Wholesale FBA SC Training Contract

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Ecommerce Success Pakistan Pvt Ltd is termed as ESP in this contract.

I, _____________________ S/O, W/O __________________________ holder of

CNIC/NICOP/Passport # ______________, resident
of______________________________________ (termed as “Student” in this
contract) to act as an student in ESP Amazon Wholesale FBA Success Camp, and
hereby is fully agreed and consented that:

This contract is made specifically for Amazon Wholesale FBA business training
through ESP’s Success CampTM.

1. Amazon Wholesale FBA is a standard business like any other business.

Hence, ESP does NOT offer any Guarantee for Revenues, Profits, or targetted
2. This training is completely for Amazon Wholesale FBA, no other business
modules are included in this training.
3. In case of the loss in any specific product, it is usually a few percent as you
sell the product on either break even or by taking minor damage. ESP will not
be responsible for any losses or damages of the Student.
4. This contract is valid for 12 months from the date of signature by both
5. ESP will NOT train any person brought or referred by the Student except the
student himself/herself.
6. Wholesale FBA is pretty much a safe business to do on Amazon, and ESP
trains by adhering to the Amazon Seller Code of Conduct and Policies.
However, God forbids, if for any reason, Amazon suspends the Student’s own
or his/her client’s seller account, ESP cannot be held liable.
7. ESP does not offer account reinstatement services. However, ESP may
suggest options to get the account reinstated. ESP cannot write appeals or
plan of actions for the students, NOR ESP can review or proofread the
8. The Student is responsible for the fee. No Markup or Interest-based Loans
are accepted. In any circumstances, ESP does NOT work on Interest or
Markup based Loans; hence, ESP will NOT be able to take this kind of funding
from the Student.
9. ESP does NOT manage or handle bookkeeping, year-end income tax, sales
tax, or VAT returns for the Student. This will remain the Student’s
responsibility. ESP guides students for the sales tax or VAT registration
10.Students are NOT allowed to share any of the training material, videos, text,
documents, SOPs, discussions, chat messages, etc with anyone publicly or
privately without prior written consent of ESP.
11.This Wholesale FBA Success Camp is training ONLY. ESP does not offer any
products, Amazon Seller accounts, suppliers list, or anything other than the
actual training material.
12.The Student understands the terms listed in this agreement and agrees to
enter this contract with his/her free-will without force or influence.
13.Once this agreement is signed and the initial training fee of PKR 55,000/-
(fifty-Five Thousand Rupees) paid, ESP will provide the student with the
training material. And guidance for starting the Wholesale FBA business. Live
session dates and times will be announced in the SC Facebook and other
announcement groups.
14.The Student understands that this is regular business training like any other,
and establishing your business may take time. It is not a “Get Rich Quick”
scheme. Hence, no profit guarantees are offered by ESP.
15.The one-time fee is Rs.55,000/- in Pakistani Rupees, non-refundable. Will
need to be paid upfront and in full.
16.The Student will submit his/her photo ID, along with this signed contract. The
photo id can be the Passport or CNIC/NICOP.
17.The lifetime support term is stated as provided lifetime support through
specific students’ groups on Facebook. Mentorship by the ESP trainer(s)
remains for one year only.
18.The term Hands-On learning means here that ESP offers on screen training
on Amazon’s public website where login credentials are not required. For
example; product analysis, brand and distributor research, communication,
etc. ESP does train for everything else in seller central like creating listings,
shipments, price automation, etc. However, students can request an
exclusive session on the first shipment creation on his/her own seller
19.ESP reserves the right to terminate all his/her training access if ESP finds the
student not actively learning or violating any of the terms listed in this
20. Recording access will remains with you for the duration of 3 months.(from joining
I, __________________________ with my free will and consent, am ready to join the ESP
Wholesale FBA Success Camp Training Program.

“The Student”
Signature ____________ (as per CNIC or Passport)
Contact Number ___________________ (write with country code please)
Date ___________________

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