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English language

Communicative Domain.
I. Assessment of Communicative Language Competences. Reading Comprehension - 30 points.

Read the text and complete the tasks that follow.


In the sixteenth century, an age of great marine and terrestrial exploration, Ferdinand Magellan led the first
expedition to sail around the world. As a young Portuguese noble, he served the king of Portugal, but he
became involved in the quagmire of political intrigue at court and lost the king's favor. After he was
dismissed from service to the king of Portugal, he offered to serve the future Emperor Charles V of Spain.

A papal decree of 1493 had assigned all land in the New World west of 50 degrees W longitude to Spain
and all the land east of that line to Portugal. Magellan offered to prove that the East Indies fell under
Spanish authority. On September 20, 1519, Magellan set sail from Spain with five ships. More than a year
later, one of these ships was exploring the topography of South America in search of a water route across
the continent. This ship sank, but the remaining four ships searched along the southern peninsula of South
America. Finally they found the passage they sought near a latitude of 50 degrees S. Magellan named this
passage the Strait of All Saints, but today we know it as the Strait of Magellan.

One ship deserted while in this passage and returned to Spain, so fewer sailors were privileged to gaze at
that first panorama of the Pacific Ocean. Those who remained crossed the meridian we now call the
International Date Line in the early spring of 1521 after ninety-eight days on the Pacific Ocean. During
those long days at sea, many of Magellan's men died of starvation and disease.

Later Magellan became involved in an insular conflict in the Philippines and was killed in a tribal battle.
Only one ship and seventeen sailors under the command of the Basque navigator Elcano survived to
complete the westward journey to Spain and thus prove once and for all that the world is round, with no
precipice at the edge.

Test produs de prof. Limba Engleza Chiperi Natalia in baza mostrei elaborate de catre Agenţia Națională
pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare care o puteti accesa prin qr codul de mai sus
No. Items Score
I. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete the 4 points

1. The extended hunger and disease strike resulted in … for the remaining A A
crew. 0 0
a. perishing on the sea; 1 1
b. swift recovery;
c. insurgency on the board of the ship.

2. The original goal of the sail was … . A A

a. to discover new land; 0 0
b. to prove the king a fool; 1 1
c. to prove the authority of Spain to the claimed land.

3. After a year of sale one of the ships was searching the coast of
South America in search of … . A A
a. a waterway across continent; 0 0
b. a waterfall at the end of the world; 1 1
c. a city made of gold seen from ashore;

4. Magellan offered servitude to the future emperor after he was … . A A

a. on the brink of death; 0 0
b. on his dying bed; 1 1
c. no longer serving the former king;

II. In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter 2 points
corresponding to the correct variant.

1. The word “precipice” in the text means: A A

a. crevice; 0 0
b. cut off point; 1 1
c. sheer drop.

2. The word “quagmire” is closest in meaning to: A A

a. predicament; 0 0
b. entanglement ; 1 1
c. staging.

III. Answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers from the text. 4 points

1. What event prompted Magellan to set sail? A A

__________________________________________________ 0 0
2. How many ships left for the journey at the beginning? 1 1
__________________________________________________ 2 2
3 3
3. When Magellan was dismissed by the king, which title did he lose?
4 4
4. How did the men of Magellan name the passage today we know as the
International Date Line?
IV. Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below. One 4 points
is extra.

1. Magellan offered to the emperor a. no heresy like a flat world existed. A A

0 0
2. Completing the journey the b. a malicious political involvement. 1 1
sailors that were left c. to travel to the lands given 2 2
proved that to the Portugal Empire. 3 3
3. Young Magellan was stripped of d. an affair with the lady the 4 4
the title of nobleman because of emperor was interested in.

4. Many of the Magellan’s men e. could not withstand the harsh of

the sea and perished along the way.

1 2 3 4

V. Identify if the statements are true or false. Circle the letter corresponding to 6 points
the correct variant. Justify the answer by quoting the text and write it on the
lines below.

