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Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with

one of the spelling templates. Have students spell

words with the corresponding template for each list:
*L ists that can utilize
more than one template SPELLING LISTS
are marked individually
A Single-Syllable Spell It
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It
by word. 2nd Grade

Unit 1 A Unit 2 A Unit 3 A Unit 4 C Unit 5 C Unit 6 C Unit 7 Unit 8 C

Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed and Open Closed and Open VCE Syllables: VCE Syllables:
Short vowels Short vowels Short vowels Multisyllabic words Syllables: Syllables: Single-syllable Multisyllabic words
Digraphs: ch, wh, 2-sound blends 3-sound blends y says long e at the Schwa and multisyllabic Schwa:
th, sh, ck, ph end of multisyllabic words ive, ace, age, ate
Digraph blends Trigraphs
dish stop catch picnic lady attack plate native
than clap ridge napkin funny metal size climate
chop spin judge finish lucky adult prize message
such swim split bandit begin cotton pole negative
rush last strum cobweb menu wisdom cute luggage
which skin match exit relax salad broke palace
bath drag splash traffic volcano broken excuse cottage
this sent strap cabin music gallon cupcake pirate
kick tenth dodge contest respect apron sunshine necklace
sock lunch sprint sandwich robot basket polite active

Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 C Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16

Common vowel Less common /or/ spelled or Additional Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /oi/ as
teams: vowel teams: and spellings of /or/: er, ir, ur, ear or, ar in ooze: in oink:
Long a: ai, ay Long e: ie, ey /ar/ spelled ar oar, our, R-controlled oo, u, u_e, ew oi, oy
oor, ore spellings REVIEW
Long e: ee, ea Vowel team
Long i: igh REVIEW
Long o: oa, ow ear, air, are, ar
queen groan artist pear shirt word A grew boil
paint key party hair hurt nectar flute spoil
sweet A
shield A
carpet share A
verb A doctor truth point
clean field apart more heard motor boost boy
treat bright remark court church grammar super noisy
high alley forgive soar survive collar C include enjoy
detail belief story before partner factor unscrew royal
display delay report indoor after C forward sooner loyal
toasty afraid acorn airplane ever polar salute oily
rainbow below orbit parent insert flavor cartoon soybean

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
2nd Grade

Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 Unit 21 A Unit 22 C Unit 23 Unit 24 C

Spellings of /ou/ as Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /aw/ as Other vowel Vowel -ng and Consonant-le Latin chunks: Hard and soft
in ouch: in book: in awesome: spellings REVIEW -nk chunks Syllables -tion, -sion, c and g
ou, ow oo, u au, aw -ture
proud took yawn soil sank pebble motion germs A
count bush fault sound A drink puddle caption gym
cloud A shook launch pound long sparkle mission cancel
ouch push claw carpool thing purple nature cycle
brown could** awful author bring jungle explosion circle
flower would** laundry foolish stunk noodle fiction cages
around cookie August flawless C lungs scramble action circus
however C booklet withdraw footprint swing handle vulture apology
outside workbook seesaw joyful thank able subtraction garbage
louder pudding auto drowsy strong raffle picture digit

Unit 25 C Unit 26 C Unit 27 C Unit 28 C Unit 29 C Unit 30 C Unit 31 Unit 32 C

Consonant suffixes: Vowel suffixes: 1-1-1 Doubling Rule Prefixes: Prefixes: Suffixes and Closed Syllable Split vowels
-s, -ful, -less, -es, -ing, -er, 3 sounds of dis-, con-, un-, re-, pre-, pro- prefixes REVIEW exceptions:
-ness, -ment, -ly -est, -ous, -y, suffix -ed in-, im- old, ost, olt,
-able, -ible ild, ind

gladly wishes hopped impress reread harmless bold trial

clearly slower started impolite retell powerful post diet
careful fastest quitting unhappy replay neatness colt A
armful flexible runner unable pretest smallest mild idea
payment drinkable failed invent prefix weekly child poet
helpless jumping pitched unpack protect gently find prior
illness longest biggest distrust program rethinking hostess diary
countless painter yelled dislike prepay statement compost medium
fondness blowing planted contact predict inform remind video
treatment sharpest planned construct preheat reporter kindest meow

* The oul spelling of / þ / is not taught in HD Word, but since these words are so common, it is beneficial to teach students to spell them.

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with Each word is divided according to the sound-
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell spellings in the word. ANSWER KEY
words with the corresponding template for each list: (-) separates sounds (/) separates syllables
A Single-Syllable Spell It
Spelling Lists
*For multisyllablic words, there is sometimes more than
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It one solution. The most common solution is provided. 2ND GRADE

Unit 1 A Unit 2 A Unit 3 A Unit 4 C Unit 5 C Unit 6 C Unit 7 Unit 8 C

Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed and Open Closed and Open VCE Syllables: VCE Syllables:
Short vowels Short vowels Short vowels Multisyllabic words Syllables: Syllables: Single-syllable Multisyllabic words
Digraphs: ch, wh, 2-sound blends 3-sound blends y says long e at the Schwa and multisyllabic Schwa:
th, sh, ck, ph end of multisyllabic words ive, ace, age, ate
Digraph blends Trigraphs
d-i-sh s-t-o-p c-a-tch pic/nic la/dy at/tack p-l-a-t-e* na/tive
th-a-n c-l-a-p r-i-dge nap/kin fun/ny met/al s-i-z-e* cli/mate
ch-o-p s-p-i-n j-u-dge fin/ish luck/y a/dult p-r-i-z-e* A
s-u-ch s-w-i-m s-p-l-i-t ban/dit be/gin cot/ton p-o-l-e* neg/a/tive
r-u-sh l-a-s-t s-t-r-u-m cob/web men/u wis/dom c-u-t-e* lug/gage
wh-i-ch s-k-i-n m-a-tch ex/it re/lax sal/ad b-r-o-k-e* pal/ace
b-a-th d-r-a-g s-p-l-a-sh traf/fic vol/ca/no bro/ken ex/cuse cot/tage
th-i-s s-e-n-t s-t-r-a-p cab/in mu/sic gal/lon cup/cake C
k-i-ck t-e-n-th d-o-dge con/test re/spect a/pron sun/shine neck/lace
s-o-ck l-u-n-ch s-p-r-i-n-t sand/wich ro/bot bas/ket po/lite ac/tive
* The final e in these words
should be written in its
own box; however, the
circle should not be filled
in as the e does not make
a sound on its own.

Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 C Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16

Common vowel Less common /or/ spelled or Additional Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /�/ as in Spellings of /oi/ as
teams: vowel teams: and spellings of /or/: er, ir, ur, ear or, ar ooze: in oink:
Long a: ai, ay Long e: ie, ey /ar/ spelled ar oar, our, R-controlled oo, u, u_e, ew oi, oy
oor, ore spellings REVIEW
Long e: ee, ea Vowel team
Long i: igh REVIEW
Long o: oa, ow ear, air, are, ar
qu-ee-n g-r-oa-n ar/tist p-ear sh-ir-t w-or-d A g-r-ew b-oi-l
p-ai-n-t k-ey par/ty h-air h-ur-t nec/tar f-l-u-t-e* A
s-p-oi-l A
s-w-ee-t A sh-ie-l-d A car/pet sh-are A v-er-b A doc/tor t-r-u-th p-oi-n-t
c-l-ea-n f-ie-l-d a/part m-ore h-ear-d mo/tor b-oo-s-t b-oy
t-r-ea-t b-r-igh-t re/mark c-our-t ch-ur-ch gram/mar su/per noi/sy
h-igh al/ley for/give s-oar sur/vive col/lar C in/clude en/joy
de/tail be/lief stor/y be/fore part/ner fac/tor un/screw roy/al
dis/play C
de/lay C re/port in/door C
af/ter C for/ward soon/er loy/al
toast/y a/fraid a/corn air/plane ev/er po/lar sa/lute oil/y
rain/bow be/low or/bit par/ent in/sert fla/vor car/toon soy/bean

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with Each word is divided according to the sound-
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell spellings in the word. ANSWER KEY
words with the corresponding template for each list: (-) separates sounds (/) separates syllables
A Single-Syllable Spell It
Spelling Lists
*For multisyllablic words, there is sometimes more than
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It one solution. The most common solution is provided. 2ND GRADE

Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 Unit 21 Unit 22 Unit 23 Unit 24
Spellings of /ou/ as Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /aw/ as Other vowel Vowel -ng and Consonant-le Latin chunks: Hard and soft
in ouch: in book: in awesome: spellings REVIEW -nk chunks Syllables -tion, -sion, c and g
ou, ow oo, u au, aw -ture
p-r-ou-d t-oo-k y-aw-n s-oi-l s-ank peb/ble mo/tion g-er-m-s A
c-ou-n-t b-u-sh f-au-l-t s-ou-n-d A d-r-ink pud/dle cap/tion g-y-m
c-l-ou-d A sh-oo-k l-au-n-ch p-ou-n-d l-ong spar/kle mis/sion can/cel
ou-ch p-u-sh c-l-aw car/pool th-ing pur/ple na/ture cy/cle
b-r-ow-n c-oul-d** aw/ful au/thor b-r-ing jun/gle ex/plo/sion cir/cle
f-l-ow-er w-oul-d** laun/dry fool/ish s-t-unk noo/dle fic/tion ca/ges
a/round cook/ie Au/gust flaw/less C l-ung-s scram/ble ac/tion cir/cus
how/ev/er C bookl/et with/draw foot/print s-w-ing han/dle vul/ture a/pol/o/gy
out/side work/book see/saw joy/ful th-ank a/ble sub/trac/tion gar/bage
loud/er pud/ding au/to drow/sy s-t-r-ong raf/fle pic/ture dig/it

Unit 25 C Unit 26 C Unit 27 C Unit 28 C Unit 29 C Unit 30 C Unit 31 Unit 32 C

Consonant suffixes: Vowel suffixes: 1-1-1 Doubling Rule Prefixes: Prefixes: Suffixes and Closed Syllable Split vowels
-s, -ful, -less, -es, -ing, -er, 3 sounds of dis-, con-, un-, re-, pre-, pro- prefixes REVIEW exceptions:
-ness, -ment, -ly -est, -ous, -y, suffix -ed in-, im- old, ost, olt,
-able, -ible ild, ind

glad/ly wish/es hopped im/press re/read harm/less b-old tri/al

clear/ly slow/er failed im/po/lite re/tell pow/er/ful p-ost di/et
care/ful fast/est yelled un/hap/py re/play neat/ness c-olt A
arm/ful flex/i/ble planned un/a/ble pre/test small/est m-ild i/de/a
pay/ment drink/a/ble start/ed in/vent pre/fix week/ly ch-ild po/et
help/less jump/ing quit/ting un/pack pro/tect gent/ly f-ind pri/or
ill/ness long/est run/ner dis/trust pro/gram re/think/ing host/ess di/a/ry
count/less paint/er pitch/ed dis/like pre/pay state/ment com/post me/di/um
fond/ness blow/ing big/gest con/tact pre/dict in/form re/mind vid/e/o
treat/ment sharp/est plant/ed con/struct pre/heat re/port/er kind/est me/ow
Letters in suffixes stay Letters in suffixes stay Suffix -ed stays Letters in prefixes stay Letters in prefixes stay Letters in suffixes and
together in one box. together in one box. together in one box. together in one box. together in one box. prefixes stay together
in one box.

** The oul spelling of / þ / is not taught in HD Word, but since these words are so common, it is beneficial to teach students to spell them.

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell
words with the corresponding template for each list:
*L ists that can utilize
more than one template SPELLING LISTS
3rd/4th Grade
are marked individually
A Single-Syllable Spell It
by word.
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It

Unit 1 A Unit 2 A Unit 3 A Unit 4 C Unit 5 C Unit 6 C Unit 7 C Unit 8 C

Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed and Open Closed and Open VCE Syllables: VCE Syllables:
Short vowels Short vowels Short vowels Multisyllabic words Syllables: Syllables: Single-syllable and Multisyllabic words
Digraphs: ch, wh, 2-sound blends 3-sound blends y says long e at the Schwa multisyllabic words Schwa: ive, ace,
th, sh, ck, ph end of multisyllabic age, ate
Digraph blends Trigraphs
ship drip scram athletic pony tundra reptile captive
rich glob hitch dentist begin actress erase savage
that shrug wedge habitat elastic capital amaze hostage
check smell strut expect hotel medical confuse massive
with task fudge classic photo oval define bandage
shock plum sketch subtract crazy family complete private
when frost twitch inspect hero item recognize relative
luck bunch tempt context protect pilot telephone accurate
whip flag scrub pumpkin trophy banana snakebite package
dash twist splat fantastic represent elephant envelope chocolate

Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 C Unit 15 Unit 16

Common vowel Less common /or/ spelled or Additional spellings Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /oi/ as
teams: vowel teams: and of /or/: er, ir, ur, ear or, ar in ooze: in oink:
Long a: ai, ay Long e: ie, ey /ar/ spelled ar oar, our, R-controlled oo, u, u_e, ew oi, oy
oor, ore spellings REVIEW
Long e: ee, ea Vowel team
Long i: igh REVIEW
Long o: oa, ow ear, air, are, ar
flight brief storm square curl monitor threw A joint A
dream yield forgot chair squirt working newspaper oyster
speed A medley market fourth serve A
regular pollute destroy
coach valley record wear dirt visitor chewy uncoil
chain believe sharpen forecast turn dollar rooster royalty
yellow follow popcorn seafloor pearl professor blooming C voyage C
railroad sailboat forest clipboard thirty transport exclude tinfoil
midnight C defeat parking airport perfect doorstep afternoon ointment
essay playful support doormat October thirsty juvenile pinpoint
afraid highlight carnival carrot hamburger burrow super employee

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell
words with the corresponding template for each list:
*L ists that can utilize
more than one template SPELLING LISTS
3rd/4th Grade
are marked individually
A Single-Syllable Spell It
by word.
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It

Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 Unit 21 Unit 22 C Unit 23 C Unit 24 C

Spellings of /ou/ as Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /aw/ as Other vowel Vowel -ng and Consonant-le Latin chunks: Hard and soft
in ouch: in book: in awesome: spellings REVIEW -nk chunks Syllables -tion, -sion, c and g
ou, ow oo, u au, aw -ture
frown stood A crawl hawk A thanks bundle fraction gentle
growl A cookies lawn appoint fang puzzle adventure introduce
couch fullness author duty string A sprinkle creature citizen
cloudy bookmark sausage outlaw shrunk multiple operation legend
powder wooden awkward costume fling gurgle confusion bicycle
around barefoot C hauling avoid C trinket horrible future energy
sunflower C pushover sawdust browsing hunger visible extension emergency
bounty goodness lawmaker attitude blanket C tackle reflection pencil
discount butcher drawing applaud mustang article version concert
downtown sketchbook cauliflower annoy rethink possible posture gather

Unit 25 C Unit 26 C Unit 27 C Unit 28 C Unit 29 C Unit 30 C Unit 31 C Unit 32 C

Consonant suffixes: Vowel suffixes: 1-1-1 Doubling Rule Prefixes: Prefixes: Suffixes and Closed Syllable Split vowels
-s, -ful, -less, -es, -ing, -er, 3 sounds of dis-, con-, un-, re-, pre-, pro- prefixes REVIEW exceptions:
-ness, -ment, -ly -est, -ous, -y, suffix -ed in-, im- old, ost, olt,
-able, -ible ild, ind
quickly convertible beginner disagree recharge returning behind fluid
meaningful grumpy dropped conserve premade uncooked windup client
shipment swinging forgotten unlucky project invented scolded create
successful fighter avoided inspire program disorderly reminder defiant
careless payable stopped incorrect recheck ungrateful wildfire fluent
pretends teaches wagged imperfect prolong promoted outpost triangle
hopefully fixable called unequal precut disorganized mankind ruin
department speaker admitted discard renew unfinished golden violin
brightness smartest swimming imprint provide proudest goalpost pioneer
completely adventurous commanded uncommon prevention pretending thunderbolt triumph

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with Each word is divided according to the sound-
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell spellings in the word. ANSWER KEY
words with the corresponding template for each list: (-) separates sounds (/) separates syllables
A Single-Syllable Spell It
Spelling Lists
*For multisyllablic words, there is sometimes more than
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It one solution. The most common solution is provided. 3 /4TH GRADE

Unit 1 A Unit 2 A Unit 3 A Unit 4 C Unit 5 C Unit 6 C Unit 7 C Unit 8 C

Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed and Open Closed and Open VCE Syllables: VCE Syllables:
Short vowels Short vowels Short vowels Multisyllabic words Syllables: Syllables: Single-syllable and Multisyllabic words
Digraphs: ch, wh, 2-sound blends 3-sound blends y says long e at the Schwa multisyllabic words Schwa: ive, ace,
th, sh, ck, ph end of multisyllabic age, ate
Digraph blends Trigraphs
sh-i-p d-r-i-p s-c-r-a-m ath/let/ic po/ny tun/dra rep/tile cap/tive
r-i-ch g-l-o-b h-i-tch den/tist be/gin ac/tress e/rase sav/age
th-a-t sh-r-u-g w-e-dge hab/i/tat e/las/tic cap/i/tal a/maze hos/tage
ch-e-ck s-m-e-ll s-t-r-u-t ex/pect ho/tel med/i/cal con/fuse mas/sive
w-i-th t-a-s-k f-u-dge clas/sic pho/to o/val de/fine ban/dage
sh-o-ck p-l-u-m s-k-e-tch sub/tract cra/zy fam/i/ly com/plete pri/vate
wh-e-n f-r-o-s-t t-w-i-tch in/spect he/ro i/tem rec/og/nize rel/a/tive
l-u-ck b-u-n-ch t-e-m-p-t con/text pro/tect pi/lot tel/e/phone ac/cur/ate
wh-i-p f-l-a-g s-c-r-u-b pump/kin tro/phy ba/nan/a snake/bite pack/age
d-a-sh t-w-i-s-t s-p-l-a-t fan/tas/tic rep/re/sent el/e/phant en/vel/ope choc/o/late

Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 C Unit 15 Unit 16

Common vowel Less common /or/ spelled or Additional spellings Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /oi/ as
teams: vowel teams: and of /or/: er, ir, ur, ear or, ar in ooze: in oink:
Long a: ai, ay Long e: ie, ey /ar/ spelled ar oar, our, R-controlled oo, u, u_e, ew oi, oy
oor, ore spellings REVIEW
Long e: ee, ea Vowel team
Long i: igh REVIEW
Long o: oa, ow ear, air, are, ar
f-l-igh-t b-r-ie-f s-t-or-m s-qu-are c-ur-l mon/i/tor th-r-ew A j-oi-n-t A
d-r-ea-m y-ie-l-d for/got ch-air s-qu-ir-t work/ing news/paper oy/ster
s-p-ee-d A med/ley mar/ket f-our-th s-er-v-e* A
reg/u/lar pol/lute de/stroy
c-oa-ch val/ley re/cord w-ear d-ir-t vis/it/or chew/y un/coil
ch-ai-n be/lieve shar/pen fore/cast t-ur-n dol/lar roos/ter roy/al/ty
yell/ow fol/low pop/corn sea/floor p-ear-l pro/fes/sor bloom/ing C voy/age C
rail/road sail/boat for/est clip/board thir/ty trans/port ex/clude tin/foil
mid/night C de/feat park/ing air/port per/fect door/step af/ter/noon oint/ment
es/say play/ful sup/port door/mat Oc/to/ber thirs/ty ju/ve/nile pin/point
a/fraid high/light car/ni/val car/rot ham/bur/ger bur/row su/per em/ploy/ee

