathic pain syndromes. Of the
how such immune-derived changes might participate in the
substances released by activated immune and glial cells, pro-
aetiology and symptomatology of various pathological pain
inflammatory cytokines appear to be of special importance in
states [27].
the creation of peripheral nerve and neuronal hyperexcitability
[27]. Glial activation would seem to both create and maintain As all available pain therapies exclusively target neurons,
exaggerated pain states since pharmacological disruption of the the appreciation of peripheral and central immune cell involve-
spinal cord glial function disrupts pain induced by a variety of ment in the production and maintenance of neuropathic pain,
means including peripheral nerve inflammation, spinal nerve whatever the aetiology, may offer alternative ways to approach
transaction and spinal cord immune challenges [28,29]. pain control.
There is a large body of evidence implicating the pro- The inflammatory cascade can be inhibited at various points
inflammatory cytokines in the induction and facilitation of along its course, either single or multiple. As pro-inflammatory
inflammatory and neuropathic pain [30]. Whilst studies have antagonists are large proteins, antisera or soluble receptor/anti-
shown that patients with complex regional pain syndrome body hybrids, all of which do not cross the blood–brain barrier
(CRPS) have normal plasma levels of pro-inflammatory cyto- effectively, there is a need to administer them centrally which
kines [31,32], blister fluid samples from the affected limb is not a clinically viable option. However, a variety of agents
showed evidence of localised inflammation and raised levels of which can penetrate the CNS have shown potential.
IL-6 and TNF-α [31]. Treatment of CRPS with infleximab Thalidomide and a number of its analogues have been
(Remicade), a blocker of TNF-α, produced significant reduc- shown to inhibit both the production of TNF and its release
tion of IL-6 and TNF-α in blister fluid together with improve- from astrocytes and microglia [40–42]. These agents have
ment of symptoms [33]. The study by Alexander et al. [34] is been shown to inhibit the increased pain caused by the periph-
the first to show elevation of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the eral administration of TNF [43] and thalidomide and the orally
csf of CRPS patients. The most significant finding was the ele- active peptide Lys-d-Pro-Thr[K(d)PT] block the release of
vation of IL-6 when compared with controls. The levels of IL- TNF-α and the hyperalgesic effect of IL-1β, respectively.
312 K. Budd / Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 60 (2006) 310–317

Inhibitors of the matrix metalloproteases have also been 4. Activation of the CNS μ-opioid receptors will also stimulate
used to inhibit peripheral TNF-mediated neuropathic pain the SNS which innervates both primary and secondary lym-
[44]. The value of these agents is speculative as they only phoid organs. These release catecholamines which have
block TNF without any effect upon IL-1 or IL-6 [40]. been shown to suppress lymphocyte, NK-cell and macro-
Glial metabolic inhibitors such as fluocitrate or fluoacetate phage function [57,61].
have shown, in animal studies, at low doses and short term 5. Evidence exists for the involvement of catecholaminergic
administration, certain potential but neuronal function is inhib- pathways in alteration of opioid mediated changes in
ited at higher doses and longer term administration [45]. immune function. Bio- and histo-chemical studies have
shown a rich noradrenergic input into bone marrow, thy-
3. The problem mus, spleen, lymph nodes and gut-related lymphoid tissue
with noradrenergic terminals in direct apposition of lympho-
Whilst the likelihood of the future introduction of analgesics cytes [62].
acting in a highly specific manner is very likely, the present
agents of choice remain the opioids for the majority of painful The site of the immunosupressive opioid activity has been
problems. However, these agents are not without their own determined as the periaqueductal grey (PAG) matter in the
problems especially in terms of their effect upon the immune mesencephalon [63]. Opioid effects within the PAG are trans-
system, an area which has been somewhat neglected until now. mitted by either hypothalamic efferents and HPA activation or
There is ample evidence to show that the majority of opioid increases in peripheral sympathetic output, both suppressing
analgesics significantly depress immune function when admi- blood, splenic and thymic lymphocyte proliferation and NK-
nistered at doses within the analgesic range [46–48]. cell activity [64].
The more profound effects of opioid analgesics generate an Whilst chronic opioid treatment induces immunosuppres-
increased susceptibility in patients to both bacterial and viral sion via glucocorticoid secretion, acute opioid effects appear
infections especially following surgery and trauma [11]. In to be glucocorticoid-independent [61]. However, published
addition, reduced defence mechanisms in cancer patients are evidence on the effects of opioids, both endogenous and exo-
indicated by reduced survival times and increased susceptibil- genous, on the immune system is inconsistent, which may be
ity to secondary metastatic spread [49,50] and a greater sus- due to a variety of reasons:
ceptibility to HIV infection in drug abusers [51,52].
