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Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024

Name : …………………………………………

C;ass : VIII/ ………………………………… SCORE :


Day/ Date : …………………………………………

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar dari A, B, C atau D di bawah ini !

1. Miro: Really? It's a good news.

a. Can I have your attention, please?
b. I got it
c. Do you understand?
d. Are you with me?

This is for question number 2 - 3

Ms. Kaori : Attention, please! In this webinar meeting, I'd like to share some important information.
Students : Yes, Mom. We're listening
Ms. Kaori : During this Covid 19 pandemic, you are obliged to keep staying at home. You are not
allowed to go to public area for unnecessary things. The teaching and learning will be conducted in online
mode. That's why, you don't have to go school. Next, you need to eat healthy food and you have to do
sport at home. Stay safe and healthy, everyone!

2. The sentence 'Attention, please!' expresses....

a. Asking for attention
b. Showing for attention
c. Giving attention
d. Asking help

3. From the dialog above, we know that the students are prohibited to....
a. Stay at home
b. Go to school
c. Eat healthy food
d. Do exercise

This is for number 4-5

Dita : Lisa, do you hear the latest news about Jolie? She's getting a new boyfriend!
Lisa : What do you mean by new? Is she dating before?
Dita : Yes! Didn't you know about it? So now she's dating her new boyfriend. He's different from the
previous one.(4).........................
Lisa : Yeah, I understand
a. Do you understand what I am saying?
b. What do you mean?
c. May I know?
d. Tell me more
5. The sentence 'Yeah, I understand' expresses....
a. Checking for understanding
b. Showing for understanding
c. Lack of understanding
d. Showing for misunderstanding

Mingyu : Hi, Woo. I heard that your daughter scores the highest grades in the class.
Eun Woo : Yes, she is.
Mingyu : (6)................
Eun Woo : Thanks.
Mingyu : You must be very proud of her.
Eun Woo : Of course, I am.
Mingyu : May I know how she does well at school? Do you hire a tutor for her?

Eun Woo : Not at all. My daughter basically loves studying. She even spends her leisure time to
read. We can say that the library is her playground………….(7)

6. a.. What an outstanding (menonjol/ terkemuka) student she is.

b. What a poor girl.( miskin/ lemah)
c. That's awful (hebat)
d. I don't like her

7. a. Checking for understanding

b. Showing for understanding
c. Lack of understanding
d. Showing for misunderstanding

This Question for number 8-9

RM : Hi, Jin. You look happy today. What's happening?

Jin : I just got hired by Bighit Company!
RM : That's really remarkable! Congratulations! I am happy for you.
Jin : Thank you. I still can't believe that I finally get a job!
RM : You deserve it, man. I know how you tried really hard to find a job.
Jin : Those are nice words to say. Thanks.
RM : We should celebrate it.
Jin : You're right! How about eating pizza?
RM : That's a great idea. The pizza is on me.

8. That's really remarkable!' The sentence means that....

a. RM wants to work at NCT Company
b. RM appreciate Jin
c. RM is not proud of Jin
d. RM congratulates Jin

9. The following statements are true, except....

a. RM is going treat Jin to pizza
b. Jin just got hired by Bighit Company
c. RM praises Jin
d. RM and Jin work at Bighit Company

Iqbal : So, do you think that Jakarta is a great place to live? An

Igga : I believe that, yes. There are so many place to go in Jakarta. But, it's not easy to travel around the
city. Jakarta is too crowded
Iqbal : What do you think about the idea that there are too many people living in Jakarta?
Angga : I think so. There are a lot of people but it makes the city is always busy and exciting.
10. The dialog above tells us that Iqbal is....
a. Asking for leaving Jakarta
b. Waiting for help
c. Sharing an opinion
d. Asking for an opinion

Dirga : Look! There's a guitar in this room.

Ananta : That's right. Mas Dirga, Can you play a guitar?
Dirga : Yes, I can. My dad taught me when I was in elemantary school. What about you, Nanta?
Ananta : I can't play guitar. Have you ever performed playing guitar on stage?
Dirga : No, I have not. But I will play a song special for you, Ananta.
Ananta : Really? Ok, I am listening
Dirga : Do you enjoy it?
Ananta: Yes, I do.

