Joe Vitale Money+Loves+Speed+Book

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Money Loves Speed!

“Dr. Joe - you did it again!! This could be the most

effective book on creating one’s own wealth I’ve
ever come across, and I’ve read most of them.”
- Daniel Barrett, author, musician, CEO

“Dr. Joe Vitale does it again. He combines big

picture strategy with practical, step-by-step tactics
to attract instant money and long-term wealth –
Money truly does love Speed!”
- Eric Bakey, Professional Dog Trainer &
Visual Facilitator

“Dr. Joe has written a masterpiece that not

only shares incredible tools, wonderful
stories, but more importantly acts as a
beacon to the universe saying… I am open
and ready to receive.”
- Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon
Money Loves Speed!
From Stress to Success

Revealing The 8 Laws of

Attracting Money Fast

Dr. Joe Vitale

Hypnotic Marketing, Inc.

Copyright © 2020 by Hypnotic Marketing Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

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Hypnotic Marketing, Inc.

PO Box 2924
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Phone: 512-847-3414 or (888) 743-2824


While the publisher, designers, contributors, editors, and author have

used their best efforts in preparing this Instant Money book, they
make no warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or
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The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for
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You should always consult with a financial or legal professional
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special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

Cover design: Ted Angel

Editing & interior design: Tanya Brockett,
Edits by Caroline Harper.
Inspiration by Nick Vitale.

Money Loves Speed//Joe Vitale—1st ed. First printing March 2020

The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.

—Arnold Patent
To Dan S. Kennedy
As usual with a big project, numerous people helped me
create this book. Here are some influential top guns: My
nephew Nick Vitale suggested I write another book
helping people struggling. Marlon Sanders encouraged
me to write a book explaining “Money loves speed”
because he said everyone credited me with the phrase
but I didn’t have a book on it. Dan S. Kennedy actually
first said the phrase, and I ran with it. Sean Donahoe
urged me to complete this book and helped me prep it
for selling. Caroline Harper completed first edits. Tanya
Brockett handled the heavy lifting of editing, rewrites
and book layout. Ted Angel created the cover. Chuck
Pennington helped with websites. All the speakers from
my famous Attract Money Now Live event helped,
including Dee Wallace, Daniel Barrett, Mathew Dixon,
Lori Anderson, Mendhi Audlin, Adam Mortimer, Bill
Phillips, Bob Wakitsch, Scott York, Bruce Burns and
Connie Raegan Green. Arnold Patent’s insights into
money have enriched me. Lisa Winston, my partner and
my love, took care of me so I could focus on completing
the book. Everyone in my Miracles Coaching®, Zero
Limits Mastery and Awakened Millionaire Academy
helped with their questions. Thank you all, and thank
anyone I may have forgotten to mention. I am grateful.

PART ONE............................................................18
BROKE? START HERE.......................................19
POVERTY TO PROSPERITY..............................27
YOUR ROAD AHEAD.........................................41
PART TWO...........................................................52
THE LOTTERY.....................................................53
ARE YOU READY?.............................................56
THE BIG MISTAKE.............................................61
YOUR SECRET WISH.........................................66
SHOCK TREATMENT.........................................71
THE 8 LAWS OF MONEY...................................76
WATCH YOUR “RAS”........................................80
LIMITING BELIEFS.............................................90
THE GLAD GAME.............................................104
MIND CONTROL...............................................113
ZOMBIE BILLIONAIRES..................................120
SELLING OUT....................................................124
THE AWAKENED MILLIONAIRE..................127
PART THREE.....................................................130
ATTRACTING MONEY ...................................131
SAVING MONEY...............................................132
INTERACTIVE PLAYBOOK............................146
SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY...........................218
ABOUT THE AUTHOR.....................................221
“Money loves speed.”
It's one of the most important principles in
attracting more money. But most people never
heard of it, let alone understand it. I first heard the
phrase from Dan Kennedy, the direct marketer who
has influenced so many people, including me.
I started saying the phrase, "money loves
speed" everywhere I went, because it made so much
sense to me. It caught on and people started
repeating it. But it was Marlon Sanders, an eccentric
marketing genius, who told me, "Joe, you don't
have a book called Money Loves Speed."
Then it dawned on me, I should write one,
and I should do it quickly. Money loves speed is an
important principle, because the people who tend to
act the fastest make the most money. When an idea
comes to you, you should drop everything and do
your best to act on it and complete it and get it to
market. You can always revise an idea later, but
generally speaking, the first person to bring it to the
public is the first person to make the profit.
Money loves speed also implies a couple
other things. One is other people are probably
getting the same idea as you or something similar. If
you don't act on your idea now, somebody else will
act on it, and they will profit instead of you.
It was Tony Robbins, the famous self-help
guru, who asked the question, "Have you ever had
an idea for something and didn't act on it, and then
six months to a year later you walked into a
bookstore or you drove down the street and
somebody else acted on your idea and was selling
it?" There it was in the bookstore, or there it was as
a store on the street or even on the internet.
Somebody else acted on your idea.
Also, metaphysically, ideas don't come to
just one person. They come to several people at the
same time. It's almost like the universe is hedging
its bet and making sure the idea actually gets
Most people don't act on ideas, so if the
universe gives the idea to a dozen or more people,
at least one of them is probably going to act on it,
and that person is going to be winning in the money
The whole point of this book is to remind
you that there are certain laws around attracting
money that have nothing to do with banking or
investing or real estate. These are more principles of
the mind. They're principles of the universe. They're
laws on how to attract more money faster than ever
Now, this whole book is designed to help
you whether you are broke and in stress and
wondering how you're going to pay your electric
bill, or whether you're an entrepreneur and you're
already doing reasonably well. I'm going to take
you from beginner and stressed to successful and
feeling more peaceful, and then go beyond that to a
place that I'm going to call abundant serenity.
Arnold Patent said, "We don't create
abundance. We create limitations."
It's an important insight. Think about it.
The only reason you don't have the money
you want right now is due to your beliefs. Change
your beliefs, which are your limitations, and you
can reenter the zone of abundance.
One thing you can do right now is take on a
new belief. The new belief is money loves speed.
This should be your reminder right now that if you
have an idea for a product or service, you should
write it down. You should honor it, and you should
act on it.
I regard ideas as gifts. You didn't buy the
idea. You didn't ask for the idea. You received the
idea. It came by grace. The idea came to you from a
benevolent universe, and it's up to you to co-create
it into a product or service that will actually benefit
you and everybody involved.
If you really want to attract more money,
this is the book to read, and the time to read it is
right now. After all, money loves speed.

I was once like you—or even worse off.

Broke. Struggling. Desperate.
Why did others have money and not me? What was
wrong with me? I was doing all the right things, so I
Yet I had been homeless. And I was in poverty for
more than ten years. I would lay in bed and sweat, not
knowing how I would pay the bills.
Now, here I am today, successful, well-known, well-
off, and helping others with what I’ve learned.
How did I transform?
It didn’t happen overnight for me, but it did happen.
My discovery of “The 8 Laws of Money” made the
difference. And as I’ve shared them with others, it’s
made the change for them, too.
Let me share a recent story of another person who
went from homeless to great success using the principles
I teach.

From Homeless to Billionaire

I recently had a speaking engagement in Bangkok,

Thailand. The event organizer was a young man from
Sweden named Andres Pira.
Andres left Sweden fifteen years ago out of
desperation. He was twenty years old and unhappy. His
life was going nowhere, he was tired of the ten months a
year of darkness, and he needed a way out.
His grandfather died and left him two thousand
dollars, which he used to buy a ticket to the warmest
country he could get to quickly—Thailand. But there
was no easy road in Thailand for a young man with no
contacts, no experience, and no ability to speak the Thai
Within a short period, Andres was homeless. He slept
on the beach. He was too embarrassed to ask his family
for help. He contacted a friend and confessed that he was
The friend said, “I won’t send you any money, but
I’ll send you a book that might help you.”
A book? Andres was upset. He’s starving and his
friend is going to send a book?
The book was The Secret. Andres was mad. He was
desperate. He didn’t want a book. So he decided to prove
the book wrong. Wrong!
But Andres read it and practiced it, and as he did,
something awakened within him. He started to realize
that his thoughts were creating his reality. Since he was
homeless, he didn’t like what his thoughts had created.
Andres decided to learn and use the Law of
Attraction and other principles of mind to create a better
life for himself. The next book he read was Napoleon
Hill’s classic, Think and Grow Rich. After that, he read
my first book on the spiritual healing method called
ho’oponopono, Zero Limits.
He was then committed to changing his life.
He succeeded, too. Today Andres runs nineteen
companies, has 150 employees, and is a billionaire. He is
one of the largest real estate developers in all of
Southeast Thailand. Best Western Premiere managed
one of his biggest properties in 2018. Andres also owns
a gym, a law office, a gas station, several coffee shops,
and more. He’s only thirty-five years old.
Andres explained how he read The Secret, and then
moved on to other books by the teachers of The Secret,
including me. The more I spoke to Andres, the more I
realized he had deeply integrated what he learned from
me and other authors, and yet made it his own and went
beyond it. I was so inspired by his story that I helped
him write his book, Homeless to Billionaire.
If Andres can transcend his dire circumstances, and
others like me can move from homeless to success, can’t
you do it, too?
Stay with me here…

Just imagine there was a magic method to free

anyone, including you, from life-long money problems:
immediately, permanently, without doubt, without fear
of failure, without stress, without worry, without
thinking it’s “too good to be true,” without falling for
“make money” schemes, without stress about bills, and
without thinking that money is evil and poisoning you.
Let’s take it further. Imagine that at the same time
you awaken more spiritual power, feel aligned with your
passion, are filled with the ability to make a difference,
and ready to live a life of financial and spiritual freedom.
You feel on top of the world, beaming with confidence
and self-love, clear on how you can have, do, or be
whatever your mind and heart desires.
If there were such a magical method, would you use
Of course you would.
But you probably don’t believe you can wave a
magic wand and have everything change. Neither do I.
But still, this seemingly magical method does exist. I
call it a Spiritual Wealth Awakening. And it happens
with eight lightning-fast transformations. In fact, it’s not
magic. It just seems that way. It certainly seemed that
way to me when I struggled with poverty for a decade,
convinced I would be poor forever.
When I first discovered it, I knew I could change the
lives of thousands of people with this seemingly magical
method. And that’s exactly what’s happened. Everyone I
guided down the path of the Awakened Millionaire—
through my book, The Awakened Millionaire, and the
online Awakened Millionaire Academy—experienced
this magical transformation, and many still can’t believe
it happened.
But it did.
Now it’s your turn to start your transformation
through this book.
Just one of the principles is “Money loves speed.”
Combine it with the others and you can truly leave stress
and move to success, and even transcend all struggle and
move into serenity.
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Give me your attention for a little bit, and I’ll help
you attract more money now. I know it may sound bold
and outrageous to say you can have almost instant
money, but I also know that once you follow the
principles and insights I reveal in this book, you’ll find
money all around you.
It’s there. You just haven’t seen it. And you haven’t
seen it because you have “belief filters” in your mind
blocking it from your view. This says nothing about you.
It’s not your fault. You were programmed this way by
well-meaning family, friends, and more. But you can
awaken from it.
And that’s what I plan to offer you in this book. It
will start by addressing your most urgent needs first, and
then it will lead you through the inner transformation
that can lead to lasting change. You will find that some
of the principles are repeated and weaved throughout the
book. That is because they are so important to your
transformation. Pay attention to this repetition and allow
it to sink in.
All I ask is that you focus as you read, reflect on what
I am sharing, and take action when you are inspired or
when I offer you something to do. Deal?
You can break free. You can have more money. You
can have the life you’ve dreamed about and longed for.
It all begins right here, right now.
Are you ready?
NOW is the time to do this.
Because Money Loves Speed!

Some of the greatest challenges that you are facing

right now can become future opportunities. Hold
this thought in your mind and try to find good in
every bad situation.
—Dr. Joe Vitale


A ll the advice in the world can fall on deaf ears

when you are stressed out and in need of
money and support immediately. I understand
that. I’ve been there.
Because I realize you may be in a bind right now,
here is a list of emergency resources to help you. (If you
are out of the USA, call around for help, use the library
to search for assistance, and don’t ever give up.) These
resources may help you to reduce the pressure so you
can then spend more time creating new avenues of
money. If you need access to phones or the internet,
check with your local library or community resource
If you are safe at the moment and just need to start
turning your financial life around for the better, right
away, move on to the next chapter. Remember to act
swiftly because money loves speed.
Instant Help in the USA for
Homelessness, Poverty, or Runaways

a.i.1. Call 211. National resources clearing

house. Open right now. If you have technical
difficulties when dialing 2-1-1, dial toll-free 1-
877-541-7905. Or visit for
a.i.2.National Runaway Switchboard. Free, confidential
hotline. Dial 1-800-621-4000.
a.i.3. National Coalition for the Homeless.
Free resources. Call (202) 462-4822.
a.i.4. If you are a veteran, call HUDVET
National Hotline at (877) 424-3838.
a.i.5. Search for organizations that are set up
to help you now. Go to a library and use their
computer. Visit
directory/ and for what is near you.
a.i.6. Search this large directory of shelters
and resources, listed by state. Use a library
computer and go to
a.i.7. Find out if there is a Circles®USA
location near you. This organization strives to build
communities to end poverty in the US and Canada.
Learn more at .
a.i.8. Read the book, Attract Money Now. It is
a free e-book by a bestselling author who was
once homeless and in poverty. (Me.) Use a public
library computer to access it online. Go to

Note: This list was compiled from searches on the

internet. We do not know most of the resources and
can’t pass judgment on them. Please use due diligence in
getting the help you need. Have faith, believe in yourself
and the goodness of people, and work toward your
recovery and strength. You can do it.



A fter you get out of survival mode, it’s time to

set up a system to start and keep attracting
more money. Eventually, I want you to
discover your passion and learn how to profit from it.
But right now let’s find a way to bring in Instant Money.
Let’s do this fast because money loves speed.
The following are ideas on how to start bringing in
cash while you read this book and integrate the
principles in it. Thanks to the Internet, you can find
ideas, sources, resources, and more for generating
money quickly. This list is simply to kick-start your
thinking. You have to be willing to explore them and
take action if you want anything to change. All the ideas
in the world will not make a difference if you don’t act
on them. Keep an open mind as you explore this list.
Find a few golden nuggets and act on them.
Thirty-Five Instant Money Attractors

1. If you have a late-model car, become an Uber or Lyft

driver. or
2. Join Swagbucks and receive free coupons and
cash for what you already do online. See
3. Join Inboxdollars. You’ll earn cash and more
taking surveys, etc.
4. Sell your stuff online locally on Craigslist,
nationally on eBay, on a local Facebook
Marketplace, or at the local pawnshop. Note that
though the pawnshop is easy, you might make
more money on each item through other sources.
5. Make and sell homemade crafts. One place to
review and join is
6. Look for temporary work with temporary
employment agencies such as Manpower or Indeed. or
7. Receive money putting a sign on your car.
8. Ask for money for a specific purpose through a
crowdfunding service like or
9. Sell your blood or plasma. In a pinch, you can get
money right now.
10.Pre-sell your labor. Your family and friends may
not need your help right now, but they will one
day. Ask for payment now and do the work later.
A site to find buyers for your services is
11.Get paid $10 for every website or app you review.
12.Use your smart phone to collect data in stores as a
“field agent” and get paid to do it.
13.Get paid to take photos of your receipts.
14.Rent out a room in your home through or
15.Download the Neilson app and continue life
without any other change. As you go about your
business online, you will earn cash and points.
16.Offer a service online for $5 and up at; or other
freelance sites like
17.Write and sell an e-book online.
eBook and
18.Review 107 ways to make $100 fast at
19.Make and post short videos on YouTube and
make money from ads when they run.
20.Sell no longer needed larger items like furniture,
appliances, and bikes in a yard sale or community
Facebook page.
21.Sell old devices, textbooks, and video games to
professional buyers at . Or sell
broken electronics on eBay or
22.Sell new products (perhaps purchased at a
discount and unopened) on Amazon at
23.Be a cater waiter and earn higher hourly rates
working for local catering companies on an event-
by-event basis.
24.Sell unused gift cards (if you really don’t need
them) online at . You
can also buy gift cards at a discount for things you
25.Dog or cat sit for $10 to $20 per day. List your
availability on Craigslist or post a flyer at the post
office or in coffee shops.
26.If you are handy with tools, offer furniture
assembly services for $30 or more. Pass out flyers
to spread the word.
27.Believe it or not, you can sell your hair online at . Higher prices are
paid for hair that is natural and untreated.
28.Sell secondhand clothes to local consignment
shops or online at
29.Make money sharing your opinion in focus groups
at . You can search
for opportunities by city and state.
30.Become a mystery shopper through a secret shopper
marketing service like
31.Get paid to take pictures at
32.Create an online store or just sell your graphic
images to . They will
turn your graphics into T-shirts, coffee mugs, and
more and send you the profits.
33.Create an affiliate for products you already know
and love and promote them through social media
and niche websites.
34.Do what you are afraid to do. Money is often
hiding behind the thing you are most scared to do.
35.Read and integrate this book. Remember, money
loves speed.


A re you worried about your job? Are you

worried about your home, your family, or the
future? In many ways I don’t blame you.
When you look out into the world right now, it looks
pretty darn bleak. It looks pretty messy. What is
happening to the world? What is happening to the
economy? What is happening to your future and mine?
As you may know, thirty some years ago I was
homeless. I was in poverty. I know what it’s like to
starve. I know what it’s like to struggle. It’s no fun. I’m
here to help you out of that maze. I’m here to reach
down and pull you out of the quicksand. I would like to
share a three-step formula to help you get back on your
If you listen to me and take action, you will begin the
process of your own economic salvation. You will
discover a solution to your financial and economic
concerns. All you have to do is implement it. All you
have to do is take action. Remember, money loves speed.
Step One: Rebuild Your Self-Esteem

The first step is to rebuild your self-esteem. Why is

that important? Because I was homeless once and I was
in poverty once, I know that you feel worthless. You feel
hopeless. You feel unloved, unlikeable, and that nobody
is concerned about you and nobody cares about you. I’ve
been there. I know that feeling and I know that you can
rebuild your self-image and your self-esteem. It begins
there because if I tell you anything else afterwards, it’ll
just go in one ear and out the other because you won’t
have the foundation for success.
You must build your own internal foundation within
your own psychological well-being. Well, how do you
do that? You have to realize that at this point in time,
because of what you’ve been through and because of
what you’ve been worried about, you don’t feel like you
have a whole lot of strength inside of yourself. You
don’t feel you have a whole lot of courage or a whole lot
of power to go out there and do something different. It’s
there though. It needs to be dusted off. It needs to be
recharged and I’m going to show you how to do that.
In my free e-book Attract Money Now (available at, I share that one of the key
beliefs that stops people from moving forward is the
belief that they’re not lovable. (It is also included in
“The Top Ten Limiting Beliefs” chapter of this book.)
Deep down you feel that you’re not lovable and I say
that because it’s true for nearly everybody.
Consciously you might disagree with that;
consciously you might think, Oh, I am lovable. But deep
down inside in your unconscious mind, if you’re looking
around at your life and comparing yourself to other
people who are successful, part of you is saying, “I’m
not good enough. I don’t deserve success. I’m not
likeable and I’m not lovable.”
Well, we can fix that.

Emotional Freedom Technique

One way to fix that is with a method called

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping for
short). EFT is a type of psychological acupuncture.
Acupuncture is where they put needles in your arms,
back, and face to open up the energy channels within
you. But you don’t need those needles to make a
difference in your life. What you can do is tap on energy
points on your body to reopen those channels so energy
flows again.
Now, don’t scoff because thousands of people have
been doing this. Many books have been written about
EFT and there is a lot of material on the internet. You
can go to the library and read about it. I’ve even
produced material on this. I have a website called that explains how to do
this to remove the issues you might have unconsciously
concerning money.
But right now, I want to take care of the first step in
this formula and help you to love yourself again so you
can get back on your feet. So just assume for a minute
that you do have the belief, “I am not lovable.” Using
the diagram below, I’ll walk you through using EFT
with this phrase (sometimes called “the problem

Using the fingertips of your right hand, tap on the

karate chop point of your left hand (the fleshy part under
your pinkie) several times while repeating the setup
phrase, “Even though I feel unlovable, I deeply and
completely love, accept, and forgive myself.” Repeat
this phrase three times while continuing to tap, “Even
though I feel unlovable, I deeply and completely love,
accept, and forgive myself.”
Now you will move to the other tapping points,
tapping with two or more fingers, five or so times,
starting at the top of your head (crown chakra), and say,
Then you move and tap between the eyebrows, right
above the eyes, and say, “Unlovable.”
Then you go to the far side of your eyes and you tap
with one or both hands and say, “I am unlovable.”
Then tap underneath the eyes, saying, “I am
Then tap under your nose at that bridge right above
your lip, and say, “I am unlovable.”
Then you go under the bottom lip, right above the
chin, and you tap saying, “I am unlovable.”
Next tap under the collar bone (either or both sides)
and say, “Unlovable.”
Then tap under the armpit (around the bra line for
women) and say, “Unlovable.”
Then you return to your left hand and at the top of the
hand between the thumb and first finger (not shown on
diagram), you rub in there and say, “I am unlovable.”

