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COD DND Vendor


Potion of Healing - 300 points - 2d4 + 2 healing

Potion of Speed - 300 points - Speed increased by 20 feet for 1 minute

Potion of Greater healing - 400 points - 4d4 + 2 healing

Potion of Growth - 500 points - Effects of Enlarge/Reduce for 1 hour

Potion of Heroism - 600 points - 10 temp hp and "Bless" spell for 1 hour

Spell slots

Recover 1st level spell slot - 200 points

Recover 2nd level spell slot - 300 points

Recover 3rd level spell slot - 800 points

Spell Scrolls

1st level spell Scroll - 300 points - save DC of 13 and an attack bonus of +5.

2nd level spell scroll - 500 points - save DC of 13 and an attack bonus of +5.

3rd level spell Scroll - 900 points - save DC of 15 and an attack bonus of +7.

4th level spell scroll - 1300 points - save DC of 15 and an attack bonus of +7.



Arrows/bolts (10) - 200 points

Spell casting focus - 300 points

Simple weapon - 300 points

Martial weapon - 600 points

+1 Magic weapon - 1000 points

+2 Magic weapon - 2000 points

Armour AC

Light Armour

Leather - 300 points - 11 + Dex modifier.

Studded leather- 400 points - 12 + Dex modifier.

Medium armour

Hide - 300 points - 12 + Dex modifier (max 2).

Chain shirt - 500 points - 13 + Dex modifier (max 2).

Scale mail - 600 points - 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) dis on stealth.

Breastplate - 700 points - 14 + Dex modifier (max 2).

Half plate - 1000 points - 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) dis on stealth.

Heavy armour

Ring mail - 400 points - 14 — Disadvantage 40 lb.

Chain mail - 600 points - 16 Str 13 Disadvantage 55 lb.

Splint - 1000 points - 17 Str 15 Disadvantage 60 lb.

Plate - 1600 points - 18 Str 15 Disadvantage 65 lb.

Shield - 400 points - +2

Misc Amount

Caltrops (10) - 200 points

Ball bearings (10) - 200 points

Chain (5metres) - 200 points

Grappling hook (1) - 100 points

Healers Kit (1) - 300 points

Holy Water (2) - 200 points

Ladder (1) - 100 points

Lantern (3) - 50 points

Lock (2) - 100 points

Oil (1) - 200 points

Rope (2) - 100 points

Shovel (1) - 50 points

torch (1) - 50 points

Hunting trap (1) - 150 points

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