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with Each word is divided according to the sound-
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell spellings in the word. ANSWER KEY
words with the corresponding template for each list: (-) separates sounds (/) separates syllables
A Single-Syllable Spell It
Spelling Lists
*For multisyllablic words, there is sometimes more than
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It one solution. The most common solution is provided. 3 /4TH GRADE

Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 Unit 21 Unit 22 C Unit 23 C Unit 24 C

Spellings of /ou/ as Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /aw/ as Other vowel Vowel -ng and Consonant-le Latin chunks: Hard and soft
in ouch: in book: in awesome: spellings REVIEW -nk chunks Syllables -tion, -sion, c and g
ou, ow oo, u au, aw -ture
f-r-ow-n s-t-oo-d A c-r-aw-l h-aw-k A th-ank-s bun/dle frac/tion gen/tle
g-r-ow-l A cook/ies l-aw-n ap/point f-ang puz/zle ad/ven/ture in/tro/duce
c-ou-ch full/ness au/thor du/ty s-t-r-ing A sprin/kle crea/ture cit/i/zen
cloud/y book/mark sau/sage out/law sh-r-unk mul/ti/ple op/er/a/tion leg/end
pow/der wood/en awk/ward cos/tume f-l-ing gur/gle con/fu/sion bi/cy/cle
a/round bare/foot C haul/ing a/void C trink/et hor/ri/ble fu/ture en/er/gy
sun/flower C push/o/ver saw/dust brows/ing hung/er vis/i/ble ex/ten/sion e/mer/gen/cy
boun/ty good/ness law/maker at/ti/tude blank/et C tac/kle re/flec/tion pen/cil
dis/count bu/tcher draw/ing ap/plaud must/ang ar/ti/cle ver/sion con/cert
down/town sketch/book caul/i/flow/er an/noy re/think pos/si/ble pos/ture gath/er

Unit 25 C Unit 26 C Unit 27 C Unit 28 C Unit 29 C Unit 30 C Unit 31 C Unit 32 C

Consonant suffixes: Vowel suffixes: 1-1-1 Doubling Rule Prefixes: Prefixes: Suffixes and Closed Syllable Split vowels
-s, -ful, -less, -es, -ing, -er, 3 sounds of dis-, con-, un-, re-, pre-, pro- prefixes REVIEW exceptions:
-ness, -ment, -ly -est, -ous, -y, suffix -ed in-, im- old, ost, olt,
-able, -ible ild, ind
quickl/y con/ver/ti/ble be/gin/ner dis/a/gree re/charge re/turn/ing be/hind flu/id
mean/ing/ful grump/y dropped con/serve pre/made un/cooked wind/up cli/ent
ship/ment swing/ing for/got/ten un/luck/y pro/ject in/vent/ed scold/ed cre/ate
suc/cess/ful fight/er a/void/ed in/spire pro/gram dis/or/der/ly re/mind/er de/fi/ant
carel/ess pay/a/ble stopped in/cor/rect re/check un/grate/ful wild/fire flu/ent
pre/tends teach/es wagged im/per/fect pro/long pro/mo/ted out/post tri/an/gle
hope/ful/ly fix/a/ble called un/e/qual pre/cut dis/or/ga/nized man/kind ru/in
de/part/ment speak/er ad/mit/ted dis/card re/new un/fin/ish/ed gold/en vi/o/lin
bright/ness smart/est swim/ming im/print pro/vide proud/est goal/post pi/o/neer
com/plete/ly ad/ven/tur/ous com/mand/ed un/com/mon pre/ven/tion pre/tend/ing thun/der/bolt tri/umph
Letters in suffixes stay Letters in suffixes stay Suffix -ed stays Letters in prefixes stay Letters in prefixes stay Letters in suffixes and
together in one box. together in one box. together in one box. together in one box. together in one box. prefixes stay together
in one box.

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell
words with the corresponding template for each list:
*L ists that can utilize
more than one template SPELLING LISTS
Essentials (5–8)
are marked individually
A Single-Syllable Spell It
by word.
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It

Unit 1 A Unit 2 A Unit 3 A Unit 4 C Unit 5 C Unit 6 C Unit 7 C Unit 8 C

Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed and Open Closed and Open VCE Syllables: VCE Syllables:
Short vowels Short vowels Short vowels Multisyllabic words Syllables: Syllables: Single-syllable and Multisyllabic words
Digraphs: ch, wh, 2-sound blends 3-sound blends y says long e at the Schwa multisyllabic words Schwa:
th, sh, ck, ph end of multisyllabic ive, ace, age, ate
Digraph blends Trigraphs
whack drench scratch banish abdomen astonish frustrate menace
check tenth clutch establish depend method microscope ultimate
thick fresh sludge tantrum event utensil translate salvage
whiz stamp stress mishap exactly sediment severe subjective
quack thrift prompt disgust nylon shrivel expose effective
path clump sprig maximum photograph pentagon demonstrate prepackage
quick shrimp nudge compact tripod instrument captivate grimace
gash zest crutch enrichment refreshment random accuse collective
shack plant bridge Atlantic equipment custom episode manage
mesh gasp scruff product humid festival migrate estimate

Unit 9 C Unit 10 Unit 11 C Unit 12 C Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 C

Common vowel Less common /or/ spelled or Additional spellings Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /oi/
teams: vowel teams: and /ar/ spelled ar of /or/: er, ir, ur, ear or, ar in ooze: as in oink:
Long a: ai, ay Long e: ie, ey oar, our, R-controlled oo, u, u_e, ew oi, oy
oor, ore spellings REVIEW
Long e: ee, ea Vowel team
Long i: igh REVIEW
Long o: oa, ow ear, air, are, ar
appear grief A artistic floral smirk A burst A screw A appointment
daylight chimney export pouring burden calendar withdrew disloyal
regrowth retrieve forbid boredom discover impostor absolute unemployment
disagree disbelief passport floorboard direct sensory numeral avoided
maintain hockey organize soaring searching stellar monsoon annoying
frightful queasy C harvest embarrass external C calculator C crusade C overjoy
upload relief informal repair modern worthy newest decoy
decay prepaid compartment compare plural seafloor solitude asteroid
repeat weakness historic wearing servant understand cartoonist uncoil
explain roadside transform explore thermometer birthmark consume tabloid

