Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control Hirarc Hiradc Office Hazard For Building Sample

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Title : General Office Activities at all levels Prepared by : ABC Building Doc No.
Location : All floors Verified by : Mr Ahmad Kassim Revision No : a
Date : 4.11. 2011
Activities/Equipment Hazard Consequences Current Risk Ctrl Likelihood Severity Risk Rating Type of Ctrl Futher Action / Ctrl (Due Date)
Connection of sockets R Defective Electric shock, burns, Electrical equipment are visually checked 2 3 6 Administration Periodic check of the electrical Jabatan Harta
plugs, sockets electrical fires and before each use. Control installation
or electrical death Electrical equipments are switched off and
equipment unplugged before making and adjustments or
performing any routine maintenance.
Electrical equipments are selected with Electricity Awareness training Training Unit, ABC
consideration for the working environment and and email to all staff - (OHS Department
the task being undertaken. MP)

Disruption of electricity supply NR Darkness due Psychological Hazard Maintenance by JPH 5 1 5 Administration Thorough inspection on the Jabatan
black out (Stress, shock and Setting auto save for computer working Control root cause of tripping - To Perkhidmatan
anger due to missing documents regularly. report to Jabatan Hartabenda
data) Perkhidmatan Harta

Develop list of Technical Unit JKK ABC Building

Person In Charge and
communicate the list to all
employees via email/notice
board - (OSH MP)

Performing work at the Display R Prolonged Musculoskeletal Usage of screen filter for older versioned PC 3 2 6 Administration Conduct Ergonomic Survey - JKK ABC Building
Screen Equipment usage of disorders, fatigue, Usage of new PC with installed screen filter Control (OSH MP)
Display Screen stress, eyesight
Equipment problems, facial
(DSE) dermatitis

poor chair set Fatigue, back pain, Short exercises 3 2 6

up poor posture, neck Walking around
strain Adjustment of chair

Typing R Ergonomics Carpel tunnel Rest break 2 2 4 Administration Conduct Ergonomic Survey - ABC Building
hazard syndrom, Control (OSH MP)
disorders, fatigue,

First aid treatment NR Transfer of Ill health Avaiability of In house dispensary at TNB HQ 3 2 6 Administration Arrange training for first aiders JKK ABC Building
germs or virus Control - (OSH MP)

Provide sufficient first aid kit JKK ABC Building

box - (OSH MP)

Manual handling NR Poor lifting Cuts and abrasions, Health Awareness Program established and 3 2 6 Administration Conduct Ergonomic Survey - GRMU and JKK
method of strained muscles, conducted once in every 2 years. Control (OSH MP) Generation Building
heavy torn
materials (e.g: ligaments/tendons,
furniture and neck injury, back
boxes) injury, hernias
Photocopying R Noise exposure Hearing problem Partition for the placement of equipment 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
Periodic maintenance of equipment
Purchasing good quality machine

Radiation Eye problem Cover provided at every photostate machine 2 2 4 Administration SOP on the correct use of 5S PIC
Control photocopy machine - (OSH

Maintenance of photocopy R Hot surface Burn Maintenance by authorised person 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
machine by supplier
Electrical Electric shock Maintenance by authorised person 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
Release of Lung disease Maintenance by authorised person 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
carbon dust
Maintenance of photocopy NR Hot surface Burn Nil 3 2 6 Administration SOP on the correct use of 5S PIC
machine by staff Control photocopy machine (OSH MP)

Electrical Electric shock Nil 3 4 12 Administration SOP on the correct use of 5S PIC
hazard Control photocopy machine - (OSH

Release of Lung disease Nil 3 3 9 Administration SOP on the correct use of 5S PIC
carbon dust Control photocopy machine - (OSH

Paper cutting R Sharp blade Cut Nil 3 3 9 Administration SOP on the correct use of 5S PIC
Control cutting machine - (OSH MP)

