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Journal of Neuroimmunology 127 (2002) 88 – 95

Abrupt or precipitated withdrawal from morphine induces

Rahil T. Rahim a, Martin W. Adler b,c, Joseph J. Meissler Jr. a,c, Alan Cowan b,c,
Thomas J. Rogers a,c, Ellen B. Geller b,c, Toby K. Eisenstein a,c,*
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Temple University School of Medicine, 3400 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140, USA
Department of Pharmacology, Temple University School of Medicine, 3400 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140, USA
Center for Substance Abuse Research, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19140, USA
Received 11 January 2002; received in revised form 6 March 2002; accepted 25 March 2002


The present studies tested the effect of withdrawal from morphine by two different paradigms, abrupt withdrawal (AW) or precipitated
withdrawal (PW), on the capacity of murine spleen cells to mount an in vitro antibody response. Mice were made dependent by chronic
treatment using s.c. implanted morphine slow-release pellets. Splenocytes were harvested at various time points after withdrawal and the
number of antibody-forming cells determined using a plaque-forming cell (PFC) assay. The results indicate that induction of abstinence from
morphine in dependent mice by either paradigm caused marked immunosuppression between 24 and 48 h post-withdrawal. However, the
kinetics of onset and recovery from immunosuppression were different in AW and PW. D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Morphine; Abrupt withdrawal; Precipitated withdrawal; Immunosuppression

1. Introduction to normal responses by 120 h after pellet implantation (Bus-

siere et al., 1993). Recently, West et al. (1997) have shown
It is well established that morphine given acutely or that continuous administration of morphine to rats for 20
subacutely is immunosuppressive as assayed by several days by osmotic minipump led to tolerance in some immune
different parameters including natural killer (NK) cell activ- assays but not others. These studies support the hypothesis
ity (Weber and Pert, 1989; Band et al., 1992), T-cell mitogen that tolerance to many of the immunomodulatory effects of
responses (Bayer et al., 1990, 1992), and antibody responses morphine develops after chronic exposure to the opioid.
(Bussiere et al., 1992; Eisenstein et al., 1990, 1995). There The phenomenon of opioid tolerance is well established
are few studies examining the effects of chronic morphine by standard pharmacological tests measuring behavioral,
exposure on immune responses. Bryant et al. (1988a,b) biochemical, and physiological parameters (Way et al.,
followed the kinetics of murine splenocyte proliferative 1969; Cicero and Meyer, 1973; Patrick et al., 1978; Berg-
responses to concanavalin A in mice implanted with a 75- ström et al., 1984; Martinez et al., 1990; Paronis and
mg slow-release morphine pellet. They observed profound Holtzman, 1992). The majority of these studies show that
immunosuppression, which reached a maximum at 48 h but morphine is a potent analgesic, but upon repeated admin-
returned to normal by 96 h after pellet implantation, although istration, its effects diminish. It is also well established that
morphine levels in the sera at 48 and 96 h were equivalent. once tolerance develops, termination of the drug by abrupt
Previous studies from our laboratory examined murine (drug cessation) or precipitated withdrawal (with or without
splenic plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses to sheep red drug cessation plus administration of an opioid antagonist)
blood cells (SRBCs) over time after implantation of a 75-mg can lead to an abstinence syndrome indicating a state of
slow-release morphine pellet and showed comparable re- physical dependence. There are only two studies in mice
sults, with maximal immune suppression at 48 h, and a return and one in humans on the effects of abrupt withdrawal (AW)
from morphine on immune responses (Bhargava et al.,
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-215-707-3585; fax: +1-215-707-7920. 1994; Govitrapong et al., 1998; West et al., 1999), and none
E-mail address: (T.K. Eisenstein). that we are aware of on precipitated withdrawal.

