Apuntes Inglés Técnico

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❖ T1 ————————
➢ The present
➢ Connectors
➢ Vocabulary
❖ T2 ————————
➢ The past
➢ Vocabulary
❖ T3 ————————
➢ Modal verbs
➢ Vocabulary
❖ T4 ————————
➢ Future
➢ Vocabulary
❖ T5 ————————
➢ Questions
➢ Vocabulary
❖ T6 ————————
➢ Vocabulary
❖ T7 ————————
➢ Conditionals
➢ Vocabulary

T1 The present | El presente

- Present simple

★ General truths / Facts

○ I live in logroño
★ Routines / Habits
○ I drink coffee every morning.
★ Future events / Timetables / Scheduled or arranged events
○ The class starts at 6
★ Opinions or feelings that are always true or remain unchanged
○ I love spending time with my family.
★ Instructions or procedures
○ You mix the ingredients and then bake the cake for 30 minutes.

Stative verbs (commonly used for the present simple, but depending on the context it
can be used in present continuous)
★ Emotions (dislike, love)
★ Opinion (believe, think, know)
★ Senses (see, smell)
★ Possession (have, own , belong)
★ Price, measure

- Present continuous / Present progressive

★ To describe an action that is happening now or at the moment of speaking.

○ I am studying for my exam.
★ To describe a repeated action that happens around the present time.
○ He is always forgetting his keys.
★ To describe a temporary action that is in progress around the present time.
○ She is working at the café while she looks for a job in her field.
★ To describe an action that is changing or developing.
○ The climate is getting warmer every year.
★ To describe a current trend or situation.
○ The economy is improving slowly but steadily.

- Present perfect:

★ Actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past.

○ I have read that book
★ To describe a past action that has a connection to the present.
○ I have lost my keys (and I can't find them now).
★ To describe a past action that has relevance to the present.
○ She has visited Italy twice (and her knowledge of Italy might be useful
★ To describe a past action that occurred over a period of time that continues up
to the present.
○ They have been married for 10 years.
★ To describe a past action that was completed very recently or in the very
recent past.
○ I have just finished my homework.

T1 Connectors | Conectores

Addition Contrast Result or effect Summary

In addition Although As a result In conclusion

Besides On the other hand Therefore Finally
Moreover However Because of As i said
Also Otherwise Consequently All things considered
Furthermore Nevertheless To sum up
Addition Contrast Result or effect Summary

Even though

Nevertheless / Although / -> Sin embargo

Enables to / Allows / -> Permite
Enable -> Activado

T2 The past | Verbos modales

- Regular verbs
- Variable or alternative verbs
- Irregular verbs
- ed pronunciation

- Past simple
- Past continuous
- Past perfect
- Past perfect continuous

T3 Modal verbs | Verbos modales

● must not (prohibición) | no deber

● must (obligación ”autoimpuesta”) | deber
● have to (obligación “general” norma / ley) | tener que
● do not have to (opcional) | no tienes porque
● should / should not (aviso) | deber / no deber
● may (probabilidad alta / probabilidad conocida) | es posible
● might (probabilidad baja / probabilidad desconocida) | podría

● can / cannot (tiene / no tiene la habilidad) | poder / no poder

● could / could not (tenía / no tenía la habilidad) | podía / no podía
T3 Vocabulary | Vocabulario

Palabra Significado Sinónimo Antónimo

Address Dirección - -

Broadband modem Módem de banda ancha Cable modem Dial-up modem

Bus network Red de bus Local area network -

Cable Cable Wire Wireless

Client-server Cliente-servidor - Peer-to-peer

Connect Conectar Link, Join Disconnect

Configure Configurar Set up, Arrange Misconfigure

Data collision Colisión de datos - -

Device Dispositivo Equipment, Machine Human

Firewall Cortafuegos Security, Barrier Permissive

Flow Flujo Stream, Current Blockage

Intranet Intranet Internal network Internet

IP address Dirección IP - -

WAN (Red de área

LAN Red de área local Local network

Layout Diseño Configuration Disorder, Chaos

Link Enlace Connection Disconnect, Unlink

Palabra Significado Sinónimo Antónimo

Log in Iniciar sesión Sign in, Sign on Log out, Sign off

Red de área WAN (Red de área

MAN Metropolitan network
metropolitana amplia)

Need Necesidad Requirement, Necessity Want, Luxury

Network Red System, Web Disconnected, Isolated

Data packet, Message

Network packet Paquete de red -

Node Nodo Point, Junction Disconnected, Isolated

PAN Red de área personal Personal network LAN (Red de área local)

Peer-to-peer Punto a punto Decentralized, Distributed Client-server

Perform Realizar Execute, Accomplish Fail, Underperform

Plug in Conectar Insert, Connect Disconnect, Unplug

Protocol Protocolo Procedure, Method Disorder, Chaos

Require Requerir Need, Demand Optional, Voluntary

Ring network Red en anillo Ring topology, Circular Bus network, Star network

Server Servidor Host, Mainframe Client

Set up Configurar, Preparar Arrange, Establish Misconfigure, Tear down

Share Compartir Distribute, Divide Keep, Retain

Star topology, Bus network, Ring

Star network Red en estrella
Hub-and-spoke network

Structure Estructura Framework, Organization Disorder, Chaos

Travel Viajar Journey, Trip Stay, Remain

Turn off Apagar Shut down, Power off Turn on, Power up

Turn on Encender Power up, Boot up Turn off,

T4 Futuro

- Informal future
- Be going to + infinitive (evidence / plan intention)
You are going to fall.
I am going to go to the beach tomorrow.