Now as you’re doing this you might say, “I’m just

reinforcing the belief that I’m unlovable.” But what
you’re actually doing is releasing the belief that “I am
unlovable.” You are shifting that energy of being
unlovable and releasing it. You can do this cycle several
times until you feel the energy shift.
Admittedly, this is a quick version of how to do EFT.
I strongly encourage you to type “EFT” into your
computer’s search engine, go to the library if you don’t
have a computer, and get more information. Go to the
website and read more
about it. You can learn how to do this.

Let’s review so far:

In this first step of the formula, you are repairing the
psychological part of your being. Now believe me, no
matter where you are, this is very important. You have to
take care of the psychological before you can start to
deal with the material. You have to take care of the
spiritual before you can start to think about the material
side of life. So what you’re doing in this first step is
finding the beliefs that are holding you down and
removing them.
Do this right now. Pick whatever limiting or negative
belief comes to mind—the first one is “I am unlovable.”
Tap on that one until it is gone because you need to
know you are lovable. You do deserve success. You are
a human being having a spiritual experience and you can
overcome anything because of the power within you.
You need to be a cheerleader for your own life. That’s
the essence of this first step.
The second step is to begin to think like an
entrepreneur. This is really important because if you
were like me, you were probably looking around and
saying, “Where’s my next job? Where’s the next
employer? Where should I go? Where should I move?
Where should I look for a want ad? What should I do
next? How do I get employment?”
If you think about it, what you’re doing is thinking
like a victim. You’re thinking like a person who’s giving
their power to the outside world. Note that there’s
nothing wrong with having or wanting a job. Nothing at
all. But I’m encouraging you to expand your thinking
and empower yourself to do something bigger, more
powerful, and more majestic than you might have ever
thought of before.
Many people who are just looking for a job have a
bad attitude about jobs, about money, about themselves,
about work hours, about pay, and about supervisors. The
list goes on and on. Now, all of those feelings and
beliefs can be tapped away with the Emotional Freedom
After that, you’ll be ready to live the title of this
book: money loves speed.

Step Two: Think Like an Entrepreneur

In the second step, I encourage you to think like an

entrepreneur. What is an entrepreneur? That is a person
who looks for opportunities in the business world and
turns them into businesses. An entrepreneur may have
many businesses, not just one, and an entrepreneur often
becomes a boss in their own business and gives work to
a lot of other people.
If you really want to make a difference in the world,
start to attract money into your life now, become an
entrepreneur, and employ a lot of other people who need
work. When you do, you’re going to make a difference
in your life, your employees’ lives, your family’s lives,
your community’s life, and on and on it goes.
Thinking like an entrepreneur means you’re looking
around in your world, in your current situation, and
asking yourself, “What are people complaining about?”
You may even ask yourself, “What am I complaining
about?” Because here’s the million-dollar tip of the day:
What you’re complaining about can be turned into a
product or service. The problem could be an opportunity.
Now, you should sit with this for a second.
Let me share an example. Years ago I was on a diet. I
entered a bodybuilding contest and I was very strict
about what I was eating and drinking, which meant I was
eating and drinking almost nothing. I was out with
friends once and we had gone to a bar. They were all
drinking margaritas, and I sat there thinking, Boy, I wish
I could have a margarita, but I couldn’t. The average
margarita has three hundred to a thousand calories in it
depending on the mix that the bartender uses.
I remember slamming my fist down on the table and
jokingly telling everybody, “What we need is a
bodybuilder’s margarita mix.” Well, everybody laughed,
but then I stopped and realized I was not the only person
who had that problem. Anybody who’s ever been on a
diet, anybody who’s ever been in a fitness contest, and
anybody who’s ever been a bodybuilder or would-be
bodybuilder has watched, dissatisfied, as other people
enjoyed their food and drinks.
And what I realized then was that here was a
potential product. I thought about it. I then found a few
friends who knew somebody who was a nutritionist and
who knew a medical doctor. I found a couple of people
and we invented Fit-A-RitaTM. Fit-A-RitaTM is the
world’s first all natural margarita mix. It has no sugar,
no carbs, and only six calories. Finally, there was a
solution to my problem, but my problem was also shared
with a whole other audience.
As a result of creating Fit-A-RitaTM, one company
wanted to buy eleven million packets of it. Another
company wanted to buy the mix to supply it to the
tequila companies out there. And I’ve had several such
offers since launching it.
The greater lesson here is that whatever it is that
you’re complaining about is probably a potential product
or service you can make money on. And if you don’t
notice yourself complaining about something in life,
then notice what others are complaining about when
you’re standing in line someplace or having a
conversation with someone.

A scarcity mind sees the problem; the

abundant mind sees the product or service
or solution. Which mindset do you want to
—Dr. Joe Vitale
Here’s another example. I had heard about a woman
who invented a unique kind of alarm clock. She had
noticed that whenever her alarm clock went off, she just
ignored it or hit the snooze and go back to sleep. Then
she’d end up being late for work. Then she realized
many people have the same problem. You’ve probably
had the same experience. The alarm clock goes off and
you ignore it.
She saw a potential product in this problem. So, she
invented an alarm clock that rolls away from you. Now
that is pretty ingenious. The alarm clock goes off and
you reach over for it, but it moves away. It actually rolls
off the table or the nightstand, it rolls down onto the
floor, and it will keep rolling until you get out of bed, go
over to it, and physically pick it up and turn it off. So
you have to wake up. You have to get out of bed. Well,
this woman, as I remember, was a college student who
realized there was a problem that other people shared.
She turned that problem into a product and has been
selling hundreds of thousands of them.
I can go on and on with examples of people who
think like an entrepreneur. What I encourage you to do is
expand your mind. Expand your world of possibilities.
Look at what people complain about and consider, “How
can I turn it into a product or service?” Think like an
entrepreneur. Reflect on that Arnold Patent quote and
remember that, “The sole purpose of money is to express
appreciation.” As an entrepreneur, you can create
reasons for others to express their appreciation to you
with money. Money is a tool that can be directed where
you want it to flow. Improve your attitude towards
money and it will flow more easily to you. In fact, it may
come to you faster than ever before because money loves

Step Three: Leverage the Internet

The third step is to leverage the internet to help you

make money night and day even when you’re sleeping. I
will assume you’ve heard of the internet. I would hope
that you’re on the internet. If you don’t have a computer,
you can go to the library and use their computer. You
can go online now. I have learned that virtually
everybody, including you, can make money online.
I was lucky because I was one of the first to go on the
internet a long time ago shortly after it was called the
internet. I wrote one of the first books on internet
marketing way back in 1995, so I’m considered an
internet pioneer. I’m still using the internet. I love the
Internet, and I say Godspeed to everybody out there
making money online with the internet.
So how do you do that?
Well, remember the formula.
First improve your own self-esteem.
Second, think like an entrepreneur.
As you’re doing those first two steps in the formula,
you’ll start to come up with ideas. Those ideas can be
put online. You can put up a website, you can write a
sales letter, you can drive traffic to that website, and you
could be making money off of that website. Now, of
course, that might sound overwhelming so let’s break it
down a little bit.
Going back to step two, think like an entrepreneur.
This is where you’re going to discover a product or
service. Maybe it’s something based on your education.
Maybe it’s based on your past experience. Maybe it’s
based on a hobby that you have, a pastime that you have,
or something that you’re good at.
And don’t dismiss what you do because if you’re a
gardener, there are gardeners out there. If you’re an
amateur magician, there are amateur magicians out
there. There would be fields of interest all across the
internet. There are billions of people out there that could
find you on the internet.
The first thing you have to do in step three of
leveraging the internet to make money is to come up
with a product or service based on step two. Meaning,
whenever you complained about something or you heard
somebody else complain about something, you looked
for a way to resolve it and you came up with a solution
for it. Next, go to the internet and put it there for sale.
You can go to a site called Godaddy
( and buy a domain name. This is
the web address or location for your site and the product
or service to be sold.
For example, if you have gardening for dummies,
you might go to and see if the domain
name of is available.
Whatever the domain name is, you want to grab it, and
make it yours. If the name is already taken, don’t lose
heart because you can always come up with variations to
the name.
Once you get a name at Godaddy, you need to create
a website and host it someplace. I’m going to assume
you don’t know very much about internet marketing. I
have many products and services out there but let’s
make this really simple and go to something I have
nothing to do with. Go to Citymax is a
one-stop place for you to get your domain, and following
their tools, get a website up and running virtually in an
hour. You can certainly do it overnight.
On that website you want to put up a sales page.
Now, I’ve written lots about how to write sales copy but
don’t be intimated by this because all you have to do is
briefly and quickly tell the reader—the person who
comes to your website—what your product is. Focus on
how it solves their problem. Don’t just put a website up
that says, “I have a product.” Put a website that says, “I
have the solution to this particular complaint. I have the
solution to this particular problem.” That’s what you
want to put online because that’s what’s going to interest
the people who go to your website.
How do you get people to go to your website?
There’s lots of ways to do it, but for me, the million-
dollar tip of the day is to use publicity. Now, I’ve been
in marketing for more than thirty years and I think
publicity is the most underused tool that’s available to
all of us, including you. The thing is, publicity is free.
Publicity is when the newspapers or internet or bloggers
or television or radio write or talk about your product or
direct people to your website. They are looking for
news. The media is starving for news.
When you go online, go to and type in
“publicity distribution services.” A listing of different
places where you can send a news release out about your
product or website will appear. When the media runs the
story about your website, they will drive traffic to your
site. This is how you implement step three in the
formula. You use the internet to make money.
Now obviously there’s a whole lot of depth that goes
into all of these steps here. What I’m doing is
introducing these to you, but more than that, I’m giving
you hope. I’m giving you inspiration. I’m giving you
information. I believe in you and that you can pull
yourself up. You can survive and prosper no matter what
the economics are doing out there in the rest of the
I believe if you follow and implement these three
steps—not just think and talk about this, but actually do
these steps—then you will begin to make a difference.
Then you will begin to attract instant money because
money loves speed.

Accelerate Your Change

To move from poverty to prosperity, you can

accelerate your change using these three steps:
Improve your self-esteem
Think like an entrepreneur
Leverage the internet to make money even while you

Remember, I was once homeless. Lots of people

have been homeless. I have been in poverty. Lots of
people have been in poverty. I’ve turned it around. Lots
of people have turned it around.
It doesn’t matter where you are right now. This is
simply your current reality. This is your present moment,
but this moment can change. This moment will change.
But you can accelerate the change if you take action
now. I’m known for saying, “The universe likes
speed.” And one of The 8 Laws of Money says, “Money
likes speed.” Get up, take action, and do it now. Then,
Expect Miracles.


M oney. We use it, abuse it, let it distort us,

and confuse us. Yet money is just paper
and ink, or metal and imprint. It’s nothing
until someone says it’s something. And by the time we
are conscious enough to know it’s meaningful in some
way to our survival, we are programmed to believe it’s
more than what objective reality knows. Money ends up
controlling us—or, more specifically, we are controlled
by our perceptions of it.
What gives?
As you will discover throughout this book, money is
a symbol of spiritual energy. It reveals who you are
without changing itself. It’s the perfect mirror. Money in
the hands of a person run by their lower thoughts is a
tool for destruction. Money in the hands of a highly
spiritual person is a tool to make their life mission come
true. But it’s not the money. It’s the person handling it.
Money simply reflects their beliefs.
The irony in all this is we all have programming
about money, whether we are spiritual or not. The
pseudo spiritual person thinks money is bad and tries to
live without it. Yet thinking it’s bad is a judgment that a
truly spiritual person wouldn’t have. Thinking money is
bad is proof of a lack of spirituality, not of spirituality.
In other words, since money is really neutral energy,
someone judging it as bad is revealing their limited view
of objective reality, and denying themselves their own
good. As Albert Camus wrote, “It’s a kind of spiritual
snobbery that makes people think they can be happy
without money.”

On the opposite side of the coin, so to speak, we have

wealthy people with no spirituality. They think money is
the be-all and end-all of life. In their pursuit of more
money, they sell their soul and lose their connection to
the essence of life. They believe that money has power,
or can give it. They have given away their own ability to
choose balance and wholeness in life in pursuit of the
dollar. They think money is scarce and they fight,
deceive, and compete to have it.
They believe what comedian Henny Youngman said,
“I’ve got all the money I’ll ever need if I die by four
Both, of course, are coming from belief systems that
are controlling them rather than awakening them. The
spiritual person who renounces money has beliefs that
“Money is evil” or “Money corrupts.” The wealthy
person has beliefs, too, such as “Money is power” or
“Spirituality is weak” or “Greed is good.” Obviously,
beliefs around money control whether you have it or not.
Think it’s bad and you’ll push it away. Think it’s good
and you’ll attract it. Money has no beliefs about you. But
you have plenty of beliefs about money. Change the
beliefs and you can welcome money.
But we have to go deeper than that observation. We
have to have a knowing about the spirituality of money.
We need to be free of beliefs that blind us or limit us.
We need to make peace with money and know it can be
a source of light, too.
How do we do that?

Intentions and Counterintentions

I’ve discovered that we have intentions and

counterintentions. Most people have heard of intentions.
That’s where you state what you want to have, do, or be.
It’s a declaration. It’s an affirmation. It’s a command.
Examples might be, “I intend to have more money” or “I
intend to increase my sales by 25 percent.”
Sounds good, right?
But few know about counterintentions. The
counterintention denies or vetoes the intention.
Examples might be, “Money is a poison” or “Money is
in short supply” or “Money goes to everyone else but
While the conscious intention is clear and positive,
the unconscious counterintention overrides it. Until you
get clear of the counterintentions, achieving stated
intentions will be difficult to impossible.
Simply put, the conscious mind has little power; the
unconscious/subconscious is the driver. Our beliefs,
mindset, memories and more are stored in the
subconscious/unconscious. It’s the control center for
most of our life. Trying to redirect our lives consciously
won’t work well if we have counter-intentions blocking
their fulfillment. We need to get clear to get results we
If you want to attract more money, you need to be at
peace with money internally. Almost everyone has the
belief, “Money is the root of all evil.” If that belief
remains, you’ll struggle with money. After all, who
wants something evil in their life? But when you
question the belief, and discover it’s from the longer
Biblical phrase, “The love of money is the root of all
evil,” you can then realize that money can be yours if
you don’t fall in love with it. You have a new knowing
about money.
Arnold Patent provided clarity here from his little
book, Money. The quote repeated throughout this book
says, “The sole purpose of money is to express
Let that sink in. The sole purpose of money is to
express appreciation. This is so important to grasp that it
bears repeating. But think about it.
When you write a check for your car payment, be
grateful you have transportation. Money isn’t about love.
It’s about gratitude. Start thinking of money in a state of
thankfulness and you won’t fall in love with it, but you
will appreciate it.
Besides the change of mindset, another way to attract
more money is to give it away. It sounds counter-
intuitive. But tithing and other concepts of giving have
been around for centuries. The idea of giving ten percent
of your income to wherever you received spiritual
nourishment is ancient. But it’s more than religious or
philosophical. It’s psychological, too.
As I share with more detail in a later chapter, when
you give, you send a signal to your mind that you are
wealthy enough to share. Plus you are stepping into the
knowing of spiritual wealth. You are showing yourself
and the world that you have more than enough, and you
have the faith that more is coming. Looked at another
way, the window you receive through is made bigger by
the window you give through. Give more and receive
But giving and beliefs aren’t the only players in this
dance of money and you, knowing and spirituality.
Following your passion is key. When people pursue
profit, they often do it to only make a buck. There’s little
connection to their life mission or soul’s purpose. While
there’s nothing wrong with making money, it’s far more
natural and energizing to make it doing what you love.
Passion seems to be the ticket to profit.
As I’ve quoted Walt Disney as saying, “We don’t
make movies to make money, we make money to make
more movies.”
It wasn’t money for greed, or money to be great, it
was money for completing a spiritual mission. In Walt’s
case, the mission was making movies. He had a knowing
about his spiritual calling and that, combined with
making peace with money, enabled him to attract it. It
was a tool for his mission.
Following passion doesn’t guarantee immediate
success. Most successes, including great wealth, have to
be grown into. People who win the lottery and aren’t
prepared mentally to handle a sudden flush of cash, lose
it. They unconsciously sabotage their own success. But
all of the perceived failures of life are just incoming
feedback to help us correct our course.
A billionaire once said he learned a great deal from
failure in business. “Nothing bad happens to you,” he
explained. “The world forgets and forgives. You are to
learn from any perceived failure, treat it as feedback, and
adjust your next moves accordingly.” In short, you have
a knowing that what others call failure is actually just
course correction on your spiritual adventure through
life. It’s part of the program to awaken.
I went from homeless to poverty to today living the
lifestyle of the rich and famous. I pursued my passion of
being an author even when I had no car, no home, no
income, and no lunch money. I read in the public library.
I studied on my own. I kept writing. My “overnight”
success took thirty years.
But those decades were the fine-tuning I needed to
correct my belief system and learn my skills. Today, I’m
an author with over seventy books and a musician with
over fifteen albums. Following my passion led and lit the
way, but I still needed to do the spiritual work of raising
my own consciousness and preparing for my own
It is what it is: Or is it?

A key idea to grasp is the difference between being a

victim or a victor. Many people say, “It is what it is.”
That’s a statement of victim mentality. It’s what people
say when they feel they can’t change anything. But a
spiritually empowered person realizes there are no limits
and no impossibilities, whether pursuing money or
enlightenment. They have a knowing that their inner
connection to life is their spiritual GPS to success.
I often wear a T-shirt I made with the new phrase I
coined: “It is what you accept.” Anyone wanting to
change their bank account needs to understand that the
power to do so is in his or her hands. It isn’t “It is what it
is,” but instead, “It is what you accept.”
You may decide to accept some things as inevitable,
such as the death of a loved one, but at least you have
the knowing that you accepted it. You didn’t give the
power to another. You made the decision internally. It
gives you more power to know the decision was yours.
It’s the same with money. You get what you accept.

Take Action

Another key principle concerns action: Too many

people sit and wait for money to materialize in front of
them. I believe in magic and miracles, and unexpected
income, but I also believe that your role in the process of
attracting money is to actually do something to bring it
your way. Act on your ideas. Now. “Money likes speed”
is my favorite mantra. It lights an urgency inside you to
motivate you forward. Life is a co-creation and you have
to do your part to bring your spiritual directives into
concrete form.
If you don’t act now, you’ll see your idea manifested
in a store some day and somebody else will be attracting
money from it.
Recently, I read about the beginnings of the electric
car. Apparently so many people received the idea of
creating an electric car, all about the same time but in
different countries, that no one person is credited with
building the first one.
The Universe/Great Something knows most people
don’t act on their inspirations, so It gives the same idea
to several people. When you receive an idea, jump on it.
Bring it into being. Know that it is a gift. Know that it is
a chance for you to prosper. Know that spirit is helping
you and now expects you to act on the idea.
What can you do right now, today, to move toward
creating something that will attract more money?
Whatever it is, do it. When you doubt and second-guess
yourself instead of taking action, you are demonstrating
that you aren’t yet clear about your intentions or clear of
counterintentions about money and your right to attract
it. Act now. Follow inspiration, which is the light of
knowing from within. Remember, money loves speed.

Overcoming Fear

Acting despite fear is also key. Fear is of the ego;

faith is knowing from spirit. I’ve learned that your
wealth is hiding under the very thing you fear. In other
words, do the thing and you’ll have the power.
Whenever you attempt something new, you’ll feel fear.
That type of fear doesn’t mean stop; it means you are
leaving your comfort zone. That’s all.
Every goal should scare you a little and excite you a
lot. Ego will keep us safe; spirit will push our comfort
zone a bit. The more spiritual among us will know that
the “safe fear” of doing what you haven’t done before is
the way to go. It may give you a tingling, but that’s not
fear, that’s excitement.

Believing is Seeing

If you are reading this and are broke and struggling,

it’s time to look in the mirror and discover your beliefs.
The meaning you give an event is the belief that
attracted it. I’ll repeat that: The meaning you give an
event is the belief that attracted it.
What does the current lack of funds mean? How do
you tell your story about it? What you say reflects the
beliefs causing it. Change the beliefs and you’ll change
the reality. As all spirituality teaches, change is an inside
In my Miracles Coaching® program, and in my Zero
Limits Mastery training, we guide people to explore
their own limiting beliefs about money. At the core of
my method is the knowing that spirituality is the power
source of life. Everything else is an illusion. It all seems
Albert Einstein said, “Reality is merely an illusion,
albeit a very persistent one.”
But the reality we perceive is just an illusion. It’s
seen through our unconscious belief filters. It’s our
version of reality, not reality. Once we get back to the
internal source of all that is, and work from it, we can
virtually have anything we can imagine, including

Who are You?

One meditation I teach that can help you know the

spirituality of money, and empower you to accomplish
what others might call impossible, goes like this:

Notice your thoughts. Even as you read these

words, you are thinking. Words come and go,
thoughts come and go, and questions come and go.
But notice you are not your thoughts. You are
observing them. You are a witness to them. In short,
you are not your thoughts but the viewer of them.
Now notice your emotions. How are you feeling?
You may be happy, sad, curious, upbeat, confused,
or anything else. But note that you have emotions,
and are not your emotions. You are separate from
them. You can describe them. You can observe
them. You can witness them. Again, you are not
your emotions but a reporter of them.
Now notice your body. You may have a few aches.
You may need to adjust your seat. You may need to
stretch. But notice you have a body, and are not
your body. You can observe it, describe it, and be a
witness to it. Once again, you are not your body but
a spectator of it.
Finally, if you are not your thoughts, and you are
not your emotions, and you are not your body, who
or what are you?

