0404 - GUG-S-16-5003 - Year - B.A. (With Credits) - Regular-Semester 2012 Sem II Subject - BA12A1 - Compulsory English

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(with Credits)-Regular-Semester 2012 Sem II

BA12A1 : Compulsory English

P. Pages : 3 GUG/S/16/5003
Time : Three Hours *0404* Max. Marks : 80

1. Answer the following questions in about 175 words each.

a) Summarise the conversation which the American lady had with the couple.


What happened after removing the statue of Lawley?

b) Comment on the mother's feelings with regard to her son in 'The Mother of a Traitor'. 10


What happened to Kong Yiji during the period when he did not visit the tavern?

2. Answer the following questions in about 100 words each. any three 15

i) Comment on the note of joy and delight in the poem 'All in June'.

ii) What is the central idea in the poem, 'The Little Waves of Breffny'?

iii) Describe the classroom as depicted in 'The Best of School'.

iv) What is the common purpose and action that is mentioned in 'To the Indians Who
Died in Africa'?

3. Attempt any three out of five of the following questions (a, b, c, d, e) 15

a) State whether the following statements are True or False.

i) The Expression "I'm afraid" is another way of saying "I'm Sorry".

ii) The 12 – hour system of expressing time uses the numerals 1 – 12 followed
by a.m. and p.m.

iii) A formal oral invitation does not need to be accompanied by a written invitation.

iv) While congratulating someone, do not say "congratulations on".

v) You could repeat expressions of thanks if you want to emphasis just how
thankful you are.

GUG/S/16/5003 1 P.T.O
b) Complete the dialogue given below :

(The phone rings in a railway inquiry office)

Railway Inquiry : Good Afternoon, Railway inquiry.

Caller : -------------- the Rajdhani Express to Delhi --------, please.

Railway Inquiry : --------- 7.15 in the morning, Ma'am.

Caller : Is it a daily train?

Railway Inquiry : No, Ma'am ----- five days a week.

Monday to Friday.

Caller : --------------

Railway Inquiry : -----------, Ma' am

c) Prepare a dialogue with the help of the given points.

i) Ganesh greets the Principal and asks him if his daughter, Ritu, would be allowed
to take the final exams.

ii) The Principal returns the greeting and says that Ritu could take the exams after
submitting a medical certificate from the doctor who had treated her.

iii) Ganesh thanks the Principal.

iv) Principal says that it is all right.

v) Ganesh promises to submit the medical certificate in two days.

vi) The Principal says that that would be fine.

d) Prepare a dialogue between Rima and Naresh. Rima invites her cousin Naresh to join
her and her brother on vocation. Naresh feels overjoyed and accepts the invitation.

e) Complete the following dialogue.

(Kaveri thanks her friend for his birthday gift)

Kaveri : ----------- the painting, Sudhir.

It has brightened up my room.

Sudhir : -----------, I'm ----------- .

Kaveri : ------------ come home and see how good it looks?

Sudhir : I will. --------

GUG/S/16/5003 2
4. Write an application for the post of a Primary Teacher in Pragatik Primary School, 8
Write a letter to your father requesting him to send 1,000/- Rupees for exam fees and other

5. a) Do as directed any three. 6

i) He is poor. He leads happy life. (Make Complex Sentence)

ii) I rang the bell. Nobody came to the door. (Make Compound Sentence)

iii) You will be punished if you are late. (Make Simple Sentence)

iv) He declared his ignorance in the matter. (Make Complex Sentence)

v) He advanced and achieved his goal. (Make Simple Sentence)

vi) Finding his task difficult, he left it. (Make Compound Sentence)

b) Give one word for the following. 3

i) That cannot be seen

ii) One who talks too much

iii) Life story of a person written by himself.

c) Change the voice. 8

i) My sister will cook dinner tonight.

ii) The students are asking questions.

iii) We love our nation.

iv) She has won the dancing competition.

d) Give the synonyms of the following. 2

i) Real
ii) Beautiful

e) Give the Antonyms of the following. 3

i) Bless
ii) Like
iii) Life


GUG/S/16/5003 3 P.T.O
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