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Student ID: __________________

First Name, Last Name _________________________________________________

Test 1

General Information
Value: 15% of overall grade.

Specific Instructions
1. Read the case study below.
2. Complete Step 1 of the decision-making model.
3. Complete Step 2 of the decision-making model.

Case Study
Step 1: Determine the facts
 State the morally relevant facts. (Who?, What?, When?, Where?, How?)
 Remember, you are listing the facts of the case. You are not trying to define the
ethical issue just yet. You are not making any value judgments just yet.
 Remember, you are describing what is already the case.

Referencing the case study above, fill in the following table. You may paraphrase when
appropriate. You do not need to use every line.

Morally Prudentially
Factual statement relevant relevant
(Y/N)? (Y/N)?
Step 2: Define the ethical issue
 Who are the stakeholders, and what is at stake for each one? Which stakeholders
have proximate and genuine interests in the case?
 State what the ethical issue is and explain why the issue is an ethical issue (and not
just a prudential issue).
 Examples of questions to ask:
o Is someone being harmed? Is there a conflict of interest? Are someone’s
rights being ignored? Is someone failing in his or her obligations? Is it an
issue of fairness? Honesty? Promise keeping? Acting in good faith?

or un-
or distal What they stand What they stand
Stakeholder scrupulou
interest? to gain to lose
s interest?

Instructions: Identify what you think the most important ethical issue is in the case above.
Use the moral theories discussed in class and the text in your answer.

Ethical issue Why is this a problem?

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