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Stay Connected In The Quarantine

Fist, Let’s see what the current pandemic situation in the world is. This is not
the first time that people face such a situation like this. According to the Jeffrey (2005),
Coronavirus first characterized in 1960s. Coronavirus is the family term of a virus series
and COVID-19 is a affiliate of it as well. As the world Health Organization mentions,
back in the day in 2002 people had to face a coronavirus named SARS (Severe acute
respiratory syndrome) and that was diseased in China at the very beginning and it
affected 26 countries around the world. SARS virus also was same as the COVID-19
because humans get infected by the animals and then, the infection increases by the
humans. Anyhow they managed to breakdown the virus and restore every situation
reported back in the day. So, as we all know viruses are very small and they are in the
microscopic level. Even though they are small in size, they can destroy a whole world.
COVID-19 is mainly infecting for the human breathing system. In the initial stage it
doesn’t show any symptoms to the outside and the infection is growing inside the body.
After about a week, the symptoms of a normal cold getting to be appeared. But even
before the patient is getting the symptoms, he/she is starting to spread the virus around
themselves without knowing anyone. So, every object and every place they are travelling
getting infected this virus eventually. To prevent this situation, we really need to
maintain the social distance with each other. But when the people are maintaining the
social distance, there are some upcoming problems such as communication problems. If
the communication was a problem and people couldn’t communicate properly, then their
day to day works will be breakup.
As human beings, we all need to communicate with each other’s to justify our
day to day essentials and requirements. But when it comes to the administration level,
the communication requirement is very important, and it should be more effective for a
better supervision. As examples, A company needs to interconnect with their employees,
coworkers, partners, customers, And other non-employees. And they also have Inter
communications between them. For this they must preserve the eye Contacts,
terminologies, and facial activities. Not only for their company processes. People use the
communication to communicate with each other’s. that could be in the family or in the
relationship or else to get a service. Because of this if the communication systems fallen
down the entire system could be deteriorating because of the pessimism of the
communication. But what if all the communication systems are getting failed because of
one common controversial issue such as coronavirus and everyone must be done their
jobs in the concept of stay at home and work from home. For this matter we must
make some fluctuations in our lifestyle, communication styles and communication
methods as well. If we can't get connected with the social physically, we can use online
communication methods such as Facebook, Skype, blue jeans, Microsoft Teams and
software such that. Even though we can’t get connected with substantially, we can
accomplish our further requirements such as eye Contacts and facial expressions.
So, how can we maintain the social distance and do our day to day activities and
keep the Business / professional environment as usual? First, we need to have a proper
online monitoring system and best research facilities. As I mentioned before we have
many varieties of online platforms to continue our professional environment. Even though
most plat forms are free, there are some platforms which are trying to find a revenue
by misusing the current situation of the world. Those people are selling their platforms
other than giving them free at least within this period. When considering the Sri Lanka,
we also had the same situation such that some mobile network companies tried to cheat
our mobile data and charge more fees for their services. However, all the mobile
networks had to stop their unreasonable charges due to a partition of the customers. So,
when considering this scenario, this problem came up because those mobile network
companies failed to understand the situations of their customers and fulfill the
requirements. Like that there could be many kinds of problem when it’s comes to the
lack of communication. After the petition, they managed to give free talk times, data
and stepped to reduce their fees for the services. According to my point of view, they
could protect their brand name and had to be respectful at the beginning if they were
able to understand their customers and fulfilled their requirements as followed.
But this situation can be differing according the category of that relevant company
or service. As example, let’s consider a company such as Google or Microsoft. Those
companies I mentioned before are located in USA. Even though coronavirus went
through USA, American didn’t care about the virus and they totally underestimate the
affection. Because of that, their situation because worst day by day. They started to
think about the situation after the scenario is got worst. According to the “WHO”
records, the death rate of USA is getting a value around 37% and the recovery rate as

But as responsible companies could have understood the situation by communicate with
their employees and give them some reliefs. If they could get that action, the trustiness
of the employees also could be increased about their companies. But with those
experiences’ employees could be disappointed about their working place or company.
when the companies considering about their health status of employees, it will drive
them to have a satisfaction about there working places or companies. because of this
they're getting a self-motivation to continue their jobs even they are staying at home.
then the Companies should follow the communication methods such as Facebook, emails,
company Internet and etc. To show the Corporation for their company employees as a
responsible company, it's better if company could provide Internet facilities for the
employees as an encouragement to work from home. Even though those methods are
little bit expensive, it's better for the health environments of the employees and maintain
the social distance. as well as this activity will be a guidance for other corresponding
And other consumer level companies and service providers also should follow the
same procedure for the employees. And also, they should display the respect for the
customers. Especially service providers should give some relifes for their customers Such
as canceling the fees, canceling the installments for some particular time period and
decrease the service charges. And also, they should focus on empathy rather than trying
to create selling opportunities. As well as Companies should rethink advertising and
promotion approaches to be more in line through the existing zeitgeist. As I mentioned
before, telecommunication companies in a country should not wait Until their customers
raise their voices against them to show their empathy and cooperation towards
themselves. If they could be very grateful for the society at the very beginning, they
also have a chance to conquest the hearts of the society and earn the trust among the
people. As well as companies should communicate with their employees and customers
regularly to update them regarding the situations at that moment. there should be totally
transparent when they are communicating with the people and should be explain what is
going on without hiding the information. As responsible companies, everyone should be
following that rule. Not only communicating among the people, they should help people
in financially because everyone's financial status has fallen down in this time period
because they don't have any income methods. when helping as financially, that doesn't
mean to give money for the people. that means they should help people with buying
foods, medicines, essentials, and etc.
As you can see COVID-19 is not just a simple thing . according to the statistics
of world Health Organization this situation has affected all around the world without
considering the levels of the society . to prevent this situation and restore the world
back to normal we should give the best support as we can. As companies and
organizations , they should help the world at their level to save the people from this
pandemic rather than trying to promote them themselves and sell their products among
the people. and also they should follow the international virus prevention rules by
preparing a proper environment for the employees to maintain the social distance and
slow down there spreading rate of the virus .

1. Jeffrey, S.(2005). History and Recent Advances in Coronavirus Discovery. Retrieved


2. Coronavirus Cases. Retrieved from

3. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Retrieved from

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