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School of Nursing Science and Research

Sharda University

Subject: Nursing Management

Assignment on
“Difference between Profession and Vocation ”

Submission on:
4 December, 2020

Submitted To Submitted By
Professor Urmila Devi Bhardwai Binju Karki
Dean Cum Principal M.Sc.Nursing-2nd Year
A paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal
qualification is called profession. A profession is basically intellectual which is based on a body
of knowledge that can be learned. It can be taught through a process of professional education.
A profession that a code of ethics governs the activities of every Profession. Such
codes need behavior and apply on the far side the non-public ethical obligations of a personal.
They outline and demand high standards of behavior in reference to the services provided to the
general public and in handling skilled colleagues.


• Profession is defined as "a vocation requiring advanced training and usually involving
mental rather than manual work, as teaching, engineering, especially medicine, law.”
• “A Profession is a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards and
who hold themselves out as, and are accepted by the public as possessing special
knowledge and skills in a widely recognised body of learning derived from research,
education and training at a high level, and who are prepared to apply this knowledge and
exercise these skills in the interest of others.”
-Australian Council of Professions
• A profession is “an occupation or required advanced training and experience in some
specific and specialized body of knowledge which provides service to the society in that
special field”.

Criteria of profession
 High intellectual level of functioning
 High level of individual Responsibility and accountability
 Specialized body of knowledge
 Evidence based practice
 Specialized body of knowledge
 Evidenced based practice
 Well organized and strong representation
 Public service and altruistic activities
 Code of ethics
 Competencies and professional license

Vocation is an occupation that someone feels strongly about doing, despite monetary gain or
other influences.
Difference between Profession and vocation

Profession Vocation
1. A profession is “a vocation requiring 1. Vocation means a job that requires certain
knowledge of some department of learning or skills which is gained through experience and
science.” interest but does not require college degree.
2. The education period is long i.e.2-4 yrs 2. The education period is short i.e. 12-15
3. Mostly take place in university or school. 3. Mostly take place in institution.
4. Mainly focus on training and knowledge of 4. Mainly focus on training.
5. They have autonomy for making decision. 5. They have been supervised by other.
6. They are mostly unlike to change the 6. They are mostly likely to change their
professional as it require a long period of time occupation.
in compare to other.
7. They have code of ethics. 7. They donot have code of ethics.
8.The decision is based on science or 8. Guided decision making.
theoretical construction.
9. They have strong commitment. 9. They may vary in commitment.
Brar. K.N & Rawat.HC, “Textbook of Advanced Nursing Practice” Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers (P) Ltd. Page no: 666-705

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