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BUSE 3027/A
YEAR: 2023

WITS PLUS (Part-Time) Students Only


Contact office
Name Role number Email address
Willie Masia Deals with all queries 011-7178067
(Lecturer) regarding the academic
Aaron Koopman Deals with all 011-717 8047
(course coordinators) programme-
related queries
Bongani Hlatshwayo Deals with all 011-717 7021
(course administrator) administrative queries
Ulwazi help desk Deals with all technical
related queries

This course outline contains important information relating to this course. Please ensure that you
read it carefully and understand the contents. Please also read the related CLM Faculty Student
Guidelines, whichare available on the course Wits-e site.


Technology and the internet have changed quickly in the previous ten years' constantly changing
environment. These revolutionary developments have altered the structure of our environment as
well as our ways of interacting and communicating. A massive database of knowledge is instantly
available in the modern day thanks to the internet and effective search engines like Google. Because
of the capacity to communicate across borders, the world is instantly connected. Companies today
work in a worldwide, borderless digital economy that makes 24-hour online shopping possible.
Fundamentally, technology has ushered in a new era of interconnection, bridging divides and
encouraging digital pathways for involvement with the larger world. We will examine these
revolutionary themes in this course, providing an engaging educational environment while cordially
inviting you to participate in a vibrant discussion on the fascinating field of digital marketing.
With the help of tools and strategies like website optimisation, search engine optimisation (SEO),
pay-per-click (PPC), social media marketing, mobile marketing, display advertising, email marketing,
data analytics, and digital marketing strategy, this course aims to provide students with the
knowledge they need to succeed in the field of digital marketing.


2.1 Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, students should:

• Be able to adopt a holistic view of digital marketing and its role in global economies.
• Understand digital marketing strategies and their importance.
• To be able to analyse online marketing strategies critically.
• Display insight and understanding of the Digital Marketing environment.
• Understand Digital Marketing and performance metrics.
• Be able to show critical insight into identifying and developing digital marketing opportunities.
• Reflect critically on and deepen your engagement with trends in digital marketing at
local, national, and international levels.


4.1 Reading
To meet the course outcomes, you will need to read the selected material for each session
and also listen to the recordings so that you are in a position to contribute to online class

4.2 Recommended Texts

• Recommended: Stokes, R. and the Creative minds of Red and Yellow; Stokes, R., 2018.
eMarketing: The essential guide to digital marketing. Quirk eMarketing. 6th edition
(2018) ISBN: 978-0-620-78058-2
• Anderson, M. and Jiang, J., 2018. Teens, social media & technology 2018. Pew Research
Center, 31, p.2018. Accessed on
content/uploads/2018/06/Teens-Social- Media-Technology-2018-PEW.pdf
transformation/covid- accelerated-digital-adoption/

4.3 Other (Recommended)

1. Cunningham. N. (2018) Introduction to Marketing - A Southern African perspective.
2. Kingsnorth, S 2019, Digital Marketing Strategy : An Integrated Approach to Online
Marketing, vol 2ndEdition, Kogan Page, New York. Wits Library online: http://0-
7&site=eho st-live&scope=site


Lectures will be delivered via Ulwazi. You can access Ulwazi at using
your Wits login and password. You should have a course tab for each course that you are
registered for. Please speak to the Ulwazi help desk if you have any issues. All notices will be
posted on Ulwazi.
All students have a Wits email account which will be used for communication with you. Please
use this email account when communicating with staff at Wits to ensure that your email is
not flagged as spam and deleted.
No other e-mail address will be used, and only your Wits e-mail address will be used.
Please ensure that you check your Wits email at least twice per day (in the morning and at the
end of the day) and promptly act on any request or communication received from your lecturer,
course administrator or course coordinator.


