Positive Psychology - PSY409 Fall 2008 Assignment 02

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(PSY 409)
FALL 2008

Total Marks: 10 Quiz .01

This quiz comprises of 10 multiple choice questions each carries 1 mark.

Read carefully and choose only one correct answer for each given question.
Multiple answers will result in “0” marks.

1. Which of the following is linked with future dimension of positive


A. Happiness, joy, flow, etc.

B. Hope and optimism
C. Well-being, contentment, and satisfaction
D. Wisdom, courage, religiosity

2. To cure mental illness was the ______________.

A. First early mission of psychology

B. Second early mission of psychology
C. Third early mission of psychology
D. Fourth early mission of psychology

3. Who provided the label of Positive Psychology?

A. Abraham Maslow
B. Snyder
C. Albert Bandura
D. Seligman

4. According to the philosophers of early Middle Ages true happiness


A. Is closeness to God
B. Can be achieved through self knowledge
C. Is found in the message and life of Jesus
D. Can be achieved through competition and personal achievement

5. According to Individualistic cultures, what is happiness?

A. Is closeness to God
B. Can be achieved through self knowledge
C. Is found in the message and life of Jesus
D. Can be achieved through competition and personal achievement
(PSY 409)
FALL 2008

Total Marks: 10 Quiz .01

6. Which of the following theme was NOT included in Clifton Strengths Finder

A. Consistency
B. Discipline
C. Ideation
D. Honesty

7. A person’s immediate, physiological response to a stimulus is


A. Emotion
B. Happiness
C. Affect
D. Satisfaction

8. Which of the following expert is considered as pioneer in the examination of

positive emotions?

A. Bradburn
B. Isen
C. Watson
D. Anna Clark

9. Which one of the following is NOT the type of happiness according to the
division of Seligman?

A. The pleasant life

B. The good life
C. The meaningful life
D. The social life

10. Traits of happy people are that they demonstrate all of those given below

A. Less hostile and abusive

B. Less vulnerable to disease
C. More self- focused
D. More loving, forgiving, trusting, energetic, decisive, creative, sociable,
and helpful
(PSY 409)
FALL 2008

Total Marks: 10 Quiz .01

To attempt a quiz, you are advised to submit your solution files (word documents) in
the following shape / form.

Q No. Selected Option


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