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Detailed Lesson Plan

School: Villaba High School Grade level: 7

Teacher: Rendelyn Burgos Learning Area: Mathematics
Time and Date: MTWTHF Quarter: 1st Quarter
(10:00-11:00 AM)
The learner demonstrates understanding of key
concepts of sets and the real number system.
A. Content Standard

The learner is able to formulate challenging situations

involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a
B. Performance Standard variety of strategies.

C. Learning At the end of 1 hour discussions, the grade 7 students

Competency/Learning Objectives will be able to achieve with atleast 75% proficiency of
the following:
1. Illustrate the different properties of
operations on the set of integers;
a. Closure
b. Commutative
c. Associative
d. Distributive
e. Identity
f. Inverse
2. Identify the properties of operations on
the set of integers used in the given

Illustrates the different properties of operations On the

set of integers (M7NS-le-1)
Properties of Operations on the Set of Integers



1.Teacher’s guide page Math 7 Teacher’s Guide pg. 50-60

2.Learner’s Materials page Math 7 Quarter 1 – Module 4 pg.1-22

3.Textbook pages Quarter 1- Module 4: Different properties of

operations of integers , 2021
4.Additional materials from Learning Https://
Resources Https://

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


1.Prayer/Greetings “Good morning class!” “Good morning Ma’am ”

“How are you today?” “We’re fine ma’am!”

“ That’s great! So I guess you are

all ready to learn new topic today. “Yes Ma’am !”
Are you all ready?”

“ Very good ! But before that

may I request everyone to start
for a prayer , Raniel lead the Raniel: “Let us vow our heads
prayer.” and feel the presence of the
Lord. In the name of the
father, the son and the holy
spirit, Amen. Our father….”

“Good morning class! “ “ Good morning Ma’am !”

“Before you take your seat pick

the pieces of papers under your
(Students are picking papers
chairs and put it in the trash bin”
under their chairs.)

“Are you done class?”

“ Yes Ma’am “

“Okay settle down .”

2.Checking of
attendance “Now, state your dream future
profession/job when your name is
“ Marlyn” “Teacher Ma’am ”
“ Raniel” “ Police Ma’am ”
“ Kent ” “Engineer Ma’am”
“ Jeffrey ” “ Architect Ma’am “
“ Jhessabelle “ “ Nurse Ma’am ”

3.Classroom rules
“Okay , before we proceed to our
proper discussion , let us set our
classroom rules and I hope
“Okay Ma’am”
everybody is listening .

1. When I am discussing
here in front no talking
with your seatmate
otherwise you’ll be the
one to discuss here in
2. Respect each other.
3. Be participative during
our discussion.

“Yes ma’am”
4. Answering student Are we all clear ?”
special needs.

“Loud and clear Ma’am !”

“Can you hear my voice,
specially at the back?”
“Yes Ma’am “

“ Are you comfortable with your


“Can you please fix yourselves to (Students are making their

look presentable so that we can selves presentable.)
start our discussions.”
“ We are done Ma’am !”
“Are you all done?”

“Ok then let’s now proceed to our

A. Reviewing previous “Can someone tell me what was
lesson / Presenting the our topic last meeting?” “ Ma’am ”
new lesson. (ELICIT)
“Yes Marlyn” “ Our topic last meeting
Ma’am is about performing
fundamental operations on
“Very good Marlyn! Last
meeting we had discussed the foir
fundamental operations on
integers. What are those?”
“Yes Raniel? Give me one of
those 4.”
“Subtraction on integers
“Very good!

“Another ? Yes Marlyn “

“Multiplying on integers
Ma’am !”
“Very good! Another!”
“Addition on integers Ma’am

“Very good Kent! And the last
one ? Yes jhessabelle?
“Division on integers “

“Very good Jhessabelle!”

“If you add two positive

numbers , what will be the result..
Jefrey?” “It would result to positive
integers Ma’am “
“Very good , to check if you
really understand the topic last
meeting , let’s try to have an
activity . Are you all ready?”
“Yes Ma’am !”