11. From the dialogue above can be conclude....

a. Dirga is not able play guitar
b. Ananta can play guitar
c. Dirga performed piano on stage
d. Dirga can play guitar

12. Students … eat in the classroom.

a. should

b. shouldn’t
c. must
d. have to
13. Giving appreciation is for …
a. praise someon
b. saying happy birthday
c. giving attention
d. giving suggestion

Wati : You look cute with your new hair cut.

Iwan: Thank you for saying so.
14. What does Wati mean?
a. She congratulates Iwan.
b. She compliments Iwan
c. She does not like Iwan’s new hair cut.
d. She wants to have a new hair cut.

15. Mrs En: Congratulations on winning the Physics Olympiad.

Sitana : ………
What will Sitana probably say?
a. Thank you
b. agree with you.
c. I don’t think so.
d. That’s not true.

Edo : I think all animals in the zoo should be locked up in cages.

Woman : I don’t think so.
16. What does the woman mean?
a. She agrees with the man’s opinion.
b. She disagrees with the man’s opinion.
c. She thinks that all animals should be locked up in cages.
d. She thinks that all animals should have cages.

Ando : What do you think about our new teacher?

Wita : I think he is very talkactive
17. What does Wita mean?
a. She thinks that their new teacher is very active.
b. She thinks that their new teacher is very attractive.
c. She thinks that their new teacher needs to talk much.
d. She thinks that their new teacher talks too much.

18. Mr. Budi : . . . . Are we all ready to learn English

Students : Yes, Ma’am
a. Do you understand
b. I think so
c. What do you think
d. Attention, please

19. Mr. Budi : What about you, Natasha? . . . . if we use English in our English class?
Natasha : Yes, we will use English in our English class
a. Do you understand
b. I think so
c. What do you think
d. Attention, please

20. Rama : Your picture is . ... . . ! I like the colour

Beta : Thanks

a. Bad
b. Beautiful
c. Horrible
d. Mad

21. Mr. Budi : . . . . ?

Student : Yes, Sir
a. Do you know what I mean?
b. Do you think
c. You don’t understand
d. Don’t you remember

22. Student : . . . . What is ‘attention’ in Bahasa Indonesia?

Mr. Budi: Attention is “perhatian”
a. sorry
b. yes, please
c. Excuse me
d. really
23. Teacher : Do you understand?
Students: Yes, sir!
What kind of expression that teacher gives?
a. asking for attention
b. checking understanding
c. asking for suggestion
d. giving opinion
24. Susan: Toni, do you understand with this subject?
Toni : Not really. Can you help me with that?
What kind of expression that Susan gives?
a. giving instruction
b. giving appreciation
c. checking understanding
d. asking for attention

25. Juli : Woa, what a beautiful dress today, Maureen!

Mirna: Thank you
What kind of expression does Juli gives?
a. giving appreciation
b. giving suggestion
c. asking for appreciation
d. asking for suggestion

26. Mr. Edo : Attention, please! Are you ready to learn English now?
Student : Yes, Sir.
The underline word “Attention, please!” above means…
a. Peringatan
b. Perhatikan
c. Pelajarilah
d. Pastikanlah

27. Ida : What a beautiful

Mia: Thanks.
Ida : Can I borrow it?
Mia: Here it is.
The word “beautiful” is opposite with …
a. Nice
b. Awesome
c. Good
d. Bad

Soal Dialog Soal 28 – 29

Rada : Do you understand the homework?
Cindy : No, I don’t. How about you? Do you understand the homework?
Rada : Yes, I do.
28. Does Rada understand the homework?
a. Yes, she do.
b. No, she don’t.
c. Yes, she does.
d. No, she doesn’t.

29. Does Cindy understand the homework?

a. Yes, she do.
b. No, she don’t.
c Yes, she does.
d. No, she doesn’t.

Dialog Soal 30
Reza : What do you think about my new hairstyle? Am I beautiful with it?
Fami : I think you are beautiful with it.
Reza : And you are so beautiful too, Fami.
Fami : Thanks my twin.

30. The words “What do you think about my new hairstyle?” are the expression of …
a. Asking opinion
b. Showing appreciation
c. Giving opinion
d. Giving invitation


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