Choose The Correct Verb

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Choose the correct verb.

1. Marni …………… some cakes yesterday.


2. I …….. you wouldn’t come today.


3. Yesterday I ………. an elephant in the zoo.


4. My friend ………. me some cakes this morning.


5. My uncle and his family ………. the airport at 7 a.m.

Left for

6. The mother ………. to the market at 8 a.m.


7. Herry ……………. some shoes from the shoe-store.


8. Last night I ………… TV until late at night.


9. My dog ……….. some milk.


10. I ………… my homework last night.

Bentuk kalimat negative:

1. She didn’t bring a story book.
2. My uncle didn’t sleep well last night.

1. Burhan didn’t …… to the post office yesterday.

2. The dog didn’t …….. some coffee, but some milk.
3. Yesterday, my sister didn’t ……… her money to
her cousin.
4. My uncle didn’t ……… the TITANIC film last night.
5. This morning I didn’t ……. the key, so I couldn’t
open the door.
6. My younger brother didn’t …………. a pen, so he
is not able to write.
7. The bus didn’t ………….. Bandung, but Surabaya.
8. Hamidah didn’t ………….. French language,
because she wanted to go to Europe.
9. My little brother didn’t …………. His homework
10. The woman didn’t ………… a bicycle from her

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