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell
words with the corresponding template for each list:
*L ists that can utilize
more than one template SPELLING LISTS
Essentials (5–8)
are marked individually
A Single-Syllable Spell It
by word.
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It

Unit 17 C Unit 18 C Unit 19 Unit 20 C Unit 21 Unit 22 C Unit 23 C Unit 24 C

Spellings of /ou/ as Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /aw/ as Other vowel Vowel -ng and Consonant-le Latin chunks: Hard and soft
in ouch: in book: in awesome: spellings REVIEW -nk chunks Syllables -tion, -sion, c and g
ou, ow oo, u au, aw -ture, -cial, -tial
empower butcher sprawl A inclusive shrunk A cubicle fixture accident
outstanding crooked autograph checkpoint overthink gurgle revision confidence
scoundrel wooden drawback counsel embankment swindle inspection logical
markdown understood defaulted footbridge hungering shuffle social specific
encounter fullness gawking fauna singular brittle residential tragedy
download retook daunting C automatic restrung C resemble official oxygen
cloudless notebook authentic loosen kangaroo ventricle potential presidency
downward footprint jigsaw grouchy oblong subtitle temperature exercise
background bookmark audit cowardly bunker assemble condition convince
coward goodwill cauldron overlook zooplankton responsible dimension disadvantage

Unit 25 C Unit 26 C Unit 27 C Unit 28 C Unit 29 C Unit 30 C Unit 31 C Unit 32 C

Consonant suffixes: Vowel suffixes: 1-1-1 Doubling Rule Prefixes: Prefixes: Suffixes and Closed Syllable Split vowels
-s, -ful, -less, -es, -ing, -er, 3 sounds of dis-, con-, un-, re-, pre-, pro- prefixes REVIEW exceptions:
-ness, -ment, -ly -est, -ous, suffix -ed in-, im- old, ost, olt,
-y, -able, -ible ild, ind
compliment invisible programmer contribute relationship completeness placeholder fluency
meaningless predictable cancelling conversation remainder demanded revolt geometric
recently infamous regrettable discomfort reproduce disrespectful moldable hilarious
forgiveness shadowy compelling disrespect productive important jolted mosaic
successfully proudest decreased impartial prohibit disconnected doorpost previous
finally supporter transmitted impossible preventable repeating childproof reality
regardless succeeding surrounded investigate pretend unevenly boldness various
instantly prefixes increased infection prescribe declaring behold creation
employment compatible upsetting unlikely proclaim forgettable composting biography
merciful container specialized unwilling preserve requests kindly annual

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with Each word is divided according to the sound-
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell spellings in the word. ANSWER KEY
words with the corresponding template for each list: (-) separates sounds (/) separates syllables
A Single-Syllable Spell It
Spelling Lists
*For multisyllablic words, there is sometimes more than
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It one solution. The most common solution is provided. ESSENTIALS (5–8)

Unit 1 A Unit 2 A Unit 3 A Unit 4 C Unit 5 C Unit 6 C Unit 7 C Unit 8 C

Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed and Open Closed and Open VCE Syllables: VCE Syllables:
Short vowels Short vowels Short vowels Multisyllabic words Syllables: Syllables: Single-syllable and Multisyllabic words
Digraphs: ch, wh, 2-sound blends 3-sound blends y says long e at the Schwa multisyllabic words Schwa:
th, sh, ck, ph end of multisyllabic ive, ace, age, ate
Digraph blends Trigraphs
wh-a-ck d-r-e-n-ch s-c-r-a-tch ban/ish ab/do/men a/ston/ish frus/trate men/ace
ch-e-ck t-e-n-th c-l-u-tch es/tab/lish de/pend meth/od mi/cro/scope ul/ti/mate
th-i-ck f-r-e-sh s-l-u-dge tan/trum e/vent u/ten/sil trans/late sal/vage
wh-i-z s-t-a-m-p s-t-r-e-ss mis/hap ex/act/ly sed/i/ment se/vere sub/jec/tive
qu-a-ck th-r-i-f-t p-r-o-m-p-t dis/gust ny/lon shriv/el ex/pose ef/fec/tive
p-a-th c-l-u-m-p s-p-r-i-g max/i/mum pho/to/graph pen/ta/gon dem/on/strate pre/pack/age
qu-i-ck sh-r-i-m-p n-u-dge com/pact tri/pod in/stru/ment cap/ti/vate grim/ace
g-a-sh z-e-s-t c-r-u-tch en/rich/ment re/fresh/ment ran/dom ac/cuse col/lec/tive
sh-a-ck p-l-a-n-t b-r-i-dge At/lan/tic e/quip/ment cus/tom ep/i/sode man/age
m-e-sh g-a-s-p s-c-r-u-ff prod/uct hu/mid fes/ti/val mi/grate es/ti/mate

Unit 9 C Unit 10 Unit 11 C Unit 12 C Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 C

Common vowel Less common /or/ spelled or Additional spellings Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /oi/
teams: vowel teams: and /ar/ spelled ar of /or/: er, ir, ur, ear or, ar in ooze: as in oink:
Long a: ai, ay Long e: ie, ey oar, our, R-controlled oo, u, u_e, ew oi, oy
oor, ore spellings REVIEW
Long e: ee, ea Vowel team
Long i: igh REVIEW
Long o: oa, ow ear, air, are, ar
ap/pear grief A ar/tis/tic flor/al s-m-ir-k A b-ur-s-t A s-c-r-ew A appointment
day/light chimney ex/port pour/ing bur/den cal/en/dar with/drew disloyal
re/growth retrieve for/bid bore/dom dis/co/ver im/pos/tor ab/so/lute unemployment
dis/a/gree disbelief pass/port floor/board dir/ect sen/so/ry nu/mer/al avoided
main/tain hockey or/ga/nize soar/ing search/ing stel/lar mon/soon annoying
fright/ful queasy C har/vest em/bar/rass ex/ter/nal C cal/cu/la/tor C cru/sade C overjoy
up/load relief in/for/mal re/pair mod/ern wor/thy new/est decoy
de/cay prepaid com/part/ment com/pare plur/al sea/floor sol/i/tude asteroid
re/peat weakness his/tor/ic wear/ing ser/vant un/der/stand car/toon/ist uncoil
ex/plain roadside trans/form ex/plore ther/mom/e/ter birth/mark con/sume tabloid