ALL sessions, but two (MS Teams sessions), are offered in person (face-to-face). Lecture material
will be posted on Ulwazi, and students can access these in their own capacity.
The course is offered as follows:
Day Time Session Type Venue
Monday 17:30 - 21:00 Lecture FNB 101

Monday 11 September – Monday 23 October (31 Days)
Week 1 - 11 September 2023 - FNB 101
Session 1
Physical (contact) session: 17h30 - 21h00

• Digital Marketing Overview

• Web designand UX

• User Experience Design (Chapter 5).
• Web Development and Design Chapter 6).

• Preparation - Articles
1. PowerPoint slides.
2. eMarketing: The essential guide tomarketing in a digital world (6th Edition) - Rob
3. Kannan, P.K., 2017. Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda.
International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1), pp.22-45.
4. Makrides, A., Vrontis, D. and Christofi, M., 2020. The gold rush of digital marketing
marketing: assessing prospects of building brand awareness overseas. Business
Perspectives and Research, 8(1), pp.4-20.
5. Ha, Y. and Im, H., 2012. Role of website design quality in satisfaction and word of mouth
generation. Journal of Service Management.
6. Ligaraba, N., Nyagadza, B., Dӧrfling, D. and Zulu, Q.M., 2023. Factors influencing re-
usage intention of online and mobile grocery shopping amongst young adults in South
Africa. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, 41(3), pp.389-415.

Week 2 – 18 September 2023 FNB 101
Session 2
Physical (contact) session: 17h30 – 21h00

• Email marketing
• Mobile marketing
• Online advertising

• Direct marketing-Email &Mobile (Chapter 18).
• Online advertising(Chapter 12).
Preparation - Articles
1. PowerPoint slides.
2. eMarketing: The essential guide tomarketing in a digital world (6th Edition) - Rob Stokes.
3. Kushwaha, G.S. and Agrawal, S.R.,2016. The impact of mobile
marketing initiatives on customers’attitudes and behavioural outcomes. Journal of
Research in Interactive Marketing.
4. Ligaraba, N., Chuchu, T. and Nyagadza, B., 2023. Opt-in e-mail marketing influence on
consumer behaviour: A Stimuli–Organism–Response (S–O–R) theory perspective. Cogent
Business & Management, 10(1), p.2184244.
5. Omar, A.M. and Atteya, N., 2020. The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Buying
Decision Processin the Egyptian Market. International Journal of Business and
Management, 15(7), pp.120- 132.
6. Malik, Y., 2012. Mobile marketingat Telenor Pakistan–a MAD strategy? Emerald Emerging
Markets Case Studies.
7. Smutkupt, P., Krairit, D. and Khang,D.B., 2012. Mobile marketing and consumer
perceptions of brand equity. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.
Week 3 - 25 September 2023 FNB 101
Session 3
Physical (contact) session: 17h30 – 21h00

• Social Media

• Social media platforms(Chapter 16).
• Social media strategy(Chapter 17).
• Social media advertising(Chapter 13).
Preparation - Articles
1. PowerPoint slides.
2. eMarketing: The essential guide tomarketing in a digital world (6th Edition) - Rob Stokes.
3. Jin, Y., Lin, J.S., Gilbreath, B. and Lee, Y.I., 2017. Motivations, consumption emotions, and
temporal orientations in social media use: A strategic approach to engaging stakeholders
across platforms. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 11(2), pp.115-132.
4. Morton, F., 2020. Influencer marketing: An exploratory study onthe motivations of young
adults to follow social media influencers. Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing, 8(2),
5. Anderson, M. and Jiang, J., 2018.Teens, social media & technology2018. Pew
Research Center, 31,p.2018. Accessed on p-
6. PEW.pdf

Week 4 - 02 October 2023 FNB 101
Session 4
Physical (contact) session: 17h30 – 21h00

