OET Vocabulary

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A list of frequently used words collected from OET official, OET online, E2, IRS and

Benchmark’s mock tests, and from Medscape and Medical Journal of Australia’s articles.

Discerned : perceive, recognized

Abate: (of something perceived as hostile, threatening, or negative) become less intense or widespread.
Synonyms: subside, die down, lessen,

Amenable : willing to comply ‫تیار‬

Implication : being involved ,possible result of something

compelling: evoking attention, interest, admiration

Unambiguous : clear ‫واضح‬

Reimbursement : repay, satisfy. ‫باز ادائیگی‬

A thorn in side : something that continually causes problems for you

Resent: disapprove ‫ناراضگی‬

Innovative : modern ‫جدید‬

Deceit : betrayal
Cajole: flattery ‫چاپلوسی‬

Purport : appear or claim to be or do something, especially falsely; profess. ‫دعوی‬

Value-free: not making judgment /Non judgmental


Endeavored : try hard


Contentious : controversial

Perturbation : anxiety, mental uneasiness

walk the walk:

to show that something is true by your actions rather than your words

Culminate : reach a climax or point of highest development.

Embraced : accept, support

Vaping: e cigarette

Proponent : supporter ‫حامی‬

Skeptic: a person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions.‫شکی‬

Detractors : ‫روکنے وال‬

Subverting : bring down /overturn ‫زوال‬

Perverse : stubborn ‫ٹیڑھا ہونا‬

Pervasive : widespread

Unravel :undo

Vivisection :surgery/ use of animals in physiology

Blistering : harsh, aggressive

Dissemination : widespread

Unabated : continue without abating

Discordance: lack of harmony ‫اختالف‬

Furor :‫ہنگامہ‬

Navigate : to control & direct

The tide is turning : reverse the situation

Constellation : group

Underpinning : support / foundation

Skeptical : skeptical

Marvel: a wonderful or astonishing

Remedy : a medicine or treatment of disease


Perpetuate : make (something, typically an undesirable situation or an unfounded belief) continue


Impetus : force/ energy ‫محرک‬


Vigilant : keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.

Complacent : ‫مطمئن‬

Stewardship : job of supervising

Heed: to pay attention

Adamant: unshakable / determined

Escort : protector, gauard

Deem: regard or consider in a specified way.

Refrain: stop oneself from doing something.

Incentive : a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something.‫حوصلہ افزائی‬

Fork out: to pay large amount of money

Prudent : acting with or showing care and thought for the future. ‫محتاط‬

Convention : a way in which something is usually done, especially within a particular area or activity.

Whim: a sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained.

Robust: strong

Worn. Damaged /shabby

Offset. Counteract

Compassion : sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

Preclude :prevent from happening; make impossible

Impede: delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder

Unwitting : unaware, unintentional

Sporadic : random, rare, occasional


Unfettered : release from restraint

commemorate: ‫یاد منانا‬


Devastating : highly destructive ‫تباہ کن‬


Errand : task, job, assignment ‫کام‬


Construed : interpret in a particular way ‫سمجھا جاتا ہے‬

Rabid: having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something. ‫پاگل‬

Vigilant : keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.

Disparities: a great difference.‫اختالفات‬

Abstinent : refrain ‫پرہیز‬

Unforeseen: not predicted or anticipated

Confinement: imprisonment

Erroneous: wrong, incorrect

Supplant : replace
Plasticity : the quality of being easily shaped or moulded.


a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual.

Grey area:

an ill-defined situation or area of activity not readily conforming to a category or set of rules.

Enthrall : capture the fascinated attention of.‫سحر انگیز‬

Stack up: build up,

Straw in the wind:

something that suggests what might happen.

come/get (down) off your high horse:

to stop talking as if you were better or more clever than other people:

Rock the boat:

say or do something to disturb an existing situation and upset people.
Mundane : lacking interest or excitement; dull.

Permeate: spread throughout


Very specific, clear, or detailed



Implied indirectly, without being directly expressed

Stark: hard, firm

incessantly (not comparable)

In a manner without pause or stop, especially to the point of annoyance; not ceasing.

Thin air:

used to refer to the state of being invisible or non-existent.

Medical Journal of Australia

Repeal: annulling a bill

Discrepancy : a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.

Gillick competent : medical law to decide whether a child is able to consent to their own medical

Unanimous : fully agreement


an estranged husband or wife is not now living with the person they are married to.

Parens patriate:

the monarch, or any other authority, regarded as the legal protector of citizens unable to protect

Noxious : harmful or injurious to health

Demon: A person's fears or anxieties/ inner genius / ghost

Out of woods : out of difficulties

Timid: Lacking in courage or confidence.

