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My room window is on the left side of my room. It is made of wood, glass and
iron. Its frame is made of wood which is painted chocolate brown and steel
mesh which is painted cobalt blue, its grill is made of iron which is painted
silver. The other side of the grill is another window which has glass on it. There
are three such windows with one handle and two bolts each. One of the
window handle has a skipping rope hung on it.

I used to open all my windows during the summer but these days it is cold and
they remain closed. However I sometimes open them for cross ventilation in my
room whenever there is any smell.

Under my window there is a sitting place which is full of stuff these days. Beside
my window there is papa’s cupboard. Above the windows there is a rod to hang
curtains. However there are no curtains on the windows.

The view from my window is not really good but it’s ok. I can see a big mango
tree and a house and the garden where the mango tree is planted. Still my
bedroom gets the maximum amount of sunlight than any other room in the
house, but it becomes annoying in the summers because then it is hot as
furnace but it is still a bliss in winters, and thanks to the windows.

The windows are getting very dirty and I am planning to clean them but the plan
always remains a plan, well jokes apart I am seriously going to clean them when
I clean my room. I have a really good brush which I and parents bought from
Vishal Mega Mart when we went there the first time and I also have a good
high-speed blower which papa ordered from a website called Moglix. So with all
the fancy gadgets I am going to clean my room window one day.

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