- Present continuous (arrangements) (no puede empezar sin tí)

I am visiting the doctor today at 7pm.

- Present simple (schedule) (empieza aunque no estés)

The judgment starts tomorrow at 11am.

- Future simple

- will + infinitive
I will play the piano tomorrow

- will not + infinitive

They will not come with us.

- Future progressive

- will + be + gerund
I will be playing the piano.

- Future perfect

- will + have + participle

I will have arrived before noon.
We will have won the competition by the time they realize it

- Future perfect progressive

- will + have + been + gerund / present simple

I will have been living in Italy for one month when you visit.
You will have been running for two hours when the sun comes up.

T4 Vocabulary | Vocabulario

Palabra Significado Sinónimo Antónimo

Become Convertirse en Transform into Cease to be

Bridge Puente Viaduct Barrier

Palabra Significado Sinónimo Antónimo

Browser Navegador web Web explorer Web server

Captivating Cautivador Fascinating Boring

Catchy Pegadizo Memorable Forgettable

Commercial Comercial Advertising Non-commercial

Connection Conexión Link Disconnection

Data Datos Information No data

DNS Sistema de nombres de dominio DNS server DNS error

Domain Name Nombre de dominio Web address IP address

Elderly Anciano Senior Young

Email Correo electrónico E-mail Letter

Enrol Matricular Register Drop out

HTML Lenguaje de marcas de hipertexto HTML code Plain text

Important Importante Significant Irrelevant

Keep Mantener Preserve Let go

Log Registro Event log No log

Mall Centro comercial Shopping center No mall

Notice Aviso Notification Ignore

Photograph Fotografía Photo No photo

Relevant Relevante Pertinent Irrelevant

Router Enrutador Network router No router

Search Engine Motor de búsqueda Web search engine No search engine

Shopping centre Centro comercial Shopping mall No shopping center

Shop Tienda Store No shop

Protocolo de control de
TCP/IP TCP/IP suite Another protocol
transmisión/Protocolo de Internet

URL Localizador uniforme de recursos Web address Wrong address

Palabra Significado Sinónimo Antónimo

World Wide Web Red mundial de información Web No internet access

T5 Questions

- Question Structure

Wh- clause + Aux + Subject + Predicate.

Wh- clause Significado

What (general) Qué

Which (between n options) Cual

Who Quién

Whom A quién

Whose De quién

Where Dónde

When Cuándo

Why Por qué

How Cómo

How much (uncountable) Cuánto

How many (countable) Cuánto

Auxiliary verbs

★ To be (is / are - was / were)

★ Do (do / does - did)
★ Can (can / could)
★ Will (will / would)
★ Should
★ Have (have - has / had)

- Direct questions
★ Subject questions do not need an auxiliary verb (the wh- clause acts as a

○ What happened after the party?

Wh- clause + verb.

★ Object questions need the auxiliary verb because it acts as the pronoun (the
thing you are asking about is answered by the auxiliary).

○ What did you do after the party?

Wh- clause + aux + subject + infinitive verb.

- Indirect questions

★ More formal questions. With redundancy or Verbosely.

○ Do you know if Tom likes Chinese food?

○ Can you tell me where MacDougal Street is?
○ Could you tell me by any chance if your dog's name is Oscar?

- From direct to indirect

★ If the direct question has a Wh- clause , then its indirect form will switch the
subject and the auxiliary verb.

Direct question: "When did he leave?"

Indirect question: "Could you tell me when he left?"

Direct question: "Where is the nearest store?"

Indirect question: "Do you know where the nearest store is?"

★ If the direct question can be answered with yes or no, its indirect form will
have if .

Direct question: "Did you eat breakfast?"

Indirect question: "I wonder if you ate breakfast."

Direct question: "Will you be attending the meeting?"

