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Dr. N.V.Jadhav
Depatment of ILFC, Veterinary College, Bidar

1. The parent institute of Avian Research in India situated at Izatnagar is known as

2. The total number of CPDO’s in India are
1. 3 2. 4
3. 5 4. 6
3. Desi-like chicken evolved by CARI for backyard rearing with Aseel cross is
1. Shyam 2. Upcari
3. Nirbhik 4. HItcari
4. A white plumaged, meat purpose ‘’Guinea-fowl” evolved by CARI is
1. Guncari-kadambri 2. Gunkari-chitambri
3. Carishweta 4. Guncari-swetambri
5. The popular egg laying duck originated from England is
1. Muscovy 2. Khaki Campbell
3. Pekin 4. Indian Runner
6. The zoological family of Turkey is
1. Melagridiae 2. Phasianidae
3. Anatidae 4. Galliformes
7. The chicken breed in which barring pattern auto-sexing practiced is
1. WLH 2. RIR
3. Sussex 4. Barred plymouth
8. The sex ratio in egg type chicken for optimum fertility is
1. 1:10-12 2. 1:8-10
3. 1:15-16 4. 1:1-2
9. Genetically the commercials in chicken are
1. Single hybrid 2. Double hybrids
3. F1 offsprings 4. F3 hybrids
10. The positive heterosis in poultry birds is known as
1. Hybrid 2. Vigour
3. Heterozygosity 4. Nicking

11. R2B vaccine strain used in the disease control
1. MD 2. RD (NDV)
3. IBD 4. CRD
12. Deworming & debeaking is not used in
1. Layers 2. Broilers
3. Both 4. None of the above
13. Heat stress related vitamin in poultry
1. C 2. D
3. K 4. B12
14. Improper management of litter causes high levels of
1. Methane 2. CO2
3. CO 4. NH3
15. Which of the following is best rearing system for broiler breeder
1. Deep litter 2. Cage system
3. Free range system 4. None of the above
16. The type of economical poultry houses recommended in tropical countries are
1. Controlled environment 2. Non-conventional
3. Open 4. Closed
17. The feeding space allotted for each finishing broiler
is 1. 2.5cm
2. 5cm2
3. 10cm2 4. 10cm
18. The fumigation strength for disinfection of incubation in case of disease emergence
is 1. 2x 2. 3x
3. 4x 4. All the three
19. The commonly encountered disease on deep litter rearing of poultry is
1. Coccidiosis 2. Worms
3. Brooder pneumonia 4. All the three
20. For effective cross ventilation, the width of poultry house should not exceed
1. 9m2 2. 12m
3. 5m 4. 9m
21. Which of the following disinfectant is more resistant to organic matter
1. Iodophores 2. Quaternaries
3. Coaltar based 4. Phenols
22. The type of roof recommended for a 30ft width poultry house

1. Gable 2. Half monitor

3. Full monitor 4. Shed
23. For commercial broilers the floor space required up to marketing age per bird is
1. 350 cm2 2. 850 cm2
3. 1200 cm2 4. 450 cm2
24. The best roofing material for poultry houses is
1. Thatched material 2. Tiles
3. Asbestos sheets 4. GI sheets
25. The best litter material for deep litter system of rearing poultry is
1. Chopped paddy straw 2. Saw dust
3. Paddy husk 4. Wood shavings
26. For round the year egg production the best housing system
is 1. 1:3 2. 1:2
3. 1:4 4. 1:1
27. For routine fumigation of incubators, the quantity of KMNO4 required for 1000
cubic feet of incubator space is
1. 40 gms 2. 20 gms
3. 80 gms 4. 10 gms
28. At the time of brooding of chicks in deep litter system , the litter material will be
spread to a depth of
1. 8” 2. 6”
3. 4” 4. 2”
29. The floor space required for commercial layers under deep litter system from 8 to
16 weeks
1. 3 sq.ft. 2. 1.5 sq.ft.
3. 2 sq.ft. 4. 2.5 sq.ft.
30. The disinfectant commonly used in fumigator is
1. Alcohol 2. Formaldehyd
3. Iodine 4. Chlorines
31. At the ambient temperatures, the method by which the heat lost by birds is more
1. Conduction 2. Radiation
3. Evaporative cooling 4. Conviction
32. The upper lethal temperatures in birds is about
1. 27oC 2. 37oC
3. 47oC 4. 57oC

33. Which of the following is related with the intensive system of rearing
1. Deep litter 2. Battery cages
3. Californian cages 4. All the above
34. In 1+1+4/5 housing system what is meant by 4/5
1. 4 or 5 layer houses 2. 4 or 5 grower houses
3. 4 or 5 brooder houses 4. None of the above is
35. For every 10 layers the number of open nests to be provided
is 1. 10 2. 5
3. 4 4. 2
36. The parallel distance between two layer houses must be
1. 1 meter 2. 2 meter
3. 3 meter 4. 10 meter
37. The chlorine content of drinking water at the point of drinking should be around
1. 1 PPM 2. 0.6 PPM
3. 0.3 PPM 4. 0.1 PPM
38. To avoid handling stress in poultry , mass vaccination is done by the route
1. I/M 2. I/N
3. Drinking water 4. S/C
39. In cage rearing the floor space allotted per chick in flat deck cages
is 1. 250cm 2. 250
3. 300cm2 4. 337cm2
40. The side height of a of caged grower house is
1. 3.20 m 2. 2.75 m
3. 2.15 m 4. 2.75 m2
41. The total number of individual cells in plastic egg trays
are 1. 10 2. 20
3. 25 4. 30
42. The MPN (per 100 ml) in drinking water fit for poultry should not exceed
1. 100 2. 40
3. 40000 4. 400
43. Hatching eggs to be stored for seven days are kept at temperature
of 1. 140C 2.
3. 210C 4. 160C
44. The fat content (%) of chicken egg is
1. 12 2. 11

