Psy 8513-Assignment 1

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How does fear of failure impact creativity in high school students?


In our world today, creativity is becoming increasingly important for success, due to its

competitive and fast-paced nature. However, one major challenge faced by high school students

is the fear of failure, which could potentially hinder creativity in these learners. The aim of this

study is to explore the impact of fear of failure on creativity in high school students.

Understanding this relationship will help us develop strategies to help students overcome the fear

of failure and unlock their creative potential to meet the demands of this era. This study will

contribute to the field of education by providing insights into overcoming fear and inspiring



Creativity is defined as the generation of original and valuable ideas within a specific setting

(Plucker et al., 2004; Runco & Jaeger, 2012). As humans, we sometimes need motivation to

unlock our hidden potential. Motivation can come in a variety of forms, some good and some

unpleasant. One of those unpleasant sources of motivation is fear of failure. The dread of what

may happen when one fails at a task, activity, or exercise may lead to this phenomenon (Lazarus,

1991[4]; Warr, 2000[5]). Several research studies have shown that high school students

experience this fear and may probably experience it the most. A study by the OECD

(Organization of Economic Corporation and Development) in 2017 shows that around 54.8% of

students experience fear of failure. This number may be higher in today’s society as people tend

to be more anxious than they used to be (Newman, 2018). According to research, when high
school students are afraid of embarrassing or disappointing significant others, they tend to take

less or no risk. This lack of risk-taking may impede the development of original and valuable

ideas among high school students.


The study will use a mixed-method approach to investigate the impact of fear of failure
(independent variable) on creativity (dependent variable) in high school students.

The population of this study will include students from Starkville High School and Armstrong

Junior High School. The study will use a non-probability sampling technique (Census Sampling

technique). In order to promote diversity and inclusion, all students will participate in this study.

Data Collection

To collect quantitative data, a questionnaire will be distributed to all students to assess the levels

of fear of failure and how it affects creativity. Binary questions such as yes/no and agree/disagree

will be employed. To gather qualitative data, in-depth interviews will be conducted with a subset

of students from both schools. Participants for the interview will be selected using voluntary

response sampling. Open-ended questions will be used to encourage rich and detailed responses.

Interviews will be recorded using a mobile device and transcribed for analysis.

Data Analysis

Pearson’s correlational analysis will be used to analyze data from interviews and questionnaires.

This statistical method will be used to find the relationship between fear of failure and creativity.

Ethical considerations
Ethical guidelines will be observed throughout the study to ensure participant confidentiality and

privacy. Informed consent will be obtained from all participants before their involvement.

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