“ Okay, I want you to divide the

class into 2 groups and each
group you have to choose your
representative to answer the
questions. Did you all get it?”

“Yes Ma’am !”
“So who are the representative in
each group?”
“Okay , can you please go to the
back. Kent you stand there in the
left and Jeffrey stand opposite to
Kent. “

“This activity is called a quiz race

. I will present a problem through
this flashcards and whoever gets
the correct answer first will have
the points. Every time you get a
points you will take a step
forward. Whoever will finished
here in front will be the winner!”

“Are you all ready class?”

“Yes Maam!”
Activity #1: Perform the indicated
(Kent and Jeffrey’s answer)
1. 12+15 =
2. -21+(-13) = 1. 12+15 = 27
3. -25-(-11) = 2. -21+(-13) = -34
4. 36-(-20) = 3. -25-(-11) = -14
5. -16+ 13 = 4. 36-(-20) = 56
6. -3×2 = 5. -16+ 13 = -3
7. 5×5 = 6. -3×2 = -6
8. -1 ×-2 = 7. 5×5 = 25
9. -18÷-3 = 8. -1 ×-2 = 2
10. -6÷2 = 9. -18÷-3 = 6
10. –6÷2 = -3

B. Establishing a “Did you enjoyed our first “Yes Ma’am ”

purpose for the lesson. activity class?”
“Very good”
“Now, I want you to look into
these pictures, what have you
observe? Yes Jhessabelle?

“In the first picture Ma’am I

am seeing a house and a key .
I think this picture tells us that
the man is possessing a real
estate property.”

“Very good Jhessabelle! lets give

Jhessabelle 5 claps!”
(Clapping 5x)

“how about in the second

picture?” “Maam!”

“Yes Raniel?” “In the second picture I have

observe that the numbers and
shapes are categorized
depends on their
characteristics or property.”

“Very good Raniel! Lets give 5

claps to Raniel!”

( Clapping 5x)

“ What are the common words

that you used in describing these
pictures? ” “Property Maam!”

“Very good class! Can you give

me synonyms of the word
Property?” “Traits Maam” Kent
“Characteristics Ma’am ”
“Attributes Ma’am ” Raniel
“Features Ma’am ” Marlyn
“Qualities Ma’am ”

“Very good class! All your

answers are correct ! Give (Clapping)
yourselves a round of applause!”

“At the end of 1 hour

discussions, the students will
“ A property, by definition is an be able to:
attribute, quality, or characteristic
of something. So, today we will
going to discuss the different 1. Illustrate the different
properties of operations on properties of
integers . Everybody read the operations on the set of
objectives.” integers;
a. Closure
b. Commutative
c. Associative
d. Distributive
e. Identity
f. Inverse
2. Identify the properties
of operations on the set
of integers used in the
given statement

“Very good class!”

C. Presenting
examples/Instances of “So I have here some pictures “
the new lesson
“Suppose that the number of dogs
represents A and the number of
cats represents B. Can you show
the mathematical statement

below? Yes Raniel?”

“Wow! Very good Raniel! Class

let’s give Raniel a round of
applause!” “ A + B = B + A”

“What operation is used in

illustrating the diagram?”

“ Very good Marlyn” (Clapping)

“What do you think happened to

the terms in both sides of a “ Addition Ma’am !”
equation? Yes Jeffrey?”

“ Very good!”

“ I think Ma’am they’d

“Based on the activity , what interchanged ”
property is being applied? Kent?”

“How about the others?”

“ I honestly don’t know

“Okay to answer that question let Ma’am “
us have to know the different
properties first . Are you all
“ We still don’t know Ma’am

“Yes Ma’am !”

D. Discussing new “Throughout the discussion,

concepts and practicing assume that the numbers
new skills #1. represented by the letters a and b
(EXPLORE) are integers. Now let us start our
discussion with the different

The first property is the closure “Two integers that are added
property. Everybody read ” and multiplied remain as
integers. The set of integers is
closed under addition and

“Very good! And what is this

“It says here Ma’am that for
closure property of addition?
real numbers States that if a
Jhessabelle?” and b are real numbers , then
a+b is a unique number.”
“ For example :

15 + 16 = 21

So , the 15 and 16 here are the

two real numbers and the sum of
it produces a new real number.”