3. 10 4. 11.5
45. The example of Mediterranean class of chicken is
1. White leghorn 2. Minorca
3. Ancona 4. All the three
46. The incubation temperature during the first phase for chicken egg is
1. 46.5 0C 2. 37.5 0C
3. 38.5 0C 4. 33 0C
47. Phenol is the coltar derivative having the base of
1. Hypochlorous acid 2. Q.A.C.
3. Cresylic acid 4. Carbolic
48. The turkey egg weighs (grams)
1. 58 2. 85
3. 72 4. 80
49. The brooding temperature for chicks in the first week
is 1. 33 0C
2. 35 0C
3. 30.5 0C 4. 32.5 0C
50. The incubation period of quail egg (days)
1. 21 2. 18
3. 28 4. 35
51. The brooding temperature in poults during first week is (0c)
a. 37 b. 33 c. 31.5 d. 35
52. The hatching temperature during second phase for chicken egg is (0c)
a. 36 b. 37.7 c. 37 d. 41
53. The dubbing in breeder chicks is done at the age of
a. First week b. 6 weeks c. 3-4 weeks d. 8-9 weeks
54. The mating method preferred for obtaining commercial chicks is
a. Pen mating b. Flock mating c. Random mating d. Alternate males
55. The CO2 level in incubator should not exceed (%)
a. 1.5 b. 2.0 c. 0.3-0.5 d. 3.0-5.0
56. The sex ratio followed in chicken broiler breeding is
a. 1: 1-2 b. 1:10-12 c. 1:15-16 d. 1:17-20
57. The ANF present in Jowar is
a. Gossypol b. Aflatoxin c. Tannin d.Trypsin inhibitor
58. The housing system used for breeders in poultry is
a. Deep litter b. Free-range c. Cages d. Semi-intensive

59. The litter material used for poultry is
a. Paddy husk b. Saw dust c. Groundnut hulls d. All the three
60. The fertility in males in poultry is affected by
a. Yellow Maize b. Carotene c. Vit. A d. All of the three
61. The depth of air cell in stale egg is
a. 8 mm b. 12 mm c. Both (a & b) d. None
62. The game purpose chicken is
a. Aseel b. Kadaknath c. Javan jungle fowl d. Cochin
63. Chicken belongs to species
a. Platyrhynchos b. Gallus domesticus c. Gallus d. Phasianidae
64. The western region CPDO is located at
a. Bangalore b. Chennai c. Chandigarh d. Mumbai
65. The bacteria causing water borne disease in poultry are
a. Cornybacterium b. Bacillus anthracis c. E. coli d. Klebseilla
66. The average egg size of quail is (g)
a. 50-55 b. 8-10 c. 45-50 d. 72-85
67. The chemicals used for fumigation are
a. Phenyl + Formaline b. KMNo4 + Formaline
c. KMNo4 + Bleaching powder d. Bleaching powder + Aldepol
68. The fertilization of ovum of egg takes place in
a. Isthumus b. Magnum c. Uterus d. Infundibulum
69. In poor layers moulting pattern is
a. Fast b. Early c. Quick d. Late
70. The orientation of poultry house is
a. North-South b. South-West c. East- West d. East-South
71. The comfortable zone of temperature for getting highest performance is (0C)
a. 10-15 b. 16-18 c. 28-30 d. 18.5-21.5
72. The Avian flu is caused by
a. H5N1 b. H2H5 c. H2N2 d. H1N1
73. The hatching eggs for 4 days are stored at (0C)
a. 10 b. 18 c. 20 d. 5
74. The poultry vaccines in the refrigerator are stored at the temperature of (0C)
a. Zero b. 15 c. 4 d. - 4
75. The broiler rations of chickens are known as
a. High density b. Low density c. Low energy d. Low proteinous

76. The popular egg type chicken variety (breed) is
a. Sussex b. White leghorn c. R.I.R. d. Orpington
77. The chicken which belong to American class is
a. Brahma b. Sussex c. WLH d. New Hampshire
78. The cheap & best litter material to be used in poultry is
a. Sugarcane bagasse b. Ground hulls c. Rice-bran d. Rice husk
79. The width of poultry house should not exceed (meters)
a. 5.5 b. 9.0 c.15.0 d. 20.0
80. One of the chemical used for fumigation of poultry house is
a. Iodine b. Lysol c.CuSo4 d. Formalin

Q. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans 4 2 3 4 2 1 4 3 2 4
Q. No 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans 2 2 1 4 1 3 4 4 4 4
Q. No 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans 4 1 2 3 3 3 2 4 2 2
Q. No 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans 3 3 4 1 4 4 2 3 2 2
Q. No 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 2 1 2
Q. No 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. d a D b c b c a d d
Q.No 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans. c a B d c b b d b c
Q.No. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 70 80
Ans. d a B c a b d d b d

Recommended References:
 Handbook of animal husbandry, I.C.A.R.
 Handbook of wild animals & livestock management – Jadhav, Baig , Devangare
 Handbook of poultry production & management – Jadhav & Siddiqui 2nd edition
 Scientific Poultry Production : A Unique Encyclopedia- Sreenivasaiah


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