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W o r k in p r o c e s s BYMICHAELBURNS


A better way to flowchart

R emember drawing flowcharts? As account-

ing students, it's something we all had to
learn — and it was usually a struggle. The charts
The most difficult part in drawing swimlanes is pick-
ing the right level of detail. If the objective is to iden-
tify controls or control weaknesses, you can keep the
drawings at a fairly high level. You can get into more
took forever to draw, and then were left to gather detail about the actual control or weakness using a control
matrix, which we will describe in the August issue.
dust as soon as they were finished. But if you think flow- There is no such thing as a perfect swimlane. If you
charts are passe, think again. Business process improve- described a business process to ioo people all trained in
ment is the new mantra of business, and process maps are a swimlane, you would get ioo different flowcharts. You're
key component. Fortunately, we now have a flowchart tech- only looking for a reasonable approximation that accom-
nique called swimlane that is easy to understand and apply plishes the objective.
Swimlane flowcharts are drawn so the activities per- Drawing a swimlane diagram is an iterative process.
formed by each business function, department, location You will need to go back to the source of your informa-
or person are in different horizontal or vertical rectangles, tion and show your results. You can bet they will think
or lanes. A swimlane shows what is done, by whom and of something else that was not discussed the first time.
in what sequence. By keeping each role in one lane, it's But limit the number of iterations to no more than three
easy for the person responsible for the role to see whether and preferably two or you will be wasting your time on
the flowchart properly represents their business process. minor matters.
A swimlane should not he complicated. Symbols can be There are many tools available to draw swimlanes.
used for decision points, reports, loops and so on, hut keep Some are highly sophisticated and are included in tech-
the numher to a maximum of four or five. (For examples, nologies referred to as business process management.
visit It's also impor- But you will probably find Microsoft Visio is more than
tant to avoid cryptic labels or descriptions. sufficient and it's relatively easy to use. Choose the cross-
functional flowchart template for a swim
lane flowchart. One limitation with Visio
Student registration
is that there is a maximum of five rows
or columns. You could get around that
Submit limitation by creating multiple pages that
h are linked.
No Swimlane flowcharts have become the
recommended method for documenting
business process. If you have had trouble
with flowcharting in the past and you
have the need, it's time to sink or swim.

Michael Burns, MBA, CA, is president

of 180 Systems (,
which provides independent consulting
services, including business process
review, system selection and IT audit.
Michael can be reached at 416-485-2200

16 CAmagazine | [une/fuly 2007

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