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128 NATURE July 12, 1958 VOL.



BLOOD-GROUP SUBSTANCES with the saturated vapour of the liquid on the surface
of the solid. This work is less than the work W SLO
Added Found required to separate the liquid from the solid, leaving
a clean surface free from adsorbed vapour, by 1tsv•,
Glucosamine Galactosamine Glucosamine Galactosamine
(per cent) (per cent) (per cent) (per cent) the surface pressure of the adsorbed film of vapour
- · on the solid. Calling WsL in (1), WsLV', to indicate
0 100 o• 100• the presence of the adsorbed film of saturated vapour,
50 50 50 50
76 24 74
+ 1tSV'
I 26
20 80 21 79 WsLO = WsLV' (2)
37 63
Analysis by
i 65,65•
Harkins and Livingston's remark• that "it is
Blood-group substances Leskowitz and Found• extremely unfortunate that this equation came into
Kabat (ref. 2) notice at all" was made because Harkins had pre-
--- viously used W AB for the work required to separate
Hog , 16 57 13 58 ,57 42,43
Horse, 6-15 per ce nt 69 31 67 33 two liquids A and B, with clean surfaces and surface
Saliva, W.H . ,2-lOpercent 61 39 55
45 tensions undiminished by surface films of the other
Horse, 5-25 per cent 53 47 45 55
liquid. Later in the same paper• Harkins and
• Samples were purified by adsorption on a 10-ml. column of 'Dowex Livingston stated that equation ( 1) is correct provided
50' cation exchange resin (200-400 mesh, 12 per cent cross-linkage , that W SL means W SLV' , not W SLO· The importance
H• form) . The amino-suga rs were completely adsorbed when placed
on such columns in 2 ml. of 2 N hydrochloric acid. After washing the of the adsorbed film of vapour for the magnitude of
columns with water, the hexosamines were eluted with about 25 ml. the work of adhesion is usually greater for solid-liquid
of O ·75 N hydrochloric acid and lyophilized over silica gel-sodium
hydroxide. The procedures described by Boas (ref. 8) and Roseman than for liquid-liquid systems ; and attention has
and Dalfner (ref. 10) also should be adequate for this purpose. The frequently been directed to it, first by Harkins and
blood group substances and the galactosamine sample initially were
hydrolysed for 2 hr. in 2 N hydrochloric acid in a boiling-water bath Dahlstrom•, later by Bangham and Razouk5, Harkins
and Livingston•, and by others.
precision of the method apparently is the reproduc- 1tsv•, the difference between the work of adhesion
ibility of the Blix test. As a matter of routine, total to the clean and to the film-covered surface, cannot
hexosamines are determined in triplicate, and two be measured directly ; but 1tsv• can be calculated if
aliquots of each sample are incubated with yeast the adsorption isotherm of the vapour on the solid
and analysed in duplicate. 2--4 µmoles of total can be measured. If r is the amount adsorbed when
hexosamine (0-43-0·86 mgm. of the hydrochlorides) the pressure of the vapour of the liquid is p, the
usually are sufficient for a complete analysis of each Gibbs adsorption equation,
sample. This varies, of course , with the relative
composition of the unknowns. r = 01t/RTolnp (3)
We wish to express our appreciation to Dr. Herbert can be integrated to
J. Rapp for suggesting the use of a micro-organism

for this separation. The work was supported by a p'
Fight for Sight grant of the National Council to 1tsva = RT J I'dlnp (4)
Combat Blindness, Inc., New York, and by grant
B-141 of the National Institute of Neurological as was shown by Bangham and Fakhoury•, and
Disea ses and Blindness, U.S. Public Health Service. Bangham7 ; p 0 is the saturated vapour pressure of
the liquid.
W SLV' is probably the work of adhesion of greatest
practical importance and is by far the easiest to
Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute measure , since the part of the solid surface of import-
of the Johns Hopkins University ance for determining the contact angle is that
and Hospital, immediately adjacent to the edge of the liquid, and
Baltimore, Maryland. must therefore be in equilibrium with vapour which
May 12. is saturated, or nearly saturated. If W SLO, which
• Gardell, S. , Acta Chem . Scand. , 7, 207 (1953). may be of greater theoretical interest, is required,
' Leskowitz, S., and Kabat, E. A., J • .Amer. Chem. S oc., 76, 4887
(1954) . the amount r adsorbed at a series of pressures of the
' Eastoo , J. E., Nature, 173, 540 (1954). vapour of the liquid must be measured and equations
• Pigman, W. W., and Goepp, R. M., "Chemistry of the Carbo - (2) and (4) used. On surfaces smooth enough to
hydrates", 146 (New York, 1948). permit easy measurem ent of the contact angle,
however, r will be so sma ll t.hat its m easurement will
'Brown, D. H., Biochim. Biophys• .Acta, 7, 487 (1951).
• Slein , M . W., Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 80 , 646 (1952).
'£!ix, G., .Acta Chem. Scand., 2, 467 (1948) . usnally be difficult.
• Boas, N. F., J . Biol. Chem . , 204, 553 (1953). ~ - K. ADAM
• Elson, L.A., and Morgan, W. T. J., Biochem. J . , 27, 1824 (1933).
"Rosema n, S., and Dalfner, I., Anal. Chem. , 28 , 1743 (1056). 95 Highfield L a n e ,
Contact Angles and Work of Adhesion E. I. du Pont de N emours and Co.,
BECAUSE of frequent misunderstandings, we would Wilmington 98,
like t o emphasize that the work of adhesion W SL in Delaware .
the equation, May 19.
WsL = n(l + cos 0) (I) 'Adam, .Vature, 180, 809 (1057) .
'Harkins a n d Livingston, J . Chem. Phys., 10, 344 (1942).
which one of us has r ecently pleaded I should be called 'Harkins a nd Livingston, J. Chem. Phys., 10, 348 (1942).
, Harkins a nd Da hlstrom, Indust. Eng. Chem. , 22, 897 (1930).
Young 's equation, is the reversible wor~ r~quired, , Ba ngham a nd Razouk, 'l'rans . Farad. Soc. , 33 , 1459 (1937} .
p er square centimetre, to separa t e t~e hqu~~ f~om • lla ngha m a nd Fakhoury , J . Chem. Soc. , 1328 (1931).
the solid, leaving an adsorbed film m eqmhbr1um ' Bangha m , Trans. Farad. Soc. , 33, R06 (1937).

© 1958 Nature Publishing Group

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