My answer is that you are the spiritual energy behind

it all. You are The Witness of life. It’s at this core
observer level that you can have, do, or be what you can
imagine, simply because at that level, there are no limits.
You have the knowing that anything is possible, because
spirit is unlimited.
Our work is to align with that spirit. As we do so, and
as we drop limiting beliefs about life, we are free to use
everything life offers to complete our life mission,
including cash. Money isn’t bad. Money is a symbol.
Money is a form of energy. Money is a neutral and
handy tool to accomplish your dreams and goals. The
truly spiritual person has a knowing that whatever can
assist them in manifesting their life calling is of the light,
and that includes money.

“Money doesn’t have any beliefs about

you. You have beliefs about money. Once
you know your beliefs are limiting your
spiritual awakening, you are free to attract
money, use money, appreciate money, and
fulfill your soul’s purpose with money.”
—Dr. Joe Vitale

Attracting money has nothing to do with having the

right education and knowing the right people. It has
everything to do with your mind and your beliefs
about money.
—Dr. Joe Vitale


A woman sitting beside me on a flight

recognized me from my books and movie
appearances and said, “Joe, I keep trying
to use that stuff you teach to win the lottery, but it just
isn’t happening.”
I figured we were seated together for a reason and
took this as my opportunity to offer some help.
“You know why you haven’t won the lottery?” I
“I need to buy the winning ticket?”
“Well, there’s that,” I said. “But most people are
insisting that the money they want come in one way:
from the lottery.”
“Yea, that’s me,” she said.
“If you don’t mind my being blunt, that’s small
thinking and closed minded thinking,” I explained. “The
Universe is bigger and smarter and far more resourceful
than that. You don’t need to win the lottery to get the
money you want. You need to be open to it coming to
you in any number of other ways.”
She seemed to reflect on what I said. She
commented, “I never thought of it that way.”
“You don’t really want to win the lottery,” I said.
“What you really want is the money. The lottery is just
one way it might come to you. Focus on what you want,
not on how you will attract it.”
She really seemed to enjoy this discussion, so I
“And if you want to go deeper into this, you don’t
really even want the money,” I said.
That startled her. “I don’t?” she asked.
“No, you want what the money will get you. The
money is a means to an end. What you really need to do
is focus on what you want, not on the money. The
money is a tool or a vehicle. It’s just one way you can
have what you really want.”
I paused as she reflected on what I just said.
When I spoke at the Hay House event in Austin in
2015, I told the two thousand people in attendance that
as soon as they appreciated where they were and what
they had in life right now, the faster they could speed up
their ability to attract what they wanted.
In other words, it’s the underlying sense of urgency
that keeps most of what you want away. The “signal”
you are sending out is one of desperation or demand,
which the Universe will respond to by matching. I’ll
explain this as we dig into the book, but your own
beliefs cause a response in the world. What you feel
tends to come back to you in outer circumstances that
match your feelings. You don’t have to accept that or
believe it right now, but stick with me.
Do you really want more desperation, demand,
impatience, or dissatisfaction?
I doubt it.
As I explained to the woman on the plane, most
people are insisting that things happen a certain way, not
realizing that that approach is based on what their ego
considers possible. Yet the “Universe of all possibilities”
can surprise you by bringing you what you want in a
fresh way.
So declare what you really want, appreciate what you
already have, be looking for the opportunities, and take
action when you see them.
That’s where the instant money miracle begins.
And it just might include winning the lottery—or
something even better.
Now that I have your attention, let’s go deeper into
this subject.


ow would you feel if you were suddenly
making $24,000 a day or $288,000 a week or
over $1,000,000 every month? Think about

It’s easy to say, “That’d be great!”

But would it be true?
Twice now I’ve met people who were suddenly
receiving staggering sums of money, and both were
uncomfortable with it.
The first person I met was a woman at a gas station.
She saw me in a fancy new car and for whatever reason
decided to confess her problem. Someone discovered oil
on her property and she was about to make fifty million
dollars a month. (A month!) The thing is, she looked
upset. She told me she was afraid her family and friends,
and complete strangers, would become vultures.
The second person was a man whom I buy organic
food from. He told me companies were doing fractal
drilling on his land and he was making about $24,000 a
day, every day, no matter what. He, too, looked upset.
He called it “unearned income.”
Both of these scenarios puzzled me. What about
you? How do you feel about them? Would you be okay
receiving $24,000 a day or even fifty million dollars a
It’s easy to say yes unless you really sit with the
prospect of that much money. As I meditated on them, I
discovered something. And this insight led to my getting
a glimpse of The 8 Laws of Money (in a separate chapter
of this book).
First, most people still believe money is the root of
all evil. Because of the biblical quote (which is
remembered inaccurately from 1 Timothy 6:10), we
unconsciously associate money as a negative thing.
Money is neutral. It’s just paper and coin. But as long as
you consider it bad, you won’t want it. You’ll allow in
just enough to survive (that’s a “necessary evil”), but not
enough to thrive.
Second, most people are psychologically okay with
enough money to survive, but as soon as we pass an
unconscious wealth set point, we get antsy. People who
win the lottery often can’t handle the sudden influx of
money. They spend it, invest it, give it away, and often
end up poorer than when they won it. Why? They
weren’t ready for more wealth.
Third, most people feel they have to work hard for
their money. Few realize this belief stems from a Puritan
work ethic that said unless you are working your farm,
you don’t deserve to profit from any fruits from the
farm. In other words, we are programmed that you must
labor to receive. No wonder people who receive money
from oil wells, fractal drilling, or even intellectual
property, often feel it isn’t “earned.”
You may not realize the points above are alive in
you. But they may help explain why your income is
limited or unchanging. You may be trying to attract,
manifest, or achieve new levels of success and wealth,
but it seems to elude you. What most people don’t
realize is that the block to money is within, not without.
It’s not outer circumstances—though it’s easy to blame
outer circumstances—but inside perceptions that cause
you to see or not see opportunity. I’ll help you
understand this concept in this book, but let’s dig deeper
right now.

First: Realize money is a tool.

You use it to make your dreams come true. I told

both of the uncomfortable people I met that they need to
see themselves as stewards for wealth. They can direct
their money to where it will do the most good. You can
do this, too. The more money you allow into your life,
the more you will be able to help yourself and others.
This understanding alone can melt any barriers to
receiving more wealth.

Second: Realize money goes to where it is

appreciated, not necessarily earned by labor.

The Arnold Patent quote, “The sole purpose of

money is to express appreciation,” is repeated in this
book for a reason. I love that quote. It gives you a new
perspective on money. It’s not bad. It’s not evil. It’s
simply a way to show your appreciation for what you
enjoy. Do you love having your lights on at night?
Express appreciation to the electric company. Pay your
bill. Love to eat? Express appreciation to the grocery
store. Write them a check.

Third: Money can come to you from effort

or even no-effort.

Money doesn’t come packaged with guilt. You

provide it. You are welcome to dig ditches, or create a
business, or win the lottery, or write e-books, or receive
checks from something people find in your backyard.
The real issue is how do you feel about how you are
receiving it? When you know money is neutral, and how
you receive it isn’t a karmic crime, then you are free to
receive more.

Fourth: Money is spiritual.

Finally, if you are reading this book and thinking to

yourself, “This is just about money. I don’t care about
that. I’m spiritual,” then consider that you have negative
beliefs about wealth that are limiting your ability to
express your spirituality. Money is spiritual. Money is a
way to get things done. It’s one way that dreams come
true. The more you are okay with money, the more you
can open yourself to receive it—even instantly.
Are you starting to see how you can get ready to
receive more money?


T he big mistake most people make when it

comes to using any approach to achieving their
goals and dreams, whether to attract instant
money or find the love of their life, is wanting to know
“How do I make it happen?”
“What are the exact steps I should take?”
“How do I get from here to there?”
“How do I go from broke to rich?”
The thing is, you rarely if ever know how in advance.
Once you complete a goal and can hold it in your
hand, or show it off to friends, you can explain the how
of it. You’ll then have a complete beginning-middle-
ending story. The puzzle will be revealed. You can then
explain the steps you took.
Recently, I surveyed my list of fans asking what book
they would like to see me write next. While virtually
everybody wanted more books like Zero Limits and At
Zero on the Hawaiian healing system called
ho’oponopono, a few wrote in some suggestions. Those
people usually wanted to know how to attract something
specifically, and how I did it. They wanted stories of
people revealing exactly how they attracted their goals.
They were asking for step-by-step plans.
This is the big mistake.
Let me explain.

When I was making a name for myself as a

copywriter and marketer back in the 1990s, a lot of
things occurred that I couldn’t predict, let alone know
how to make happen. For example, the internet came
Who saw that coming?
I was one of the first to be online already—on what
were called Bulletin Board Systems (a kind of miniature,
local only, limited reach internet)—so when the actual
internet was born, I was already there. The speaking and
writing I was doing in Houston, where I lived at the
time, was now being posted on CompuServe and AOL,
thus broadcasting my name across planet Earth.
It helped make me cyber-famous. It was certainly an
essential step in my career. But I never saw it in my
future. It was never on my to-do list. How could it be?
Are you starting to see how this works?
Let me tell you another story.

During these same early years, I wrote a little book

called Spiritual Marketing. I released it online, free, and
it touched millions of lives. I never knew it would do
anything. I released it to the world in the hope that it
would help people.
But The New York Times wrote about it. And author
Bob Proctor urged me to publish the book. And it
became an early print-on-demand book. It was also my
first Amazon bestseller. It became a great success.
But I wasn’t following a “how to make it happen”
No such plan existed.
These synchronistic events were happening as a side
result of my passion and persistence. They were
happening organically. They were happening on the way
to my dream. I couldn’t predict them because I couldn’t
see them. They were on the unseen road ahead, to be
discovered, as I kept moving forward.
And along the way in this adventure, a publisher
contacted me. He later published my book, Spiritual
Marketing, but with a new title: The Attractor Factor.
That became the most powerful and popular self-help
book I’ve ever written.
Then, later, The Attractor Factor was given to a
television producer in Australia. She read it and
contacted me. She said she wanted me to be in a movie
she was making about the law of attraction. It was to be
called The Secret.
That movie changed my life.
It put me on Larry King’s television show, twice, and
got me invited to speak in countries I didn’t know
How do you make those things happen?
After all, none of them could have been foreseen.
When people ask for the step-by-step exact plan to
make something happen, they are making the mistake of
thinking there is such a plan.
There isn’t.
There is a general formula, but not a specific one.
There are formulas for helping you choose your
intention, start taking action, and maintain momentum
once you get going.
But there isn’t a specific “do this and then do this”
Even Mark Twain knew it. On his seventieth
birthday, Twain said, “You can’t reach old age by
another man’s road. My habits protect my life but they
would assassinate you.”
Thinking you can copy the specific things I did in my
life to attract and achieve specific results in your life is a
big mistake.
Thinking there is a “how” to get where you want to
go is an error. You attract the results you want with the
formulas I have revealed, in books like The Attractor
Factor, Attract Money Now, and in The Miracle. Other
self-help authors have other formulas. Mine goes
something like this:
1. Declare your intention or inspiration.
2. Take the first baby step to begin moving toward
your goal.
3. Keep taking action on all next steps and new
4. Surround yourself with positive people and
5. Clear any limiting beliefs as you notice them.
You’ll notice there isn’t a specific task that will work
for you and everybody else. There isn’t because there’s
no way to know it in advance.
Steve Jobs knew this, too. Jobs once said, “You can’t
connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect
them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the
dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to
trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma,
Rock music icon Melissa Etheridge told it to me this
way, “You just get on the path, you just do it, and that’s
your intention, and then you let The Great Something
bring you the stuff.”
Have faith that it’s all working out in your favor.
Have faith that “The Great Something” is your “hidden
ally” in life. Have faith in yourself, the Universe, and
your journey.
And then one day, after the dust has cleared, and you
realize you attracted your goal of instant money, you can
look back and tell the how of it all.
You can then connect the dots.
But all you can do today is the next obvious action
step. It’s the next “dot” that will lead to your success.
Dot by dot, by dot, you will get there.
Now go do today’s “dot.”
Remember, money loves speed.


I s your own mind blocking money from you? Elsie

Lincoln Benedict taught me something profound
about attracting instant money.
It turns out this remarkable woman was the most
popular self-help author in the world in the 1920s—seen
by over three million people during her lifetime—before
radio, television, and of the course, the internet.
The only person maybe more well-known as a
speaker was the former athlete-turned-fiery evangelist
Billy Sunday. (I’ll pause while you Google him.) But
even his extreme popularity shrunk in the 1920s as
Elsie’s grew.
Elsie was an American suffragist leader, international
lecturer, and popular author on psychology, self-
improvement, and more. She created and ran the
Benedict School of Opportunity, founded The
International Opportunity League, wrote a book, and
operated correspondence business.
I was reading her 1921 book, How to Unlock Your
Subconscious Mind (sometimes called Mental Analysis:
How to Unlock Your Subconscious Mind) when I came
across this insight in the final chapter:

“Whatever your conscious mind affirms, visualizes,

and suggests to the subconscious, the subconscious
will build into your life.”
For you and me today, that’s probably not news. But
in 1921, it was a breakthrough new concept. It basically
said that you could choose what you want with your
conscious mind, and with intention and imagery, you
could get it into the subconscious, where it would take
seed and begin to grow.
Why is this so important?
Because Elsie said something else right before
revealing that concept that was even more insightful, and
something so profound that I had to reread it a few
times. Elsie wrote:

“This newest, hitherto unpublished and most far-

reaching of all the discoveries concerning the laws
of human life is that every human being GETS his
supreme subconscious wish.”
In short, there is a type of prime directive in your
subconscious mind. It is the secret guiding desire for
your life.
You may not know what it is, but your subconscious
is attracting into your life everything to make it real.
What you are getting right now is a match to the secret
desire of your subconscious—your “supreme
subconscious wish.”
In my own work, I talk a lot about counterintentions.
A counterintention is a hidden belief in contrast to what
you consciously say you want.
You might consciously say you want a new job, but
unconsciously believe you won’t get one due to the
economy (or some other excuse/reason/belief), and your
unconscious, being more powerful, will make the
counterintention come true.
Elsie would probably agree but her deeper insight is
that the subconscious has one major intention and it will
allow nothing to come about to contradict it.
Elsie explains:

“Let us repeat: Your supreme subconscious wish

dictates your life. It permits nothing seriously to
interfere with its materialization. It is automatic,
implacable. What you want most of all, as a
condition in your life, it will get for you.”
Now think about this.
If your conscious intent is to attract more money—
for yourself or others or causes you believe in—but your
secret subconscious wish is to avoid money so you
consider yourself “spiritual,” then your subconscious
mind will make sure that you get your chief hidden
intention—and stay broke. Your subconscious secret
desire will win.
It’s the same scenario with anything you can name.
Do you want a relationship but secretly want to stay
alone because it feels safer? Then little you do will work
because the secret intent of your subconscious will
control the outcome. You will be alone but “safe.”
Do you want better health but secretly want to stay ill
so you can avoid taking actions and risks in the world?
Then your overriding subconscious desire will make
sure you stay ill. You will be sick but “risk free.”
Elsie goes on to explain that your secret desire is for
a feeling or condition, not anything specific. She says:

“Our supreme subconscious wish is never for any

specific thing or person but for a condition, a
certain avenue of self-expression.”
Elsie’s insight, offered in 1921, is a mind opener.
Here’s why:
 First, realizing you have a secret subconscious
“prime directive” helps explain why you are
attracting what you have in your life: your
subconscious insists on it.
 Second, realizing you can change your
subconscious secret desire to something else—
with your conscious mind affirming and
visualizing a new outcome—is enlightening and
I trust you see the power of these insights from the
1920s. So here’s a suggestion: Sit and reflect on what
your subconscious might want for you, which will help
explain what you are attracting into your life.
You can then use your conscious mind to offer new
instructions to your subconscious, reprogramming it to
help you attract more of what you consciously prefer.
Got it?
Elsie was pointing the way to the hidden operations
in our mind, long before positive psychology and
neuroscience came into play. When it comes to
attracting instant money, you want to be sure your
subconscious mind is ready for it, too.
One way you can get its attention is to…shock it.


C an you shock yourself into receiving more

money? In the October, 1927, issue of
Nautilus magazine, prolific law of attraction
author Brown Landone revealed a way to give yourself a
“shock treatment” to attract instant money.
I’m a huge fan of Landone. He wrote more than one
hundred books, including The Success Process, before
his death in 1945. I was deeply interested in this article
by him in this old magazine of New Thought ideas.
In it, Landone told the story of coaching a woman
who came to him complaining that her husband had a
weak heart and wasn’t successful. She wanted him fixed.
Landone explained that he didn’t fix anybody. He knew
that once you found your own inner peace, the rest
would follow. He wrote: “I know that abundance is a
result of attaining the kingdom of heaven, and that each
soul’s kingdom of heaven is within himself.”
He went on to say that he might help in uncovering
the source or cause for the heart palpitations and the lack
of success, which would help the man discover his own
inner kingdom. In other words, if he could help the man
get clear of his inner blocks, the results would follow. So
he agreed to see the husband.
After a brief discussion with the husband, Landone
discovered the man had $647 in savings and made
$47.50 a week. (This was 1927, remember.)
He also learned that the husband had lost much of his
“gusto” for life; that he was simply going through the
motions in his day-to-day life, without much hope or
enthusiasm for anything better. With that information,
Landone did something shocking.
He told the husband to go out and spend all the
“I told him to buy his wife five new dresses that
afternoon, to order a $90 suit of clothes for himself, to
purchase a $740 auto within a week, and to buy a $6,000
or $7,000 home within a month!”
The advice stunned me.
How in the world could he tell a struggling man, just
getting by, to go empty his savings and extend himself
What logic was behind this?
I was riveted to Landone’s article, wanting to know
why he gave such a controversial directive.
Landone went on to explain, “Beginning to lose
hope, leads to lack of daring.”
He wanted the husband to wake up! He wanted the
husband to stretch. He wanted him to dare again. He
wanted him to get out of his comfort zone. He wanted
him to shock his own mind and awaken it.
The man listened, and acted.
Landone said the first thing that happened is the
man’s heart began to beat evenly again. And then the
man began to think of new ways to improve his position
at work, which led to him getting promoted, and then
getting a higher salary.
Within a few months, the man’s consciousness had
changed to the degree that he left his job, started his own
business, and saw his revenue leap to $90,000 a year—in
The man told Landone, “Why, it’s silly to be poor,
isn’t it?”
I love the story and the message.
The concept of Prosperous Purchasing is inside one
of The 8 Laws of Money. It doesn’t say buy when you
are broke, and it doesn’t say buy when it would put you
in debt; but it does say if the desire and money are there,
then make the purchase.
The idea is to honor and appreciate yourself by being
honest: when you have the desire for a product or
service, and you have the funds, then go ahead and make
the purchase. It’s an affirmation of prosperity to do so.
But Landone suggested buying and investing more
than what you are comfortable with, and putting yourself
into a scary place financially, as a way to “shock” or
“kick start” your own mind.
Instead of playing it safe, you shake yourself by
taking a risk. You override your fear with an act of faith.
And then you watch your mind come alive with new
It’s not about feeling desperate, but about feeling

When I interviewed Jen Sincero, author of the book,

You Are A Badass at Making Money, she told me that
her life changed when she hired a coach. She also said
making the decision to do so rocked her world.
“I tapped out my credit card to hire the coach,” she
told me. “And the first thing that happened is I threw
Jen went on to tell me that she called her coach and
tried to get her money back.
“But the coach told me that my vomiting was part of
the process,” Jen explained. “I was beginning my
transformation right then and there.”
If you find yourself in a financial lull, consider giving
yourself a prosperity shock treatment.
Simply Dare Something Worthy.
Consider what you really want to buy (for yourself or
someone else) but are afraid to do so, and then go buy it!
If you are reading this and feeling your heart race and
your palms sweat, then you know what to do next.
To be blunt, are you going to come from fear or
Said another way, the idea isn’t to get rid of fear; it’s
to use it as a catalyst for new ideas, actions, and results.
And don’t delay.
Remember, money loves speed.
Dare and grow rich.
Now isn’t that shocking?


T he turning point in your life will come after

you understand and integrate what I call “The 8
Laws of Money.” Read these laws and consider
them. You’ll gain a better understanding of them as we
journey through this book together, but I want to
introduce them right now. You don’t need to memorize
them, but do give them a glance and a thought. These are
seeds that will develop into a money tree.

a.i.1.a.i.1. Money
loves freedom.

Money doesn’t have any beliefs about you; you have

beliefs about money. Those beliefs create a mindset and
money will always match your mindset. You don’t see
reality; you see your version of reality. It’s not your
fault, but it is your responsibility. As Arnold Patent said,

“We don’t create abundance. We create limitations.”

Money loves the freedom of an unlimited mind. Release
your blocks and money will be free to come to you.
Money loves freedom.

2. Money loves speed.

Act on your ideas and ride the energy of the moment.

The faster you move when an idea occurs to you, the
more you can use the energy of the idea to manifest it.
Plus, the faster you act, the faster you get your idea to
marketplace. Usually, the first person to the table wins.
An idea has energy; when you quickly act on it, you get
to leverage that energy to manifest your idea. So don’t
dilly dally, second guess or delay. Money loves speed.

