The Skin

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The skin consists of two parts, an outer epidermis and the dermis which underlies it.

THE EPIDERMIS The epidermis is a keratinized stratified squamous epithelium consisting of four distinct cell types and five distinct layers. It thickness varies: 0.07-0.12 mm over most of the body to 0.8 mm on the palms and 1.4 mm on the soles. Its surface layer, consisting of dead cells, is rich in keratin, a protein which renders it dry and more or less waterproof, thus resisting surface evaporation and preventing excessive water loss. It also serves as a protective barrier against ultra-violet light, bacteria, many chemicals and abrasion. The epidermal cells are: - 1 - the keratinocytes: compose most of the epidermis. They produce a protein: the keratin that helps waterproof the skin and that protects the skin and the underlying tissues from heat, microbes, abrasion and chemicals. - 2 - the Merkel cells: sensory receptors (touch). They associate with a disclike sensory nerve ending to form the Merkel disc. - 3 - the melanocytes: synthesize the melanin pigments which protect the skin against ultraviolet damage. - 4 - the Langerhans cells: macrophages used in the defense against microorganisms. The epidermis consists of several layers of cells. From the deepest to the most superficial we have: - 1 - the stratum basale (or stratum germinativum): is the deepest epidermal layer. It consists of one row of cuboidal to columnar shaped cells. Those cells are mostly stem cells that divide rapidly to produce new keratinocytes which push up toward the surface and become part of the more superficial layers (You can understand why this layer is called "germinativum": it "germinates" cells). Ten to 25% of cells found here are melanocytes: their long branching processes extend in between epidermal cells and reach into the more superficial Stratum spinosum. Melanocytes that synthesize the pigment melanin. Melanin passes on from the melanocytes into

the keratinocytes and will protect them from the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation. Merkel cells are also found in this layer. - 2 - the stratum spinosum: is 8-10 layers thick. The keratinocytes contain thick bundles of intermediate filaments (tonofilaments) made of a tension-resisting protein. Histological preparations shrink these cells and make them look prickly hence the name of this layer: spinosum (little spine). Scattered amongst keratinocytes are the Langerhans'cells that are most abundant in this layer. Stratum germinativum and stratum spinosum are immediately adjacent to the dermis and thus, contain the only epidermal cells that receive adequate nourishment (by diffusion of nutrients from the dermis). As the daughter cells are pushed upward, away from the source of nutrition, they gradually die and their soft protoplasm becomes keratinized (hard). - 3 - the stratum granulosum: here the keratinization process begins and the cells begin to die. This layer is called granulosum because the cells contain granules of the precursor of keratine. - 4 - the stratum lucidum is only found in thickened areas of the epidermis such as the sole of the feet. The cells appear clear (hence lucidum in their name: luci means clear) because of an accumulation of keratin precursor. The cells begin to degenerate. - 5 - the stratum corneum: is the outermost layer composed of dead, flat, keratinized cells which are being sloughed off (they are your dandruff and the flakes that slouch off dry skin. Corneum means horn: hard dead cells. An easy trick to remember these 5 epidermal layers in order from the most superficial to the deepest: "Can Little Girls Speak German" (given by Lizzy and Jamie - L01 1997)
Can Corneum Little Lucidum GiRl GRanulosum SPeak SPinosum GERMan GERMinativum

THE DERMIS The average thickness of the dermis is about 1 to 2 mm and varies from 0.6 mm on the eyelids to 3 mm or more on the soles and palms. It contains lots of nerve fibers,

sensory receptors, blood and lymphatic vessels as well as the hair follicles, and the sebaceous and sweat glands. The dermis consists of two layers: - 1 - the Papillary layer is the outer layer closest to the epidermis. It is composed of areolar loose connective tissue proper. Its superior region contains fingerlike projections called dermal papillae (also give the layer its name: papillary) that indent the epidermis. Dermal papillae contain capillaries, bare nerve endings (pain receptors), Meisner corpuscles (touch receptors: make us feel light touching) and the disclike sensory nerve endings of the Merkel disks. - 2 - the Reticular layer is the deeper layer and the thickest (4/5th of the dermis). It is made of dense irregular connective tissue proper containing thick bundles of interlacing collagen fibers and some coarse elastic fibers that run in several directions (but mostly in directions that are parallel to the skin surface). The collagen fibers in the reticular region provides the skin with strength and extensibility (= ability to stretch) and elastic fibers provide its elasticity (= ability to return to the original shape after stretching). The reticular layer is richly supplied with blood vessels and nerves, and contains sensory endings for touch (Pacinian corpuscle for sensing deep pressure such as bumps), pain, heat, cold, etc. The epidermis projects down into the dermis to form sweat glands, sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

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