0165-5728/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 5 7 2 8 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 0 3 - 0
R.T. Rahim et al. / Journal of Neuroimmunology 127 (2002) 88–95 89

The present study examines and compares the effects of antagonist, physical dependence was measured by quantita-
precipitated and abrupt withdrawal from morphine on tion of naloxone-precipitated jumping of individual animals
splenic antibody responses in mice. It was found that abrupt using a PlexiglasR withdrawal chamber. The average num-
withdrawal, by removal of morphine pellets from dependent ber of jumps per group was determined for each injection.
animals, resulted in profound immunosuppression that was Physical dependence was also evaluated by measuring
maximal at 48 h post-pellet removal and was still present at mouse body weight at various times after either abrupt or
144 h. In contrast, precipitated withdrawal resulted in a precipitated withdrawal, and other signs and symptoms such
short period of immunopotentiation at 3 h post-pellet as writhing and diarrhea were also noted. For immune
removal, followed by profound immunosuppression at 24 studies, at 3 h after initiation of precipitated withdrawal,
h post-withdrawal, with a rapid return to normal immune splenocytes were harvested and the number of PFCs deter-
responses by 72 h. The results are novel, as both paradigms mined. To assess immune responses at time points between
led to immunosuppression at 24 h post-withdrawal, but 6 and 72 h in mice undergoing precipitated withdrawal,
there were marked differences in the kinetics of the effects dependent mice had their pellets removed and they were
on immune responses. implanted s.c. with an AlzetR osmotic minipump adminis-
tering naloxone hydrochloride (1 mg/kg/day at a rate of 1 Al/
h) (The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Rock-
2. Materials and methods ville, MD). Use of the naloxone pump was necessitated due
to the short half-life of naloxone in rodents (Weinstein et al.,
2.1. Mice 1974). For immune studies, mouse spleen weights were also
obtained at the time of sacrifice.
Six-week-old C3HeB/FeJ female mice were purchased
from Jackson Laboratories (Bar Harbor, ME) and housed in 2.3. Primary in vitro antibody response
sterilized cages with mouse chow and water provided ad
libitum. All mice were acclimated for a minimum of 1 week Morphine-dependent mice and animals undergoing with-
prior to being used in experiments. drawal were sacrificed and the number of antibody-forming
cells was determined using a Mishell – Dutton (MD) plaque-
2.2. Surgery and experimental design forming cell (PFC) assay (Mishell and Dutton, 1967). Four
mice per group were sacrificed and their spleens removed.
Mice were anesthetized with methoxyflurane and areas Spleen cells from two mice in each group were pooled to
of the back were shaved. A 1-cm incision was made in the obtain two cohorts per treatment. Immune function was
skin and mice were implanted s.c. with either a 75-mg assessed using an in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) assay
morphine pellet or a cellulose placebo pellet (The National described previously, which measures the capacity of spleen
Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Rockville, MD) encased cells to mount a primary antibody response to sheep red
in a 1  1-cm square nylon mesh bag to permit easy blood cells (SRBCs). A single cell suspension of spleen cells
removal. Control mice had no surgery and received no was obtained by pushing the spleen through nylon mesh bags
drugs. Based on published results (Bussiere et al., 1993) in RPMI supplemented with 5% fetal calf serum. Red blood
and preliminary studies (Eisenstein and Rahim, 2001), it cells were lysed by hypotonic shock with sterile water. Cells
was established that mice were tolerant to the immunosup- were washed twice and resuspended in tissue culture
pressive effects of morphine by 96 to 120 h post-morphine medium consisting of RPMI supplemented with 10% FCS,
pellet implantation. In all experiments, pellets were left in 2 mM L-glutamine, 50 mg/ml gentamicin, 1 mM nonessen-
place for 96 h before removal of the pellet to examine the tial amino acids, 1 mM sodium pyruvate, 10 mg/ml of
effects of withdrawal. The group designated ‘‘morphine- adenosine, uridine, cytosine, and guanosine, and 0.05 mM
dependent’’ received a pellet for 96 h and were sacrificed of 2-mercaptoethanol. The cells were counted and resus-
without removal of their pellets. Withdrawal was initiated pended to 1.0  107 cells/ml and dispensed into flat-bottom
by two paradigms, abrupt and precipitated withdrawal. For 24-well tissue culture plates. Sheep red blood cells (Rock-
abrupt withdrawal (AW), morphine pellets were surgically land, Gilbertsville, PA) were washed three times in sterile
removed from dependent mice 96 hr after implantation, and saline and 3.5  106 cells were added to each well in 50 Al.
at various times from 2 to 144 h after pellet removal, the For each cohort, a minimum of triplicate cultures was tested,
mice were sacrificed and the number of antibody-forming each with its own negative control (i.e., splenocytes without
cells determined using the MD-PFC assay (see below). In SRBCs). Cultures were incubated in an atmosphere consist-
the second paradigm, precipitated withdrawal (PW), mor- ing of 7% O2, 10% CO2, and 83% N2 at 37 jC. Twenty-four
phine pellets were removed, and upon recovery from hours later, cultures were fed with nutrient cocktail consist-
anesthesia, mice were given two subcutaneous injections ing of RPMI supplemented with approximately 30% FCS,
(1 mg/kg) of the opioid antagonist, naloxone, 30 min apart 5.5 mM L-glutamine, 3 mM each of essential amino acids
to measure physical dependence and to assess immunosup- and nonessential amino acids, 5.5 mg/ml dextrose, 0.61%
pression at early time points. After each injection of the sodium bicarbonate, and 40 mg/ml each of adenosine,
90 R.T. Rahim et al. / Journal of Neuroimmunology 127 (2002) 88–95