3. Money loves to be appreciated.

“The sole purpose of money is to express

appreciation” (Arnold Patent). Think about it. You don’t
spend unless it’s for something you want or need.
Appreciate what you are buying and you will transform
your relationship to money. Instead of grumbling about a
lack of money, focus on the money you do have; and as
you spend, save or invest it, focus on appreciating the
fact that you are getting something in return for your
money. Money loves appreciation.

4. Money loves attention.

“What’s the best relationship you ever had: best

sharing, talking, loving, and lusting? Do you have that
relationship with money?” (Dee Wallace) Most people
don’t pay any attention to money except to complain
about the lack of it. What if you had a more loving and
grateful relationship with it? Instead of regarding money
as impersonal and inanimate, what if you thought of it as
a feeling energy? What if you pretended it was a life
force? Instead of acting as if money was nothing, act as
if money was everything; as important as a family
member or pet. Money loves attention.

5. Money loves energy.

“The healthier you are, the wealthier you can be.”

(Bill Phillips). Money requires energy to circulate and
appreciate. Enjoy money and be healthy enough to
circulate it. The better you feel about yourself, the more
you will feel deserving of good things, such as money.
Being healthy allows you to have more energy and use
more energy. You will then have the stamina to be a
wise pilot for money. Money loves energy.

6. Money loves to circulate.

Prosperous Purchasing: when the desire is there, and

the money is there, you must spend it to send a signal of
abundance to yourself. Not buying when you have the
desire and the funds sends a signal of lack; buying sends
a signal of prosperity. Which do you want to reinforce?
Also, giving money helps circulate it, and
creates a force to bring it back to you, multiplied. Just
give where you receive spiritual nourishment and
inspiration, and not where you feel obligated to give.
Money loves to circulate.

7. Money loves respect.

“Money is the root of all evil” is a lie; money is a tool

to facilitate your dreams. Respect money. It is a tool to
fulfil dreams and a force for good in the world. Money is
like a hammer or saw or any tool; respect it for what it
can help you accomplish. Thinking money is somehow
bad will push money away from you. Who wants
anything bad in their life? Money loves respect.

8. Money loves a mission.

“We don’t make movies to make money, we make

money to make more movies.” (Walt Disney). Be more
focused on the end result then on the money to get to the
end result. Focus on your life mission, not money.
Dreams attract funds. Missions attract money. Be more
focused on your life purpose and your life calling, then
on money. Money loves a mission.


H ow many butterflies do you see around you?

Right now, in your home or office or a
building, probably none.
But you will probably notice a few later today—
maybe in a magazine photo, or on television, or out in
nature—at least until my question evaporates from your
In researching goal setting for a talk for the Texas
Association of Magicians convention in Austin, Texas,
in 2015, I was reminded of our RAS.
RAS means Reticular Activating System. It’s at the
base of your brain stem. Its job is to basically sort
through the millions of data bits surrounding you in any
one moment to deliver the seven bits that are relevant to
Numerous authors gave their own names to this
natural tool of survival and selection. In 1960, Maxwell
Maltz wrote a breakthrough book called, Psycho-
Cybernetics. In it he called the RAS your “servo-
Whatever you call it, there is something in you that
will help you attract your intentions if you activate it. So
let’s look a little closer…
How does your RAS select what’s relevant? In
basically two ways:
1. Anything to help you survive.
2. Anything related to a goal.
Survival is the default setting. Your brain is designed
to help you stay safe and reproduce. You don’t have to
think about it. It’s hard wired into your brain. Most of
the work of your unconscious is around the idea of
keeping you here and assuring some aspect of “you”
remains after you’re gone.
But you can also program your mind for additional
filters. For example, whenever you set a goal or
intention, you are programming your mind to help you
attract and achieve it. You are inserting a new command
into your RAS.
It will then begin to filter those 10,000,000 bits of
data in every moment to deliver what is relevant to your
goal or intention. So, if you want more money, you need
to program your RAS to help you find it.
But how do you program your RAS?
The best way to get a new command into your brain
is with a goal or intention that fulfills these three
1. Emotional
2. Vivid Imagery
3. Repeated
In other words, a goal needs to be fueled with
emotion (love, hate, or fear are the biggies). Obviously
you want to avoid the negative emotions, so let’s focus
on love. Find a passion, love, and joy for what you want.
How wonderful will you feel when you have it? Feel that
now. (Avoid focusing on wanting it; instead focus on the
feeling of already having it.)
Your goal or intention needs to be vividly clear as an
image (the mind responds to pictures). You can find a
picture in a magazine or on the Internet that represents
your intention. You can also hold an image in your mind
of having that goal already met or that item received.
Once you know what you want, stir up the passion
around it, and see it in your mind (or in pictures), think
of it several times per day. It needs to be repeated (to get
it installed in your mind).
When I asked you to look for butterflies, I was
temporarily turning on your RAS to look for butterflies.
Without an emotional reason to see butterflies, or a
clear picture of what butterfly you wanted to see, and
without repetition, you will soon forget all about
This is true for anything you want to attract or
Your mind is designed to help you achieve your
goals, but you have to tell it what you want. Why not do
that right now?
Here’s how:
1. Select a desire, goal, or intention.
2. Find an emotional reason for wanting it.
3. Create or find a clear image of it.
4. Look at the image, and feel your desire for it,
every day.
Of course, you still need to take inspired action.
Wallace Wattles (of The Science of Getting Rich
fame) said what you want will arrive through natural
Don’t expect a Hollywood-movie style Harry Potter
production of your goal, but do welcome it if it comes
that way.
Expect Miracles—and do what you are inspired to
And do it right now because, as you know, money
loves speed.
Meanwhile, enjoy the butterflies.



I t’s hard to believe The Secret book and movie came

out more than ten years ago, in 2006. They’re still
circulating and changing lives. If you haven’t seen
or read The Secret, go to your local library and see if
they have a copy.
I’m forever grateful for The Secret, whether I was in
it or not. It triggered an awakening, a conversation, and
hope. But it also created confusion.
Many people watched the movie or read the book,
tried what they learned, and felt, “it didn’t work.”
And that’s the problem.
The Secret was only an introduction to a principle. It
revealed the basics of the law of attraction to the masses.
But that’s all it did: introduce the idea. It didn’t offer the
depth you need to understand the law or use it to create a
new reality.
Even today, ten years later, I see that people don’t
fully understand what I call “the missing secret.”
In short, you get what you unconsciously believe, not
necessarily what you consciously say. In other words,
intentions are one thing, but you also need to know
about counterintentions.
Let me explain. Intentions are what you consciously
declare. For example:
• “I intend to increase my sales.”
• “I intend to create a bigger business.”
• “I intend to attract my soul mate.”
These are all intentions and they are powerful; they
engage the mind, rally the emotions, and help create
momentum. Intentions are good.
But, counterintentions are in the subconscious/
unconscious mind.
If you unconsciously believe “money is evil” or
“money is bad” or “I don’t deserve good things,” then
you will veto your intentions. You will block them. You
will unconsciously sabotage your own success and you
won’t even know it. You’ll blame your lack of success
on other people, or politicians, or the current economic
climate, or even The Secret.
And that’s the missing secret.
You can sit and meditate, visualize, affirm, and wear
amulets all day long, but you won’t attract what you
want while the limiting beliefs remain operating in your
deeper mind.
The unconscious is far more powerful than the
conscious. Numerous books on neuroscience prove this
fact. So, in order to attract what you consciously want,
you have to clean up your unconscious/subconscious
beliefs. (The next chapter in this book will put a
spotlight on the top limiting beliefs we have.)
The movie and book never addressed this issue.
Again, they were only introducing an idea. We need the
sequel to the The Secret to understand how to actually
begin to manifest the reality we want on a consistent
Since there’s never been a sequel to the movie (there
have been numerous follow up books, such as The
Magic and the recent, How the Secret Changed My Life),
I’ll give you a formula to help you make better use of the
law of attraction.

Here’s the Formula

First: State Your Intention.

What do you want to have, do, or be? Be clear. Be

specific. Declare it. Own it. And write it down. Your
goal/intention/outcome should ignite the fire of desire in
you. It should create a feeling of joy or excitement in
you when you think about having or receiving it.
If you have a hard time finding something that you
want (often because you feel that you have been without
for so long you can’t imagine having anything), write
down something that you don’t want, and then flip it
over. For example, if you don’t want to miss your rent
payment this month, flip it over to “I want to feel great
paying my $500 rent on time and in full.”
Second: Note What Objections Surface.

What thoughts come to mind when you think of your

intentions? Do you have doubts, fears, or concerns? Be
honest. Really look within.
Stating your intention will trigger limiting thoughts
about attracting it. Those are clues to your limiting
beliefs. Many of us treat our beliefs as facts and they
may not be. For now, welcome them and write them

Third: Clear the Limiting Beliefs.

Ask yourself, “Do I believe this?” Or, “Where’s the

evidence for this belief?” Or, “Is this true?” Act like a
detective and unearth the reasons you may have for the
beliefs, doubts, fears, or concerns. Then question the
evidence. Question the reasons. You may find that the
belief isn’t true.
For example, if you discover a belief that money is
scarce, you might first look into your bank account and
find that to be true in this moment. But, millions of
dollars are circulating in our economy at any given
moment. Just because you don’t have it in your bank
account right now doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist or
that the money isn’t available to you. Money is all
around you. So the belief that money is scarce is not
true. But as long as we unconsciously or consciously
believe money is scarce, we will continue to attract into
our awareness proof of our belief. That is why it is
important to let that belief go.
What you are doing is dismantling your own belief
system. You will weaken it, and eventually clear it. You
will deprogram yourself. You will rewire your own
mind. You will be free from those beliefs that no longer
serve you.
This last step of clearing limiting beliefs is something
you can use a wide variety of techniques to accomplish.
I’ve written many books to help, such as, The Miracle:
Six Steps to Enlightenment. You can also use EFT
(emotional freedom technique; also called the tapping
method). You can use the Hawaiian spiritual tool called
ho’oponopono, which I wrote about in Zero Limits and
At Zero. With ho’oponopono, you basically say, “I love
you,” “I’m sorry,” “please forgive me,” and “thank you”
to your connection to the Universe, as a type of prayer
for cleansing of that limiting belief.
Other ways to clear limiting beliefs include taking
part in my Miracles Coaching® program, or my Zero
Limits Mastery program, working with another person to
question your beliefs, writing out a dialogue with
yourself, and questioning your beliefs in writing.
Modern brain sciences prove that you can change
your own mind.
Read books like Shad Helmstetter’s The Power of
Neuroplasticity or Jeffrey Schwartz’s You Are Not Your
The ways and means to “get clear” of
counterintentions are readily available to you and are
proven to work. But it’s essential to do this step in order
to attract what you intend, or something even better.
Again, I’m grateful for The Secret, and I hope you
are, too. It may not have revealed the “missing secret”
but it paved the way for a whole new world of
transformation, including your own.



I f there are millions of dollars all around us, why

don’t you see it? You don’t see your desires nor the
inspired gifts from the Universe because your
beliefs act as filters in your mind. If you do not believe
you can have or that you deserve money, you won’t see
the money around you.
A belief is an assumed truth. That means it may or
may not be a fact or a real truth. As we discussed in the
last chapter, we now want to question the beliefs we
hold (unless it is obvious to our conscious mind that it is
false). You also want to know if the belief is helping you
or not. Is the belief useful to you having instant money?
If it is not, you want to remove beliefs that keep money
from you.

“We learn our belief systems as very little

children, and then we move through life
creating experiences to match our beliefs.
Look back in your own life and notice how
often you have gone through the same
—Louise Hay
Your beliefs have been causing you to experience the
same problems—such as lack of money. But the good
news is, once you remove these limiting beliefs, you are
then free to have and enjoy money. This book will help
you to understand this so you can do something about it.
In my research and experience, there are ten core
beliefs that people have and don’t know they have.
These key beliefs need to be brought to light. Once you
look at them and understand their false nature, you can
then free yourself to become as abundant as you want.
A healer from the 1800s by the name of Quimby said,
“The explanation is the cure.” He healed over twelve
thousand people by “explaining the truth” to them.
That is my intention with these ten core beliefs. I
hope that by explaining them to you, you will see that
the beliefs are not a fact and they don’t serve you, so you
can be free to be healed of them. You will be free to let
them go and allow money to come to you without

The First Belief:

Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees

Remember, the first thing to ask about any belief is,

“Is it true?” Naturally, money doesn’t grow on trees. So
that part is true. Why is this statement expressed this
way? There is an underlying hidden belief that is saying
that there is a shortage of money, there isn’t enough, it’s
not as available as, well, trees and what grows on them.
This belief says we live in a finite world of scarcity. Is
that true? As we prove in a another chapter, there are
millions, billions, even trillions of dollars circulating
around in our economy in any given moment. Does that
sound like a shortage to you? No!
You might have had an experience in your childhood
when money was tight. My father did; he was born in
1925 and grew up during the Great Depression. Back
then he learned that “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
Even though the Great Depression came and went, and
he experienced richer times at various points in his life,
he still held on to that belief for almost ninety years.
Once you decide to change your beliefs, it won’t
matter what the outside world does financially. You live
in an abundant universe, even though you may not quite
see it yet. As long as you remain open to checking or
changing your beliefs, you will create the opportunity to
thrive and prosper.

The Second Belief:

It Takes Money to Make Money

I used to believe that it takes money to make money.

I remember when I finally became successful; someone
asked me how I did it. She wondered if I had been given
a loan. She thought I had to have money to make money.
But I didn’t get a loan. I simply used my creativity to
make and sell products that people wanted to buy. So a
better belief might be that it takes creativity to make
money. And we all have that, even if we haven’t
exercised it much lately.
The belief that it takes money to make money is so
prevalent in our culture that everyone repeats it and it
begins to feel like truth. But beliefs are like that; they
feel true because you hear them so many times. When
you stop to ask, “Is it true,” you come up short.
There are too many examples of people coming to
America with nothing—some not even speaking the
language—yet they end up being wealthy. How? They
didn’t start with money. They came here with nothing.
But they started with desire, and then they took action.
When people say it takes money to make money,
they are making an excuse for not trying. They can then
shrug and say, “Well, I don’t have any money, so I’m
stuck.” But again I ask, “Is it true?” Is it possible to
make money without money? Yes. Money is not as
important as creativity and you already have that.
Everyone is creative. We are very creative at explaining
why we aren’t successful. We create stories and excuses.
Instead, we can turn that story around and use that same
creativity muscle to attract and achieve wealth. All it
takes is a decision. You can do it.

The Third Belief:

Money is the Root of All Evil

This belief is so prevalent in our culture, and is

repeated so often, that it is accepted as truth. But let’s
look deeper.
You can imagine that if you consciously want money,
but you unconsciously think it is evil, then you won’t
allow money into your life. Why would you want
something considered evil in your life? You wouldn’t,
right? That is the reason that you and so many others
struggle with money. You want it and don’t want it. You
allow a little money in and call it a “necessary evil,” but
won’t allow more than enough. That is no surprise when
you think money is bad.
But is it?
As I mentioned earlier, this concept of money being
evil stems from a biblical quote in 1 Timothy 6:10 that
says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which
while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith,
and pierced themselves through with many sorrows”
(King James Version). Many other translations say that
it is the love of money that leads people astray and away
from their faith that causes all sorts of pain.
So money, itself, is not evil. When you are following
your faith and your passion, money allows you to take
your mission further than you could go without it. It is
not about loving money; it’s about loving your passion
and purpose and leveraging money to help you to
succeed at it.
Remember that quote from Walt Disney? “We don’t
make movies to make money, we make money to make
more movies.” Do you hear the purity in that statement?
It’s not about a love for money. Instead, it’s a love for
his passion and the understanding that money can help
him to express his passion. Money is just a tool. So let’s
let the old belief go.
The Fourth Belief:
It’s Selfish to Want a Lot of Money

This limiting belief extends from other beliefs about

money being bad or evil. As if believing “money is evil”
weren’t bad enough; now you’re wrong for wanting it.
But is it really selfish to want money?
In a sense, judging the acquisition of money as
selfish is a form of snobbery. It’s what people who have
trouble getting money say to explain their struggle or to
excuse their lack of action. They are acting like a victim
and declaring, in effect, “Oh, I don’t want money
because that would be selfish.” In reality, they don’t
want money because they think it’s evil (this ties back to
the third belief).
Sure, there are people you probably know who only
want money for money’s sake. But there are many others
who use money to fulfill a mission or achieve a goal.
Either way, it is not our place to judge. All we can do is
focus on our own issues.
As long as you are driven by your passion and
purpose, then the money you receive will be spiritual,
not selfish, and noble, not wrong. Keep in mind, the
more money you have, the more you can help and share
it with others.

The Fifth Belief:

Money is Not that Important

Remember to ask, “Is it true?” And then take a

deeper look. At first glance, money isn’t so important
when you compare it to health, happiness, love,
romance, family, relationships, and a lot more. But that
doesn’t mean money is to be dismissed. Money is
important, just like many other things in life. In fact, it is
more important than some things because it can help you
to attain other important things in life.
For example, health is important, and you can take
care of your health with a smart lifestyle (as one of The
8 Laws of Money teaches). But what if you or a loved
one had an accident or fell ill? You will most likely need
to pay for medical services. At that point, money would
become pretty important, wouldn’t it?
What if you wanted to support a cause that you
believed in? Serving others with your money could
become pretty important then too.
Mother Teresa knew this. She was a saint and
humanitarian who was not afraid to ask for, solicit,
acquire, and accept money because she knew it was
important, too. She used money as a tool in her mission
to help others. Without money, her efforts would not
have reached as many people as it did. So as a tool,
money is important. It’s just that money is not
The hidden agenda in this limiting belief is designed
to keep you from trying to have more money. You can
simply say it is not important and struggle without it. Or,
you can recognize that it is important when used to serve
you, help you, and assist you in achieving your goals and
dreams. So let this limiting belief go.
The Sixth Belief:
More Money, More Problems

This belief is a statement about how the world works.

But does it sound true or useful to you? This is yet
another example of how the culture creates a belief to
hide the fact that it doesn’t want to deal with or handle
money. One way to push away what you don’t want is to
dismiss it as “too much trouble.” This belief is a
smokescreen. It diverts your attention from wanting and
using money. But does money bring more problems?
It is an odd thing to consider, but most people say
they want more money because they have so many
problems. Yet, these same people say they don’t want
more money because they think more money equals
more problems. In reality, more money would solve your
problems and make your life easier. As we have seen,
money is an innocent tool that you can use to help you
and others out of problems.
It is true that more money requires more attention,
but that attention can come from someone you hire. You
don’t have to be the one to manage or account for the
money. Let someone who regards it as her mission do
that for you. That’s the beauty of more money; you
can solve any new problem with the very money you
have. As I teach in The 8 Laws of Money, money does
require attention, but that attention doesn’t have to be
from you. More money actually means more freedom,
not more problems.
So let’s let this old belief go, too. More money solves
problems; it doesn’t create them.
The Seventh Belief:
It’s Not Spiritual to Have Money

The base of this belief is again that money is

somehow bad or evil. We have already seen that money
is neutral. Judging money (or anything) as bad is an ego
trip; it’s snobbery disguised as spirituality. But money
and spirit are both energy, so they are the same;
materiality and spirituality are the same. How you
integrate the two energies is key. Some say that you are
a spiritual being living in a material body. That means
you are both spiritual and material.
Money can be used as a force for good. You can use
it to buy resources, contribute to causes and people you
believe in, sustain yourself and your loved ones, and
more. It takes a lot of money to run organizations that
provide free services to those in need. Having money
can make it happen and help us foster the human spirit
among us all.
This belief assumes money is bad, so it is designed to
make people stay away from money. Who wants to be
viewed as anti-spiritual, right? We now know, however,
that money is as innocent as a pen and paper. You
wouldn’t say, “It’s not spiritual to have pen and paper.”
Would you say that a pen is bad because you can
write a nasty note with it? I doubt it. You would look at
the person using the pen, not the pen. Money is the
same. It is innocent. It just sits there. Let this belief go
because it no longer serves you.
The Eighth Belief:
I’m Just Not Good with Money

You may have said that you aren’t good with money
at some point in your life. I know I have. It is repeated as
a way to excuse not having money and not wanting to
learn anything about it. Money does have a set of rules
around it, as I share in The 8 Laws of Money, but
anyone can learn them. You learned how to walk, talk,
read, and any number of other things—you can also
learn how to handle money better.
Again, this is just a belief. Your abilities are not set in
stone. You can still learn something new.
I didn’t learn how to be a musician until I was nearly
sixty years old. I have since recorded over a dozen
I learned how to be a strongman, and to bend steel
bars and horseshoes after I was sixty.
I learned the business of marketing, copywriting,
publishing, the internet, public speaking, and more by
reading books, hiring coaches, and trying and failing. I
learned and I grew.
Money is just another topic. You can choose to learn
about it yourself or you can hire someone who knows
about it already. They can either teach you or you can
hire them to handle your money.
Let’s let this belief go because you can learn
anything; you’ve already proved it with your life so far.
You can learn how to handle money too. Either that, or
you can hire someone who would love to handle it for
you. Either way, it is a non-issue so let it go.
The Ninth Belief:
I Don’t Deserve Good Things

This is a belief that no one wants to talk about. Inside

virtually everyone is some variation of the belief, “I’m
not good enough,” or “I’m not lovable,” or “I don’t
deserve good.” Even Oprah talks about this limiting
belief on her shows.
This belief prevents almost all of the joy in life—
whether it is for romance or health or happiness or
money. After all, if you feel you don’t deserve good
things, will you allow money or romance or anything
happy into your life? Not likely.
People make assumptions about their deservedness
when they are children. We hear our parents or elders
tell us so often to behave that we conclude that there
must be something wrong with us. There is nothing
wrong with you besides the perception that there is
something wrong with you. You made this observation
when you were a child with a child’s thinking and
awareness. But now, as an adult, you can change your
mind about your early assessment of yourself.
You are fine just as you are, and if there are areas to
improve, that is all a part of growing. You may need to
learn new skills as you grow. The point is you are good
enough as you are and you deserve good in your life by
the very fact that you are alive.
Doesn’t your investment of time and energy reading
this book prove you are a good person who wants to
better his or herself?
It is time to forgive yourself for anything you ever
thought you did wrong. It is not helping you, so forgive
and let go. You deserve success, so let go of any self-
judgment. You deserve good things and a good life.

