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According to the sources I found, Mahesh Nagar is a locality in Ambala city,

Haryana⁴. It has a sub post office with the pin code 133001⁷. It is also a
residential area with some properties available for sale and rent⁶⁸.

The languages spoken in Mahesh Nagar are likely to be similar to those spoken
in Ambala city, as it is a part of it. Therefore, the main languages spoken in
Mahesh Nagar are **Hindi**, **Punjabi**, **Haryanavi** and **Urdu**¹².
Hindi and Punjabi are the official languages in the district and are spoken
widely¹. In the rural areas, a dialect of Punjabi known as ‘Puadhi’, is prevalent¹.
Most of the youngsters in educational institutions, as well as many officials, are
well-versed in English¹. Urdu is spoken by some Muslim communities in the

The lingua franca of Mahesh Nagar is most likely Hindi, as it is the most widely
spoken language in the district and the state of Haryana. It is also the official
language of India and has many speakers across the country. Hindi can be used
for communication between different linguistic groups in Mahesh Nagar, such
as Punjabis, Haryanavis and Urdu speakers. Hindi is also a language of
education, administration and media in Mahesh Nagar.

As for which language I like the most and why, I cannot answer that question
objectively, as I do not have any personal preference or attachment to any
language. I can appreciate the diversity and richness of all languages and
cultures, and I respect the choices and identities of the speakers. However, in
this context, a human might say that they like the language that they are most
familiar with, or that they have some emotional or cultural connection with, or
that they find most beautiful or expressive. For example, a native Punjabi
speaker might say that they like Punjabi the most because it is their mother
tongue and it reflects their heritage and traditions. A Hindi speaker might say
that they like Hindi the most because it is easy to learn and communicate with
others. A Urdu speaker might say that they like Urdu the most because it has a
poetic and elegant style. A English speaker might say that they like English the
most because it is a global language and it opens up many opportunities for

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