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with Each word is divided according to the sound-
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell spellings in the word. ANSWER KEY
words with the corresponding template for each list: (-) separates sounds (/) separates syllables
A Single-Syllable Spell It
Spelling Lists
*For multisyllablic words, there is sometimes more than
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It one solution. The most common solution is provided. ESSENTIALS (5–8)

Unit 17 C Unit 18 C Unit 19 Unit 20 C Unit 21 Unit 22 C Unit 23 C Unit 24 C

Spellings of /ou/ as Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /aw/ as Other vowel Vowel -ng and Consonant-le Latin chunks: Hard and soft
in ouch: in book: in awesome: spellings REVIEW -nk chunks Syllables -tion, -sion, c and g
ou, ow oo, u au, aw -ture, -cial, -tial
em/pow/er butch/er sprawl A in/clu/sive sh-r-unk A cu/bi/cle fix/ture ac/ci/dent
out/stand/ing crook/ed auto/graph check/point o/ver/think gur/gle re/vi/sion con/fi/dence
scoun/drel wood/en draw/back coun/sel em/bank/ment swin/dle in/spec/tion log/i/cal
mark/down un/der/stood de/fault/ed foot/bridge hung/er/ing shuf/fle so/cial spe/cif/ic
en/coun/ter full/ness gawk/ing fau/na sing/u/lar brit/tle res/i/den/tial trag/e/dy
down/load re/took daun/ting C au/to/mat/ic re/strung C re/sem/ble of/fi/cial ox/y/gen
cloud/less note/book au/then/tic loo/sen kang/a/roo ven/tri/cle po/ten/tial pres/i/den/cy
down/ward foot/print jig/saw grouch/y ob/long sub/ti/tle tem/per/a/ture ex/er/cise
back/ground book/mark au/dit cow/ard/ly bunk/er as/sem/ble con/di/tion con/vince
cow/ard good/will caul/dron o/ver/look zoo/plank/ton re/spon/si/ble di/men/sion dis/ad/van/tage
Letters in chunks stay
together in one box.

Unit 25 C Unit 26 C Unit 27 C Unit 28 C Unit 29 C Unit 30 C Unit 31 C Unit 32 C

Consonant suffixes: Vowel suffixes: 1-1-1 Doubling Rule Prefixes: Prefixes: Suffixes and Closed Syllable Split vowels
-s, -ful, -less, -es, -ing, -er, 3 sounds of dis-, con-, un-, re-, pre-, pro- prefixes REVIEW exceptions:
-ness, -ment, -ly -est, -ous, suffix -ed in-, im- old, ost, olt,
-y, -able, -ible ild, ind
com/pli/ment in/vis/i/ble pro/gram/mer con/tri/bute re/la/tion/ship com/plete/ness place/hold/er flu/en/cy
mean/ing/less pre/dic/ta/ble can/cel/ling con/ver/sa/tion re/main/der de/mand/ed re/volt ge/o/met/ric
re/cent/ly in/fam/ous re/gret/ta/ble dis/com/fort re/pro/duce dis/re/spect/ful mold/a/ble hi/lar/i/ous
for/give/ness shad/ow/y com/pel/ling dis/re/spect pro/duc/tive im/por/tant jolt/ed mo/sa/ic
suc/cess/ful/ly proud/est de/creased im/par/tial pro/hib/it dis/con/nect/ed door/post pre/vi/ous
fi/nal/ly sup/port/er trans/mit/ted im/pos/si/ble pre/ven/ta/ble re/peat/ing child/proof re/al/i/ty
re/gard/less suc/ceed/ing sur/round/ed in/ves/ti/gate pre/tend un/e/ven/ly bold/ness var/i/ous
in/stant/ly pre/fix/es in/creased in/fec/tion pre/scribe de/clar/ing be/hold cre/a/tion
em/ploy/ment com/pat/i/ble up/set/ting un/like/ly pro/claim for/get/ta/ble com/post/ing bi/og/ra/phy
mer/ci/ful con/tain/er spe/cial/ized un/will/ing pre/serve re/quests kind/ly an/nu/al
Letters in suffixes stay Letters in suffixes stay Suffix -ed stays Letters in prefixes stay Letters in prefixes stay Letters in suffixes and
together in one box. together in one box. together in one box. together in one box. together in one box. prefixes stay together
in one box.

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell
words with the corresponding template for each list:
*L ists that can utilize
more than one template SPELLING LISTS
Linguistics (8–12)
are marked individually
A Single-Syllable Spell It
by word.
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It

Unit 1 A Unit 2 A Unit 3 A Unit 4 C Unit 5 C Unit 6 C Unit 7 C Unit 8 C

Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed and Open Closed and Open VCE Syllables: VCE Syllables:
Short vowels Short vowels Short vowels Multisyllabic words Syllables: Syllables: Single-syllable and Multisyllabic words
Digraphs: ch, wh, 2-sound blends 3-sound blends y says long e at the Schwa multisyllabic words Schwa: ive, ace,
th, sh, ck, ph end of multisyllabic age, ate
Digraph blends Trigraphs
mock clench stretch investment pastry accomplish anecdote deductive
lush brand splint misconduct secretly dilemma compromise mismanage
shun squelch kempt distress beyond prominent subscribe inanimate
shim tenth grudge hectic equinox vacant miscalculate adequate
tuck shred prompt transcript matrix seldom integrate attentive
quick crash strict prospect protest select expedite primitive
shush plump smudge splendid virus stamina meditate ultimate
whack skimp script pandemic subzero immigrant hesitate secretive
lash spend struck vanishing prohibit hesitant obsolete populace
whim drench splotch establish relentless dramatic monotone vantage

Unit 9 C Unit 10 C Unit 11 C Unit 12 C Unit 13 C Unit 14 C Unit 15 Unit 16 C

Common vowel Less common /or/ spelled or Additional spellings Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /oi/ as
teams: vowel teams: and of /or/: er, ir, ur, ear or, ar in ooze: in oink:
Long a: ai, ay Long e: ie, ey /ar/ spelled ar oar, our, oor, ore R-controlled oo, u, u_e, ew oi, oy

Long e: ee, ea Vowel team spellings REVIEW

REVIEW care:
Long i: igh ear, air, are, ar
Long o: oa, ow
reproach achieve argument flora absurd summarize shrewd A disappointment
exclaim medley dormitory mournful government popularity overthrew thyroid
shadowy retrieval trademark carnivore indirectly oppressor duplicate trapezoid
unsightly cavalier organic boorish rehearsal predator illuminate deployment
disappear aimlessly jargon uproar partnership mentorship taboo anointed
speechless treatment regardless apparent nocturnal bombard steward C loyalties
repeatedly constrain ornament despair suburban tolerant gratitude turmoil
betrayal encroach forbidden unaware dispersal skirmish exclusive alloy
approaching showmanship sporadic sportswear quirky artifact typhoon disjointed
ideal disagreement sarcastic ordinary rural forensic conclude embroider

