Narrative Adalah

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Narrative adalah:

Teks yang menceritakan DONGENG atau Fiksi.

Pertanyaan yang sering muncul di Ujian tentang

1.What is the text about?
2.What is the purpose of the text?
 To entertain people Untuk menghibur orang
 To amuse people
3.What is the kind of narrative in the text?
1) Fable
2) Fairy tale
3) Folktale
4) Legend
5) Myth
6) Romance
7) Horror
8) Science-Fiction

No Kind of Narrative Explanation

Cerita tentang hewan
1 Fable
yang bisa berbicara
2 Fairy Tale Cerita tentang kerajaan
Cerita daerah / cerita
3 Folk Tale
Cerita tentang asal-usul
4 Legend
suatu daerah, benda.
5 Myth Cerita mitos
Cerita fiksi tentang
6 Romance
7 Horror Cerita fiksi menakutkan
Cerita fiksi
8 Science-Fiction menggunakan
tehnologi modern.
Urutan cerita Narrative:
Structure of Narrative Text:

1. Orientation
2. Complication
3. Resolution
4. Reorientation

No Structure Explanation
1 Orientation Menceritakan tentang
perkenalan tokoh-tokoh
yang ada di cerita
2 Complication Menceritakan awal
terjadinya masalah
3 Resolution Menceritakan penyelesaian
4 Reorientation Menceritakan:
1) Kondisi akhir si tokoh
2) Kesimpulan cerita
3) Pesan moral

Contoh Teks Narrative pendek:

Kind Turtle

Long time ago,

There was a young man,
Walked on the beach.
He looked a big turtle.
He came to the turtle.
Suddenly, the turtle said:
“I will give you two boxes. You can only open one
of the box. You must not open both boxes.
Remember it.”
Arriving at home, the young man said:
“I will open one box.”
After opening the box, he saw a lot of money and
He was very happy.
He thought: “The other box must contain a lot of
money and gold too”
“Hmm… I will open it too.”
The young man forgot the turtle’s message.

After opening the other box, there was a big

snake. The snake bit the young man, and the
money and the gold disappeared.

The value:
- Don’t be greedy.
- Must obey the rule.

1.What is the text about?

A young man and a big turtle

2.What is the purpose of the text?

To amuse people.

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