The Tenth Belief: I Have to Do Something I

Don’t Like to Make Money

As I’ve said in several of my books, you will easily

attract what you fear or what you love, because both are
strong emotions packed with high voltage energy.
Therefore, it’s wiser to focus on what you love rather
than on what you loathe, right?
I don’t know what you are doing to make money
now, but just because it is your current circumstance
doesn’t mean you have to continue doing that forever.
Nor is that the only way you can make money. One of
the biggest factors I learned about being financially free
and successful was realizing that money could come
from multiple avenues.
For decades I thought money would only come to me
from my writing. I couldn’t see any other way. While I
continued to labor at day jobs I hated, just to survive, I
also continued to write and submit my work to
publishers. My entire focus was on money coming from
I couldn’t see the bigger pie. I couldn’t see the world
of infinite possibilities. I couldn’t even imagine it. But,
when I began to expand my mind, through books and
audios I borrowed from the library, and allowed money
to come to me in new and even surprising ways, my
income increased.
For example, I began to speak in public (that was a
huge undertaking for me because public speaking was
terrifying) so I could sell books in the back of the room.
I created correspondence courses (before the internet)
by breaking my books down into lessons and selling it as
a course. It failed the first time, but I tried it again a
decade later online and it became a major income stream
for me.
After learning that I could make audio programs in
my home, I recorded a marketing program in my
bedroom and sold it for $500 a copy.
I also learned copywriting, which led to a nice
income writing sales letters, ads, and doing direct mail
And all of this was long before I was ever invited to
be in the hit movie The Secret, which of course also
changed my life forever. It shot me into global notoriety
and led to numerous unexpected opportunities.
I could go on, but you get the point. My income
increased when I didn’t insist that it come to me in a
particular way. I didn’t have to stay in those jobs I hated
just to survive. I opened myself up to the possibility that
I could do what I loved, in a variety of ways, and still
make money.

Now that you know and have released the top ten
limiting beliefs about money, you are free to receive
money and open up to seeing new ways to attract it and
receive it. You are now able to question any other belief
that may occur around money and choose to step into
your abundance.
If you are reading this book and are broke and
struggling, it’s time to look in the mirror and discover
your beliefs. The meaning you give an event is the belief
that attracted it. I’ll repeat that: The meaning you give an
event is the belief that attracted it. What does the current
lack of funds mean? How do you tell your story about it?
What you say reflects the beliefs causing it. Change the
beliefs and you’ll change the reality. That change starts
from within.

It’s time for you to break free. Let go of the limiting

beliefs that don’t serve you and take on the new laws
about money, including, money loves speed.


O ne of the best self-help books you could read

today was first published in 1913. Let me tell
you about it.
Recently, I watched the PBS television remake of the
classic children’s book, Pollyanna. I absolutely loved
the new movie. The acting, scenery, editing, and story
were virtually perfect.
There have been other movies of Pollyanna, going
way back to 1920 with famous silent film star Mary
Pickford. And of course Disney did their version in 1960
with Hayley Mills.
But this recent version is fresh and timely. And I
loved being reminded of the message in it.
At the core of Pollyanna’s sunny personality is “the
glad game.” In short, it’s the ability to find something to
be glad about in any situation.

“There is something about everything that

you can be glad about, if you keep hunting
long enough to find it.”
―Eleanor H. Porter, Pollyanna
As Porter’s books reveal, this is at first something
you have to train yourself to do. Even Pollyanna wasn’t
born knowing it. Her father taught it to her. It reminds
me of the art I bought a few months ago. It was a
painting with the following saying:
“Train your mind to see the good in every situation.”

In short, you can train your mind to see the good. It’s
what recent neuroscience is telling us. You are not your
brain; you are the operator of it. You can teach your
mind how to look for the “glad” in life. And once you
“get it,” looking for the glad in any situation becomes a
fun challenge.
But the payoff is happiness. And isn’t that what you
On my album The Great Something, I recorded a
song called “Look for the Light.” It’s a reminder that
there is light in everything. But after seeing this remake
of Pollyanna, I also wrote a song called “The Glad
Game.” I’m using what I learned from my private lesson
with rock music icon Melissa Etheridge to write
something memorable.
The unforgettable Eleanor Porter writes:

“What men and women need is encouragement.

Their natural resisting powers should be
strengthened, not weakened…. Instead of always
harping on a man’s faults, tell him of his virtues.
Try to pull him out of his rut of bad habits. Hold up
to him his better self, his REAL self that can dare
and do and win out!… The influence of a beautiful,
helpful, hopeful character is contagious, and may
revolutionize a whole town…. People radiate what
is in their minds and in their hearts. If a man feels
kindly and obliging, his neighbors will feel that
way, too, before long. But if he scolds and scowls
and criticizes—his neighbors will return scowl for
scowl, and add interest!… When you look for the
bad, expecting it, you will get it. When you know
you will find the good—you will get that…”
—Eleanor H. Porter, Pollyanna

When I researched more on Porter, I was curious why

the glad game wasn’t talked about much these days.
Considering how much stress is reported in the
world, and how much “fake news” is triggering
unsettling emotions in people, learning to play the glad
game would be welcome relief.
It could even be healing. It could even help us return
to a clarity of mind where we could better see our
choices. In fact, the glad game could be a wonderful way
to change your inner vibration to one that is higher,
brighter, and even wiser.
As you know, you get what you radiate. Change the
dial inside, using the glad game, and you can attract
happier results.
So, why don’t more of us play the game?
My guess is that critical, skeptical, wounded, or
cautious people think being a “Pollyanna” is not being a
Over the decades, the term Pollyanna has come to be
an insult; used to tell someone they are foolish, not in
touch with reality, and possibly even dangerous to
But being a Pollyanna is making a choice on how to
see the world. You can still see the challenges, and still
see the good in them, and still act to change them.
Letting situations or other people steal your
happiness is being a victim. Choosing to see the
good/glad in situations or other people is being
empowered. You have a choice, of course.
For me, life is an optical illusion. You see what you
unconsciously expect and believe. Like Pollyanna, you
can consciously choose to look for and find the good/the
glad/the light. It’s your choice.

“Be glad. Be good. Be brave.”

—Eleanor H. Porter
Remember, if you see the good but just sit there, you
aren’t co-creating your reality. You want to see the
good, see the actions you need to take next, and do them.
After all, when a car injured Pollyanna, she didn’t
give up. (She did briefly, but she pulled out of it.)
Instead, she got treatment and she got better.
Eleanor Porter, the author of Pollyanna: The Glad
Book, explained it this way: “Pollyanna did not pretend
that everything was sugar-coated goodness, instead
Pollyanna was positively determined to find the good in
every situation.”
Note the difference?
Just looking at the world with blind eyes to objective
reality is not what the author meant; it was looking at the
world and finding the good in it.
Eleanor Porter once told an interviewer: “People have
thought that Pollyanna chirped that she was ‘glad’ at
everything… I have never believed that we ought to
deny discomfort and pain and evil; I have merely
thought that it is far better to ‘greet the unknown with a
I believe the 1913 book was an unrecognized law of
attraction resource. Maybe it’s time for all of us to read
it again, or at least go see the movie. I think you’ll find
something glad in it.
For now, start looking for “the glad” in your current
situation. The more you can find it, the wealthier you
will become. The idea is to focus on the good. As a
general rule of psychology, what you focus on will
expand. Do you want more to complain about, or more
to celebrate?
And do this now.
You guessed it: money loves speed.



Y ou’ve heard that it pays to give, haven’t you?

You’ve heard about tithing as a way to give
thanks for what you have and to begin to
attract more of what you want, correct? You’ve heard
the stories of famous millionaires and billionaires who
give away staggering amounts of money, right?
Well, do YOU give? Do you give ten percent of your
income to the people and places that inspire you, nurture
you, and keep you balanced?
Probably not.
I know because I was just like you. I heard all the
stories about giving as a way to receive. I heard all the
teachers and preachers tell me to give more and give
But I was “too smart” for that. I “knew” it was all a
scam to get my money.
But one day I awakened to a harsh insight: The
longer I stubbornly refused to give, the longer I
remained in struggle.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”

—Anne Frank

When I finally realized that if I can’t give a dollar out

of my last ten bucks today, then I won’t be able to give a
hundred thousand dollars out of my first million
It’s a form of self-sabotage to think otherwise. People
who convince themselves that they’ll give later, when
they have more money and can “afford it,” are deceiving
and deluding themselves. It all begins now. Today.
Today I give away everything from books to guitars
to cars to cash.
You might think I do it because I’m wealthy. But I
started doing it when I was working a job I didn’t like,
getting paid just above minimum wage, and had stacks
of bills just like you. I started giving with what I could

“The secret is giving now.”

—Dr. Joe Vitale
As I gave, and prospered, I let my giving reflect my
receiving. And the more I gave, the more I received.
Today, wealthy people—and not so wealthy people—
are giving.
The big mistake most people make in giving is
waiting. The second big mistake they make is in where
to give.
Here’s my thought on the matter: Give now. You
have some money. Take ten percent of it and give it
away. Don’t wait until you have more, because you are
missing the prosperity of right now. Besides, if money
loves speed, why would you delay in sharing it?
Give Where? Give it to whoever or whatever gave
you spiritual nourishment this past week. That could be
anyone or anything, from an Uber driver to a neighbor to
a complete stranger who smiled and turned your day
But you have to start today and you have to give
where you receive inspiration.
Why is this so important?
According to Edward Kramer, in his 1955 book,
Pathways to Power, “Clarence Howard, late head of
Commonwealth Steel, used to say, ‘The hole you give
through is the hole you receive through.’”
Dan Kennedy, marketing legend, often says it this
way: “The window you receive through is made bigger
by how much you give.”
In other words, psychologically and metaphysically,
the more you give, the more you open yourself to
And don’t trick yourself into thinking because you
helped a neighbor move a couch that you gave. You
gave muscle, but not money.
And don’t think because you took friends out to eat
that you gave. You bought dinner, but you didn’t dish
out money.
The law is specific: give ten percent or more of what
you receive financially to where you received spiritual
When you’re honest with yourself, you know who to
give it to.
Do it. Now.
One final thought: Don’t worry about what the
receiver does with what you give. It doesn’t matter if
they burn it, spend it, invest it, give it away, or anything
Your duty—if you want to attract more money—is to
give now and give often and give where you received
Why not do it right now?
After all, money loves speed.


W hen my drummer was here recently for the

recording of my sixth self-help singer-
songwriter album titled, The Great
Something, he talked about how much he loved the old
1960s hit television show, The Twilight Zone.
It’s Twilight Zone-ish enough that my drummer has
the same name as me, grew up in the same area of Ohio
as me, and went to the same college as me—but we
never met until five years ago, for the making of my first
singer-songwriter album.
But it gets even stranger when one night an episode
of The Twilight Zone aired on television—one I don’t
recall ever seeing before. As I watched, an idea for an
“instant change” self-help technique came to me with a
Oh, this is good, I thought to myself, laughing. Wait
till I tell everyone about this!
And this is where the story gets really interesting.
But let’s start at the beginning.

I’m a huge fan of The Twilight Zone TV show.

I was five years old when it first aired in 1959, but I
saw virtually every episode after that, and still watch
them today. Each show was genius. It had great acting,
great stories, and great lessons.
The man who created the show and wrote over half
of the 150 episodes was Rod Serling.
Serling deeply influenced me when I was a teenager.
I studied his scripts, short stories, and movies to unlock
his mastery at writing. I loved his screenplays for Seven
Days in May and Requiem for a Heavyweight. Talk
about hypnotic writing!
I almost signed up for the Famous Writers School, as
Serling was on their board (as was John Caples, another
writer who would influence me decades later).
It didn’t happen. I was still in high school and my
parents couldn’t or wouldn’t swing the tuition for the
correspondence course.
But something even better happened.
I met Rod Serling.
He was giving a presentation in Youngstown, Ohio,
not far from my home. Two friends and I went to hear
the great one speak. It was around 1970.
I was too excited to sit still. I was star-struck and
eager to meet the icon.
He walked out on stage, cigarette in hand, tanned,
tiny, unshaven, tight lipped, and uncomfortable.
I was instantly disappointed.
Serling was a chain-smoking little man with darkness
and insecurity in him. He said if there was a thump at
night, he’d be the first one outside in his shorts. He said
he was the only boxer who had to be carried into as well
as out of the ring. He was articulate, self-effacing, and
But I wanted to see a super human, not a mortal.
Though I was shy and nervous, I managed to ask him
a question. I raised my hand. He nodded at me.
“Do you plan to write your autobiography?” I asked.
“No,” Serling replied. “Nothing much has happened
in my life. It’d be boring.”
I was shocked. He was one of early television’s most
influential writers. He had a creative mind on the level
of genius. He wrote screenplays for some of the most
haunting TV shows and movies ever. He won several
Emmy Awards for his work.
He served in a war and received the Purple Heart and
Bronze Star, as well as trauma and wounds that would
give him nightmares his entire life. He was known as
“the angry young man” of Hollywood, fighting with TV
executives over censorship, racism, and war.
He was also unhappy.
“I was traumatized into writing by war events,” Rod
Serling explained. “By going through a war in a combat
situation and feeling the desperate sense of terrible need
for some sort of therapy. To get it out of my gut, write it
down. This is the way it began for me.”
And he thought his life story would be boring?
It was a turning point for me. I decided if this
insecure man can become a script writing legend, then
there was a chance for me to make it as an author, too.

Back to the episode I saw the other night.

It takes place in an office. A businessman is talking
to his secretary. He is preparing to go on a trip.
He goes to his phone, starts to dial his wife’s number,
when suddenly someone shouts, “CUT!”
The man freezes.
He watches as his office walls are moved.
And then he sees an entire film crew looking at him.
He is on a movie set.
The yelling of “CUT!” caused him to freeze. He is
almost traumatized by this turn of events. He didn’t
know he was on a set, or in a movie, or was an actor.
Imagine how you would feel if right now you heard a
booming voice yell “CUT!” and then you saw the walls
around you move apart, only to reveal a film crew that
had been watching you the whole time.
The episode is from 1960. It’s #23. It was written by
Richard Matheson. It’s called, “A World of Difference.”
Howard Duff is the key actor. Find it and watch it
And now let’s get to the point. Here’s how I
discovered a self-help “instant change” technique:
Whenever you notice anything not going the way you
want it to, mentally or out loud yell, “CUT!” And then
do, think, or say something different.
Use “CUT!” as a command to change your mind or
even a situation.
For example, a friend was complaining about her
day. I listened for a moment. Then I blurted, “CUT!”
She stared at me.
“Let’s redo this scene,” I said. “Say your lines
differently this time.”
I had to explain the entire Twilight Zone episode to
her before she understood what I was doing, but my
“pattern interrupt” caused her to smile and begin a new
In another example, I was served dinner at a
restaurant. I was about to complain about the dish when
I remembered that complaining doesn’t help. It’s far
wiser to state an intention instead.
So I yelled, “CUT!” in my head.
“State what you want,” I told myself, “not what you
don’t want.”
I then stated that I wanted my food heated up a little
more, and the server smiled and handled it. No one was
offended by a complaint, and I got what I wanted from
the intention.
Do you see how this works? I’m simply pretending
that life is a stage play or television show. As long as
“the show” entertains me, fine.
But if I, or someone in my personal reality show, gets
“out of tune” or goes “off script,” I can simply say
“CUT!” and “Let’s do the scene again!”
“In almost everything I’ve written, there is
a thread of this: man’s seemingly palpable
need to dislike someone other than
—Rod Serling

My own philosophy of life states that life is an

illusion, anyway. We’re all actors and actresses on the
stage of life. The problem is, we are all in a hypnotic
trance and believe our roles.
“Awakening” is all about realizing you are acting out
a script, though unconsciously. By saying “CUT!” and
pausing, you start to awaken from the trance and redirect
your life. In a real sense, you become the scriptwriter of
your own life.
How cool is that?
I’m having fun using this self-help method in my
daily life. If I notice my thoughts start to go downhill, I
just yell in my mind, “CUT!”
And then I choose to “redo my lines” by thinking
more upbeat thoughts.
You can do this, too. Whenever you have doubts
about attracting money, interrupt your own thinking with
a loud “CUT!” in your head.
I doubt anyone involved with the making of The
Twilight Zone ever thought of this way of retraining your
brain and interrupting patterns, but I like thinking Rod
Serling is smiling from above.
If not, then “CUT!” and “This time put a smile on
your face, Rod!”


I don’t watch movies about zombies or vampires

unless there’s some comedy in it or a psychological
insight about the rest of us, but recently I watched a
documentary called, How to Be a Billionaire, which got
me thinking about zombies.
Let me explain: The three billionaires featured in the
film are all big thinkers. And I’m talking BIG. They are
not zombies at all.
One wants to create passenger flights to the moon for
you to take your sweetie for a honeymoon. At the same
time, he wants to bring back ore from the moon and sell
it back here on Earth as a precious metal. He expects it
to be a trillion dollar business.
Another created a social media site with his wife and
sold it for $850,000,000. Apparently AOL saw the value
in it for reaching millions of people. But when it bombed
under the new ownership, the couple who originated the
site bought it back—for only $1,000,000. They are now
investing in even more businesses and revamping their
own original software.
Yet another billionaire is creating life-like robots of
people like you, with the idea of eventually installing
your consciousness in them so you can live forever. Yes,
he’s really working on this attempt at immortality.
Each of these billionaires is thinking so big that it
may appear insane.
In fact, one of the billionaires said, “If you go to a
party and tell your idea to people and they don’t think
you’re crazy, then you’re not thinking big enough.”
That’s so important, I want to repeat it. “If you go to
a party and tell your idea to people and they don’t think
you’re crazy, then you’re not thinking big enough.”
Besides thinking on a scale most people never
entertain, none of the billionaires were pursuing their
dreams for the money. They felt the dream and the
pursuit were more important than the money, though
they welcome the money to continue the dream and the
It reminded me of Walt Disney’s famous quote, “We
don’t make movies to make money, we make money to
make more movies.”
All of this got me thinking about my own mission in
life. Am I thinking big enough?
I previously released a book and online course, called
The Awakened Millionaire. The book is a manifesto
written to set a fire under people to ignite them to go for
their dreams, pursue them with passion, and be okay
profiting from them, too.
The book is a stir to action subtitled “A Manifesto for
the Spiritual Wealth Movement.” The online course is
available through The Awakened Millionaire Academy,
and is a complete how-to on transforming yourself into
an Awakened Millionaire.
I’m psyched about all of this, but the documentary
made me question how big I was thinking.
The billionaires thought in terms of reaching a billion
or more people. I was thinking in terms of reaching a
million. Obviously, I need to think bigger.
As I brainstormed ideas on how to elevate and
expand my dream, I thought of “Zombie Billionaires.” It
would be a great book. And maybe even a great movie.
I doubt I’ll do either, but the idea of Zombie
Billionaires made me realize that most people pursuing
money are like zombies. They are dead to their dreams.
They are sleepwalking through life. They have stuck
beliefs about money.
What if I awakened the zombies of the world with
my book and online course? I’m kidding around on one
level and expanding my mind on another.
I know a fellow making a movie about zombies who
learn meditation. It’s his clever way to get people to
practice meditation by drawing them in with a story
about zombies.
Whatever I do with all this isn’t important. What you
do with it is.
So, are you thinking big enough? Are you reaching a
million people? A billion? More?
What would you do if you thought like a billionaire
and were devoted to service and making a difference on
a grand scale?
What would you do if you were an Awakened
What can you do right now, knowing that money
loves speed?