“How about the Closure Property “A and b are real numbers,

of Multiplication for real numbers then a × b is a unique real
what does it states?” number.”

“Example 2: Multiplying two real

numbers produces another real

26× 12 = 312

“Yes Ma’am ”
So it’s Just like in the concept in
addition. Did you understand?”

“ Commutative property
Ma’am !”
“Next is the …?”

“Changing the order of two

“What is a Commutative Property numbers that are either being
Marlyn?” added o multiplied does not
change the value.
Ab = ba”

“Okay for example in addition:

1. 2 + 3 = 3 + 2, since 2 + 3
= 5 and also 3 + 2 = 5.

And example for multiplication:

(2) (3) = (3) (2), since (2)(3) = 6
and also (3)(2) = 6.

So, it doesn’t matter if they

interchange class , the answer will
always be the same . Did you get
it class?” “Yes Ma’am”

“Very good! Let’s proceed to the

next property , the associative “Associative Property -
property, what is this property? Changing the grouping of
numbers that are either being
Yes Raniel?”
added or multiplied does not
change its value.
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
(ab) c = a (bc)

“Okay example of this property is

(2 + 3) + 4 = 2 + (3 + 4)
So , if we check that this will be
the result:

(2 + 3) + 4 = 2 + (3 + 4)
As you can see class the answer “ Yes Ma’am !”
on both side is the same even
though we somewhat interchange
it. Did you all get it?”

“Yes we are Ma’am!”

“To fully understand these , let’s

try to have an activity. Are you all

“ Complete the table written on

the board by identifying what
type of property is given”
Activity #2 : Determine what type
of property.

Given Property

27 + 45 = 72

5 × 10 = 50




Given Property
“Number 1 Jeffrey, 2 kent , 3
Raniel, 4 Jhessabelle,5 Marlyn. 27 + 45 = 72 Closure
Kindly stand up and answer on property of
the board” addition

5 × 10 = 50 Closure
property of

3+(2+5)= Associative
5+(2+3) property

7+8=8+7 Commutati
ve property
of addition

9×6=6×9 Commutati
ve property

“Okay, all your answers are

correct , give yourselves a warm
of applause.”
“So I guess you already
understand the first three
property, let’s continue

E. Discussing new “ So the other property of

concepts and practicing operations of integers is the “Distributive Property -When
new skills #2 Distributive property. So what is two numbers have been
distributive property? added/subtracted and then
Jhessabelle?” multiplied by a factor, the
result will be the same when
each number is multiplied by
the factor and the products are
then added / subtracted.
a (b + c) = ab + ac
a (b - c) = ab - ac

“ Okay for example :

2(3 + 4) = (2)(3) + (2)(4)
So if we try to check this one the
result we be also the same on
both side.

2(3 + 4) = (2)(3) + (2)(4)

2(7) = 6 + 8
14 = 14

“Yes Ma’am!”
Did you get it?”

Identity Property
“Okay next is the Identity
Property in which it has two types A. Additive Identity –
, what are these ?” states that the sum of
any number and 0 is
Given number. Zero is the
additive identity.

B. Multiplicative Identity
– states that the
product of any number

1 is the given number, a • 1 =

a. One is the multiplicative

“Okay example for additive
identity are:
1. 4 + 0 = 4
2. -10 + 0 = -10
3. 99 + 0 = 99

And example for Multiplicative

proper are:
1. 12 x 1 = 12
2. -32 x 1 = -32
3. 99 x 1 = 99

Did you get it class?” “Yes Ma’am!”

“Let’s proceed to the last property

which is the Inverse property and
just like in Identity Property it
also has two types. What are Inverse Property
those Jeffrey?”
A. Additive
Inverse – states
that the sum of
any number
and its

Additive inverse is zero. The

additive inverse of a positive
number is the negative of that
number, that

A + (-a) = 0.
And the additive inverse of a
negative number is the
positive of that number, that is

-a + a = 0.