Fig. 1. Suppression of splenic antibody responses following abrupt withdrawal. Mice were implanted with either a placebo or morphine pellet (encased in
nylon) for 96 h. Mice were then anesthetized and the pellet was surgically removed. Control mice did not undergo surgery or pellet implantation. Values at T = 0
for morphine-pelleted mice represent responses of animals that received a sham operation, leaving morphine pellets in place at the time of sacrifice. Placebo
and morphine groups had their pellets removed at various time points between 2 and 144 h prior to sacrifice and harvest of their spleens for the PFC assay. For
clarity, the early time points up to 6 h are plotted separately in Panel A. Panel B shows all time points up to 144 h post-pellet removal. Antibody responses are
expressed as the mean number of PFC/107 cells F S.E. Each point except the one at 144 h is the average of data from two separate experiments, using two
cohorts per experiment, and each cohort having been done in triplicate. Thus, all points but the one at 144 h are the average of 12 data points. The 144-h time
points were carried out on one cohort in triplicate. p < 0.0001 placebo vs. morphine at 4 to 6 h. p < 0.001 placebo vs. morphine at 24 to 96 h.

uridine, cytosine, and guanosine. On day 5, cells were the PFC assay were calculated as the mean number of PFC/
harvested, washed in RPMI, and the number of direct PFCs 107 cells. Each point represents a minimum of two pooled
(cells producing IgM antibodies against SRBCs) quantitated cohorts, with each of these cohorts tested in at least triplicate.
using the Cunningham modification of the Jerne hemolytic Many points are the average F S.E. of more than two cohorts
plaque assay (Cunningham and Szenberg, 1968). Data from obtained from multiple experiments.

Fig. 2. Potentiation of the PFC response following precipitated withdrawal. Mice were implanted with either morphine or placebo pellets for 96 h. One group of
placebo and one group of morphine-treated mice had pellets left in place but received a sham operation. The sham-operated group was morphine-dependent.
Other groups of mice underwent precipitated withdrawal by removal of their pellets prior to receiving either two s.c. naloxone (mg/kg) injections (30 min apart)
or two s.c. saline injections. Control mice had no surgery and received no drugs. Spleens were harvested from all experimental groups for the PFC assay at 3 h
post-pellet removal. Antibody responses are expressed as the mean number of PFC/107 cells F S.E. Each point represents data from two experiments, with two
cohorts per experiment, each cohort being done in triplicate. p < 0.0001 morphine + naloxone vs. all other groups.
R.T. Rahim et al. / Journal of Neuroimmunology 127 (2002) 88–95 91

2.4. Statistical analysis

Plaque counts, body weights, and spleen weights were

analyzed using a mixed model analysis of variance followed
by pairwise group comparisons using the Dunn – Bonferoni
method or the Scheffe procedure adjusting for multiple
comparisons and random experimental effects. Differences
were considered significant for p values V 0.05.