Shredding NR Sharp rotating Cut Purchased of effective enginering design 1 1 1 NIL NIL NIL
equipment shredding machine
Precautions adhered to when handling the
shredding machine

Clearing of papers from the NR sharp object Eye injury Nil 2 3 6 Administration SOP on the correct use of 5S PIC
shredding machine using non- from non- Control shredding machine (e.g: max
standard tool standard tool papers of 5) - (OSH MP)

Storage of documents at high R Fall at different sprained ankle, neck Usage of ladder for high level cabinet 1 1 1 NIL NIL NIL
cabinet level pain Usage of low level cabinet

Retrieval of files from high R Falling object Sprained ankle Usage of ladder for high level cabinet 2 1 2 NIL NIL NIL
cabinet at different Usage of low level cabinet

Smoking at non-designated R Fire ill health and death. Installation of fire protection system 2 5 10 Administration Assign smoking area - (OSH ABC Building
area Control MP)
Awareness program on danger HRA ABC
of smoking to human health. -
Placement of fire extinguisher Jabatan
near the smoking area - (OSH Perkhidmatan

Working at the office R Poor Headaches, Nausea, Air condition inspection carried out by Jabatan 1 1 1 NIL NIL NIL
Ventilation Fatigue Harta

Poor room Headaches, Fatigue, Nil 4 1 4 Administration To conduct air ventilation Jabatan
temperature Loss of Control survey - To report to JPH Perkhidmatan
control Concentration HartaBENDA

Lack of working Increased risk of Proper arragement of working space 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
space slips, trips and falls,

Lack of Storage Increased risk of 5s activity - arrange and sort 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
slips, trips, falls, 5S audit to check on the storage requirement

Falling objects 5s activity - arrange and sort 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL

5S audit to check on the storage requirement

Falls from height. 5s activity - arrange and sort 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
5S audit to check on the storage requirement

Trailing wires, Slips, trips, falls and 5s activity - arrange and sort 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
boxes in falling objects
surfaces and
poor storage of

Lack of Dehydration and lack Sufficient drinking facility provided 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
drinking water of concentration.

Fire Serious bodily injury -Fire fighting and prevention system installed 1 4 4 NIL NIL NIL
or fatality and maintained by Jabatan Harta
'-Evacuation drill conducted
- Fire extinguisher training conducted
- Floor marshall training conducted
-ERP for Generation Building established

Sexual Absent from work TNB Code of Sexual Harresment available and 2 2 4 Administration Awareness on the code of HRA ABC
harassement implemented Control practice - (OHS MP)
TNB Whistle blowing policy and proper
communication channel available

Lifting of drinking water bottle NR Poor lifting Cuts and abrasions, Health Awareness Program established and 3 2 6 Administration Conduct Ergonomic Survey - ABC Building
method strained muscles, conducted once in every 2 years. Control (OSH MP)
neck injury, back
injury, hernias
Walking around the office area R Inadequate Increased risk of Sufficient exterior lighting 2 2 4 Administration Conduct lighting intensity GRMU
lighting slips, trips and falls Monitoring and Maintenance of lighting by JPH Control survey - (OSH MP)
and hitting stationary

Blockage of Increased risk of Signage and exit light 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
exit door slips, trips and falls
and hitting especially
during emergency

Poorly Increased risk of -Walkways are maintained by JPH 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
maintained slips, trips and falls

Usage of toilet R Poor Ill health effects -Disposal of sanitary disposal is available 2 2 4 Administration Periodic sanitary service and Jabatan
maintenance '-Routine cleaning by cleaners Control disposal to be implemented Perkhidmatan Harta
of sanitary

Slippery floor Trip and fall at same -Routine mopping by cleaners 2 1 2 NIL NIL NIL
level '-Warning sign during cleaning placed during
cleaning work

Working alone after office NR Violence Injury, medical -Daily inspection on the number of personnel 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
hours conditions. by Security working after office hours
-The door to the office is locked from the inside
when working out of hours (after 17:00pm and
before 08:00am)