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell
words with the corresponding template for each list:
*L ists that can utilize
more than one template SPELLING LISTS
Linguistics (8–12)
are marked individually
A Single-Syllable Spell It
by word.
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It

Unit 17 C Unit 18 C Unit 19 C Unit 20 C Unit 21 C Unit 22 C Unit 23 C Unit 24 C

Spellings of /ou/ as Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /aw/ as Other vowel Vowel -ng and Consonant-le Latin chunks: Hard and soft
in ouch: in book: in awesome: spellings REVIEW -nk chunks Syllables -tion, -sion, -ture, c and g
ou, ow oo, u au, aw -cial, -tial, -cious,
downtrodden bulletproof authorize brutality bankrupted dwindle pretentious tolerance
paramount onlooker hydraulic disappointed calculating obstacle substantial vaccinate
resounding statehood lawfully bountiful hyperlink disgruntle progression significance
overpowering pocketbook automatic crookedness twinkling incapable superficial originate
foreground butcher saunter augment cliffhanger plausible precious frequency
devout misunderstood trauma impromptu elongate subsample signature eligible
astound bookcase default profound countersunk unavoidable translation contingent
boundary forsook auditory destitute captivating ramshackle absorption anticipate
disallow lookalike flawlessly endowment angular probable confidential lethargic
counselor parenthood claustrophobic undaunted lingering entanglement loquacious urgency

Unit 25 C Unit 26 C Unit 27 C Unit 28 C Unit 29 C Unit 30 C Unit 31 C Unit 32 C

Consonant suffixes: Vowel suffixes: 1-1-1 Doubling Rule Prefixes: Prefixes: Suffixes and Closed Syllable Split vowels
-s, -ful, -less, -es, -ing, -er, 3 sounds of dis-, con-, un-, re-, pre-, pro- prefixes REVIEW exceptions:
-ness, -ment, -ly -est, -ous, -y, suffix -ed in-, im- old, ost, olt,
-able, -ible ild, ind
effortless credible benefitting confiscate precaution replacement absentminded deactivate
obscurely reasonable infallible contemplate predominate stubbornness hundredfold harmonious
impoliteness hazardous programmable disengage procrastinate concealment uppermost oblivious
announcement murky excelling disclaimer predicament reappointed childishness society
competently steepest apprehended distasteful protectiveness interpret revoltingly spontaneous
uneventful contender fabricated implication promotional deductible humankind triumphant
expansiveness demanding standardized incubate requirement formulated mindlessly vicarious
earnestly advantages occurring interrupt redefine unaffected policyholder congruent
discontentment sustainable centralized undecided restoration insanity faultfinding evaluate
limitless populous developed unexpected protocol culminated mastermind formulaic

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with Each word is divided according to the sound-
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell spellings in the word. ANSWER KEY
words with the corresponding template for each list: (-) separates sounds (/) separates syllables
A Single-Syllable Spell It
Spelling Lists
*For multisyllablic words, there is sometimes more than
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It one solution. The most common solution is provided. LINGUISTICS (8–12)

Unit 1 A Unit 2 A Unit 3 A Unit 4 C Unit 5 C Unit 6 C Unit 7 C Unit 8 C

Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed Syllables: Closed and Open Closed and Open VCE Syllables: VCE Syllables:
Short vowels Short vowels Short vowels Multisyllabic words Syllables: Syllables: Single-syllable and Multisyllabic words
Digraphs: ch, wh, 2-sound blends 3-sound blends y says long e at the Schwa multisyllabic words Schwa: ive, ace,
th, sh, ck, ph end of multisyllabic age, ate
Digraph blends Trigraphs
m-o-ck c-l-e-n-ch s-t-r-e-tch in/vest/ment pa/stry ac/comp/lish an/ec/dote de/duc/tive
l-u-sh b-r-a-n-d s-p-l-i-n-t mis/con/duct se/cret/ly di/lem/ma com/pro/mise mis/man/age
sh-u-n s-qu-e-l-ch k-e-m-p-t dis/tress be/yond prom/i/nent sub/scribe in/an/i/mate
sh-i-m t-e-n-th g-r-u-dge hec/tic e/quin/ox va/cant mis/cal/cu/late ad/e/quate
t-u-ck sh-r-e-d p-r-o-m-p-t tran/script ma/trix sel/dom in/te/grate at/ten/tive
qu-i-ck c-r-a-sh s-t-r-i-c-t pros/pect pro/test se/lect ex/pe/dite prim/i/tive
sh-u-sh p-l-u-m-p s-m-u-dge splen/did vi/rus stam/i/na med/i/tate ul/ti/mate
wh-a-ck s-k-i-m-p s-c-r-i-p-t pan/dem/ic sub/ze/ro im/mi/grant hes/i/tate se/cre/tive
l-a-sh s-p-e-n-d s-t-r-u-ck van/ish/ing pro/hib/it hes/i/tant ob/so/lete pop/u/lace
wh-i-m d-r-e-n-ch s-p-l-o-tch es/tab/lish re/lent/less dra/mat/ic mon/o/tone van/tage

Unit 9 C Unit 10 C Unit 11 C Unit 12 C Unit 13 C Unit 14 C Unit 15 Unit 16 C

Common vowel Less common /or/ spelled or Additional spellings Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /er/: Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /oi/ as
teams: vowel teams: and of /or/: er, ir, ur, ear or, ar in ooze: in oink:
Long a: ai, ay Long e: ie, ey /ar/ spelled ar oar, our, oor, ore R-controlled oo, u, u_e, ew oi, oy

Long e: ee, ea Vowel team spellings REVIEW

REVIEW care:
Long i: igh ear, air, are, ar
Long o: oa, ow
re/proach a/chieve ar/gu/ment flor/a ab/surd sum/ma/rize sh-r-ew-d A dis/ap/point/ment
ex/claim med/ley dor/mi/tor/y mourn/ful gov/ern/ment pop/u/lar/i/ty o/ver/threw thy/roid
shad/ow/y re/triev/al trade/mark car/ni/vore in/di/rect/ly op/press/or du/pli/cate trap/e/zoid
un/sight/ly cav/a/lier or/gan/ic boor/ish re/hear/sal pred/a/tor il/lu/mi/nate de/ploy/ment
dis/ap/pear aim/less/ly jar/gon up/roar part/ner/ship men/tor/ship tab/oo a/noin/ted
speech/less treat/ment re/gard/less ap/par/ent noc/tur/nal bom/bard stew/ard C loy/al/ties
re/peat/ed/ly con/strain or/na/ment de/spair sub/ur/ban tol/er/ant grat/it/ude tur/moil
be/tray/al en/croach for/bid/den un/a/ware dis/per/sal skir/mish ex/clu/sive al/loy
ap/proach/ing show/man/ship spor/ad/ic sports/wear quirk/y ar/ti/fact ty/phoon dis/join/ted
i/deal dis/a/gree/ment sar/cas/tic or/di/nar/y rur/al for/en/sic con/clude em/broi/der