Generalised down regulation of immunity by the adminis- 1. It is not yet clear which opioid receptors or subtypes are
tration of opioids, such as morphine, is shown by their inhibi-
present on which lymphocytes as there is evidence that sub-
tory effect upon monocyte macrophage function [53]. Prolif-
types of opioid receptors function differentially [65].
eration and differentiation of macrophage colony stimulating
2. The enkephalinase enzyme, neutral endopeptidase, CALLA
factor (MCSF)-dependent macrophage progenitor cells in
moiety in granulocytes and certain lymphocytes are the
bone marrow are inhibited together with the phagocytosis of
same entity which suggests that enzymatic regulation of
various pathogens [17,54,55].
opioid activity is a factor in opioid immunosuppression [8,
In vivo administration of opioids to rodents induces a
decrease of multiple immune parameters affecting almost all
of the cell types of the immune system. NK-cells have been 3. In vivo secondary processes may mediate immunosuppres-
shown to be particularly sensitive to morphine modulation sive effect through the induction of corticosteroid or adre-
[56]. Following both acute and chronic opioid administration, nergic pathways [66].
T-cell proliferation is decreased whilst the effect of B- 4. The kinetics of various responses may be an important fac-
lymphocytes is less pronounced [57]. tor as whilst some nearly instantaneous responses do occur,
such as NO induction, others which might be measured after
4. Opioid immunosuppression—mode of action hourly or daily intervals might be due to secondary pro-
cesses [67].
Opioids induce suppression of the immune system by inter- 5. A further reason for conflicting results may be that lym-
action with the μ-opioid receptors on immune cells or those phoid cells are endogenous producers of opioids [68].
within the CNS. This is instanced by:
A further and most important factor in the variation of effect
1. Inhibition by opioid antagonists, such as naloxone, of the of specific opioids upon the immune system is the type of
opioid immunosuppressant effect [58]. agent under consideration. Opioids of the phenanthrene group
2. The absence of opioid-induced immunosuppression in suppress B- and T-cell proliferation [69]. In addition, they have
rodents made knock-out for the μ-opioid receptor [59]. a negative effect upon T-cell mediated cytotoxicity [70], pro-
3. Activation of CNS μ-opioid receptors can regulate the per- duction of INF-γ [71] and macrophage phagocytosis of Can-
ipheral immune system by the activation of the HPA, pro- dida albicans both by the direct and indirect routes [72].
ducing ACTH from the pituitary which elicits the release of The phenylpiperidine group of opioids has been shown to
immunomodulatory glucocorticoids [60]. have a differing spectrum of immunosuppressive effects to the
K. Budd / Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 60 (2006) 310–317 313

phenanthrenes. Fentanyl, sufentanil, mirfentanil and remifenta- Confirming structural specificity, diacetyl morphine, metha-
nil have all been shown to depress NK-cell activity [73,74]. done and other phenanthrenes show immunosuppressive prop-
erties but not as great as morphine. Phenylpiperidines such as
5. Variation in opioid effect pethidine, fentanyl and its derivatives including remifentanil,
have all been shown to have immunosuppressive properties in
There is now ample evidence to show that both endogenous man but, again, less than morphine [74,78,79].
and exogenous opioids modulate immune function to a signifi- Substituting the methyl group on the piperidine ring by a
cant degree and that the process is not a simple one. larger alkyl chain gives compounds with minimal or absent
The results of many investigations show that the variation of antinociceptive effect but with the property of opioid antagon-
effect of individual opioids depends upon numerous factors ism. Included in this group are nalorphine, naloxone, naltrex-
including not only the opioid studied but also the dose of the one and nalmefene. Nalorphine with C3 and C6 hydroxyl
agent, the dose range, in which species the study was carried groups, similar to morphine, has a marked suppressant effect
out, immunological parameters measured and the time course upon all immune parameters. The allyl substitution on its pyr-
of the study. These constraints apply to all studies whether imidine ring gives a marked opioid antagonist effect whilst its
carried out in animals or humans. weak antinociceptive property derives from a κ-opioid receptor
The main differentiating factors between those opioids that agonism. This κ-agonism does not appear to play a role in the
depress immune function to a significant extent and those immunosuppression as blockade with κ-antagonists, such as
which do not appear to be opioid receptor affinity and molecu- MK-801, does not affect immune status.