Linger: stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave.

Memoir : Autobiography
Befuddled: confused or perplexed

Self-deprecating : trying to make yourself, your abilities, or your achievements seem less important:

opt out: choose not to participate in something.


Repercussion: consequences

Plea: appeal, petition


Allegedly : ‫مبینہ طور پر‬

Overkill : excessive use, treatment, or action.

Trivial: ignorable, of little value

Vow: consent, declare, confess

Speculate : form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence.

Curb: restrain or keep in check.

Transfixed: (someone) to become motionless with horror, wonder, or astonishment.

Expedite : make happen sooner or quick

Repurposed: adapt for use in a different purpose.

Tenet: An opinion, belief, or principle that is held as absolute truth by someone or especially an


Being an element; present in the essence of a thing

In the shadow of someone: receiving little attention because someone else is better known or more

Take-home message:

the main message or piece of information that you learn from something:

Delineation : a graphic verbal description.

Discrepancy :a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.‫تضاد‬

Pitfall :a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty.‫نقصانات‬

Near miss: a near miss, "near hit", "close call", or "nearly a collision" is an unplanned event that has the
potential to cause, but does not actually result in human injury.

Unprecedented: never known or done before ‫ہے مثال‬

Pre-eminence: superiority ‫اہمیت‬

Prestige: ‫حیثیت‬, ‫وقار‬

Inexorable: unable to stop or prevent


concomitant: naturally associated


To raise a red flag:


To offer a sign or signal indicating potential, incipient, or imminent danger or trouble.

Sluggish : slow to act or respond:

Render: to cause, to become

Counterproductive: more of a hindrance than a help.

Indemnity: repay, compensate

Jeopardy: danger of loss, harm, or failure. ‫خطرہ‬

Leveled off: stop increasing or remain same

Curtail: to shorten

Contingent: Possible or liable, but not certain to occur; incidental; unpridicted


A leave of absence or vacation.

Misconduct : misbehave, mismanage

Push off the pedestal : to harm someone's reputation

Back-burner: postpone consideration of or action.

Compel : force to do something

Legacy: ‫میراث‬

Aftermath: consequences/aftereffects of a significant unpleasant event.


The mental ability to recover quickly from depression, illness or misfortune.

Bottom line : fundamental & most important factor

Malicious : deliberately harm

Meticulous: overlay conscious/

Characterized by very precise, conscientious attention to details.

Allude: mention something indirectly / suggesting


old-fashioned, out of date

Ecstasy : overwhelming feeling of great happiness


Annihilation : complete destruction ‫فنا‬


Intricately: complicated or detailed


Wary: feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.‫ہوشیار‬

Paucity : too few, smaller, insufficient

Nosology: The study of diseases; the systematic investigation

Set in stone : completely decided, can't be changed

inequity: A lack of justice; injustice.

Disproportionate : too large or too small in comparison with something else.

Sanctuary : place of safety /refuge, protection

Remunerate : to compensate, to pay.

Tenancy: ‫کرایہ داری‬

Benchmark :

Pros & cons: Advantages & disadvantages

Quest : Search

Grim: threatening, ‫سنگین‬

Ice breaker : thing that release tension between people

Dubious : doubting

Speculative : risky or unproven idea

Disentangling : to separate joined things

Tandem: together, same time

Extrapolate : to predict future outcome on the basis of known facts

unconscionable: excessive, unreasonable

Trickle : decreasing ? Very thin

conspicuous: clear ‫واضح‬

Allegiance : commitment, loyalty

Disseminate – to spread or scatter

Gastrodynia- stomach pain


To eat humble pie: admitting and confessing


Palliative : Minimising the progression of a disease and relieving undesirable symptoms for as long as

possible, rather than attempting to cure the/ soothing

Constraint: To keep within close bounds; to confine.

Conflict of interest:

a situation in which the concerns or aims of two different parties are incompatible/

a situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in
their official capacity.

Viciousness: extreme cruelty

In the meantime : the time before something happens or before a specified period ends

Whereabouts: locality of a person

Woefully: extremely, very

Respite : short period of rest from something difficult

Respite care : short term or temporary care of the sick or disabled, designed to provide some relief to
the regular caregiver.