3. Results

3.1. Abrupt withdrawal (AW) results in suppression of

splenic antibody responses

To examine the effect of abrupt withdrawal on immune

responses, the PFC assay was carried out at various time
points after pellet removal (Fig. 1). At 2 h post-withdrawal,
mice that were implanted with a placebo or a morphine
pellet showed approximately a 50% decrease in the number
Fig. 3. Modulation of the PFC response following precipitated withdrawal.
of PFCs. By 4 h, the immune response of the placebo Values at T = 0 represent responses of mice that were implanted with either
animals had returned to normal, suggesting that the transient a morphine or placebo pellet for 96 h and received a sham operation,
immunosuppression observed at 2 h was a result of the leaving pellets in place at the time of sacrifice. Groups at later time points
surgical procedure. In contrast, PFC responses of the mice, had their pellets removed and received naloxone. PFC responses were
measured at 3 h after induction of withdrawal by administration of naloxone
which had received morphine, continued to decline (Fig.
injections (as described in Fig. 2). Precipitated withdrawal groups at other
1A). Suppression reached a maximum at 24 to 48 h after time points were administered naloxone (1 mg/kg/day) using AlzetR
pellet removal. By 48 h post-pellet removal, antibody osmotic minipumps for 6 to 72 h. Control mice had no surgery and did not
responses of mice that had received morphine were sup- receive any drug. Antibody responses are expressed as the mean number of
pressed over 75% compared with placebo mice (Fig. 1B). PFC/107 cells F S.E. Each point represents data from at least two pooled
cohorts done in triplicate. The 24-h time point represents three cohorts from
Suppression was still evident at 96 h (55%). At 144 h, PFC
two experiments. Comparison of placebo vs. control values at 24 and 48 h
responses of morphine-abstinent mice were not statistically after withdrawal was made using 95% confidence limits. Placebo at 24 h
different from those at the 96-h time point. However, at 144 vs. control is significant. Placebo at 48 h vs. control is not significantly
h, the placebo value was decreased, but this point represents different.
data from only one cohort in one experiment. Decreased
PFC responses of morphine-abstinent mice are not due to morphine or placebo pellet for 96 h. The pellets were then
changes in body or spleen weight (Fig. 6). surgically removed and replaced with an osmotic minipump
administering naloxone. Induction of precipitated with-
3.2. Measurement of splenic antibody responses following drawal by implantation of a naloxone minipump resulted
precipitated withdrawal in normal PFC responses at 6 h post-withdrawal but
profound immunosuppression (80%) by 24 h post-with-
To assess immune status shortly after initiation of pre- drawal. PFC responses were returning to normal levels
cipitated withdrawal, spleens were harvested for the PFC (20% suppression) by 48 h and had returned to control
assay after removal of morphine pellets and administration of levels by 72 h post-withdrawal. Some immunopotentiation
two doses of naloxone. Animals were sacrificed 3 h after (compared with control values) was observed in placebo-
pellet removal. The results show a significant (40%) increase pelleted animals at 24 h (by comparison of 95% confidence
in PFC responses of animals undergoing withdrawal above limits) and at 48 h (not statistically different). Comparison
levels of dependent mice which did not have their pellets of PFC values of abstinent mice at these time points shows
removed and did not receive naloxone (Fig. 2). Mice that had highly significant immunosuppression whether compared
morphine pellets removed and received saline had PFC with values of control or placebo animals.
responses that did not differ from those of control mice or
dependent, sham-operated mice not undergoing withdrawal. 3.3. Comparison of PFC responses following abrupt or
To examine the effect of precipitated withdrawal on precipitated withdrawal
immune responses at time points beyond 3 h, naloxone (1
mg/kg/day) was administered by s.c. implantation of an A comparison of the kinetics of alterations in the PFC
AlzetR osmotic minipump at the time of morphine pellet responses of mice undergoing abrupt or precipitated with-
removal (Fig. 3). Thus, mice were implanted with either drawal is shown in Fig. 4. First, at 3 h after precipitated
92 R.T. Rahim et al. / Journal of Neuroimmunology 127 (2002) 88–95

post-withdrawal. It is evident that the shape of the recovery

curve is different for the two withdrawal paradigms. For
abrupt withdrawal, suppression was sustained at 144 h post-
withdrawal, in contrast to the results obtained following
precipitated withdrawal where PFC responses returned to
normal by 72 h.