1. The job of exploring the world was enforced on Magellan by the late A A
emperor to redeem himself. 0 0
a. True b. False 1 1
___________________________________________________________ 2 2

2. The tribesmen offered kind welcoming and supplies to the sailors.

a. True b. False 0 0
___________________________________________________________ 1 1
___________________________________________________________ 2 2

3. Spain and Portugal maritime Empires have had the uncharted lands claimed
by the papal authority. A A
a. True b. False 0 0
___________________________________________________________ 1 1
___________________________________________________________ 2 2
VI. Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in the 8 points
table with the letter corresponding to the correct variant (A, B, …).

A. The early days of sir Magellan as a nobleman. A A

B. Offering of servitude to explore the land of the sea. 0 0
C. The far-fetched end of days of the explorator. 2 2
D. The crossing of the continent as disease struck the crew members. 4 4
6 6
8 8
1 2 3 4

… … … …

VII. What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the 2 points
correct variant.

a. The era of great exploration has given birth to legends such as of Magellan. A A
b. The quest to prove the usefulness to the emperor has led to remarkable 0 0
discoveries of world geography. 2 2
c. Although Magellan was the head of the sail he had great men backing
him up on the journey to whom he owes his name today.

II. Assessment of Communicative Language Competences. Written Production - 40 points.

Write a 180-200-word text according to the given task.

I. Item 40 points

You have recently attended a lecture entitled ”Human activity is making the earth a
worse place to live”.
Your teacher has asked you to write an essay discussing how the earth is being
harmed by human activities.
When writing your essay, consider the following:
1. Describe what human activities destroy nature;
2. Present the pros and cons of human activity which has reshaped our earth.
3. Provide two examples from experiences, readings, etc. to support your
4. Express your opinion whether human being harmed the earth or made it a
better place;
5. Justify your opinion on the impact of human activities on the environment.
Follow the structure of an essay: introduction, body, conclusion.
__________________________________________________________________ A A
0 0
1 1
0 0
__________________________________________________________________ 2 2
__________________________________________________________________ 4 4
__________________________________________________________________ 0 0
3 3
__________________________________________________________________ 6 6
__________________________________________________________________ 0 0
__________________________________________________________________ 2 2
4 4
__________________________________________________________________ 0 0
2 2
__________________________________________________________________ 0 0
3 3
__________________________________________________________________ 0 0
1 1
__________________________________________________________________ 2 2
__________________________________________________________________ 3 3

__________________________________________________________________ 0 0
__________________________________________________________________ 1 1

__________________________________________________________________ 0 0
1 1
2 2
__________________________________________________________________ 3 3
4 4
5 5
__________________________________________________________________ 6 6
0 0
__________________________________________________________________ 1 1
2 2
3 3
__________________________________________________________________ 4 4
5 5
6 6
0 0
1 1
__________________________________________________________________ 2 2
3 3
4 4

Cultural Domain.
III. Assessment of Pluri/intercultural and Communicative Language Competences. Written
Production - 30 points.

Write a 90-100-word text according to the given task.

I. Item 30 points
The School Council has asked you to write an article about an exciting event which
takes place in every English-speaking country throughout the year.
Consider the following:
1. Present the event ;
2. Describe the event;
3. Explain the reason of organizing the event;
4. Express your attitude towards it.
Write an article, following the structure: title, introduction, body, conclusion.
Access the link to find out more about events and holidays in English-speaking
__________________________________________________________________ A A
0 0
__________________________________________________________________ 1 1
0 0
__________________________________________________________________ 1 1
0 0
__________________________________________________________________ 3 3
__________________________________________________________________ 6 6

__________________________________________________________________ 0 0
__________________________________________________________________ 2 2
4 4
__________________________________________________________________ 0 0
2 2
__________________________________________________________________ 4 4
0 0
__________________________________________________________________ 1 1
__________________________________________________________________ 2 2

__________________________________________________________________ 0 0
__________________________________________________________________ 1 1
2 2
__________________________________________________________________ 3 3
__________________________________________________________________ 4 4
5 5
__________________________________________________________________ 0 0
1 1
__________________________________________________________________ 2 2
__________________________________________________________________ 3 3
4 4
__________________________________________________________________ 0 0
1 1
__________________________________________________________________ 2 2
3 3

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