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7I Reading Reading Strategy:

Read for specific and main ideas

Before Reading • Read the text once to understand the
8 Writing
IA. Look at the picture. He’s giving an academic talk. main ideas.
Have you been to an academic talk recently? What • Read the text again to answer the
comprehension questions.
was the topic?

Pair and Share

B. Read the article and underline the key details.
TED® Talks
A TED talk is a global conference organized by the non-profit organization, the Sapling Foundation. TED
stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design and its slogan is Ideas Worth Spreading. The first TED talk
was held in 1984 and was planned as a unique event. In 1990, however, it became an annual conference and
since the birth of YouTube®, TED talks have become available for free. Over 2,000 topics are available online,
and collectively, they have reached over one billion views. Talks are mostly on technology, or scientific,
academic, and other contemporary cultural topics. The most popular tend to be the academic talks.

The talks range in length from about 5 to 20 minutes. Most talks can be categorized into technology,
entertainment, design, business, global issues, and science. It is possible to find talks on a variety of topics—
from activism to youth. If the speaker needs images to illustrate what he or she is saying, these are shown on
a large screen. Because of their global reach, TED talks are a great way to inform people about advances in
science or technology. CDs, for example, were introduced to the general public in the first TED talk.
Pair and Share
TED talks are popular because they are usually short, entertaining, thought-provoking, inspiring, and
because speakers usually have great presentation techniques. They can convince the audience to
change the way they think or to take action on a subject. TED talks are popular in education. They are
Pair and
quick Sharetools to get ideas across to a group of students in a classroom. They can be good
and effective
starting points for a research project or a class discussion. There is even a special platform called
TED-Ed, which is intended specifically for use in the classroom.

Most importantly, TED talks can have a profound effect on society. The most popular talk—with over
38 million views—has been Sir Ken Robinson’s presentation on how education has a negative effect
on creativity. In his 20-minute talk, Robinson uses humor and graphics to explain how important it is to
prepare children for the future. He argues that schools, instead of fostering children’s natural creativity,
tend to stifle it by promoting the idea that there is only one correct answer to any question.
74 Unit 7
1I Get Ready Pair and Share
Another very popular talk has been former U.S. Vice President Al Gore’s talk on climate change. Gore,
who won a Nobel Prize in 2007 for his efforts to prevent climate change, mentions 15 individual actions
2 Vocabulary
Ieach of us can take to combat the problems associated with global warming. These actions include
buying hybrid cars, reducing emissions from homes and automobiles, using public transportation, buying
products without a lot of packaging, and creating awareness among other members of our communities.

3 IA third popular TEDGrammar

talk is by Sherry Turkle, a sociologist. Her talk is titled “Connected but Alone,” and
in it, Turkle talks about how our devices are not only changing the way we interact with other people,
but how we define human communication. The talk invites us to think seriously about the kind of human
interaction we want, before it is too late.
4I Listening
TED talks are sometimes funny, sometimes inspiring, and sometimes both, but they always express ideas
that are changing the world today.
Responde a las preguntas coloreando en el texto anterior las
5 IAfter Reading
Pronunciation Pair andunoShare
respuestas con 6 colores diferentes; para cada pregunta.
C. Answer the questions.
1. When did TED talks become annual events? 4. How long are TED talks?
6 I2. How many Conversation
talks are available online? Pair 5.and Share
Why are TED talks popular in education?
3. What kind of talks are the most popular? 6. What has been the most popular talk so far?

Si te invitaran a hablar en
7 ID. If you were invited to talk at TED, what would you talk about? Share with a partner.
Reading TED, ¿de qué hablarías?

8I Writing Writing Strategy:

Show cause and effect

A. Think of a great idea—something you think will Use these expressions to show cause
and effect:
make someone’s life better. (It doesn’t have to be
your idea.) Answer these questions and take notes. • so • as a result
• because • in order to
1. What is the idea?
2. How does it work?
3. What do you like about it?
4. Why is this a good idea?

B. Read the example and underline the expressions of cause and effect.
I think people who speak English should give classes to people who don’t. So, if you like to teach, you
can teach other people. If you don’t, you can use your abilities to create materials for teaching and
learning. I like this idea because people can share with others what they know. I think it’s a good idea
because it will help people learn something as a result.

C. Write a paragraph about your idea in Activity A that includes your answers to the
four questions. Write between 80 and 100 words.

Unit 7 75
UNIT 8 The World of Design In this unit, I will learn to . . .
• talk about aspects of design and
• use too and enough and make
1I Get Ready Pair and Share comparisons with as . . . as.
Pair and Share ¿Te gustan los productos Apple®? •Responde
predict and identify register when
de forma
listening and reading.
What is good design? corta. Recuerda usar yes/not, I + auxiliary
2 IA. Do you like Vocabulary
Apple® products? Discuss the question with a partner.

Discussion Apple: A Case Study in Design

3 IThere are many options

when selecting a computer, a
tablet, or a smartphone. But among all these many choices,
Apple products stand out.

What sets Apple products apart from their competitors?