“ Okay, for example :

9 + (-9) = 0
-58 + 58 = 0
99 + (-99) = 0

It’s just like we are finding a way

to eliminate or to make it equal
to 0”

“What about the multiplicative “Multiplicative Inverse

inverse? What is it Raniel?” Property states that the
product of any number and its
multiplicative inverse or
reciprocal is 1. The
multiplicative inverse of the
number 𝑎 is 1”.

“Okay for example:

6 × 1/6 = 1
7 × 1/7 = 1

So unlike in additive in which

your finding a way to make it
equal to zero , in multiplicative
you are multiplying a whole
number to its’ inverse to make it
“ Yes Ma’am ”
equal to one. Understand?”

“Very good! Let’s have another

activity. Divide the class into two “ Okay Ma’am “.
groups. ”
“ With your group list down
atleast five examples to the last
three property we just discussed.
“ Yes Ma’am !”
You are given 5 mins to answer.
Are we all clear?”

“Okay you may now start”

( After 5 minutes)

“Are you done class?” “Yes Ma’am!”

“Okay pass your output here in


F. Developing Mastery “ Again class what are the “ Closure Property ”

( Leads to formative different properties of operations “Commutative Property ”
assessment). of integers?”
(EXPLAIN) “Associative property”
“Distributive property”
“Inverse Property”
“Identity Property ”

“Very good! Give yourselves a

warm of applause!”

“Since you already know the

different properties, let’s have “Okay Ma’am!”
some worksheet .”

A. Identify the property used

in each of the statements

1. (-7) + 0 = -7
2. 6 (3 – 5) = 6(3) –
3. (-8) + (-7) = (-7) +
4. (-13) x 1 = -13
5. -4 x –1/4= 1
6. 2 x (4 x 7) = (2 x
4) x 7
7. 11 + (-11) = 0
8. 3(5) = 5(3)
9. 2 •5 = 5• 2
10. (-3) (5 + 9) = (-3)
(5) + (-3) (9)

“Answer that in 5 “Yes Ma’am !”

minutes. Understood?”

(After 5 minutes)

“Are you done class?”

“Yes Ma’am!”

“Okay pass your output (Student’s Output)

here in front.”
1.Additive Identity
4.Multiplicative Identity
5.Multiplicative Inverse
7.Additive Inverse
9.Multiplicative Inverse

G. Making “To sum it up, let us complete the

generalization and statements. Choose your answer
abstraction about the from the box that best completes
“Yes Ma’am !”
lesson. the statements . Understood?”
1. Commutative Property states
that changing the of two numbers
that _______are either being
added or multiplied does not
change the value.
2. Associative Property states that
changing the of numbers that are
________either being added or
multiplied does not change its
3. Distributive Property states that
when two numbers have been
added/subtracted and then
multiplied by a __________ , the
result will be the same when each
number is multiplied by the factor
and the products are then
added /subtracted.
4. Additive Identity Property
states that the sum of any number
and 0 is the given number.
______is the additive identity.
5. Multiplicative Identity Property
states that the product of any
number and 1 is the given
number, a • 1 = a._______ is the
multiplicative identity.
6. Additive Inverse Property
states that the sum of any number
and its _____is zero.
7. The additive inverse of a
positive number is the ________
of that number.
8. The additive inverse of a
negative number is the ________
of that number.
9. Multiplicative Inverse Property
states that the ________ of any
number and its multiplicative
inverse or reciprocal is 1.
10.The multiplicative inverse of
the number 𝒂 is ________. (Student’s Answer)
1. Order
2. Grouping
3. Factor
4. Zero
5. One
6. Additive Inverse
7. Negative
8. Positive
9. Product
10. 1/a

H. Finding practical “ For further understanding let’s

applications of concepts relate these properties of
and skills in daily operations of integers in real life.
living. Can you give me an example?”
“Ahm example of an integer in
real life is the sea level; like
“Yes Raniel” for mountains, the distance is
generally said as +1354m
above the sea level, while the
submarine can be at a distance
of -55m below the sea level.”

