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iOS Bootcamp Syllabus

February 2023
Dates and Times
Bootcamp Start: February 13 2023

Bootcamp End: May 19 2022

Live Class Sessions: Mondays at 12pm EDT

Thursdays at 12pm EDT
Required: Mac computer running macOS Monterey.
Required: Xcode 13/14 (TBD) installed.
Required: Basic computer skills and experience using macOS
Recommended: Basic coding experience in any language
Recommended: Basic GitHub knowledge is a plus but not required
Recommended: Basic understanding of why a programming
language is needed to code.
Optional: iOS device with iOS 15/16 (TBD) installed
Week 1
Topics: Xcode, Swift basics, Intro to SwiftUI (app structure, controls, navigation,

layout), Git.

Content: Your First iOS & SwiftUI App

Designing the App

Beginning Git
Week 2
Topics: Swift Fundamentals

Content: Programming in Swift: Fundamentals

Week 3
Topics: Advanced Swift

Content: Programming in Swift: Functions and Types

Swift Apprentice
Week 4
Topics: UIKit & SwiftUI

Content: UIKit Fundamentals

SwiftUI Fundamentals

Integrating UIKit with SwiftUI

Week 5
Topics: Layout and Navigation

Content: SwiftUI Layout and Interfaces

SwiftUI by Tutorials

Xcode Tips and Tricks

Week 6
Topics: Networking

Content: Beginning Networking with URLSession

Advanced Networking with URLSession

SwiftUI Animations
Week 7
Topics: Saving Data

Content: Saving Data in iOS

Core Data: Fundamentals

Core Data: Beyond the Basics

SwiftUI by Tutorials

Xcode Tips and Tricks

Week 8
Topics: Testing and Debugging

Content: iOS Debugging Fundamentals

Intermediate iOS Debugging

Swift Apprentice

Testing in iOS
Week 9
Topics: Design Patterns and Architecture

Content: Fundamental iOS Design Patterns

Intermediate Design Patterns

Week 10
Topics: Concurrency

Content: iOS Concurrency with GCD &

Week 11
Topics: Concurrency and Memory Management

Content: Modern Concurrency: Getting Started

Modern Concurrency: Beyond the Basics

Week 12
Topics: Capstone Polish, Continuing Education and Next Steps

Content: Can’t Miss Sessions - WWDC 2022

Week 13
Topics: Job Search, Interview Preparation, Graduation

Content: Acing the iOS Interview

Recommended Next Steps Post-Graduation

For more information

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