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Unit 9 Influential People In this unit, I will learn to . . .

• talk about influential people.

• make word changes in reported
speech: reporting verbs.
1I Get Ready Pair and Share • read and summarize.
• listen and take notes in charts.
Mira a las personas en las fotos y responde en
Nameand Share
a few of the most influential people in your inglés. ¿Qué sabes de ellos? ¿Por qué son
2 Ilife and how they
have changed you. influyentes?
A. Look at the people in the pictures. What do you know about them?
Discussion Why are they influential? Listen to the audio.
3I Grammar

4I Listening

Albert Einstein (14 March, 1879–18 April, 1955) has inspired authors, playwrights, film directors, and
5 Pronunciation
Iartists. He was famous for developing the theoryPair and aShare
of relativity, very important idea in modern physics,
and the world’s most famous equation, E = mc2. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Pair and
Amelia Share
Mary Earhart (24 July, 1897–2 July 1937) was the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic
Ocean. She went on to set many more records and wrote a number of best-selling books about her
6 Iflying experiences.
Conversation Pair and Share
She also attracted a lot of media attention. Her achievements in aviation inspired a
generation of female aviators.
Pair and Share
Elon Musk is a South African-born, Canadian-American pioneering engineer and entrepreneur. He
7 Istarted SpaceX, TeslaReading
Motors, co-Zip2, and PayPal, and is chairman of Solar City and co-chair of OpenAI.
He is the inventor of Hyperloop, a high-speed transportation system. OpenAI, one of his most recent
inventions, explores the potential of artificial intelligence for the benefit and advancement of space
research and humanity.
8I 1I Writing
Get Ready LeePair and Share
las oraciones y encierra en un círculo V si
B. Read the sentences and circle T for True or
es Verdadero o F si es Falso. Corrija las
F for False. Correct the false statements. With a partner, ask and answer
afirmaciones falsas.
questions about influential people.
1. Albert2Einstein
I developedVocabulary
the theory  T   F
of relativity. Why was Amelia Earhart

She was the first female ­aviator

2. Albert3Einstein
I Grammar T   F
was a Canadian-
and inspired many women.
American entrepreneur.
Ask and answer questions about
people who influenced you.
4 Earhart
3. Amelia I inspired menListening
and  T   F
women to become aviators.
Who motivates and inspires you?

4. Elon Musk is involved in many  T   F A number of people motivate and

5 I engineering
pioneering Pronunciation
projects. Pair and Share
inspire me, including my parents,
Stephen Hawking, and Malala.
84 Unit 9
6I Conversation Pair and Share
Pair Adivina el significado de las palabras en
2 I and Share
Vocabulary negrita. Las que no sepas buscalas en el
A. Listen to the audio and read along. Guess the meaning of the words in bold.
3 ICharisma is an important
Grammarquality for people who have leadership aspirations. However, that special
personal appeal cannot make one an accomplished leader, on its own. Ambitious leaders are
knowledgeable, skillful, and very determined. They set goals and offer opportunities for each team
member to reach their potential. Real leaders motivate and inspire others to achieve their goals.
4 I and Share Listening

Word Box
5 Iaccomplished
determined Pair and Share
ambitious inspire
aspiration motivate
6 and Share
Conversation Pair and Share
charisma talented

7 and Share Reading
I Completa las oraciones usando las palabras del recuadro.
B. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.
1. Young people’s dreams and are influenced by the people they admire.
8 I and Share Writing
2. She was so that when she was only 16 years old, she won an Olympic gold medal.

3. can only help you so much. You will also need to prove that you can accomplish
Pair and Share
goals and inspire others.

4. His performance won him many awards.

5. It is difficult to support to finance a new project.

6. His speeches a lot of people, but we don’t know if they will vote for him.

7. Having the ability to others is considered one of the most important skills
for leadership.

8. In spite of all the the press gave the film, audiences just were not impressed by it, so
it failed.

C. Choose the correct word. Elige la palabra correcta.

1. The (aspiration / attention) of many young scientists is to be like Einstein and come up with a
revolutionary new theory.
2. His charisma and (outstanding / ambitious) speaking abilities have made him a popular choice among
3. She was so (talented / determined ) to help others that she risked a lot in order to popularize her ideas.

Unit 9 85

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