Fire Serious bodily injury -Fire fighting and prevention system installed 1 4 4 NIL NIL NIL
or fatality and maintained by Jabatan Harta
'-Daily inspection on the number of personnel
by Security working after office hours
-ERP established

Sexual Absent from work TNB Code of Sexual Harresment available and 2 2 4 Administration Awareness on the code of HRA Generation
harassement implemented Control practice - (OHS MP)
TNB Whistle blowing policy and proper
communication channel available

Meeting R Ergonomics Back pain nil 2 2 4 Administration Conduct Ergonomic Survey - ABC Building
Control (OSH MP)

Stress Stroke, heart Refreshment provided 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL

Eating at the pantry NR Biological ill health (food Food stored inside the proper containers/fridge 1 2 2 NIL NIL NIL
hazard poisoning) Regular removal of domestic waste
n of food,
insects, rats)

Usage of electrical equipment NR Electrical Fatality nil 2 4 8 Administration Inspection of electrical 5S PIC and
at the pantry hazard Control equipment - (OSH MP) Cafeteria
Usage of electrical equipment NR
at the pantry

Microwave ill health Follow instruction manual 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL

General despatch work using R Accident Injury or fatality Motorcycle Safe Riding training 2 4 8 Administration Continual safety awareness on HRA Generation
motorcycle Usage of helmet by despatch workers Control road safety - (OSH MP)
Rest break

Inhalation of Ill health Rest break 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL

fumes and dust

Exposure to Heat stroke, injury, ill Rest break 2 2 4 NIL NIL NIL
bad weather health
(hot, rain)
Reception work R Ergonomic haza stress, ill health Rest break for the receptionist 2 2 4 Administration Conduct Ergonomic Survey - GRMU and JKK
Control (OSH MP) Generation Building

Sexual Absent from work TNB Code of Sexual Harresment available and 2 2 4 Administration Awareness on the code of ABC Generation
harassement implemented Control practice - (OHS MP)
TNB Whistle blowing policy and proper
communication channel available

Frequent opening of fire doors R Damaged fire Suffocation due to Walkabout inspection of the fire doors by floor 2 5 10 Engineering To conduct periodic inspection
doors - unable fire spread into the marshalls Control check to all fire doors- to Jabatan
to contain fire escape route Site inspection by HSC Members report to JPH Perkhidmatan

Unergonomic Back pain Rest break 5 2 10 Administration Conduct Ergonomic Survey - GRMU and JKK
workstation - Control (OSH MP) Generation Building
Office work activity R ergonomic
Injuries from falling Implementation of 5S 4 1 4
Storage of Stationery at level 6 R High level of items & tripping nil nil nil

slippery floor Injuries & fear NIL 3 2 6 Relocation of flower pots

Watering of plants at all levels R due to water Elimination ABC Generation
Hazard of Injuries or deaths Plastered 2 5 10 Periodic monitoring of crack - Jabatan
Administration Perkhidmatan
Cracked beam (L7) R building Control to report to JPH
collapse HartaBENDA

Definition Rating Criteria Description Definition Rating Criteria Description
The most likely result of the hazard/ event being realized Catastropi Numerous fatalities, irrecoverable property damage and
Most Likely 5 (more than once per year) in the Generation HQ Building c 5 productivity
Approximately one single fatality major property damage if
Possible (4) 4 Has a good chance of occuring and is not unusual (At least once a year) Fatal 4 hazard is realized
Non-fatal injury, permanent disability, medical leave > 4 days
Conceivable (3) 3 Might occur at sometime in the future (At least once in every 5 years) Serious 3 (reportable to DOSH as per NADOOPOD Regulation 2004)
Remote (2) 2 Has not been known to occur after many years (At least once in every 10 yrs) Minor 2 Disabling but not bruises,
Minor abrasions, permanent cut,injury or type
first aid 1-4 days MCno medical
Inconceivable (1) 1 Is practically impossible and has never occurred Negligible 1 leave
*R-Routine, NR - Non Routine

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