Arbitrary : based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. Unreasonable,
unsupported, irrational

Fraught: full

Liaison: interaction , communication , cooperation

Drove: herd, flock, many people

Exhilarating: make feel very happy, elated or thrilled

Fecund: fruitful, fertile

Willy-nilly: without choice

Life-affirming: having emotionally or spiritually uplifting effect

Virtuous : having or showing high moral standards. ‫نیک‬

Reticent : silent, reserved, not revealing thought ip

A snowball effect : a situation in which something increases in size or importance at a faster and faster

Shelved : decide not to proceed with either temporarily or permanently/ suspended

Pave: cover, ‫ہموار‬


Afflict : cause pain or suffering


Plausible : (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.


Precarious : not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

On board: supportive, agree

Scrutiny : critical observation or examination.

Laid out: arrange

Discernible : detectable

Ostracize : exclude

Undermine: lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously.‫مجروح‬

Wax & wane : increasing & decreasing in strength

Outstrip: to exceed / surpass

Donning: to fit on, to dress in

Doff: to remove , to get rid off

Allied: in partnership, associated

It's a big if: used to say that something is not likely

Stoic: enduring pain and hardship without showing one's feelings or complaining.

Rampant : flourishing or spreading unchecked.‫روز بروز بڑھتی ہوئی‬

Quash : reject or void

Endorse : authenticate, certify

Hospice: A specialized facility or organization offering palliative care for the terminally ill

Disguise: give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal one's identity.

Disgust: a feeling of revulsion or strong disapproval aroused by something unpleasant or offensive.

Articulate : clear, effective/ express (an idea or feeling) fluently and coherently.

Modest: small, moderate

Swindle: to defraud

Rigorous: extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate.

Inasmuch: in same/like manner

Endurance: persistence, stamina

Recreational: for enjoyment


Commence: to begin /start


Uneventful: not marked by interesting or exciting event ‫ناگوار‬


Preclude: remove the possibility, rule out

Anecdote: An account which supports an argument, but which is not supported by scientific or statistical

Facsimile: a copy

Obloquy: false allegations

Redundant: no longer needed

Accrue: to increase

Confer: grant or bestow (a title, degree, benefit, or right/degeee).

Abhor: regard with disgust and hatred.

Hasty: urgency, excessive speed

Futile: nonprofit able

Fidget : to move around idly

Squirm: move in snake like motion

Dodgy: unreliable, risky, dishonest

Alleged: supposed but doubtful / suspected

Prudent: cautious

Soaring: ascending

Bread and butter: fundamental /central / business survival

Doctor shopping: visiting multiple doctor for prescription usually illegal

Trepidation: fearful ot cautious state

Hoops: requirements

apt: suitable, appropriate, fit

Hurdle: artificial barrier

Rigmarole: complex, obsolete procedure

In the wake of: in the view

naysayer: one who constantly denies, criticize, or doubts

Cramming/cram: To press, force, or drive, particularly in filling, or in thrusting one thing into another ‫رٹنا‬

Bemoan: complaining or moaning about something


flabbergasted: Annoyed, exhausted or disgusted.


Conjecture: unproved idea, supposition

Skimping: done inefficiently

Unclog: to remove a barrier

Blatant: openly, obvious, clear

Cordial: sincerely, warm

Subterfuge: deceit used in order to achieve one's goal.

Intuitively: Immediate cognition without the use of conscious rational processes.

Repercussion: consequence

precarious: not in secure position

Mopping-up: the activity of dealing with a small number of people, problems, etc. that remain after
most of them have been defeated or solved/ clean-up
Offhand: care less / without thinking

Disingenuous: unworthy of honor

Halt: to limp

Inadvertently: unintentionally

Bleak: cold and miserable

Thornier problem: troublesome

Jury is still out: not yet decided

Afflict: to cause pain, suffering

Unprecedented: never known or happen before ‫بے مثال‬

Languish: To live in miserable or disheartening conditions

Opt: to make choice

stringent: strict, tight

stymied: fail, confuse, stuck

Horrendous: awful, bad, terrible


A chronological mistake; the erroneous dating of an event, circumstance, or object.



falling behind, not keeping up the pace


Illicit: illegal, prohibited,

Condone: to forgive overlook

Punitive: punishment

Profane: unclean


(clothing) One's dress; what one wears; one's clothes.

Backlash: sudden backward movement

Wheel start come off: someone or something fails in a sudden or unexpected way

Salient: obvious, worthy of note

Holy grail: something that is extremely difficult to find or get:

Dread: fear greatly

Apprehension: anticipation of unfavourable condition

Emblematic: representative, symbol,

Impediment: a hindrance; that which impedes or obstructs progress.

Coalition: a temporary group or union of organizations

Embodies: includes, represents

Tangible: substantial, touchable, visible, noticeable

Bolster: to support

Implore: to beg urgently or earnestly

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