• Search EngineMarketing: SEO and PPC

• Search Engine Optimisation (Chapter 8).
• Search Advertising(Chapter 11).
Preparation - Articles
1. PowerPoint slides.
2. eMarketing: The essential guide tomarketing in a digital world (6th Edition) - Rob Stokes.
3. Jansen, B.J. and Clarke, T.B., 2017. Conversion potential: a metric for evaluating search engine
advertising performance. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing.
4. Arsenault, T. and Feeny, D., 2008. Your website: greater visibility andreturn of investment
through search engine marketing. DESIDOCJournal of Library & Information
7. Technology, 28(4), p.79.
Week 5 - 09 October 2023 FNB 101
Session 5
Physical (contact) session: 17h30 – 21h00

• Data analytics
• Data analytics (Chapter21).
Preparation - Articles
1. PowerPoint slides.
2. eMarketing: The essential guide tomarketing in a digital world (6th Edition) - Rob Stokes.
3. McDonald, E., 2020. Data, analytics and creative intuition: An analysis of how to optimise
return on socialmedia investment on Instagram. Journal of Digital & Social Media
Marketing, 8(1), pp.21-32.
Week 6 - 16 October 2023 - MS Teams
Session 6
MS Teams session: 17h30 – 21h00

1. 1. Review Best Digital Marketing Campaigns.
Week 7 - 23 October 2023 - MS Teams
Session 7
MS Teams session: 17h30 – 21h00

1. Revision and Conclusion.

7.1 Assignments Due Dates and Submissions

⚫ Assignment 1: Individual Assignment.

Title: Digital Marketing Landscape Infographic.
Due Date: Monday, 02 October @ 23:55 (Ulwazi).

⚫ Assignment 2: Group Assignment.

Title: Portfolio Audit.
Due Date: Tuesday, 24 October @ 23:55 (Ulwazi).

⚫ Assignment 3: Individual Assignment (Individual Exam equivalent take home).

Project: Digital Marketing Strategy.
Due Date: Tuesday, 14 November @ 23:55 (Ulwazi).

Please note that the timetable may be subject to amendment during the semester. Students should
note that all time slots associated with a course may be used at any point and no other commitments
should be made during those times.

*Please note that the content, scheduling, and weighting of all assessments in this course may be
subject to change in the event of unforeseen circumstances. All such changes will be announced via

8.1 Formative and Summative Assessments

Continual formative assessment is conducted so that students are given feedback on their progress in
the achievement of specific learning outcomes. Summative assessment is concerned with the judgement
of learning in relation to the exit level outcomes of the qualification. Such judgement includes integrated
assessment(s) that test the students’ ability to integrate the larger body of informatics knowledge, skills
and attitudes that are represented by the exit-level outcomes as a whole. The formative assessment will
be in the form of group assignments. The summative assessment will be an online exam equivalent

8.2 Assignment submissions

• Students are expected to submit assignments via Ulwazi on the communicated dates on/before
23:59 pm.
• Late submissions will not be allowed and will result in a zero for that submission.


9.1 Assignment 1: Individual (100 marks)

Create an Infographic which explains the Digital Marketing Landscape.

In this assignment, you will embark on an exciting journey into the world of digital marketing. Digital
marketing encompasses various strategies and tools used by businesses to promote their products and
services online. This assignment aims to introduce you to the fundamental concepts and principles of
digital marketing in a creative and engaging way.

1. Start by conducting research to understand the basics of digital marketing. Explore the different
components, channels, and tactics that make up digital marketing. You can use online resources,
articles, and introductory videos to build your foundational knowledge.

2. Create an informative and visually engaging infographic that explains the key elements of digital
marketing. Your infographic should cover:
a. Definition of digital marketing and its importance in the modern business landscape.
b. Overview of major digital marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, SEO, content
marketing, and paid advertising.
c. Explanation of the customer journey in digital marketing, from awareness to conversion.
d. Benefits of digital marketing for businesses.
e. Examples of successful digital marketing campaigns or case studies.

3. Make sure your infographic is visually appealing, easy to follow, and conveys the information clearly
to someone who is new to the topic.