M any people confuse material gain and

spiritual awakening. They think it is
either/or: either you attract the money or
you attract the awakening, but not both.
Obviously, that’s not what I teach.
In my books, such as The Awakened Millionaire, I
explain that you want to profit from your passion, and
that being true to yourself in business is also being true
to your spiritual path.
It’s not either-or—it’s both.
One evening, I watched a documentary called “Still
Bill,” about Bill Withers, the singer-songwriter famous
for such tunes as “Grandma’s Hands” and “Lean on
Me.” In one scene in the film, he was congratulated for
not “selling out.”
Bill paused and then said, “Look. We are all
entrepreneurs. What’s the best sign we could ever put in
our store? The greatest sign we can hang in our window
is ‘SOLD OUT.’”
I loved his clarification.
Bill wrote songs true to him, and along the way he
sold millions of them. He didn’t “sell out,” but he surely
“sold out.”
Singer Bono once said, “Selling out is doing
something you don’t really want to do for money.”
I don’t want you to pursue money for money’s sake,
but to instead pursue your passion and make money
from it along the way so you can continue pursuing it. In
other words, focus on your passion, create a product or
service true to you, promote it honestly and relentlessly,
and then enjoy the profit from your work.
Sounds healthy and wise, doesn’t it? You can do this,
too. It’s knowing your calling/passion/life mission, and
being at peace with success, as you express yourself in
the marketplace.
It’s not about “selling out” but being “sold out” while
doing what you love.
I know people who deceive themselves into thinking
they can’t make money doing what they love because
they would be too focused on the material (money, etc.).
They completely forget that the material is the concrete
form of the spiritual. Judging “stuff” as not spiritual is
spiritual snobbery; it’s a self-deception; it’s an ego trip.
I’m not talking about hoarding or whoring, but about
being comfortable living well as you do well.
As Milton Friedman said, “Rich or poor, it is good to
have money.”
Anyone who wants to awaken needs to embrace all
aspects of life and quit judging parts of it or themselves
as bad.
“We are not human beings having a
spiritual experience. We are spiritual
beings having a human experience.”
― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
It doesn’t take much character to judge anything as
lowly; it takes much character to see the good in all of
Again, you can use the law of attraction to attract cars
and cigars or spirituality and enlightenment—and you
can use the law of attraction to attract all of it. The only
limitations are in your mind.
That said, what would you welcome into your life?
As Arnold Patent, one of my favorite teachers, once
said, “You can have it all!”
But, will you accept it?


A s you now know, I teach people to become

what I call Awakened Millionaires. This is
the new breed of humankind where money
and spirituality merge in peace and lead to life and
planetary transformation. Along the way, and explained
in my book, The Awakened Millionaire, I found a set of
key principles that I call The Awakened Millionaire’s

The Awakened Millionaire is driven first by their

passion, purpose, and mission.
The Awakened Millionaire uses money as a soulful
tool to make a positive impact.
The Awakened Millionaire is persistently
empowered, believing in themselves absolutely.
The Awakened Millionaire is committed to grow,
improve, reinvent, and always discover.
The Awakened Millionaire is unshakably bold, takes
risks, and does not hesitate.
The Awakened Millionaire is guided by the soulful
resonance of their intuition.
The Awakened Millionaire knows wealth is
everything they have, not just money.
The Awakened Millionaire holds a deep gratitude for
all they have and achieve.
The Awakened Millionaire is permanently connected
to Universal abundance.
The Awakened Millionaire is generous, ethical, and
focuses on the good of others.
The Awakened Millionaire champions the win-win-
The Awakened Millionaire soulfully shares their
entrepreneurial gifts.
The Awakened Millionaire leads by example as the
catalyst for transformation in others.

Wouldn’t it be exciting if this creed were true for

you? Once you have worked through this book, have
grasped the concepts, and have taken action, I hope you
will be inspired enough to take on the challenge of
becoming an Awakened Millionaire.
When you are ready to live your life calling in a way
that benefits you and the world, join us online at . The book
and the program are designed to help you to combine
money and spirituality together to bring you more of
both, while transforming you into a force for good in a
world that desperately needs it.
The Awakened Millionaire is a call to action, pushing
you to wake up, stand up, and transform yourself into a
powerful expression of your passion, your wealth, and
your desire to make a difference. I hope you will join me

Almost all first steps are awkward. The same way

you learned to walk is how you learn to do
anything. Take some stabs at it. Walk a little,
wobble, fall down, and get up again.
—Dr. Joe Vitale



B oth of the following materials are books in

their own right, but I have included them here
to add to your wealth experience. They are
full of ideas and information, and will open your mind to
greater abundance.
Enjoy them and Expect Miracles!


The art of living easily as to money is to pitch your

scale of living one degree below your means.
—Sir Henry Taylor

A ttracting money is a huge topic and one I’ve

spent a great deal of time talking about with
people over the years. You could say I’ve
become quite an expert in it—and I don’t say this to tout
myself. It’s simply what happened as I kept at it in my
own life.
Changing your consciousness isn’t (usually) done
overnight, which is probably why great wealth or
success doesn’t (usually) happen overnight.
It’s a day-by-day, moment-by-moment occurrence.
One idea at a time… However, this doesn’t mean it has
to be a slow process. Not at all.
In fact, ideas by their nature travel fast—and
sometimes you only need one good idea to turn things
around quickly. Even a seemingly irrelevant idea can
spread like a wildfire in your soul.
Take gratitude, for example.
Years ago, when I was unpublished and unknown, I
was broke, driving a clunker, and often went without
food. I was virtually starving. I lived in a little cubbyhole
where I could barely muster $200 rent.
I didn’t see the world as a very nice place.
The excerpt below is what I later explained to
students in my Miracles Coaching® program.

I wasn’t getting anywhere. I kept hearing about

gratitude as an exercise and would say, “Yes, give me
something to be grateful for and then I’ll be grateful.”
But that’s not how it works.
I picked up a No. 2 yellow pencil on my desk, the
kind most of us wrote with when we were kids. I started
looking at it and was being very flippant and skeptical. I
said, “Yes, I’m grateful for this pencil.” Then I just
started making up things like, “Yes, I can write a suicide
note with this. I can write some sort of ransom note.”
Then I thought, Well, I can write a love song or a
poem. I can write a movie or the great American novel. I
can write a grocery list or a to-do list.
I started to feel different right away just by doing
that…[and] by the time I explored all the reasons to be
grateful for a pencil, I was truly in gratitude, which
means I was back in the moment….
Then I started to move into, “Wow, I can do a lot
with this stick, this piece of wood with lead in it.” I
turned it over and thought, There’s an eraser. How
brilliant to put an eraser on it. So now I can erase the
suicide note, the ransom note, and all the negative
That experience opened my heart. I was still in the
same situation, but because the pencil and the gratitude
expanded my mind, it was like opening up a window.
The Universe was there all along. I just wasn’t seeing
After I picked up the pencil, I moved into a spirit of
gratitude and saw the same world differently. Now I’m
thinking, Oh, my God. I have a roof over my head. I ate
today. I have a car out front. I have transportation. I
have health. A lot of people don’t have these things.
I swear that was the turning point in my life.

As you can see, I was profoundly transformed by the

miracle of gratitude—and so was my life from that point
But even if you find one idea that begins a great turn
of the tide, so to speak, that’s never the end of it. As long
as you’re living, you’ll keep discovering new ideas that
continue to expand your awareness in every area of your
The interesting thing is you never know which idea at
what time will have the power to change things for you.
So I recommend staying open and curious about what
might, at first, appear to be a simple idea. Sometimes the
simplest ideas are the most elegant.
Who knows? Maybe you’ll find it in here, with these
ideas to attract money by saving someone else money.
You can use these in many ways—in your sales letters,
email ads, websites, webinars, presentations, sales calls,
or in-person meetings.
Stranger things have happened…
So let’s find out.

Find the Solution

If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as

—Ben Franklin

One of the best ways to attract money is to save other

people money. Why is this? Because it’s an area that’s
always in big demand. Businesses and consumers want
to spend less for products and services they want or
In fact, the number one thing that makes people
hesitate about buying a product or service is the price—
and whether or not they can afford it.
Think about it…
If business and consumer budgets weren’t an issue,
you’d easily be able to get them to spend their money on
you. But it usually doesn’t work that way. Fortunately
there’s an easy solution: Show them how easily they can
fit the price into their budget.
In other words, save people money by suggesting
ways they can afford the products or services that you’re
For example, let’s say you’re selling high-ticket
consulting and your business prospect is hesitant
because of the high price. At the same time, you notice
that they’re spending an enormous amount of money on
in-house employees. You could suggest a way to save
money by outsourcing part of their business to lower
their employee costs. In addition to making you appear
more valuable, it offers a way for them to afford your
You can do the same thing to increase your
commissions if you’re an affiliate or salesperson for a
product or service.
It works even if you don’t own a business and are a
wage or salaried employee. If you want a better chance
getting a raise or promotion, try suggesting ways your
employer can save money for their business.
For example, let’s say you overhear your boss
mention he wants to buy an air compressor for a special
project but just can’t afford it right now. You could
suggest that he could both save money and afford it by
renting one for the time he needs it. Going one step
further, you could offer to pull together the details
quickly—who, what, when, where, and how much.
It’s possible that some of the money your employer
saves could end up going into your pocket as a raise,
promotion, or bonus.
And that’s what attracting money is all about—
It’s All in How You Say It

The safest way to double your money is to fold it

over and put it in your pocket.
—Kin Hubbard

Words are powerful.

What you say, when you say it, and how you say it…
it all matters.
I’ve been writing words—and about words—most of
my life. I even wrote a book a number of years ago
called Hypnotic Writing to help people master the power
of words in their marketing efforts.
So you can trust me when I tell you that the words
“save you money” will get people’s attention.
I use it myself.
For example, the following is from the “Foreword:
How You Just Saved Yourself $25,000” in my other e-
book, Hypnotic Marketing.

“…in this e-book…You’ll learn the inside tricks and

secrets for grabbing minds, getting people to send you
money, including how to grab the mind of the MEDIA
and have IT to pay attention to you. All of this is
powerful, even off-the-charts stuff.
And many people paid a staggering $25,000 each to
have me show them this method and implement the
You, of course, just saved yourself a BUNDLE of
Can you feel the energy and excitement of that?
That’s because people naturally get excited when they
save money!
Let’s make saving money more personal.
What if I told you I knew a way you could increase
your income up to $5,000 a month by buying a particular
product that you could easily get from a flea market or
yard sale?
How about eliminate as much as $10,000 a year in
unnecessary expenses by taking advantage of free
government programs?
Or get 25% additional savings on everyday items
using price comparison websites.
If you’re like me, at least one of those ideas piqued
your interest.
The interesting thing is there are literally hundreds if
not thousands of ways to save money.
Oh, let me count the ways…

Offer Free Advice

What advice can you offer that will help someone

else solve their problems? Tell reporters they can
call on you for advice when writing stories about
your area of expertise. Give them specific examples
of how you help people save time and money.
—Joan Stewart and Tom Antion,
How to Be a Kick Butt Publicity Hound
Offering free advice isn’t just a strategy for getting
publicity, although it’s a pretty good one. It has much
bigger implications.
In a metaphysical sense, giving something sets into
motion the Law of Reciprocity, as it’s sometimes
referred to. From a non-metaphysical viewpoint, you
could just say, “What goes around comes around.” It’s
all the same idea—that whenever you give, the Universe
rushes in to fill the void.
The reason I bring this up is that not every time you
show someone how to save money will that same person
turn around and offer you money in the form of
payment. They might, of course, and often it works that
way, just not necessarily—and that’s part of the mystery.
In his book, The Strangest Secret, Earl Nightingale
said that we just have to focus on giving value in all the
areas we can. This can be through our work or simply by
speaking kind words to someone we come into contact
with as we go about our life.
He also said that most of the time the wealth and
abundance you receive will come to you through sources
other than the individual that you’re directly serving—
that you could give service to one person, but the
compensation, or reward, would come from a
completely different source that the Universe has
determined for you.
For example, you might save money for one of your
clients and later that night get an email from someone
else wanting your services. Or you get a referral from a
previous customer. Or you get a great deal on something
you’ve wanted to buy for a while that saves you money.
The point is that the Universe keeps track, so my
suggestion is to be on the right side of giving—and it’s
as easy as helping someone you know save money.

Seventy-Five Ways to Save

Below I’ve put together a list of seventy-five ideas

that you could recommend to businesses or consumers—
ways they could save money and fit any product or
service into their budget.
Take a moment to read them over. Put a check next
to the ones that could potentially benefit someone you
1. Shop for supplies at discount and dollar stores.
2. Send free electronic gifts to people instead of
offline gifts.
3. Send free e-cards to people instead of mailing
print cards at holidays.
4. Buy used items at auctions instead of brand new
5. Carpool to your place of work or business with
6. Compare prices before you buy products or
7. Clip magazine, flyer, and newspaper coupons.
8. Borrow expensive equipment from friends, family
members, or other businesses.
9. Switch to a lower cost electric company.
10.Send emails/texts instead of postal mail or direct
11.Swap products with your friends, family
members, or other businesses.
12.Partner to buy expensive products with friends,
family members, or other businesses.
13.Buy products in bulk to get lower volume pricing.
14.Keep track and use your credit card loyalty points.
15.Shop for items when there are seasonal/holiday
16.Join a wholesale club to make product purchases.
17.Plan meals and stop wasting food at mealtime.
18.Trade offline advertising with other businesses.
19.Educate your customers with electronic brochures
instead of print versions.
20.Order products that offer free delivery and
21.Watch out for hidden or extra fees when making a
22.Buy items that come with partial or full rebates.
23.Buy merchandise that offers trade-in or cash-back
24.Research and find lower cost insurances.
25.Negotiate lower interest rates on your credit cards.
26.Refinance your home, auto, and personal loans.
27.Buy generic brands instead of name brand items.
28.Switch to a lower cost gas company.
29.Move your office/business to your home instead
of renting space.
30.Pack your work or business lunch instead of
ordering out.
31.Eat less to save money and get healthier and fit at
the same time.
32.Walk/bike ride to your place of work or business
instead of driving.
33.Use preventative health care to avoid big medical
34.Take advantage of lower interest government
grants and loans.
35.Read free information online instead of buying
unneeded books.
36.Share traveling costs with other friends, family, or
business partners on trips.
37.Find a checking account that is no or low fee.
38.Use online forums and social networks to talk to
experts instead of hiring consultants.
39.Outsource part of your business to lower your
employee costs.
40.Use video conferencing instead of traveling.
41.Find low-cost versions of software instead of
buying expensive name brands.
42.Shop at stores that accept other store’s coupons.
43.Have your family or kids work as employees of
your business.
44.Use cost-cutting, money-saving apps.
45.Do every day errands all in one trip to save gas.
46.Buy used equipment instead of new equipment.
47.Use free or trial versions of software that you
48.Use your local library instead of buying new
49.Join free or lower cost social clubs, business
networks, or associations.
50.Have your insurances all at the same company to
get discounts.
51.Read magazines at libraries instead of subscribing
to them.
52.Switch to solar power to save on electricity bills.
53.Buy an electric powered vehicle or motorcycle to
save on gas.
54.Buy used vehicles instead of new ones.
55.Search the online/offline classified ads for good
56.Sell or auction off products or items you don’t
57.Search for lower cost medical insurance.
58.Give up satellite and cable channels you don’t
59.Socialize and make friends with those who can
freely help your business.
60.Use your own bank to avoid ATM fees.
61.Shop for groceries at places that have customer
loyalty cards.
62.Cross-train your employees so you can pay fewer
63.Use a credit card with a rewards program.
64.Use “pay-as-you-go” services instead of long-
term contracts.
65.Pay off your loans in a shorter period of time.
66.Use good SEO (search engine optimization) rather
than paid ads.
67.Enter contests to win free products or services.
68.Fix leaky faucets and plumbing.
69.Use product trials and samples before purchasing.
70.Join a bartering network or club.
71.Take advantage of guarantees if products don’t
72.Reward employees for giving more money-saving
ideas for your business.
73.Move to a less taxed city, state, or area.
74.Purchase product display models instead of new
75.Stop buying extended product warranty upsells.

As I mentioned earlier, these influential ideas—and

similar ones you create yourself—can be used in your
sales letters, email ads, websites, presentations, sales
calls, in person meetings, and webinars, etc. When you
do, you’ll be well on your way to attracting money by
saving people money.
Oh, and, of course, you could use them for yourself!

Giving in to Action

We receive so much in any one moment and most of

us aren’t aware of it.
We can never out give the Universe.
—Dr. Joe Vitale,
The Miracles Manual, Volume 2

We live in an abundant Universe and one of the best

ways you can take part in it is by giving.
As the late Jim Rohn, a world-famous motivational
speaker, once said, “Giving is better than receiving
because giving starts the receiving process.”
In my own case, giving changed my life.
It allowed me to release qualities that weren’t serving
me and were, in fact, keeping me stuck and in poverty—
negative thinking and behavior patterns like
stubbornness, resistance, suspicion, and doubt that kept
me from giving of myself to others.
Somewhere along the way I discovered that the more
grateful I could be, the more giving and generous I
became in whatever way was available to me, and the
more I began to receive. I became able to receive joy,
love, material goods, spiritual nourishment, and
You see, when you don’t give, you actually shut
down your ability to receive the wonders and the magic
and the miracles that the Universe is trying to give to
In other words, giving isn’t just a good idea. It works.
And then, when you give from a grateful heart, the
whole thing accelerates and takes off.
Gratitude is like stepping onto a magic carpet.
If you reflect on the premise of this section—that you
can attract money by saving other people money—you’ll
begin to see that what you’re really doing is giving…
giving value to another.
And that’s really all you have to do to set things in
motion. You do your part and the Universe does its part.
It’s as simple as that.
Where can you give right now?
Remember, money loves speed!



T his is a special excerpt from a live program called

Attract Money Now Live.
As a reader of this Money Loves Speed book,
you can gain access to the video recordings of this
program that go along with this Playbook. (Note: There
is a small fee to access the videos).
Each session of the Playbook corresponds to a
segment of the live event, thus they are labeled
sequentially, even if there are no notes or action items
for that particular segment.
The Playbook is written as if you were right there
with us, so imagine that you were and tap right in so you
can create a transformation in your life too.
Visit to access the
video recordings that go with the Playbook.
Playbook Contents

When you follow your bliss...doors will

open where you would not have thought
there would be doors, and where there
wouldn’t be a door for anyone else.
—Joseph Campbell

Introduction by Dr. Joe Vitale

How to Use the Attract Money Now Live Event Playbook

Session 1 Dr. Joe Vitale, Connie Ragen Green, and

Bruce Burns
Session 2 Mathew Dixon
Session 3 Dee Wallace
Session 4 Adam Mortimer and Chuck Pennington
Session 5 Audio Only
Session 6 Bill Phillips
Session 7 Scott York
Session 8 Lori Anderson and Mendie Audlin
Session 9 Daniel Barrett, Bob Wakitsch, and Dr. Joe

“Awaken to your abundance! Dissolve all your

limits!” This was the promise of my experiential, hands-
on Attract Money Now Live Event in Austin.
And you know what?
Magic happened.
If you weren’t there then, I’m glad you’re here now
because this event served as a “game changer” for
everyone—and it will for you, too.
The following are just some of the things people
learned in those two short days together, and what you
will learn going through this Playbook and recordings.
How to:
Easily dissolve blocks to wealth fast
Install a wealth mindset
Erase old stories and create new ones to help them
become a “money magnet”
Apply the law of attraction to money (or anything
“Zero Out” lack and limitation
Move out of victimhood and into awakening

And that’s not all you’ll get here. From discovering

your core passion to realizing the power of the right
question, you’ll learn the “inside-out” approach to
attracting and mastering money. And, as someone who’s
made his way from being homeless and in poverty to a
living lifestyle of the rich and famous, I know these
things work. I’ve spent a lifetime learning and applying
them myself.
It pleases me to no end that I can share all this with
you, whether you were able to attend or not. This is
where my heart is—to awaken you to the Divinity of
your wealth—because it’s here for you and just waiting
to be discovered.
By watching and listening to this recording, you, too,
will experience leading-edge methods for becoming the
new you.
For example, you can follow along while Adam
Mortimer, a Miracles Coach™ with my famous Miracles
Coaching™ program, demonstrates how to detach
emotion from any limiting belief you may have.
You can watch me demonstrate my breakthrough
“Secret Mirror” technology and learn to access your own
future self.
All this and much, much more.
Indeed, we live in amazing times…


Dr. Joe Vitale

Visit to
access the video recordings that go with the Playbook.
How to Use the Attract Money Now Live
Event Playbook

It’s great that you believe in me…I want

you to believe in yourself.
—Dr. Joe Vitale

In the opening session of the Attract Money Now

Live Event, Joe purposefully created an environment for
transformation and awakening to abundance. As a home-
study participant, these guidelines will further enhance
your experience:
Whenever you sit down to watch the program or do
the exercises in the Playbook, take a moment to
create an energy field around you full of love,
openness, and gratitude. It’ll bring you into the
moment and make the work much more
Set aside a quiet time when you won’t be interrupted
and can listen to a speaker, stop the program, and
work in your Playbook before going on to the next
Know how much time you can devote and plan
accordingly. Besides Dr. Joe Vitale, there are two
featured guest speakers—Dee Wallace and Bill
Phillips—who have longer sessions of
approximately one-to-two hours. The other
speakers each give TED-like talks of about twenty
Take notes as you go along. This helps anchor the
experience and information into your
At the live event, Joe suggested people make friends
with each other to reinforce what they were
learning. You can do this, too, by inviting a
spouse, partner, or friend to go through the course
materials with you. Another way would be to start
or join a local group or mastermind through, or an online group through Facebook
or a “forum.”
In other words, find places that have like-
minded people who will support you in the
practice of abundance—and it is a practice. The
more you look, the more you’ll discover that
people like this are everywhere and the more you
connect, the more you’ll anchor your own
transformation and awakening.
Are you ready? Then dive right into the first session.
As you’re about to discover, your abundance is at hand!
Session 1

A belief is not a fact.

