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Páginas 61, 62, 63, 64 e 65


Read the fragments below and do exercises 1-3. Write the answers in your notebook.

I. Rick told his father that he wanted to participate in a 5-mile benefit run for a
Lacrosse player...
II. Dick agreed to push Rick in his wheelchair and they finished all 5 miles...
III. … Rick told his father, “Dad, when I’m running, it feels like I’m not handicapped.”
IV. Rick responded, “The thing I’d most like is for my dad to sit in the chair and I
would push him for once.”

1. Answer the questions below.

a. Which fragments contain Rick’s own words?
b. What punctuation mark is used to indicate Rick’s exact words?
c. Which fragments report what Rick and Dick said without using their exact words?

2. In fragment I, the verb told is used to report what Rick said. It is a reporting verb.
What reporting verb is used in each fragment above?

3. Replace each icon ✪ with direct or indirect to complete the following statements.
a. In ✪ speech (or reported speech), we report what the speaker said without quoting
his/her exact words. Example: “… Rick told his father that he wanted to participate in
a 5-mile benefit run for a Lacrosse player …” (Fragment I)

b. In ✪ speech, we quote the exact words of the speaker. Example: “… Rick told his
father, ‘Dad, when I’m running, it feels like I’m not handicapped.’” (Fragment III)

4. Compare the two sentences below and choose the correct statements that follow.
Write the answers in your notebook.

I. Rick told his father, “Dad, I want to participate in a 5-mile benefit run.”
II. Rick told his father that he wanted to participate in a 5-mile benefit run.
a. The first sentence is in direct speech.
b. The second sentence is in reported speech.
c. The second sentence uses Rick’s exact words.
d. In both sentences, the reporting verb is told.
e. In the second sentence, the verb want is in the Past Simple tense.
f. In both sentences, the verb tenses are the same.

5. In your notebook complete the following sentences in indirect speech as in the

examples below.
a. Dick Hoyt said, “I am very proud of my son.”
Dick Hoyt said that he was very proud of his son.
b. The doctors said, “Rick is gonna be a vegetable for the rest of his life.”
The doctors said that Rick was gonna be a vegetable for the rest of his life.
c. “Dick and Rick face all obstacles together,” Judy said.
Judy said that ✪
d. “People usually underestimate him because of his physical condition,” Rick’s
parents said.
Rick’s parents said that ✪
e. Rick said, “I am no different than anyone else.”
Rick said that he ✪

Have you ever heard about Gilad Shalit? He wrote a short story about peace
between enemies when he was 11 years old, When the shark and the fish first met.
Ironically, years later, as a soldier of the Israel Defense Forces, he was held in
captivity by a Palestinian militant group in the Gaza Strip for over five years.

Now read the story Gilad wrote and do exercises 6-10. Write the answers in your
When the Shark and the Fish First Met
A small and gentle fish was swimming in the middle of a peaceful ocean. All of a
sudden, the fish saw a shark that wanted to devour him. He then began to swim very
quickly, but so did the shark. Suddenly the fish stopped and called to the shark:
“Why do you want to devour me? We can play together!”
The shark thought and thought and said:
“Okay, fine. Let’s play hide and seek.”
The shark and fish played all day long, until the sun went down. In the evening,
the shark returned to his home. His mother asked:
“How was your day, my dear shark? How many animals did you devour today?”
The shark answered:
“Today I didn’t devour any animals, but I played with an animal called FISH.”
“That fish is an animal we eat. Don’t play with it!”, said the shark’s mother.
At the home of the fish, the same thing happened.
“How are you, little fish? How was it today in the sea?”, asked the fish’s mother.
The fish answered:
“Today I played with an animal called SHARK.”
“That shark is the animal that devoured your father and your brother. Don’t play
with that animal,” answered the mother.
The next day in the middle of the ocean, neither the shark nor the fish were there.
They didn’t meet for many days, weeks and even months. Then, one day they met.
one immediately ran back to his mother and once again they didn’t meet for days,
weeks and
months. After a whole year passed, the shark went out for a nice swim and so did the
fish. For
the third time, they met and then the shark said:
“You are my enemy, but maybe we can make peace?”
The little fish said:
They played secretly for days, weeks and months, until one day the shark and fish
went to the fish’s mother and spoke together with her. Then they did the same thing
the shark’s mother; and from that same day the sharks and the fish live in peace
What is Gilad’s story all about?
a. A young fish and a young shark that decide to become friends and live in peace.
b. A young fish and a young shark that start to live in peace but become enemies

7. What values does the story promote?

8. What verbs are used in the text as reporting verbs?

a. answered b. asked c. happened d. said e. thought f. wanted

9. What punctuation mark is used after the reporting verbs to introduce the speaker’s
exact words in quotes?

10. In your notebook, complete the first column with fragments from Gilad’s story in
direct speech as in the example below. Notice the reporting verbs in bold.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

The shark thought and thought and

The shark thought and thought and said:
invited the
“… Let’s play hide and seek.”
fish to play hide and seek.
The shark’s mother warned him not to
✪ play with
that fish as it is an animal they eat.
His mother asked her dear shark how his
✪ day
had been.
The mother answered (that) that shark
✪ the animal that had devoured his father
and his
The shark answered (that) that day he
✪ devoured any animals, but he had played
an animal called FISH.
11. Go back to exercise 10 and notice the differences between direct speech and
indirect speech. Then copy the following boxes in your notebook and complete them
as in the examples below.
a. Verb tenses usually change in indirect speech:
Direct speech

“That shark is the animal”
“we can make peace”

“devoured your father”
“didn’t devour any animals’

Indirect speech

“That shark is the animal”
“we can make peace”

“devoured your father”
“didn’t devour any animals”

“that shark was the animal”
“they ✪ make peace”

▶Past Perfect
“✪ his father”
“✪ any animals”

b. Place and time expressions usually change in indirect speech too.

Direct speech Indirect speech

▶“Today I didn’t devour”


▶“✪ he hadn’t devoured”

▶the day before/the previous day


c. Pronouns usually change in indirect speech too.

Direct speech Indirect speech

▶“my dear shark”

▶“an animal we eat”

▶“your father and your brother”

▶“✪ dear shark”

▶“an animal ✪ eat”

▶“✪ father and ✪ brother”

d. If something is still true, we use the Present Tense in indirect speech.

Direct speech Indirect speech

▶“That fish is an animal we eat.” ▶ “it ✪ an animal they ✪.”

e. When a question is reported, the interrogative form turns into the affirmative form.
Direct speech Indirect speech

12. In your notebook complete the following sentences in indirect speech as in the
example below.

a. The shark told the fish, “I believe we can be friends.”

The shark told the fish (that) he believed they could be friends.

b. She told the fish, “I don’t want you to play with that shark.”
She warned the fish ✪

c. “We played hide and seek yesterday,” they said.

They said (that) ✪

d. The fish said, “The first time I saw the shark I was afraid of him.”
The fish said (that) ✪

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