There are several free online sites that you can consult to create the infographic such as:




Submission Guidelines:
Submit your completed infographic in a digital format (PDF or image) along with a brief reflection (max
300 words) on what you found most interesting or surprising about digital marketing.
Ensure you properly cite any sources you used for your research.

Note: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. All sources used in your research must be cited appropriately. This
assignment is designed to introduce you to the world of digital marketing, so make sure to approach it
with curiosity and enthusiasm!
• All assignments must be uploaded on Ulwazi @ 23:59.
• Emailed assignments will not be graded.
• Penalty: 10 marks will be deducted per late day.
• In-text referencing is required.

9.2 Assignment 2: Group Assignment - Website Project (Max 5 students per group)
(100 marks)

It is estimated that there are about 2.25 million Small Medium Enterprise (SME)s in South Africa.
1.5 million of these SMEs are informal, concentrated in the trade (wholesale and retail) and
accommodation sector. The evidence regarding firm dynamics in South Africa suggests that
scaling up is a significant challenge for most SMEs (

For this assignment, you are to source a South Africa SME, with an online presence, which you
believe has the potential for upscaling. (A good starting point to find some SMEs in South Africa

Conduct a review of the SME website’s home page. Identify at least three issues on the website
that you consider can be improved on (upscale).

1. Take a screenshot of the current website’s home page and incorporate it into the assignment.
2. List the three issues on the home page that needs to be improved and motivate why
you think it will add value to the website. Substantiate your motivation with reputable
3. Create a wireframe of the improvements that you suggest. There are several free
Wireframe applications available such as Balsamiq ( or the
Adobe suite.
4. The assignment should be constructed as follows:
• Cover page (Title of the assignment, Names and Student numbers of all students in the
group, the course name and code, and due date).
• Table of content.
• Introduction (250 words).
• Body of content.
• Screenshot of the website’s home page.
• Improvement discussion and motivation (300 words).
• The wireframe.
• Concluding arguments (250 words).
• List of References.
• All assignments must be uploaded on Ulwazi @ 23:59.
• Emailed assignments will not be graded.
• Penalty: 10 marks will be deducted per late day.
• Referencing is required for the screenshot and motivation.

9.3 Assignment 3: Project - Digital Marketing Strategy. Individual Exam equivalent take home
(100 marks)
Develop a detailed Digital Marketing Strategy for the UNILEVER DOVE BRAND in South Africa (You MUST
Start with reviewing the provided Dove Article “Dove: A Spotless Approach to Digital Marketing” before
proposing your own unique Digital Marketing Strategy). Follow all the steps in the marketing
communications planning process, including a Situational analysis, Opportunity identification, the
setting of digital marketing objective, target marketing by the organisation, a basic budget, and the
development of marketing strategies for each of the relevant Digital Marketing channels.
The assignment should contain the following items for easy reference:

• Table of content (1 page maximum).

• Body of the assignment.
• Conclusion (1 page maximum).
• Annexures with images for reference (3 page maximum).
The following criteria will serve as a guideline (Body of the assignment):
Criterion %
Situation analysis/SWOT/Opportunity identification/Digital marketing objective/Target 30%
Development of the digital marketing mix (action plan) and its integration into the 50%
integrated marketing communications strategy for the following channels:
• Web design and UX (5)
• Search Engine Marketing: SEO and PPC (10)
• Social media platforms (10)
• Influencer Marketing (5)
• Paid Advertising (5)
• Email marketing (5)
• Mobile marketing (10)
Expected results (Metrics) and proposed budget - for Year 1. 10%
Referencing: Use of references in-text and in the reference list. 10%
TOTAL 100%

• The project should be between 15-20 pages (excluding references and appendices).
• Maximum 10 references including your prescribed textbook (Harvard/APA). 1 ½ spacing.
• The project should be sent through Ulwazi. You have two chances to Turnitin. Turnitin should not
be more than 15%.
• Penalty: Ten marks will be deducted per late day for assessments uploaded after the deadline.