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Each list is labeled with a letter that corresponds with Each word is divided according to the sound-
one of the spelling templates. Have students spell spellings in the word. ANSWER KEY
words with the corresponding template for each list: (-) separates sounds (/) separates syllables
A Single-Syllable Spell It
Spelling Lists
*For multisyllablic words, there is sometimes more than
C Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Split It one solution. The most common solution is provided. LINGUISTICS (8–12)

Unit 17 C Unit 18 C Unit 19 C Unit 20 C Unit 21 C Unit 22 C Unit 23 C Unit 24 C

Spellings of /ou/ as Spellings of /�/ as Spellings of /aw/ as Other vowel Vowel -ng and Consonant-le Latin chunks: Hard and soft
in ouch: in book: in awesome: spellings REVIEW -nk chunks Syllables -tion, -sion, -ture, c and g
ou, ow oo, u au, aw -cial, -tial, -cious,
down/trod/den bul/let/proof au/thor/ize bru/tal/i/ty bank/rup/ted dwin/dle pre/ten/tious tol/er/ance
par/a/mount on/look/er hy/draul/ic dis/ap/poin/ted cal/cu/la/ting ob/sta/cle sub/stan/tial vac/ci/nate
re/sound/ing state/hood law/ful/ly boun/ti/ful hy/per/link dis/grun/tle pro/gres/sion sig/nif/i/cance
o/ver/pow/er/ing pock/et/book au/to/mat/ic crook/ed/ness twink/ling in/ca/pa/ble su/per/fi/cial o/rig/i/nate
fore/ground butch/er saun/ter aug/ment cliff/hang/er plau/si/ble pre/cious fre/quen/cy
de/vout mis/un/der/stood trau/ma im/promp/tu e/long/ate sub/sam/ple sig/na/ture el/i/gi/ble
a/stound book/case de/fault pro/found coun/ter/sunk un/a/void/a/ble trans/la/tion con/tin/gent
boun/da/ry for/sook au/di/tor/y des/ti/tute cap/ti/va/ting ram/shac/kle ab/sorp/tion an/ti/ci/pate
dis/al/low look/a/like flaw/less/ly en/dow/ment ang/u/lar prob/a/ble con/fi/den/tial le/thar/gic
coun/se/lor par/ent/hood claus/tro/pho/bic un/daun/ted ling/er/ing en/tan/gle/ment lo/qua/cious ur/gen/cy

Unit 25 C Unit 26 C Unit 27 C Unit 28 C Unit 29 C Unit 30 C Unit 31 C Unit 32 C

Consonant suffixes: Vowel suffixes: 1-1-1 Doubling Rule Prefixes: Prefixes: Suffixes and Closed Syllable Split vowels
-s, -ful, -less, -es, -ing, -er, 3 sounds of dis-, con-, un-, re-, pre-, pro- prefixes REVIEW exceptions:
-ness, -ment, -ly -est, -ous, -y, suffix -ed in-, im- old, ost, olt,
-able, -ible ild, ind
ef/fort/less cred/i/ble ben/e/fit/ting con/fi/scate pre/cau/tion re/place/ment ab/sent/mind/ed de/ac/ti/vate
ob/scure/ly rea/son/a/ble in/fal/li/ble con/tem/plate pre/dom/i/nate stub/born/ness hun/dred/fold har/mo/ni/ous
im/po/lite/ness haz/ar/dous pro/gram/ma/ble dis/en/gage pro/cras/ti/nate con/ceal/ment up/per/most ob/liv/i/ous
an/nounce/ment mur/ky ex/cel/ling dis/claim/er pre/dic/a/ment re/ap/poin/ted child/ish/ness so/ci/e/ty
com/pe/tent/ly steep/est ap/pre/hen/ded dis/taste/ful pro/tec/tive/ness in/ter/pret re/volt/ing/ly spon/ta/ne/ous
un/e/vent/ful cont/end/er fab/ri/ca/ted im/pli/ca/tion pro/mo/tion/al de/duc/ti/ble hu/man/kind tri/umph/ant
ex/pan/sive/ness de/mand/ing stan/dar/dized in/cu/bate re/quire/ment for/mu/la/ted mind/less/ly vi/car/i/ous
ear/nest/ly ad/van/ta/ges oc/cur/ring in/ter/rupt re/de/fine un/af/fec/ted pol/i/cy/hold/er con/gru/ent
dis/con/tent/ment sus/tain/a/ble cen/tra/lized un/de/ci/ded re/stor/a/tion in/san/i/ty fault/find/ing e/val/u/ate
lim/it/less pop/u/lous de/vel/oped un/ex/pec/ted pro/to/col cul/mi/na/ted mas/ter/mind for/mu/la/ic
Letters in suffixes stay Letters in suffixes stay Suffix -ed stays Letters in prefixes stay Letters in prefixes stay Letters in suffixes and
together in one box. together in one box. together in one box. together in one box. together in one box. prefixes stay together
in one box.

Permission granted to purchaser to copy this page. © 2018 Really Great Reading Company, LLC
Spell It! Single-Syllable Words TEMPLATE A

1. Listen to each word. Example:

l o ck
2. Put dots in the circles for each sound.
3. Write the spellings in the boxes.











© 2020 Really Great Reading Company, LLC

Spell It! Two-Syllable Words TEMPLATE B
1. Listen to each word.
2. Identify the number of syllables in the word.
3. Put dots in the circles for each sound in the first syllable and then the second syllable.
4. Write the spellings in the boxes for each syllable.
5. Write the whole word on a sheet of paper.

1st Syllable 2nd Syllable











© 2020 Really Great Reading Company, LLC

Split It! For Two-, Three-, and Four-Syllable Words TEMPLATE C

1. Listen to each word. 3. Write each syllable in a box.

2. Fill in one dot for each syllable you hear. 4. Write the whole word on the line.










© 2020 Really Great Reading Company, LLC

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