Indirect question: "Please let me know if you will be attending the meeting."
T5 Vocabulary | Vocabulario

Palabra Significado Sinónimo Antónimo

Align Arrange text or objects to a specific position Adjust, Position Misalign, Disarrange

Bold Text formatting where the text appears in a darker weight Strong, Emphasized Plain, Normal

Break Separation of text or line in a document or program Pause, Interval Continuation, Connection

Bug An error or fault in a program or system Defect, Glitch Feature, Enhancement

Bullet points A formatting style where a list is represented by dots or icons List, Markers Paragraph, Text

Choose Select or pick from a range of options Opt, Decide Reject, Decline

Click To press a button on a computer mouse or touchscreen Select, Press None

Drag To move an object or text by selecting and dragging Pull, Move Push, Keep

File A collection of information stored on a computer or server Document, Record Delete, Erase

Font The style and appearance of text Typeface, Style None

Footer Text or information appearing at the bottom of a document or page Bottom, End Header, Top

Format The structure or style of a document or data Style, Presentation None

Formula A mathematical expression used to perform calculations Equation, Calculation Result, Outcome

Header Text or information appearing at the top of a document or page Top, Beginning Footer, Bottom

Helpful Providing assistance or aid Beneficial, Useful Harmful, Useless

Highlight To emphasize or bring attention to specific text or objects Emphasize, Accent Dim, Obfuscate

Hire To employ or engage someone for a job or task Recruit, Appoint Fire, Dismiss

Hold To keep or maintain something in place or in memory Retain, Keep Release, Let go

Indent To start a line of text further away from the left margin Tab, Space Align, Justify

Italics Text formatting where the text appears in a slanted style Slant, Cursive Normal, Upright

Justify To align text to both the left and right margins Align, Even Indent, Align left or right

Layout The arrangement or design of elements on a page or screen Design, Format Disarray, Chaos
Palabra Significado Sinónimo Antónimo

Macro A sequence of commands that can be executed with a single command Script, Program Micro, Basic

Popular Widely known or recognized Well-known, Famous Unknown, Unfamiliar

Press To push or apply pressure to a button or key Select, Click Release, Let go

Purchase To buy or acquire something by paying for it Buy, Procure Sell, Dispose of

Query A request for information from a database or system Request, Inquiry Response, Answer

Repair To fix or mend something that is broken or damaged Fix, Mend Break

Save To store or preserve data or files for future use Backup, Store Delete, Erase

Spellcheck A feature that checks the spelling of text in a document or program Proofread, Correct Misspell, Incorrect

Template A pre-designed format used for creating similar documents or files Framework, Model Custom, Unique

Toolbar A set of icons or buttons used to perform specific functions Menu, Ribbon Hidden, Invisible

Undo To reverse the last action or change made in a program or system Revoke, Reverse Redo, Repeat

Useful Having practical or functional value or benefit Helpful, Effective Useless, Worthless

Well-known Widely recognized or famous Famous, Renowned Unknown, Unfamiliar

Worksheet A document or file used for organizing and analyzing data Spreadsheet, Chart Narrative, Paragraph


T6 Vocabulary | Programming

Palabra Significado Sinónimo Antónimo

Code Instructions in a programming language Program Decode
Compile Translate source code to machine code Build, Translate Deconstruct
Debug Identify and remove errors from code Troubleshoot Break, Damage
Develop Create or improve software or code Build, Design Destroy, Ruin
Palabra Significado Sinónimo Antónimo
Execute Run a program or code Run, Launch Stop, Terminate
Function A self-contained block of code that performs a specific task Method, Procedure Malfunctioning
HTML Hypertext Markup Language - a standard for web page creation Markup None
Interpret Execute code directly, without compiling Run, Execute Compile
Java An object-oriented programming language None None
JavaScript A scripting language used for web development JS, Scripting None
Language A system of communication, such as programming or spoken word Tongue, Dialect None
Parameter A value passed to a function or method as input Argument Output
PHP A server-side scripting language for web development None
Programmer A person who writes and tests computer code Developer, Coder User, Client
Script A series of instructions executed by a program or application Code, Macro None
Software Programs and data that run on a computer or device Application, Program Hardware
Task A unit of work to be completed Assignment, Project None
Variable A named storage location in memory that holds a value Value, Identifier Constant
XML Extensible Markup Language - a standard for data interchange Markup, Language None

T7 Conditionals | Condicionales

- The comma

★ Conditional sentences are formed by two clauses.

○ If you go outside, you will get wet

Conditional Clause , Main Clause.

★ We can invert the conditional form. Doing so, the comma will be removed.

○ You will get wet if you go outside

Main Clause + Conditional Clause.

- Zero conditional

★ Facts and things that always happen.

○ If you heat ice, it melts.
Si calientas hielo, se derrite.

If + Present Simple, Present Simple.

- First conditional

★ Events that might happen in the future.

○ If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.

Si llueve mañana, me quedaré en casa.

If + Present Simple, Will + Infinitive.

- Second conditional

★ Things that are unlikely to happen.

○ If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.

Si ganase la lotería, viajaría por el mundo.

If + Past Simple, Would + Infinitive.

- Third conditional

★ Things that did not happen.

○ If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.

Si hubiera estudiado más, habría aprobado el examen.

If + Past Perfect, Would + Have + Past Participle.

T7 Vocabulary | Vocabulario

T8 Passive | Pasivas

Cojo el to be y lo conjugo en el tiempo verbal correspondiente.

presente continuo.
Cojo el verbo y lo conjugo en el participio pasado.

Past perfect => had been + (vb in past perfect)

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