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I think we can all agree with been a little bit of a weird experience for all of us. Whether we have done this kind of
thing before, it’s all surrounded by new people, a new teacher, and new information. Since this is my first year going
into college in the fall, I did not know what to expect from a real college course. The course started out how i would
have expected for a history course to start, but then when our professor mentioned a big project that’s where I kind of
lost it. In the beginning there wasn’t much guidance for creativity reasons and quote honestly, I felt very lost. My
friend is also taking this course and we both were just so confused trying to see what we were “supposed” to be
doing. There was no confirmation if we were doing the right thing or choosing the right topic. Of course, I realized
there is no right topic because everyone lives and has a different experience. I was also very nervous to make this
presentation because I am not good at speaking with audiences but over the weeks the collective videos have watch
about public speaking allow me to have my thought and ideas in a clear and organized manner. One of the reasons I
felt more lost than others was because I really did not know anything about Africa, so i was thinking how can I do a
project Africa if i know the least about it. I didn’t have a deep connection or even know any family and barely some
friends from Africa. Everyone else taking this course seemed to have some kind of relation to Africa. The first few
beginning weeks were the most confusing because I struggled with those. I couldn’t see why doing the map or the
other activities were going to help us come up with a whole presentation. Recently, I have been able to see how
these things tied up together and they connected like pieces of a puzzle. I have such an easier time talking about
Africa because I’m more informed and somehow all of those activities we did actually helped with put together my
project. Even though I’m not entirely sure if my end result is exactly what the professor is looking for, but I feel
confident within myself that I have discovered something new that has now connected Africa and I. Now, if someone
were to ever ask anything about Africa, I would feel the first to jump into that conversation and pour out all of the
knowledge I have received.


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