3.4. Withdrawal from morphine pellets results in behavioral

signs of physical dependence

In order to demonstrate that 96 h after pellet implantation

mice were physically dependent on morphine, signs of an
abstinence syndrome were measured when animals were
subjected to precipitated withdrawal (PW). Jumping activity
was quantitated following removal of the morphine pellet
and administration of naloxone or saline (Fig. 5). Morphine-
abstinent mice receiving naloxone had an average of 14
jumps after the first injection, whereas morphine-abstinent
Fig. 4. Comparison of kinetics of abrupt vs. precipitated withdrawal from mice receiving saline showed no significant jumping activ-
morphine on PFC responses. All mice received morphine in vivo by s.c. ity. Mice that had a placebo pellet removed and received
implantation of a 75-mg pellet for 96 h. In the first paradigm, abrupt either naloxone or saline also showed no jumping activity.
withdrawal was induced by removal of the pellet. In the second paradigm, Mice subjected to abrupt withdrawal did not show increased
naloxone was used to induce precipitated withdrawal in mice which had
their pellets removed prior to receiving naloxone s.c. (1 mg/kg injections in
the 3-h time point or 1 mg/kg/day by osmotic minipumps for the other time Physical dependence was also verified by the loss in
points). body weight following either abrupt or precipitated with-
drawal (Fig. 6A and B). In both withdrawal paradigms,
withdrawal, PFC responses were potentiated, whereas those morphine-abstinent mice had a significantly greater loss in
of mice undergoing abrupt withdrawal showed a steady body weight between 6 to 48 h than mice that had a
decline with no window of potentiation. Time points at 2, 4, placebo pellet removed at the same time points. For abrupt
5, and 6 h were done for abrupt withdrawal (Fig. 1A) to withdrawal mice, body weights returned to normal by 96 h
assure that if potentiation occurred, it would be detected. post-initiation of abstinence, a time when immune res-
PFC responses of mice subjected to either withdrawal ponses were still suppressed. In contrast, in precipitated
paradigm showed profound immunosuppression by 24 h withdrawal mice, body weights were still significantly sup-

Fig. 5. Demonstration of physical dependence by naloxone-precipitated jumping activity. Mice (four to eight per group) in each experiment were implanted
with either a placebo or morphine pellet for 96 h. The mice were then anesthetized and the pellet surgically removed. Upon recovery, the mice were placed in
withdrawal chambers and then given either an s.c. naloxone injection (1 mg/kg) in a volume of 0.2 ml or an injection of saline (s.c.). The mice were then
allowed to rest for another 30 min before administration of a second injection of either naloxone or saline. Jumping activity of each mouse was scored within a
15-min period after each injection. Data are expressed as a mean F S.E. and are the average of three individual experiments. p < 0.01 morphine plus saline vs.
morphine plus naloxone after the first naloxone injection.
R.T. Rahim et al. / Journal of Neuroimmunology 127 (2002) 88–95 93

Fig. 6. Effect of withdrawal on mouse body and spleen weights. Mice were implanted with either morphine or placebo pellets for 96 h prior to induction of
either abrupt or precipitated withdrawal. Data are mean F S.E. of body weights (Panels A and B) and spleen weights (Panels C and D) in grams. For abrupt
withdrawal, graphs are pooled results of three experiments with data points representing from 4 to 13 individual treated mice per group. For precipitated
withdrawal, graphs are pooled results of five experiments with data points representing from 4 to 20 individual treated mice per group. Not all time points were
done in each experiment. p < 0.01 placebo vs. morphine at 0 and 4 to 48 h (Panel A). p < 0.01 placebo vs. morphine at 3 to 72 h (Panel B). p < 0.001 placebo vs.
morphine at 0, 2, and 24 to 96 h (Panel C). p < 0.001 placebo vs. morphine at 24 to 72 h (Panel D).