—Dr. Joe Vitale

In this session, Dr. Joe shares a secret that

transformed his own thinking fifteen years ago and
allowed him to go from homelessness and poverty to
multi-millionaire, bestselling author, and award-winning
musician. He explains why you never have to worry
about money and why it’s actually counter-productive,
and discusses the five most common beliefs that prevent
people from enjoying the abundant life.
Next, Connie Ragen Green, an online entrepreneur
and expert in affiliate marketing, introduces you to
making money by simply sharing what you love with
others. She explains why her method is so lucrative and
how to take the selling out of selling by letting others do
the “heavy lifting.” She also covers the three models of
affiliate marketing and her “Ten Steps to Entrepreneurial
Success with Affiliate Marketing.”
Bruce Burns finishes up this session with his talk on
“Volunteering for Wealth,” and explains why this
concept is so powerful in creating a more abundant life.
He shares how to do this with three simple, but critical,
Dr. Joe Vitale

Joe shares “the million-dollar secret” that completely

shifted his life, which he received one day in an email
from It said, “Got money worries? A little
birdie just came my way and mentioned a deep soulful
desire of yours. She said that you’d be eternally grateful
if, once and for all, you never, ever had to worry about
money again. Well, I couldn’t resist. Wish granted. You
never, ever have to worry about money again.”
Do you find yourself worrying about money? Write
what scares you the most about it and how long this has
been at play in your life. Try to get a sense of when
and/or where you first learned to feel afraid of money.

How does Joe’s revelation affect you—knowing that

you “never, ever have to worry about money again?”
Joe says there is a “massive difference” in worrying
about money versus attracting it. Can you describe a
time you saw an opportunity (attracted money) but then
didn’t take action on it because you were worried about

Joe talks about imagining and treating yourself as

prosperous. He says you can do this right now and by
doing so you begin to create it. You don’t need more
money in your purse or wallet to make this mental
Describe how you would think, talk, feel, and do
things if you were already financially free with all debt
paid off. What would it be like to “walk the talk” of the
life that, until now, you’ve only been dreaming about?
What would be different?

In thinking abundantly, Joe says, “I’m not suggesting

you pretend you’re buying everything…millionaires
don’t think like that.” Instead, they’ll say something like,
“That does look great and I’d like to have it—not today,
but I’d like to have it. It’s on my dream list.”
Write out some of the things that are on your “dream

Think of three people who you would feel

comfortable with “talking like a millionaire.” Then, pick
one and go have a conversation rooted in abundant
thinking now—online, by phone, or in person. This
anchors it. Afterwards, write about your experience here:
Did it feel expansive? Did it bring up any negative

Joe talks about Mindy Audlin’s technique of using

“what if up” thinking rather than “what if down.” For
example, instead of having thoughts like, “What if this is
a waste of money?” you might think, “What if this is the
turning point in my life—the single, transformational
event that turns everything around?”
Give your own example of a “what if down”
statement you use, then rewrite it into a “what if up”

Joe shares the five most common beliefs that cause

people to block their own good.
Do you believe that…
Money is the root of all evil? Yes ___ No ___
There isn’t enough? Yes ___ No ___
Money is bad? Yes ___ No ___
I don’t deserve it? Yes ___ No ___
I have to do something
I don’t like to get money? Yes ___ No ___

Next to each belief listed below, write how this belief

might show up in your financial life today.

Money is the root of all evil.


There isn’t enough.


Money is bad.

I don’t deserve it.


I have to do something I don’t like to get money (or, I

can’t do what I want and make money).

Joe says you have to follow your enthusiasms and

passions, and describes how he became infatuated with
Bruce Barton’s story, which led to writing a book about
Name one idea that excites you, then write why you
haven’t allowed yourself to pursue it to date. Does this
relate to any of the beliefs Joe talked about (or can you
identify another)?

Joe explains that in the Secret Mirror technique, you

visit a “future you” to get answers for a current problem.
As he says, “If it doesn’t seem real, you can think of it as
a creativity exercise tapping into your subconscious
mind to open a different part of your brain in order to see
what’s already here.”
To do this at home, find a mirror to work with. Next,
identify the number one thing in your life that you wish
was resolved. Pretending that the closest planet has an
identical version of you six months in the future who has
already resolved the issue, look in the mirror and ask:
• How did you do it?
• What do you recommend for me?
• What are the steps?

Whatever comes to mind, write it down—anchor it;

don’t dismiss it.

Connie Ragen Greene

Are you always working to make ends meet or

missing important and fun events in your life? Are you
always saying, “Later on?” If so, what would you have
to believe about yourself, money, and work in order to
live the way you want more fully now?

An abundant mindset is not always about the money.

Connie says that “the planning is part of the journey and
it’s not the same if you just plunk down money.” She
gave an example of planning for a year to bring children
to the U.S.
Pretend for a moment that you have unlimited
money. What event would you enjoy the time spent

Connie’s way of affiliate marketing starts with

tapping into your circle of influence, people who already
know, like, and trust you to give them the truth about
something (a movie, book, restaurant).
Begin making a list of friends, family, charities, and
places you do business or work (or used to), like the
gym, classes, school, etc.

Now that you’ve begun working on a list of people

you know, the next step is to match their wants and
needs to your own interests and passion. For example,
what kinds of products or services do you love? Write
down any potential ideas you can think of.

Do you feel uncomfortable selling? Connie says that

you can sell a whole lot more by giving things away.
Who do you love and trust online that you could
approach as a potential affiliate partner? Do they have
freebies to give away or could you create something for
this purpose? (Remember, you can use a private label
rights product for this. Private label rights or PLR are
products someone creates that you can put your name on
and sell, with or without modification.) Write down your

Connie talks about her Ten Steps to Entrepreneurial

Success with Affiliate Marketing as outlined below.
Print or copy this list (also available in the PowerPoint
slides from the event at
to use as a checklist.

The Ten Steps to Entrepreneurial Success

with Affiliate Marketing

1. Choose a hungry niche.

2. Set up a WordPress site.
3. Find or create a free giveaway of excellent quality
to build your list.
4. Choose two or three affiliate products to
5. Start reading everything you can find on your
6. Start creating and repurposing content (audio,
video, and written material).
7. Connect with the players in your niche.
8. Start teaching what you’re learning.
9. Create a simple product others can promote.
10.Repurpose content into a book on Kindle.
Bruce Burns

Bruce shares how volunteering your time and

services can change the course of your life and open up
opportunities you might not otherwise have access to. It
could be as simple as moving out of boredom into
something fun or it could take you around the world.
What opportunities do you have for volunteering?
Write down places, businesses, or events that you would
be interested in offering your services to.

Bruce says that if you want to win in any

relationship, you have to be “out front” so they can see
you. For example, he said that every time there was a
seminar, Joe saw him volunteering. He also said this
works in any relationship.
Is there a relationship in your life that might be
improved by you showing up more fully? Write down
how you could be more engaged.
There are three keys to volunteering for wealth:
1. Start with 100% responsibility for errors and
solutions by focusing on what you want and
nothing else. (No distractions, no drama.)
2. Be congruent about doing your best. Be bright-
eyed and open to everything. (Don’t do it out of
3. Learn to calibrate and ask yourself resourceful
questions. (Don’t “fairy tale” your way through

Focusing on a specific dream you currently have,

write down how you could consciously apply each of
Session 2
We generally find it easier to give than receive.
—Dr. Joe Vitale

In this session, Mathew Dixon, a world-renowned

Karmic Healing music producer, shares his expertise in
the art of attracting for others. He explains the why and
how of his easy, five-step method for boosting your
results with the law of attraction.

Mathew Dixon

Using his guitar as a metaphor, Mathew explains how

our body’s energy centers get pushed out of line by
stress and we end up “out of tune.” When you’re not in
tune, he says, you end up not attracting the things you
want. There are a number of ways to get back into
alignment, such as healing music, reading uplifting
books, physical acts (e.g., walking or physical body
alignment), and meditation.
Take a moment and reflect on each of these. Does
one appeal more than the other? What other ways can
you think of? Choose one activity that you’re less
familiar with (or have never done for the specific
purpose of de-stressing) and do that for the next ten to
twenty minutes. Record your feelings afterwards.

Mathew says that attracting for others acts as a

“loophole” for the law of attraction to work because we
have conflicting beliefs or data that can interfere with
the process. His method is outlined below.

Attracting for Others in Five Easy Steps

1. Listen for an intention—either direct or indirect.
2. Write it down to anchor the moment and make the
subconscious believe it’s real.
3. Focus on the result as if it’s already happened.
4. Let it go.
5. Don’t tell anyone about it.

Think of someone you care about and would like to

attract for. Write their name below. In the next twenty-
four hours, talk with that person and listen for an
intention they have. Remember, it might be indirectly
stated, for example, “I can’t go to school right now” (but
I’d like to). Then, follow the five steps presented above.
Write down anything that comes to you or feelings that
you have afterwards.

Mathew explains, “What you give out, comes back to

you” and this is why attracting for others is so powerful.
Can you think of a time when you experienced this
principle for yourself or observed it in action? Write it

There’s a level of faith and trust involved with

attracting for others, and sometimes when we’re in the
flow we may find ourselves doing things a little out of
character. As an example, Mathew shares a story about
sending a random email to a woman that eventually
culminates in her marrying one of his best friends.
How about you? Are you in the habit of following
your inspiration or do you stop yourself when it seems
odd to you? Can you think of a time you were inspired to
do something for some unknown reason (that you would
normally never do) or something that you were afraid to
do that led to a happy outcome? Write it down.
Session 3
“I’m so excited I have all the money I want.” I dare
you to get up naked every morning, look in the
mirror, and say that.
—Dee Wallace
In this session, actress, author, and energy healer Dee
Wallace talks about how to be a conscious creator of
your life. Not only do the words you use and the way
you use them matter, but also the energy behind the
words matters.
Dee says her teachings are based on the “I AM”
principle, which is the highest form of words we can
utter. Since God is all thought and all possibility
available to everyone, anything you say will be
unconditionally accepted and given to you. It all comes
down to choice.
Thoughts are electrical impulses, so if you find
yourself saying one thing but feeling another, you have
to stop and immediately shift in order to create anew.
Dee says this takes loving yourself and the thing you
No one can do this work for you. “You are the
answer,” she says, and through simple exercises she
demonstrates you can learn how to generate and sustain
love. The more you live in love, fun, and joy, the
healthier you’ll be, and the more money you’ll have.
Dee Wallace

You are the director of your energy, and Dee says

that when you ask and receive, you are essentially
saying, “This is mine.” That’s how you receive. This is
why when you say things like, “If I’m worthy…I know
I’m a lowly piece of…I’m not smart…I’ve never been
abundant,” then you are telling the universe to give you
more of that.
Identify at least one thing you say about yourself and
write down how this could prevent you from having
more money in your life.

Dee says that if you’re not the God of your money,

the money will be the God of you. Money isn’t bad on
its own—it’s what you choose to do with it and the
consciousness you bring to it. It’s all about how you
define and trust yourself. For example, do you believe
you’re a good person? Because, if you don’t believe you
are, why would I even want to try and create what you
Explore how you’ve been defining yourself when it
comes to money until now.

Most people think money’s “out there,” somewhere

in the future. But as Dee explains, the only moment we
create in and “have” in is now. So if in this moment,
right now, we see ourselves making money in the future,
then when we get to the future the money has to move
further into the future.
Right now, in this moment, think about making the
money you want to make. Where does it feel like it is?
Write your experience of it when you think about it.

Another issue people have in creating is making it

“way too serious.” As Dee says, “It’s got to be fun.”
Does money feel serious or fun to you? Write down
some of the things you do with and around money
(including thoughts you think) that support your answer.

Dee explains that many of our beliefs stem from our

earliest family environments.
Close your eyes and go back to when you were a
little boy or girl. Think of being in a room with your
mom and dad. What’s the message you got around your
being fabulous, incredible, making all the money in the
world, and doing great stuff with it? Write down the
highest or best message you received.

Most of us have to love, nurture, and talk to that little

child or teenager inside us. We have to parent that aspect
of ourselves forward to what we know now—the truth of
who we are.
Write a note to that inner small child. What do you
want to tell him or her?

In the video, Dee asks one of the participants to “be a

chicken,” which immediately brought limiting beliefs to
the surface, such as, “I don’t do it very often.” And “I
don’t know how to do it.” The problem is that those
same beliefs will come up whenever you try to do
anything “different” like, “I don’t know how to make a
Locate a full-length mirror in your house. Can you
“be a chicken” for the next minute? Write down what
beliefs come up for you. (If you really want to know
what you believe, try it naked.)

Dee says, “If you don’t start loving yourself and

shifting those electrical charges, you will have exactly
the same life after going to twenty more seminars.” She
explains that you are the highest answer and the first step
in consciously creating is stepping forward to choose—
not more of “learning how.”

I am.
I am the power.
I am the choice.
I am the frequency that creates my life.

Statements like these are how we can choose to love

ourselves. That’s how easy it is.
Write down each statement, and as you write it, feel
it. Notice any resistance and simply release it with love.

Repeating old stories disempowers us and doesn’t

reflect loving ourselves. Still, we often get stuck in
thinking things like, “I can’t do it because the
government screwed up all my healthcare,” and “It’s the
government’s fault that I can’t be as prosperous as I
want to be.”
As Dee notes, regardless of who “hurt you,
abandoned you, put you in fear, took your power away
from you, sodomized you, raped you, or whatever
happened to you—in this moment, right now, they are
not going to fix it. They are not going to make it okay.”
You are the only one who can do that because in this
moment, right now, you have a choice.
Write what old story that, until now, you’ve been
dragging around and are ready to let go of.

Then, in the space below, rewrite a story that feels

empowering to you now.

A group of psycho-immunologists from Harvard

developed a simple exercise that not only helped people
in their study create what they wanted, but to some
degree reversed “almost every illness they dealt with.”
Do you believe that the mind/body connection has
the ability to create and reverse illness? Yes ___ No ___
Next, take a few minutes to do the exercise below.


Drop down into your center and direct yourself to

open your heart. Find a love place, a love experience in
your life where in the snap of a finger you can go back
into that charge and that vibration. It can be with a pet
that you’ve had, with a baby, with a beloved other, or
when you succeeded joyfully in something in your life.
Once you find that beautiful place of love, smile, and
breathe in. If any resistance comes up, remind yourself
that you’re safe, and continue feeling that love place. On
the exhale, connect the thought, “I am money” with that
beautiful love place.
While still in that heart experience, repeat this several
Write down any thoughts or insights.

Dee says, “All disempowering charges that go out

come back in and break down every gland, organ, and
cell in your body.” When you live in love, fun, and joy,
you literally attract better health and more money.

Do you believe this to be true? Yes ___ No ___

Give at least one example to support it.

Being tired is often a reflection of resistance. Write
an example of something you resisted and how it made
you feel in your body.

Dee says, “If you do not create yourself, you become

the created upon.” In the U.S., in just one hour of
television, we get over a hundred messages of disease in
pharmaceutical commercials. She asks, “Three out of
four women are going to get what? Breast cancer. We
are hypnotized in this country to get sick.”

Do you agree with this? Yes ___ No ___

Do you believe you can be the creator of perfect

health? Yes ___ No ___

If you don’t love yourself and can’t hold your focus

on love, you won’t create, Dee explains. Instead, most
people are focused on why they don’t have money and
how they have to fix it. The issue here is that if you need
to fix it, you’re always going to have to fix it—which
means you’re never going to have it.
What areas of your life do you feel you have to “fix

A common belief people hold about money is,

“Money can’t buy you happiness.” And they’re right,
Dee says, although money can’t keep you from being
happy either. In other words, it’s not about the money.
It’s about the choices you make about and with money.
Until now, what negative choices have you made
with or about money, and what insights do you have?
Write what choices you are making now.


In the video, Dee shares a quote from the Bible,

“Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.” She says it
means, “I AM presence and my I AM presence is the
most powerful force on this world. I will not think a
thought, take an action, or hold a perspective of this
world that diminishes the power of my I AM presence in
any way because that is the worship of a false God.”
Lack is one of these false gods, and we are sinning
against our own God energy when we limit ourselves,
limit our good, limit our love, limit our joy, or limit our
fun in any way.
What other false gods can you think of?
Session 4

Money loves speed.

—Dr. Joe Vitale

In this session, Adam Mortimer—Miracles Coach™,

creator of the Quantum Meditations, and the author of
the bestselling book, The Secrets of ‘As a Man
Thinketh,’—shares the secrets for overcoming limiting
beliefs about money and how to work with the powers of
your subconscious mind. He demonstrates how to clear
your subconscious belief system and release emotion
attached to a particular belief, as well as how to change
from the inside out using the five-step formula from Dr.
Joe Vitale’s book, The Attractor Factor.
In the next session, Chuck Pennington, known as the
“Master of the Mastermind,” talks about the
environment of our minds and how to increase our
vibration and harmonize with the Universal Mind to
unleash our wealth creation potential. He explains his
powerful method of asking the right questions to
maximize our output, as well as how to use a
mastermind to protect this environment once we’ve
created it.
Adam Mortimer

Adam says that information is good, but nothing

shifts until you go from information to implementation.
What area of your life do you feel you know the
information, but could benefit from taking action? Write
down at least one specific action you could take today.

Adam says, “Virtually every area of your life can be

influenced by a single limiting belief.”
Give an example of how one belief, such as “I’m not
worthy,” could impact each of the four areas in your life:
Health, Success, Spirituality, and Relationships.

Your reality is composed of a layering of conscious

and subconscious beliefs; much like the tip of an iceberg
represents only a small portion of what’s actually there.
Can you give an example of a belief that is
“conscious” versus one that is “subconscious?”

Adam says that all beliefs are tied to emotion, and

without emotion we wouldn’t be able to make decisions.

Do you agree with this? Yes ___ No ___

Write how emotion plays a part in how you handle or

think about money.

In his presentation, Adam noted some of the most

common limiting beliefs about money that he has
compiled through coaching thousands of students. He
says that the easiest way to know if you have one or
more of the limiting beliefs is that “you can feel it.”

Adam’s List of Common Limiting Beliefs

I cannot receive money
I’m not worthy

I’m not good enough

I don’t accept myself

I don’t deserve it

Go through this list and those from the “Top Ten

Limiting Beliefs” chapter in this Instant Money book to
find which beliefs resonate with you. Write them in the
space below. Then, on a scale from 1 to 10 (with 10
being the most strong), rank how this belief feels to you.
You are asking your unconscious mind if you have that
limiting belief, so it’s important that you write the first
number that pops into your mind. For example: “I’m not
good enough.” Rating: 8.

Belief: Rating:

Belief: Rating:

Belief: Rating:

Belief: Rating:

Belief: Rating:

Belief: Rating:

Belief: Rating:

Belief: Rating:

Belief: Rating:
Belief: Rating:

Adam suggests using the Five-Step Formula from

The Attractor Factor shown below to change from the
inside out and manifest your goals, and, in the video, he
explains each step in detail.

1. Know what you don’t want

2. Know what you want
3. Get clear
4. “Nevillize” your goal
5. Let go

Write down a specific area you’d like to transform

and work through each step of the five-step formula.
When you’re finished, write down any insights that
come to you.

Chuck Pennington

Chuck says that the environment of your mind is

constantly being re-created by your observation. Every
second, you are making assessments about things,
whether you like it or not, whether you think someone’s
legitimate or not. All of this helps you form your reality.
Your thoughts, emotions, and language cause physical
and chemical changes to take place in your brain, which
literally creates a new brain.
Do you agree with the idea that every second your
brain is changing through your own thoughts, emotions,
and language? Yes ___ No ___

Write any insights you may have about this and your
part in creating these changes moment to moment.

When we understand how we generate our “reality”

moment by moment, we’re able to take 100%
responsibility for what we’re producing as a result.
Chuck says this is all about personal freedom, such as
being able to do the things you want to do with the
people you want to do them with. His question is, “At
the end of the day, when you’ve done your job, when
you’ve done everything you want to do to make money,
how much personal freedom do you have to do exactly
what you want to do—play music, write songs, sculpt,
anything you want?”

Where in your life could you use more freedom?


Chuck explains vibration and resonance by

comparing people’s energy to the strings on a guitar. He
says that when he records bass guitars, he has to take all
the acoustic guitars out of the room because of the
“sympathetic vibrations.” It’s the same in life: When you
can hit chords of energy in existence that come from
love, it’s the most powerful thing you can do to attract
all of the best things in life.
Does this make sense to you? Write down any

Chuck says that most people have “symptoms” of

lack, also called belief systems, such as, “I don’t have
enough money. I don’t have the right girlfriend. I don’t
have the right boyfriend. I don’t have the health that I
want. I don’t have the relationships that I want.”
What symptoms of lack have you been holding until

Chuck explains that you don’t fix things at the level

of the symptom or belief because that’s still result based.
To affect those parts of your life more effectively, he
suggests we start by asking five key questions, which
just like a computer, then forms the operating system for
how we process everything else. Those questions are:
Am I a creative being? Am I a strong enough agent of
my own mind and of my own creative abilities to
consider myself this? Do I embrace change? Do I desire
absolute freedom? Am I directly connected to the source
of energy, life force, or God? Write your answer to each
of these questions.

Am I a creative being?

Am I a strong enough agent of my own mind and of

my own creative abilities to consider myself this?

Do I embrace change?

Do I desire absolute freedom?