“Very good Raniel!”

“Another? Yes Kent!” “Another example is the
temperature, as the
temperature can be expressed
as positive or negative that is
below or above 0 degrees
“Very good Kent!” Ma’am .”
“Another ? Yes Jeffrey”
“The speed limit Ma’am can
also be expressed in terms of
the integer. If you increase
speed more than a specified
speed, it is regarded as
positive, and if we decrease
the speed below a given limit,
it is regarded as negative.”

“Very good Jeffrey!”

“Another? Yes Jhessabelle “ “Example Ma’am is in games,
if we win, then the points
increase; on the other hand, if
we lose the game, the points
decrease, which is also an
“ Very good Jhessabelle!” example of integers.”
“How about you Marlyn, can you
give me an example on how an
“The floors of the building
integers can be relate to real life?”
Ma’am can also be considered
as an example of integers.”
“Very good Marlyn! ”
“Give yourselves a round of
applause! And with that I will
give each of you 30 points for
being participative in class!”

I.Evaluating learning. “Do you have any questions and “None so far Ma’am !”
(EVALUATION) clarifications class?”

“For you to determine how much

you’ve learned, please answer the
questions by choosing the letter
of the best answer.”
1. Which of the following
properties is used in the
expression 1 + 4 = 5?
A. Additive Inverse
B. Associative Property
C. Closure Property
D. Commutative Property
2. Which properties of addition is
used in 4 + 0 = 4?
A. Associative Property
B. Commutative Property
C. Distributive Property
D. Identity Property
3. Which is an example of Inverse
Property of Addition?
A. (-5) + (5) = 0
B. 2(-3) = (-2)(3)
C. 3 + 0 = 3
D. 4 + (1 + 3) = (4 + 1) + 3
4. Which of the following does
not show Distributive Property?
A. 4(2 – 7) = 4(2) – 4(7)
B. 5(x + 3) = 5x + 15
C. a(b + c) = a + (b + c)
D. a(3 + 4) = 3a + 4a
5. Which property of addition
does (-x) + x = 0 illustrate?
A. Commutative Property
B. Distributive Property
C. Identity Property
D. Inverse Property
6. Which of the following does
not illustrate Associative
A. 4(5 x 3) = 4(5) x 4(3)
B. 2(3 x 7) = (2 x 3)7
C. 5 + (3 + 8) = (5 + 3) + 8
D. None of the above
7. Which of the following states
that the sum of any number and 0
is the given
A. Additive Identity Property
B. Additive Inverse Property
C. Multiplicative Identity
D. Multiplicative Inverse
J. Additional activities Identify the Properties being
for application or described below.
remediation .
1. When three or more numbers
are multiplied, the product is the
same regardless of the order of
the multiplicands.

2. Multiplying any number by

zero yields to zero .

3. Adding 0 to any number leaves

it unchanged.

4. The multiplicative inverse of x

is 1 so that X x(1) = 1.𝑥

5. When two numbers are added,

the sum is the same regardless of
the orders of the addends.

V. Remarks The students are able to meet the standard percentage

of learning. And so far, the discussion of the lesson is
successful and will no longer require to rediscuss the lesson.
VI. Reflection
A. No. Of learners who
earned 75%on the 5
formative assessment.

B. No. Of learners who 5

require additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. Of learners who
have caught up with the 5

D.No. of learners who

continue to require 0

E. Which of my teaching Using instructional materials and doing more activity or

strategies worked well? games as well, to catch their attention and enable for them to
Why did this work? learn while having fun.

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my So far before, during and after discussing my topic I didn’t
principal or supervisor encounter any problems .
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or Interactive presentation or instructional materials as well as

localized materials did educational gaming that makes my students enjoy while
I use or discover which learning.
I have to share with
other teachers.

Prepared By: Approved By:

Rendelyn Burgos Chino Pijo, MaEd.

(Pre-Service Teacher) Instructor

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