pressed at 72 h, a time when immune responses had returned 4. Discussion

to normal.
Spleen weights of morphine-abstinent mice were also This study is the first to compare the effects of both
significantly decreased by 6 h post-withdrawal with a nadir abrupt and precipitated withdrawal from morphine on
at 24 to 48 h (Fig. 6C and D). For abrupt withdrawal mice, immune responses in mice and shows that withdrawal, by
spleen weights returned to normal by 144 h post-withdrawal. either paradigm, results in profound immunosuppression.
As was observed for body weight, there was a lack of The present study is also the first to examine and compare
correlation between levels of immunosuppression and spleen the kinetics of abrupt and precipitated withdrawal on
weight. In precipitated withdrawal, immune responses were immune responses. Mice were made dependent by admin-
normal at 72 h but spleen weights were still suppressed. istration of a morphine pellet for 96 h and a morphine-
There was a parallel between depressed body weights and abstinence syndrome was initiated by two different para-
spleen weights. Other symptoms of the abstinence syndrome, digms. In the first paradigm, mice undergoing abrupt
such as writhing and diarrhea, were observed in many withdrawal (surgical removal of the morphine pellet)
animals subjected to either withdrawal paradigm, but were showed a steady decline in their PFC responses starting
not quantified for these studies. at 4 h post-pellet removal. Maximal (80%) suppression of
94 R.T. Rahim et al. / Journal of Neuroimmunology 127 (2002) 88–95

