Civics Culminating June 2023

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The Personal Political Profile

Task: Working individually, you will create a personal political presentation that expresses what
you believe in as an informed, active citizen. This assignment is worth 30% of your final grade. Your presentation
will involve the preparation of a slide show which includes a voice-over narration. The following links will help you if you
are unfamiliar with doing voice-over narrations in a slide show.

Slideshow Presentation:
Slide 1: Put your name in large, bold letters. Around your name, list your four most important political values. You can
simply display these with large letters. You don’t need to justify or explain them on the slide. When thinking of your
values, remember the work we did on human rights, on civil disobedience, on the political spectrum – that is where you
will find your values.

Slide 2: Locate yourself on the political spectrum. Explain why you would position yourself this way. If you have
trouble, check the political spectrum/perspective material from the textbook and material from the D2L site. Complete
the Vote Compass quiz (here) and then display a screengrab of your spectrum placement. Explain why you were or
weren’t surprised by the results. Is there anything else about the quiz/results that you found interesting or

Slide 3: Display the logo of the political party that most closely represents your own political beliefs right now. You can
easily access the party’s logo by visiting their website or obtaining some campaign material. Provide three reasons why
you chose this party. BE SPECIFIC! If you are having trouble, refer back to the political spectrum material. You can
choose a federal political party or an Ontario political party.

Slide 4: Display some or all of the lyrics to a song you like that has a political message to it. Be sure to include the
artist’s name, the name of the album/CD and the year it was released. When displaying the lyrics, use symbols like
*&#$@! to replace any swear or other inappropriate words. (Try to avoid songs that use excessive profanity or
inappropriate language!). Next to the lyrics, explain the viewpoint that the artist is expressing, the political issue or
situation that drives the content of the song (this may require some additional research) and finally, explain why you
personally enjoy this song
Slide 5: Of the issues listed below, choose the three that you think are most important. Explain why.

Issues List:
1. The government should do more to protect the environment, even if it means higher taxes.
2. The government should spend more money to build a stronger military for Canada.
3. There should be tougher penalties for criminals.
4. Doctor-assisted suicide should be extended to anyone wanting to end their life.
5. The government should allow more immigrants and refugees to come to Canada.
6. The government should allow privatization of the health care system.
7. Funding for education must be increased, even if it means higher taxes.
8. Funding for health care must be increased, even if it means higher taxes.
9. The government should legalize all recreational drugs and focus on addiction treatment instead of punishing drug
10. Voting in elections should be compulsory.
11. Globalization and free trade are good.
12. There should be a national day care program.
13. Quebec should be allowed to separate from the rest of Canada if it wants to.
14. Minimum wage should be increased.
15. The government should increase foreign aid.
16. Those who collect welfare should be forced to work for it.
17. Young offenders should receive the same punishment for violent crimes as adults.
18. Canada should try to create closer ties with the United States.
19. The Canadian military should continue to focus primarily on peacekeeping missions.
20. Canada should include more options for gender identity on identification cards, not just male and female.
21. Canada should abolish the monarchy and replace the Queen with a Canadian figurehead.

Slides 6+: Using academic and reliable newspaper or news sites, choose a municipal, provincial, and federal current
issue (ex. military support for Ukraine). Explain the issue AND what how you think the government should address the
issue. Include the link to the article and the information from the article on your slides. You need to choose one issue
the federal government deals with, one issue the provincial government deals with and one issue the municipal
government deals with. You will have a total of three issues and at least three articles for this section.
Category Outstanding Good/Average Okay Needs Work Non Existent
80%-100% 70% - 79% 60% - 69% 50% - 59% 50% or Below
(Level 4) (Level 3) (Level 2) (Level 1) (Level R)
Knowledge & Project contains all Project contains all Project is missing one Project is missing Project is missing 4
Understanding required elements and required elements, and or two required three or more or more of the
all information is all instructions have elements and/or the required elements required elements
relevant. Plus a cool, been carefully followed. information included and/or the and/or the
random political Most information is is somewhat information included information included
"extra!" I never would relevant. irrelevant. is mostly irrelevant. lacks relevance.
have thought of that! Good job!
Thinking & Student shows Student shows good Student shows some Student shows little Student has included
Inquiry substantial evidence of evidence of critical evidence of critical evidence of critical no true evidence of
serious critical thinking. thinking. Political views thinking. Political thinking. critical thinking.
Political views are are clear. Most choices views are sometimes Explanations are Many explanations
clearly articulated and are well explained. I'd contradictory. Some unclear or too brief. are missing or are
well thought out. All like to see a bit more, choices are explained. It appears that you extremely unclear.
choices are well though. don't really know
explained. You know where you stand
exactly where you politically.
Communication Project contains only a Project contains a few Project contains some Project contains Project is filled with
few small spelling, (4-5) errors. Grade (6-10) errors. many errors. (11 - errors. (More than
capitalization or level vocabulary is Grade level 12) Vocabulary is 12). Vocabulary is
punctuation errors. used. Easy to read. vocabulary is used below grade level. well below grade
Word choice is above some of the time. Errors interfere with level and the errors
grade level. A pleasure Readable. understanding. and language are
to read. incomprehensible.

Superior verbal Good communication Communication and Communication and Student made no
communication and and presentation skills. presentation skills presentation skills attempt to present
presentation skills - Only a few moments require a bit of require a LOT of in a professional
voice level, tone, clarity where voice level, tone, practice. Voice level, practice. manner.
clarity were an issue. tone, clarity were
throughout the
Application Superior connections Solid connections are Some connections are Few connections are No connections are
are made between the made between the made between the made between the made between the
student’s political student’s political student's political student's political student's political
position and their position and their position and their position and their position and their
method of action. method of action. method of action method of action. method of action.
Mark: /50

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