Please send me an email to arrange for a consultation session. These can occur either via Teams or in
person. Allow at least 24 hours for a response.


This course has an exam sub---minimum of 50%. Should the student attain a mark of lower than
the prescribed sub---minimum, he/she will fail the course.


This course outline must be read in conjunction with the SBS HANDBOOK. The following important
information can be found in the handbook:

• All SBS related information.

• Student Support resources.
• Plagiarism, referencing, accessing journals and Turnitin information.
• Assessment and exam processes and information.
• Plagiarism policy.
• Plagiarism Declaration.

In the event of any inconsistency between information contained in this course outline and the rules,
regulations, policies, procedures, practices and standing orders as approved by the University Senate
or Council or both, the University’s Rules shall prevail. Information contained in this document is
subject to change should unforeseen circumstances so require. Where this happens candidates will be
informed of any such changes.


0-49 50-64 65-74 75-100
The SME selected for the A South African SME is A suitable, South African A suitable, South African
project is valid, but it is selected for the project SME is selected for the SME is selected for the
not a South African but its validity to the project. project.
business. project is vague. Three valid issues are Three valid issues are
Three issues are Three issues are identified on the home identified on the home
identified on the home identified on the home page that can be page that can be
page, but it is irrelevant page, but how it will improved. improved.
and will not improve the improve the website is The issues on the home The issues on the home
website. unclear. page are sufficiently page are
The issues identified are An attempt has been discussed. comprehensively
not discussed. made to discuss the The website is discussed.
An attempt has been issues in the context of adequately re-designed The wireframe is
made to create a its value for the using a wireframe. comprehensively re-
wireframe, but it is not business. The discussion The improvements on designed using a
aligned to the issues is vague and could be the current home page wireframe.
identified. improved on. are valid and could lead The improvements on
The assignment is poorly An attempt has been to improvement. the current home page
formatted. made to create a The presentation is will sufficiently lead to
Insufficient academic wireframe, but it is neatly formatted and improvement.
language use. unclear how the re- structured with The presentation is well
designed home page will headings, sub-headings, formatted and neatly
improve the business’ and appropriate line structured with headings,
output. spacing. Academic sub-headings, appropriate
There is room for language acceptable. line spacing.Appropriate
improvement in the academic language.
Academic language can
be improved.

14.1 Assessment Outlines

Students are expected to attempt all assessments for this course as they are all compulsory.

14.2 Missed Assessments

Absence from an examination (or from a compulsory assessment) will result in an outcome of
Failed Absent (FABS) on the statement of the academic record of a student unless the student has
been granted a deferred assessment (see below).

In the event that a student misses an assessment due to illness, they are required to submit a
doctor’s letter to (including a completed deferred application form)
within 3 days of missing the assignment. A deferred or excused assessment may be granted once
the application has been considered. If the student is excused from the assessment, the
assessment may be calculated differently.

14.3 Course Sub-Minimum Rules

As per the CLM Faculty rules, a student may not be allowed to obtain credit for a course unless
s/he achieves a final mark of at least 50% for that course. Please see the CLM Faculty Student
Guidelines for details.

14.4 Student Guidelines on Plagiarism

Plagiarism refers to the copying of sections, parts, or passages from the electronic or written work
of other people (e.g., authors of books or articles, other students, the internet) without
acknowledgement. An essay or other assignment that contains substantially copied parts or
sections from one or more sources, with little or no original contribution from the student
submitting it, is plagiarized and represents a dishonest effort. Students may be required to submit
their work for plagiarism verification.

Plagiarism is viewed very seriously by the University, and disciplinary action will be taken against
students found guilty of plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty. Please see the CLM
Faculty Student Guidelines for details.

In the event of any inconsistency between information contained in this course outline and the
rules, regulations, policies, procedures, practices and standing orders as approved by the
University Senate or Council or both, the University’s Rules shall prevail.


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