lar structure. It is, therefore, clinically important to define those Naloxone and naltrexone, having the same C6 carbonyl sub-
opioids that depress human immune function and those which stitution as hydromorphone, an allyl substitution on the piper-
do not, also whether the effect is dose related. idine ring and a hydroxyl at C14, enhance rather than suppress
In general, opioids with a high affinity at the μ-opioid some aspects of the immune system which is due to a blockade
receptor have been shown to produce significant immunosup- of the suppression by β-endorphin of mitogen-induced T-cell
pression whilst those with κ- or δ-receptor affinity do not [14, depression [80,81].
56]. Nalmefene has a single bond at C7–8, an unsaturated bond
Affinity to the nociceptin receptor and it relationship to at C6 and an allyl substitution of the piperidine ring. The intro-
immune modulation has, to date, not been investigated. duction of a hydroxyl at C14 completely antagonises the anti-
Antagonists at the μ-opioid receptor appear to enhance the nociceptive effect of the parent compound, hydromorphone
function of the immune system [75]. [75].
It is important to note that the immunosuppressive modula- There are a small number of opioid analgesics which do not
tion of opioid analgesic drugs appears to be independent of conform to the pattern stated above. Several studies have
their analgesic effect [4]: the reason for this dissociation has shown that buprenorphine, an agonist at the μ-opioid receptor
yet to be determined. All the immunosuppressive opioid in the clinical dose range for analgesia, has no significant
analgesics bind to the μ-opioid receptor and both their antino- effects upon the immune system in man even at high doses
ciceptive and immunosuppressive effects are reversed by μ- for a long period of treatment [82]. Structurally, buprenorphine
opioid receptor antagonists [76]. relates to those opioids having no immunosuppressant effects
If morphine, which has marked immunosuppressant effects, in that it has a single bond at C7–8, an hydroxyl group at C14
is taken to represent the basic opioid structure, a carbonyl sub- and an endoetheno bridge between C6 and C14 together with a
stitution at C6, the introduction of a single bond at C7–8 and a 1-hydroxy-1,2,2-trimethylpropyl substitution on C7. Its lack of
hydroxyl substitution at C14 produce agents with a potentiated immunosuppressive effect appears to arise from a lesser neu-
analgesic effect compared to the parent compound, whilst the roendocrine activity than other opioids and that it does not acti-
immunosuppression is abolished. Examples of such are hydro- vate the HPA or SNS or their descending pathways [83,84].
morphone compared with morphine and oxycodone compared Tramadol is more complex in that it produces analgesia both
with codeine [75]. Opioid molecules with hydroxyl groups at by agonism at the μ-opioid receptor and by a catecholamine-
C3 and C6 possess the greatest immunosuppressive property enhancing activity involving both noradrenaline and serotonin
(morphine, nalorphine) whilst modification at C3 alone leads in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. These factors, together
to partial loss of immunosuppression (codeine, dihydroco- with a structure unlike that of the immunosuppressant opioids,
deine) and substitution of a carbonyl group at C6 completely would explain its lack of suppressive effect upon the human
abolishes immunosuppression (hydromorphone, oxycodone, immune system [85,86]. The enhancement of the immune sys-
oxymorphone). Without modification at C3 and C6, alterations tem following the acute administration of tramadol is similar to
of the piperidine ring have no effect upon current immune sta- studies showing that agents increasing serotonergic tone, such
tus, for instance nalorphine [77]. The conversion of morphine as D-fenfluramine and fluoxetine, stimulate immune function
to codeine by the substitution of the C3 hydroxyl decreases [8,87]. Such enhancement of the immune system by tramadol,
immunosuppression as well as analgesia. Clinically, codeine increasing NK-cell activity and lymphocyte proliferation, can
decreases NK-cell function less than morphine at equianalgesic be reduced by the administration of the non-specific serotonin
doses. antagonist, metergoline, thereby confirming the involvement of
314 K. Budd / Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 60 (2006) 310–317

the serotonergic system in immune system modulation [88]. and SNS, leading to a reduction in lymphocyte proliferation,
Even at sub-analgesic doses, tramadol will stimulate T- cytokine production and NK-cell activity [92]. NK-cells have
lymphocyte and NK-cell function in addition to increasing a fundamental role in immunosurveillance against tumour cells,
the production of IL-2 by concavalin-A, a function mirrored being involved in controlling metastatic spread in a number of
by other opioids [89]. animal models [93]. Decreases in NK-cell activity in the peri-
operative period and their association with greater rates of can-
6. Clinical implications cer recurrence and mortality have been described for cancers of
the breast, head and neck, colon and rectum and lung [94].