Am I directly connected to the source of energy, life

force, or God?
In addition to these five questions, there’s one
question that Chuck says is the pinnacle for all of them.
“At a certain point, you have to ask yourself if the
universe is a good and wonderful place, or, ‘Is God on
my side?’”
He explains that if you can’t answer yes to this, then
the answer to the rest of the questions is probably going
to be no, creating unnatural belief systems based on
society’s programming. Answering yes to this question
can “release everything and put you in connection with
the highest vibration of love and compassion, so that you
can stand in life and take up as much space as you can.”

Do you agree with this? Yes ___ No ___

Ask yourself, “Is God on my side?” and write your


Chuck names many benefits for creating or joining a

mastermind group:
A “personal consulting” group
Protect your mind’s new environment
Built-in receptive audiences—100% support
A fertile soil to grow your ideas
A safe harbor to build your resolve and your
A place to get positive reinforcement that you may
not get from friends or family
Practice and accountability

Write how you could benefit by being in a


When Chuck works with people who want to do

internet marketing, he likens it to being on a stage.
“Mastermind’s are like your band. Be a rock star. Be a
badass. Be a badass in your own life. Don’t go ‘hat in
hand’ into life. Walk out there and take your stance and
put up as much physical space as you can, as much
spiritual space as you can. There’s plenty of room for
everybody. This is a big damn universe. Everybody can
express themselves fully in this world. Stage presence.
All the world’s a stage, including the internet.”
Could you “take up more space?” How does this idea
strike you?

Chuck debunks the idea that it takes twenty-one days

to make a valid change. He says, “If you went into a
restaurant you had been going to for twenty years and
saw them pick up a steak off the floor and put it on the
grill, you’d walk out and never go back. You’d never
have a second thought about it. How is that different
from anything in your life? Boom. Walk away. Fire that
part of your life that’s not performing up to your
standards and up to your creative ability.”

Is there a part of your life that is not performing up to

your standards and creative ability? Yes ___ No ___

Write about whether or not you feel you could simply

“walk away.”
Session 5

To achieve goals you’ve never achieved

before, you may need to rise in levels, step
out of your comfort zone, and participate
with new people on a new playing field.
—Dr. Joe Vitale

[This session has no written content.]

Session 6

If you create the conditions for the body to

be healthy, it will be healthy.
—Bill Phillips

In this session, Bill Phillips—New York Times best-

selling author, magazine publisher, documentary
filmmaker, entrepreneur, inventor, self-made
multimillionaire, and motivator—shares what matters
most about your fitness and health that he’s distilled in
over twenty-five years of working with thousands of
He talks about ancient healing traditions of global
cultures, the western medicine model of “intervention,”
current scientific findings, and the “natural
interventions” of exercise, nutrition, rest and recover,
positive thinking, and positive feelings available to each
of us. All of these play an integral role in creating and
maintaining our health and longevity.
Through a series of before and after pictures, Bill
demonstrates how his simple, basic, and scientifically
proven principles are capable of creating profound
transformation—not just in healing the body, but in the
brain and emotional life as well. He explains how your
beliefs and enthusiasm are required to support these
Bill says it starts in the mind, and there are five key
questions that basically form the entire basis of his
unique program. He begins all transformation work—
which, in its essence, is the end of something and the
beginning of something else—by focusing on clarity

Bill Phillips

Bill tells the story of how, when he was a young boy,

he “knew” he was going to get a Super Bowl ring—he
could see it and feel it. Later in his life, he realized he
wasn’t going to make it as a football player, but still
pursued his dream by finding a way to be on the team
and to create value. And he did, in fact, receive the
Super Bowl ring—not once, but twice. He said it was
one of the most powerful experiences he’s ever attracted
into his life.
Write about any experiences you’ve had when you’ve
believed something would happen—you felt it, you
could see it, and you lived it by doing all the work that
you could to move in that direction—and it happened (or
perhaps you’re doing it now).
A key to achieving your desires is to have
enthusiasm, which comes from the word enthios, or the
God within. Bill says you have to have this spark of God
—an “energy, fire, and enthusiasm for what you’re
doing because it utilizes the mind and sets it in the right
direction to do the work you need to do.”
Sometimes we set goals we’re not really all that
inspired about. Give some examples of times you set a
goal you weren’t that enthusiastic about, as well as some
that you were. Did you find one easier to achieve than
the other?

As Bill explains, positive feeling is where the action

is. It’s not all about thinking. He says, “It’s not like I’m
imagining the future. It’s more like I’m remembering. I
remember getting a ring for the Denver Broncos.”
Spend a few minutes thinking about something you
want, and then imagine what it would feel like having it.
Describe the difference between positive thinking and
positive feeling as you interpret them in your body.
Bill’s studies have taken him around the world to
explore other cultures’ healing traditions. As he says,
“There’s so much more to a human being than our 206
bones and our muscles and 75 trillion cells, and the
physical world.” Many other cultures have known
something western medicine is just now getting around
to figuring out—that we need both a healthy mind and a
healthy set of emotions to enjoy physical health.

Do you agree with this? Yes ___ No ___

Why or why not? Write your answers.


Can you identify any examples in your own self, or

your family, where emotions have played a role in
health, either positively or negatively?

In his work with people recovering from cancer and

addiction, or with other life-threatening states of health,
he sees that exercise, nutrition, rest and recovery,
positive thinking, and positive feeling all have a
transformative effect on our cellular physicality. He says
that with these natural interventions it’s often possible to
reverse and rebuild your health.

Do you agree with this? Yes ___ No ___

What changes could you imagine for yourself if you

were to apply these natural interventions diligently in
your own life?

Bill tells the story of the Mayan elder who told him,
“You have the ability to change the world by
transforming yourself. It’s your mind…just like
everybody else.” In other words, we can all do it.

Do you truly believe you have the power to change

the world? Yes ___ No ___
Do you truly believe you can transform yourself?
Yes ___ No ___

Choose an area of your life you’d like to transform,

and then write down what positive effects it could
potentially have on the people around you (family,
friends, and community).

In Bill’s line of work, he reminds people that they

have the power and ability to change, to save their own
lives so they can live “long enough to fulfill their
calling, to deliver their message, to fulfill their purpose.”
He says, “I’m not against physical death. I’m against
premature physical death.”
Do you feel you taking care of your health at the
level you need to in order to fulfill your calling, whether
or not you consciously know what it is at this point?
Yes ___ No ___

What could you do differently to take better care of

your health for this purpose?

Sometimes when events happen in our lives, we get

these crazy ideas, Bill says. He tells the story of Chris,
who lost his leg in a motorcycle accident and then
struggled with trying to feel good about himself again.
“Sometimes when you’re not taking care of yourself, it’s
a way of beating up on yourself. Chris didn’t feel like he
was worth taking care of.”
Have you had any events in your own life that made
you feel this way? Write the earliest one you can

Along that line, Bills says, “We put things off until
either we’re ignited by desperation or inspiration” and
that doctors are “used to seeing passive patients who just
kind of ride it out.”
What kinds of limiting beliefs might cause people to
not take care of themselves?

Bills talks about George who overcame cancer but

then remained in a state of isolation for long periods and
grew increasingly depressed. He had very little outside
stimulation or social activity. Once he started coming to
Bill’s camp, not only did he begin to lose weight and
feel better, he attracted a girl into his life, which caused
him to lose weight even faster.
Sometimes our motivation isn’t strong enough and
we need the support of others. As we grow and attract,
our motivation grows further. What do you sense you
need right now or would like to attract to get the ball
rolling faster in your own transformation?

Bill says that the people in the before and after

photos are not people who went away to some “silly TV
show fat farms.” Instead, they exercised “a half hour a
day for five days a week, and ate six times a day with a
balance of protein, carbohydrates, and plenty of vitamins
and nutrients, and then they got on with their day.”

Do you believe this simple regimen could transform

your own body and life? Yes ___ No ___

What would you have to believe to follow a routine

like this for yourself?

When we exercise, there are changes we can’t see

happening on the inside. Bill shows a picture of the kind
of brain people have when they’ve been sedentary and
unhealthy for a long period of time, and then a picture of
a healthy brain from the effects of exercise. He says,
“The cardiopulmonary strength that you get and the way
that it effects your cells and your brain cannot be
underestimated. It’s a stunning process.”

Exercise can be the difference in whether we look

backward (ruminating negatively about the past) or
forward (positively embracing the future). Is the general
nature of your own thinking on the negative or positive
side? Examine how this might be improved by better
exercise and nutrition.

Studies have shown that walking as little as thirty

minutes four times a week can lower depression more
than prescriptive medicines, as well as lower the risk of
breast cancer by 30% and increase its survivability by
If walking can produce these kinds of profound
results, what could it do for you? Write down how you
could benefit from a more consistent walking and
exercise program.

Bill says, “Don’t be surprised at how close you are to

being as healthy as you’ve ever been.” For most people,
it only takes three to nine months (and at the most, a
year) to completely rebuild the body.
Sometimes people put off getting started because it
all seems so distant or hard. Given some of Bill’s ideas,
can you see how that is just a limiting belief? What other
areas of your life do you procrastinate in because of that

There are only five key questions Bill uses in his

program that you can apply to any area of your life:

• Where am I now?
• Where would I like to be?
• Why do I want this?
• When am I going to start?
• How am I going to get there?

Thinking of an area in your life where you want

transformation, write out the answers to the questions

Where am I now?

Where would I like to be?


Why do I want this?


When am I going to start?


How am I going to get there?


Every beginning has an ending and every ending has

a beginning, and this is the basis of transformation. We
have to get clear about it to effect any change. As an
example, in real practice you might say, “It’s the end of
the way I was feeding myself. It’s the end of the belief
that I had about being healthy at my age. It’s the end of
putting it off, and it’s the beginning of action, the
beginning of exercise, the beginning of starting to renew
myself knowing that God has a plan for me if I fulfill my
whole lifetime.”
Using the area of your life you selected for
transformation, write out some endings and beginnings.

One of the most powerful things you can do to help

yourself is be around other people who are making
healthy changes. Being connected to a community of
healthy people helps you focus, and Bill says, “It helps
you be forgiving with yourself and reasonable yourself.”
Write down how supportive (or not) you feel your
current network or community is when it comes to your
own transformation and anything you feel could be

Your relationship with yourself matters, too. You

have to support you by having faith in the process and
faith in yourself. One of the ways you can increase faith
is by making and keeping promises to yourself. For
example, “I’m going to work out tomorrow. I’m going to
eat like this tomorrow.” Each time you follow through,
you build faith, self-trust, and self-confidence.
What areas of your life could you benefit from
making and keeping promises to yourself?

When people start practicing gratitude, kindness,

compassion, and forgiveness towards themselves, “their
health expands and improves beyond anything you can
measure. It’s in the mind, and it shows up in the body.”
On a separate paper or in the space below, write a
letter to yourself specifically using these four principles:
gratitude, kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. After
you write it, read it aloud. How does it make you feel?
Record any insights.
Session 7

If you suddenly had millions of dollars

drop in your lap, paid all your bills and
taxes, and bought all the toys—what are
you going to do with your life now?
—Dr. Joe Vitale
[This session has no written content.]

Session 8

Look, let’s be ruthlessly honest with

ourselves. You know what you want.
—Dr. Joe Vitale
[This session has no written content.]
Session 9

Even more interesting is that everything

about you is actually good.
—Dr. Joe Vitale

In this session, Daniel Barrett—owner of Rubicon

Artist Development and co-author with Dr Joe Vitale of
The Remembering Process—talks about his concept of
“ignition” and getting yourself to the next level of your
life. He explains that ignition is more than just wanting
to do something; it’s the ability to see and feel what’s
around the corner for you. It can begin in simple ways of
serving and reaching out to others, and creating mutual
value. You can also use techniques to jumpstart yourself
like his “Remembering Process,” which uses the
imagination to “remember the details of how you got
In the next session, Bob Wakitsch shares his God-
given gift—the ability to see colors above and behind
people. These colors represent the law of attraction in
operation within us and his gift allows him to observe
where blocks are occurring in the flow. These blocks are
actually our limiting beliefs and, rather than get rid of
them, he explains, we need to accept and love them in
order to manifest our desires.
Daniel Barrett

Daniel describes how he’d been living in poverty and

then met the woman of his dreams. He began to see that
he needed to take his “entire being to the next level.”
This was his ignition.
What is the ignition in your own life that makes you
want to go to the next level of your being?

Daniels says, “Ignition is when you can see and feel

(more importantly) what it is that’s next. It’s not ‘Oh, I
want to…’ You can feel it in your bones and envision
the details. When you can see it and feel it, something
Think of something you’ve wanted for some time,
and then ask yourself if this is something you “want,” or
does it feel like ignition? Write about the difference as it
pertains to this thing.
Daniel says that he knew the woman he loved wasn’t
going to accept his lifestyle for herself; it wasn’t an
option for her and he didn’t want it to be an option.
If you were to take your life to the next level, what
are you doing now that could no longer be an option for

Daniel had a story: I’m a musician. I’m a creative.

We can’t. It’s different for me. This is what you get. I’m
a musician. So, deal with it. I’ll play you a song or
something. We don’t need to go out to dinner. I can bake
What story have you been telling yourself and others
as to why things are the way they are?

Daniel says that ignition requires more out of you and

that you can’t be afraid to ask for help, or “be afraid to
have the audacity to think that you have something equal
and opposite to give back.”
In his own desire to go to the next level, he said he
realized he needed help and reached out to Joe, even
though he’d only met him once. On his drive to that
lunch, he began to shift his previous thinking from “Who
do I think I am?” to “What if I have something to offer
What might you be able to offer someone that you
haven’t previously considered in return for their help?

Daniel says you can use the Remembering Process as

an aid in your own ignition. For example, he’d
“remember” Emmy Lou Harris singing a song on the
radio that he wrote—then he’d write it.
He explains: Remember the entire process; maybe
remember little details about how you got there. It
doesn’t involve sitting for an hour until your knees are
busting out and all that kind of stuff. You just have to
put your head on the pillow and bask in the glow of your
success. You have to imagine it because some of us have
limiting beliefs. You must ‘act as if’ for five, ten, or
twenty minutes. However long it takes, bask in the glow.

Take some time to do this for yourself now. Using

the Remembering Process, bask in the glow of your
success in some area of your life. Afterwards, write
about your experience.


Bob Wakitsch

Bob says the law of attraction travels like a circle.

You pray for something and God immediately “plants it
in your heart.” You already own it or have it. He
describes this as a royal blue color entering your system,
which then moves down your right arm and out your
hand. The right side is your giving side, which means
you give it first. It then mingles in the world and comes
back to you through your left side, the receiving side.
Do you agree that receiving begins with giving first?
Yes ___ No ___

Where else might you have heard the idea to “give

first before you receive?”

Bob says the reason we don’t have what we want is

because of limiting beliefs that show up in our color
realm as various blockages, which stop or slow down the
flow. He explains that rather than get rid of them, we
simply have to accept and love them by acknowledging
them and giving them what they need.
Does this make sense to you on some level?
Yes ___ No ___

Write down how loving and accepting your limiting

beliefs could make a difference.
In a sense, just as you give first to receive, you are
being asked to give the limiting belief something it
needs. Do you need peace? Give it peace.
Write one limiting belief you have (for example,
sadness) and notice how it makes you feel. Once you’ve
identified the feeling, ask yourself what it needs. Does it
need love? Joy? Write your answer. Next, write a
specific thought that gives you that new feeling, for
example a feeling of love or joy.

Bob explains that Ho’oponopono phrases don’t give

enough of a certain color to effect change quickly. “It’s
like a gentle scrubbing,” he says. To make it most
effective, he suggests repeating each phrase for five
minutes. For example, “Please forgive me. Please
forgive me. Please forgive me,” for five minutes and let
that color go to it. Do the same with each of the other
phrases, “I love you. I’m sorry. Thank you.”

Are you willing to try this method for twenty

minutes? Yes ___ No ___

Write down any insights as a result.


Visit to access the

video recordings that go with the Playbook.
Money Loves Speed Resources

36. Attend “Attract Money Now LIVE”

right where you are sitting. Hours of
video content, several inspiring and
informative speakers including Dr Joe
Vitale himself, all designed to take you
to the next level. Visit
37. For the serious minded only, the most
prestigious training on the planet, see
38. The Secret to Attracting Money audio
4. Want more of THIS book? Go see
5. The Miracles Manual: The Secret Coaching
Sessions (three volumes) free e-books
6. Miracles Coaching®.
7. Beginner’s Guide to Miracles free online course
8. Zero Limits Mentoring
9. The New Awakening Course


Audlin, Mendhi. What If It All Goes Right?

Creating a New World of Peace, Prosperity, and
Possibility. New York: Morgan James, 2010.
Bowen, Will. A Complaint-Free World. Harmony.
New York: Three Rivers, 2013.
Breuning, Loretta. Beyond Cynical: Transcend
Your Mammalian Negativity. Inner Mammal
Institute, 2013.
Dixon, Mathew. Attracting for Others. Zero Limits,
Ebeling, Mick. Not Impossible: The Art and Joy of
Doing What Couldn’t Be Done. New York: Atria
Books, 2015.
Fox, Emmet. The Mental Equivalent: The Secret of
Demonstration. Kansas City, MO: Unity School
of Christianity, 1942.
Goddard, Neville. Neville Goddard Lecture Series.
12 volumes. Audio Enlightenment Press, 2014.
Guillebeau, Chris. 100 Side Hustles: Unexpected
Ideas for Making Extra Money without
quitting your day job. Ten Speed Press,
Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich. 1935.
McLaughlin, Corinne and Gordon Davidson. The
Practical Visionary: A New World Guide to
Spiritual Growth and Social Change.
Minneapolis: Unity School, 2010.
Patent, Arnold. Money. Celebration Publishing,
Pira, Andres and Vitale, Joe. Homeless to
Billionaire: 18 Principles of Wealth
Attraction. Forbes Books, 2018.
Porter, Eleanor. Pollyanna. 1913.
Sincero, Jen. You Are a Badass at Making Money.
New York: Viking Press, 2017.
Vitale, Joe. The Awakening Course. Hoboken, NJ:
J. Wiley, 2011.
———. Attract Money Now. Austin, TX: Hypnotic
Marketing, 2009. Free at
———. The Attractor Factor. Hoboken, NJ: J.
Wiley, 2006.
———. The Awakened Millionaire: A Manifesto
for the Spiritual Wealth Movement. Hoboken,
NJ: J. Wiley, 2016.
———. The Miracle: Six Steps to Enlightenment.
CreateSpace, 2016.
———. Life’s Missing Instruction Manual.
Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley, 2006.
———. Miracles Manual. 3 volumes. Austin, TX:
Hypnotic Marketing, 2015. Free at
Vitale, Joe. There’s a Customer Born Every Minute.
Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley, 2006.
———. The Secret Prayer. CreateSpace, 2015.
———. The Secret to Attracting Money. Audio
course. Chicago, IL: Simon & Schuster Audio
Nightingale-Conant, 2010.
———. The Seven Lost Secrets of Success.
Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley, 2010.
———. Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System
for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More. Hoboken,
NJ: J. Wiley, 2008.
Vitale, Joe, and Daniel Barrett. The Remembering
Process. San Diego, CA: Hay House, 2014.
Wattles, Wallace. Financial Success through
Creative Thought or The Science of Getting
Rich. Holyoke, MA: Elizabeth Towne, 1915.
Winston, Lisa. Your Turning Point: How to Break
Free from a Life of Limitations and Break
Through to a Life of Miracles. 2018.
Young, Vash. A Fortune to Share. Bobbs-Merrill,


D r. Joe Vitale—once homeless but now a

motivating inspirator known to his millions
of fans as “Mr. Fire!”—is the world-
renowned author of numerous bestselling books, such as
The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits, Life’s Missing
Instruction Manual, The Secret Prayer, Attract
Money Now (free at ), The
Awakened Millionaire , and The Miracle.
He is considered one of the top 50 most inspiring
speakers in the world. He travels around the globe, from
Iran to Russia to Italy and Poland, sharing his uplifting
messages and inspiring stories.
He is a star in the blockbuster movie The Secret, as
well as a dozen other films. He has recorded many
bestselling audio programs, from The Missing Secret to
The Zero Point.
He’s also the world’s first self-help singer-
songwriter, with sixteen albums out and many of his
songs nominated for the Posi Award (considered the
GRAMMYs of positive music). His latest album called
The Great Something, inspired by legendary performer
Melissa Etheridge, is available at
Dr. Joe Vitale created Miracles Coaching®, The
Awakening Course, The Secret Mirror, Hypnotic
Writing, Advanced Ho’oponopono Certification, Zero
Limits Mastery, Miracles Mastermind, and many more
life transforming products. He lives outside of Austin,
Texas with his love and partner, Lisa Winston.

His main website is

Follow Dr. Joe Vitale via

Instagram: DrJoeVitale
Here's What to Do Next
There is only so much I could put into this book.
However, I want us to continue this
journey together. I want to invite you to join me in
what we call the "Behind the Scenes" video sessions
that I recorded especially for you.

In these videos I take almost all the chapters in this

book and dive even deeper into each topic. I give
you extra insights, thoughts, motivation and
methods you can use every single day in your life.

With these strategies and principles, you will be

able to attract, grow and accelerate your ability to
have an abundance of money and build true wealth.

Go to this special page I have created for you and I

will tell you more about how I can help you on the
next stage of your journey and how, together, we
can move forward into an abundant future.

Go here now for a surprise message:

Remember, Money Loves Speed!

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