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Reviewer Recommendation and Comments for Manuscript of Total calcaneal with tendo

achilles – allograft for os calcis chronic osteomyelitis : A Case Report



Reviewer : Ghuna Arioharjo Utoyo, MD


Transfer Authorization:

1. If this submission is transferred to another publication, do we have your consent to include

your identifying information? Yes

2. If this submission is transferred to another publication, do we have your consent to include

your original review? Yes


1. Please describe more about “What is unique or educational about this case?”

2. Why does this topic add to the surgical literature? Why is this important?

3. Please re-write the introduction section in a systematic manner, and include the

uniqueness of this case, combined with reference to the relevant surgical literature and

current standard of care (with references, 1-2 paragraphs). Make it short but impactfull

Case Report :

1. Please describe clearly patient's age, sex, race, medical history, diagnosis, prognosis,

previous treatments, past and current diagnostic test results, and medications

2. Please add more Photographs or illustrations of diagnostic procedures, radiographs, or

treatment procedures to convey a clear message to reader

3. Has this methods of allograft has been done before? If this methods has been done

what was the results ? if this worked successfully or failed ? and if this methods failed,

why this methods still being done right now?

4. Please stated characteristics of cadaver required for being able to apply as allograft ?

and what is the specification of the donor and recipients?

5. The attachment of tendon insertion to the calcaneus given bone cement does it give a

good outcome?

6. Please described post-intervention clinical condition of the patient?

7. Did the patient give informed consent for publication?


1. Please described adverse events of this methods of allograft ? In addition, also

described unanticipated events, if any that may yield new or useful information should

be identified and clearly described

2. Have the authors taken account of the potential confounding factors in the design

and/or in their analysis?

3. Can the results be applied to the other local population of Indonesia ?

4. Strengths, weaknesses and limitations in approach to this case especially this

technique considered as “novel” methods.

5. Please describe, potential risks and possible complications if applied to a larger


1. Please split the conclusion into a different section from discussion

2. Please summarize key lessons learned from a case in terms of the background of the

condition/disease and clinical practice guidance for clinicians when presented with

similar cases


1. Abstract max 250 words, please using an effective sentences

2. Information and identity of author need to be complete

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