In the last two decades, over 600 papers have been pub- It is of note that such immunosuppressive changes are not
lished emphasising the fact that, in both animals and humans, seen following the use of effective regional blockade, such as
opioid analgesic agents induce suppression of the immune sys- spinal or epidural analgesia, rather than general anaesthesia
tem. [13,15]. Epidural anaesthesia or analgesia is associated with
In man, the clinical relevance has yet to be fully determined fewer postoperative infectious complications than general
but all the available evidence indicates that current analgesic anaesthesia alone [95].
practice using opioid analgesics does not produce optimal con- There is conclusive evidence that acute pain is a stressor
ditions for our patients. impairing immune function, particularly NK-cell function.
The majority of opioid analgesics used in clinical practice The key role of NK-cells in organism defence against viral
modulate the human immune system to varying degrees and as and bacterial infection together with inhibition of tumour
there is an increasing number of patients who, for a variety of metastasis would indicate an importance of preserving immune
reasons, are immunocompromised and who may present either function in those undergoing surgery [95].
acutely or chronically for management of pain, it is vitally Although most studies have been in adults, children have
important that analgesic selection is of the highest order to alle- also been studied [100]. In general, children show a lesser
viate a worsening of that immunosuppression. effect of opioids upon the immune system for shorter duration
The increased incidence of cancer in elderly people has than adults but the immunosuppressive effect of the opioids
been related to the age-associated changes occurring in the depends on the type of agent, its method of administration
immune system, so called immunosenescence (IS). This phe- and dose. In addition, variation in effect occurs depending
nomenon is best characterised by a remodelling of the immune upon the immune parameter(s) measured and the age of the
system which appears early on and progresses throughout a child [96,97].
persons life and mainly involves a decrease in cellular func-
As in adults, in children neutrophil invasion of surgical
tions [90]. Such changes concern primarily the adaptive
wounds is of importance in the resistance to infection.
immune responses, including alterations in T-cell phenotype
Wound oxygen tension is directly related to bacterial killing
and functions and a reduced ability of B-cells to mount specific
[98] and predicts the risk of wound infection [99].
antibody responses. In the elderly, even the response to vacci-
nation is lower than in a young subject. The major problem With good anaesthetic and postoperative care, children tend
appears to be in finding adjuvants to improve the low effective- to show only minor changes in immunological responses, but
ness of immunisation in this age group. In a similar manner, the type of analgesia has some effect on these. In severely
the innate immune system serves an important role in prevent- immunocompromised patients and in those with major opera-
ing microbial invasion but it experiences significant changes tive complications, these changes may take on a much more
with advancing age [91]. In addition, IS is associated with significant role [100].
increased morbidity and mortality from infectious and autoim- Consequently, whatever the age of the patient, if any degree
mune diseases. Consequently, with the increasing aging popu- of immunosuppression is present due to either disease process
lation, these factors play an important role in the calculation of or therapy, this will be increased if treatment with an immuno-
future health care provision, particularly when pain and its suppressive opioid analgesic is instituted. It follows, therefore,
treatment will be implicated in 80% of the population and the that opioid analgesics which do not depress immune function
agents used in such treatment will be mainly opioids, not infre- are the optimal agents with which to produce analgesia in such
quently in large doses. It is, therefore, important that immuno- patients.
suppressive effect is taken into consideration when analgesic In the patient with chronic pain, which may be due to cancer
therapy is considered for this group of at risk patients. or autoimmune, osteo- and neuro-degenerative problems, the
In general, however, as in many areas of medicine, pain and long term use of opioid analgesics presents a variety of pro-
its treatment can be divided into acute and chronic. In the acute blems. The majority of opioid analgesics in current clinical
area, the particular aspects which involve the immune system use have been shown to have varying degrees of immunosup-
are acute surgery and trauma, both of which have their own pressive properties [101]. It is, therefore, important to select for
specific effect upon the immune system, separate from what- prolonged therapy those agents which have not only the least
ever analgesic agents may be use in its treatment. immunosuppressive effect but also the minimal adverse event
Studies in man have shown that both surgery and trauma are profile such that the total negative effect upon the patient is
associated with immunosuppression, mediated via the HPA minimal.
K. Budd / Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 60 (2006) 310–317 315

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