PFC responses occurred at 24 and 48 h post-withdrawal In regard to abrupt withdrawal in the present study,
with significant suppression (50%) still evident at 144 h. In maximal immunosuppression occurred at 24 to 48 h follow-
the second paradigm, mice undergoing precipitated with- ing pellet removal with suppression still evident by 144 h.
drawal had a morphine pellet removed and received nalox- No immunopotentiation was observed. In the literature,
one. In contrast to abrupt withdrawal, at 3 h following Bhargava et al. (1994) reported that 8 h after abrupt with-
precipitated withdrawal, PFC responses were potentiated drawal from slow-release pellets in mice, cytotoxic T-cell
by 40% above normal levels. However, PFC responses activity, B-cell proliferation to mitogen stimulation, and
returned to normal levels by 6 h post-withdrawal, followed production of IL-2 by splenocytes were significantly
by 80% suppression by 24 h, and a return to normal PFC inhibited, but not NK cell activity. In contrast, West et al.
levels by 72 h. Thus, while withdrawal by either paradigm (1999) reported that rats exposed to morphine in their
suppressed the capacity of spleen cells to make antibody, drinking water for 20 days and then subjected to abrupt
the kinetics of each are different. Early immunopotentiation withdrawal had depressed splenic NK cell activity that was
was observed in precipitated withdrawal but not in abrupt maximal at 12 to 48 h post-withdrawal. Responses to
withdrawal, and abrupt withdrawal induced a longer lasting mitogens and IFN-g levels were also suppressed, but the
immunosuppression. Evidence presented in this study kinetics were different, with maximal suppression at 12 h
shows that mice implanted with a slow-release morphine post-withdrawal and a return to normal levels by 24 h.
pellet for 96 h developed drug dependency, as evidenced These studies and the results presented in the current paper
by abstinence-induced jumping activity following precipi- support the conclusion that abrupt withdrawal suppresses a
tated withdrawal, and a significant loss in body and spleen number of parameters in the immune system, although the
weights following either withdrawal paradigm. In addition, kinetics for each may vary.
results from the present study support data from West et al. The value of studies on the kinetics of the effects of
(1999), which showed that abrupt withdrawal led to sig- withdrawal is evident. The protracted immunosuppression
nificant decreases in body weight with a return to normal observed in the present study is comparable to the only paper
by 96 h post-withdrawal. in the literature examining the effects of abrupt withdrawal
A few general observations can be made about the on immune responses in humans (Govitrapong et al., 1998).
parameters that influence the PFC response and how it Chronic heroin addicts in Thailand had depressed responses
might be modified by abstinence. First, although there were to a T-cell mitogen, PHA. In addition, alterations in the total
alterations in spleen weights as a result of withdrawal, all number and percentage of T-cells, B-cells, and NK cells in
results are expressed as PFC/107 cells, which normalizes the peripheral blood of heroin addicts following abrupt
the data accounting for alterations in spleen size. Also, withdrawal showed that there were increases in T-cells and
spleen size was a poor correlation of immunosuppression, B-cells, but a decrease in the CD4/CD8 ratio and in NK cell
as mice undergoing abrupt withdrawal had normal spleen levels. Perturbations in the percentages of B-cells, NK cells,
weights by 72 h, but immune responses were still sup- and the CD4/CD8 ratio did not return to normal until 3 years
pressed at 144 h. Alternatively, mice undergoing precipi- post-withdrawal. Comparable studies on the immunomodu-
tated withdrawal had normal immune responses by 72 h latory effects of precipitated withdrawal in humans have not
but spleen weights were still suppressed at that time point. been done. The overall duration of abnormal effects
Immunosuppression of the PFC response could occur if observed in mice in the present studies is comparable to
there was an alteration of the ratio of B-cells, T-cells, and clinical studies on the kinetics of abstinence signs in pre-
macrophages, as all three cell types are needed for develop- cipitated withdrawal. Opiate-dependent patients undergoing
ment of cells secreting antibody to SRBCs. Preliminary rapid opiate detoxification by repeated injections of nalox-
data show that ratios of B-cells, T-cells, and macrophages one experienced withdrawal symptoms which dissipated by
are not significantly altered at 24 h after withdrawal, nor is 72 h post-withdrawal (Resnick et al., 1976).
there evidence of apoptosis at various time points up to 24 The present experiments show that both abrupt and
h (unpublished data). precipitated withdrawal from morphine can lead to windows
The present study shows that precipitated withdrawal has a of profound immunosuppression. The results imply that
time-dependent effect on immune responses. PFC responses intravenous drug abusers experiencing periods of drug
were elevated above control levels immediately after the taking followed by periods of withdrawal may be immuno-
induction of precipitated withdrawal. This result may be compromised. Modulation of immune responses by mor-
comparable to data from previous studies with more tradi- phine-abstinence could have both practical and theoretical
tional pharmacological endpoints showing that precipitated implications, as alterations in immune function could lead to
withdrawal results in a rebound effect that is opposite to the an enhanced susceptibility to infection or reactivation of
acute effects of the drug (Sharma et al., 1975; Nestler, 1992). latent infections. In support of this concept, Donahoe (1993)
However, the period of immunoenhancement observed in the reported that when SIV-infected monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
present studies is short, and suppression of immune responses were subjected to precipitated withdrawal, their viral load
is observed by 24 h post-withdrawal, with a return to normal increased. Thus, withdrawal in HIV-infected individuals
PFC responses by 72 h. may have adverse consequences for disease progression.
R.T. Rahim et al. / Journal of Neuroimmunology 127 (2002) 88–95 95

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Adler, M.W., 1995. Mouse strain differences in in vivo and in vitro
immunosuppressive effects of opioids. In: Sharp, B., Eisenstein, T.,
This work was supported by National Institute on Drug Madden, J., Friedman, H. (Eds.), The Brain Immune Axis and Sub-
Abuse grants DA06650, DA11134, and DA13429-01. We stance Abuse. Plenum, New York, pp. 115 – 121.
also thank Dr. John P. Gaughan for assistance with statistical Govitrapong, P., Suttitum, T., Kotchabhakdi, N., Uneklabh, T., 1998. Alter-
analyses. ations of immune functions in heroin addicts and heroin withdrawal
subjects. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 286, 883 – 889.
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