4 IThey are designed with
the user in mind. In the 80s
and 90s, early computers were designed by computer
experts. They assumed that everyone was as good at
using computers as they were. They didn’t realize that
5 Icomputers were
Pronunciation Pair
too complicated for most people and Share
to use.
Pair and
Apple Share
computers were different because designers tried
to make them simple to use. The designers at Apple took
6 Iinto account how people think and then used that logic in
Conversation Pair and Share
their products. Apple computers were more user-friendly, Apple products stand out because of
evenand Share
for people with little experience. their design.

Today, this seems like common sense, but it wasn’t always so. In the past, it was common to have
7 Iproducts that workedReading
well but weren’t convenient to use. They were built by engineers, and it often felt
like they were built for engineers, too.

Nowadays, many companies are taking design

8 Iseriously. They want toWriting
create attractive, engaging,
1 I Get Ready
and user-friendly products—products with features Pair and Share
that consumers will want to buy.
Ask and answer questions about Apple
Lee el texto, y responde las preguntas y colorealas con 4 colores diferentes en el texto..
B. Read 2 the Vocabulary
I text and answer the questions.
Do you think Apple products are
1. In what ways is computer design different now better than others?
from in the past?
Yes, I think the design is
3I Grammar very easy to use.
2. What made Apple computers different from
others? Ask and answer questions about
electronic devices that you use.
4I Listening
3. Which word means convenient to use? What kind of phone / laptop /
tablet do you have?

4. What is the common trend in design nowadays?

5I Pronunciation Pair and Share
I have a . . .

76 Unit 8
6I Conversation Pair and Share
2 I and Share
Vocabulary Adivina el significado de las palabras en negrita,
las que no sepas buscalas en el diccionario..
A. Listen to the audio and read along. Guess the meaning of the words in bold.
3 ILudwig Mies van derGrammar
Rohe was a German architect who lived from 1886 to 1969. He is considered one of
the pioneers of modern architecture. His daring structures feature glass and metal to create harmony
between the building and its surroundings. He also designed simple, elegant furniture to complement
his buildings. His Barcelona chair is a symbol of his ideas. The chair was part of the Barcelona Pavilion,
4 Iwhich was inauguratedListening
in 1929 as part of the World’s Fair. He coined the phrase “less is more” meaning
Pair and Share
that the simpler something is, the more beautiful it can be.

5 IWord Box Pronunciation Pair and Share

architecture harmony
assume inaugurate
6I and
complementShare realize
Conversation Pair and Share
daring surroundings
design symbol
feature take into account
7 I and Share Reading
Relaciona las palabras del recuadro con el significado correcto.
B. Match the words from the box to the correct meaning.
8 I 1. inaugurate Writing
• • show the importance of a specific part of something
Pair and Share
2. feature • • something that represents another thing

3. symbol • • begin or introduce something officially

Pair and Share

4. daring • • the environment around something

5. surroundings • • brave

6. architecture • • the art of designing and making buildings

7. design • • a pleasing combination of things

8. assume • • think something is true without knowing for sure

9. harmony • • come to understand something

10. complement • • make something seem better

11. realize • • draw plans to make something

12. take into account • • consider something

Escoge las palabras correctas del recuadro para completar las oraciones.
C. Choose the correct words from the box to complete the sentences.
1. My cousin is studying . He has always been interested in buildings.

2. The stadium was completed in March and in May with an international game.

3. We didn’t ask Charles if he wanted to go with us. We he would come.

Unit 8 77
2 I and Share
Vocabulary Adivina el significado de las palabras en negrita,
las que no sepas buscalas en el diccionario..
A. Listen to the audio and read along. Guess the meaning of the words in bold.
3 IThe Partnership for Grammar
21st Century Learning is an organization that seeks to foster collaboration between
schools, governments, and companies. The purpose is to allow learners to achieve their full potential.
Schools look for alternative ways of teaching so that students acquire skills such as collaboration,
creativity, communication, and critical thinking. These are essential skills in a world that is constantly
4 Ichanging. Students Listening
learn to look for patterns and make deductions from them. They learn not to rely
onlyand Share
on books, but to take advantage of all the learning resources around them.

5 IWord Box Pronunciation Pair and Share

achieve pattern
alternative potential
Pair and Share
6 Icreativity Conversation
purpose Pair and Share
essential rely
expertise resource
foster technique
7 I and Share Reading
Relaciona las palabras del recuadro con el significado correcto.
B. Match the words to their meaning.
8 I 1. creativity • Writing • the ability to create new ideas or things
Pair and Share
2. essential • • expert knowledge or skill

3. expertise • • a skilful way of doing things

patternShare • • the ability to change or improve

5. potential • • necessary and important

6. technique • • a regular sequence

7. rely • • promote; encourage development

8. foster • • the reason for doing something

9. purpose • • succeed in doing something

10. alternative • • something useful that you have

11. achieve • • available as another choice

12. resource • • depend

Escoge las palabras correctas del recuadro para completar las oraciones.
C. Choose the correct words from the box to complete the sentences.
1. If we work hard, we can all our goals.
2. Learning English is nowadays. You need it for many jobs.
3. Is this the only one, or do we have another ?
Unit 9 85

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