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Garry Oker (DRFN) & Sabrina Brooks (SD60)

May 5, 2023, 2-2:45 pm, North Peace Secondary

It all began a year ago at the Everything is Connected conference in Victoria that brought
together elders and leaders in indigenous and music education. Garry performed “Tsuu Na
Yah”, and Sabrina realized she could transcribe it for her band and elementary music students,
so she did. Garry loved the idea of having kids singing and speaking in the Beaver language,
and invited her students to join in the opening ceremonies for the Naache Commons across the
street from Ma Murray school, part of the Doig River First Nation getting land back.

The song became a vehicle to tell the story of how our local Dene Zaa people who lived on this
land for thousands of years were kicked out by settlers, split up, and given lesser land far away.
Conversations were had with students K-6 about how important urban reserves like Naache
Commons are. These songs also opened up conversations about what the word “reconciliation”
even means for a generation who never caused the original pain but live in a world where its
effects are felt. “What is my role?” we may ask, and the answers become apparent through
song. Tsuu nah yah (please be kind). Uujo sah wohnt je (speak good about me).

The whole school walked across the street that day in June and drummed, played ukuleles and
most importantly sang Tsuu Nah Yah. Many elders said it was “the best part” of that day, and
that success lead to Garry and Sabrina being tasked by the joint SD60/DRFN Heritage and
Language Committee to write another 10 songs to bring the Beaver language and culture to life
for our students through music. Join us today as we share the process and progress we have
made. Please take these songs and words back to your school communities and share them.
All songs in this document have Beaver words phonetically for
pronunciation purposes.

Garry’s Songs with proper Spelling and Translations

Tsúunayéh - you are kind
Tsúuyéhe - kind person
Jé̲ aa úunayé̲ ? - What is you name
Garry (laa) úuhshé - My name is Garry
Jaa haanach’e? - How are you
Juu d̲z̲enę́ - Today
Sęnę́ hjígé aawanadlaaʔ - You make me happy
Haa jii nááchę́nę nanéʔ alę lǫ - This is the dreamer’s land
Úujǫ jii dane káanatah - Lit: Good this person you are looking
Haa méh káanatah k’e̲ maah dzę́ʔ - Lit: With it looking sacred
Ké̲ wǫ́ ’áah - Find it!
Úujǫ saa wǫje̲ - speak good for me

Learn more Beaver:
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