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Grade and group:
Date: _______________________.

My Favorite Things
My name is ___________________________________________________ .
I'm ________ years old.

My favorite My favorite My favorite

place is: animal is: person is:

(Draw a picture)


My favorite hobby My favorite

is: music is:

My favorite My favorite color is:

food/snack is:

My favorite subject in
school is:

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Classroom language
Greetings and good manners
Hi. / Hello.
Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
Good bye.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Asking for permission:
May I come in?
May I go to the restroom?
Can I stand up?
Can I borrow a _______?
What is _______?
How do you say _______?
Can you repeat the instructions?
Can you help me?
I don't understand.
Can you check my work?
I'm done./ Not, yet.

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Teacher instructions
Open your books, please.

underline circle paste

school happy

cut match answer

1. My name is... a. a cat. Q. How old are you?
2. I'm from... b. Paola. A: I'm 13 years old.
3. I have ... c. Mexicali.

listen look read

write get in line sit down

raise your work in work in

hand pairs teams

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Classroom objects
Cut and paste the names of the objects under the correct picture.

Dict ual


scissors pencil case trash can eraser boarder

bilingual ruller notebook
desk light switch dictionary
stapler backpack pen pencil books

glue stick sharpener crayons colored pencils colored pencils

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.
The alphabet
1. Listen and repeat.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn

Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu

Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

2. Listen to your teacher, and circle the letter you hear.

1. Cc Ss 4 Aa Ee 7. Tt Pp

2. Kk Qq 5. Ii Aa 8. Pp Bb

3. Xx Ss 6. Jj Gg 9. Mm Nn

3. Listen and write the 6 words in your notebook.

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

1. Look at the numbers and study them.
1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty - one 40 forty
2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty - two 50 fifty
3 three 13 thirteen 23 twenty - three 60 sixty
4 four 14 fourteen 24 twenty - four 70 seventy
5 five 15 fifteen 25 twenty - five 80 eighty
6 six 16 sixteen 26 twenty - six 90 ninety
7 seven 17 seventeen 27 twenty - seven 100 one hundred
8 eight 18 eighteen 28 twenty - eight 1,000 one thousand
9 nine 19 nineteen 29 twenty - nine 1,000,000 one million
10 ten 20 twenty 30 thirty 1,000,000,000 one billion

2. Write the numbers in words.

5 ______________________________________________________________

13 _________________________________________________________

18 _________________________________________________________

25 ________________________________________________________

36 _________________________________________________________

41 _________________________________________________________

53 _________________________________________________________

64 ________________________________________________________

79 _________________________________________________________

87 _________________________________________________________

98 ________________________________________________________

110 ________________________________________________________

744 _______________________________________________________

527 _______________________________________________________

251 ________________________________________________________
Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.
Getting to know your classmates
1. Practice the conversation.

What's your name? My name is Miguel Gomez .

How old are you? I'm 13 years old.

Where are you from? I'm from Rosarito, Baja

What's your phone number? It's 661-23-45-67.
What's your favorite color? My favorite color is blue.

2. Interview your classmates and complete the chart.

What's your telephone What's your favorite
No, What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from?
number? color?


Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

The Verb Be
1. Look at the information about the verb Be.

Use the verb be to express:

Name occupation age country/ state of place

nationality being
"I am "I am a "I am 12 "I am from "I am "I am in
student." years old." Mexico. I am happy." school."

Verb be 2. Complete the sentences with the verb be.

1 2 3
I am

You are She __ a doctor. We ___ Mexican I ___ Carlos.

He is 4 5 6

She is
They ___ teens. It __ at the park. I __ bored.
It is
7 8 9
We are

They are He __ a teacher. It __ Japanese

You __ home.

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

The Verb Be: affirmative and negative sentences
Affirmative form Negative form

I am I'm I am not I'm not

You are You're You are not You aren't

He is He's He is not He isn't

She is She's She is not She isn't

It is It's It is not It isn't

We are We're We are We aren't

They are They're They are not They aren't

Complete column A with he affirmative form the verb be, and column B with the negative form.

A 's
1. He___ a friend. B isn't a friend.
1. He ______
2. They ____ Mexican. 2. They ________ Mexican.
3. I ____ hungry. 3. I ________ hungry.
4. It ____ a blue crayon. 4. It ________ a blue crayon.
5. We ____ at the park. 5. We ________ at the park.
6. You ____ sad. 6. You ________ sad.
7. She ____ 15 years old. 7. She ________ 15 years old.
8. They ____ at home. 8. They ________ at home.
9. It ____ a good movie. 9. It ________ a good movie.
10. I ____ a student. 10. I ________ a student.
11. We ____ from Canada. 11. We ________ from Canada.
12. He ____ at the beach. 12. He ________ at the beach.
13. She ____ playing soccer. 13. She ________ playing soccer.
14. You ____ my teacher. 14. You _______ my teacher.
15. It ____ my favorite song. 15. It ________ my favorite song.
Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.
Verb be: Short questions and answers
1. Look at the information.
Questions Answers
Yes No
Am I home? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.

Are you happy? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

Is he a teacher? Yes. he is. No, he isn't.

Is she a doctor? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.

Is it at the park? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

Are we students? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.

Are they teens? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

2. Complete the questions and answers with the verb be.

Questions Answers
1. ______ she your mom? Yes, she _______.
2. ______ he from Sonora? No, he ________.
3. ______ it a good school? Yes, it ________.
4. ______ they bored? No, they ______.
5. ______ you in this class? No, I _________.

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

6. ______ we friends? Yes, we _______.
7. ______ I in your team? Yes, you ______.
8. ______ it my book? No, it _________.
9. ______ you from Mexicali? Yes, I _________.
10. ______ Sofia a soccer player? No, she _______.
11. ______ Pedro happy? Yes, he _______.
12. ______ the cat hungry? Yes, it ________.
______ the students working? Yes, they ______.
______ the car blue? No, it __________.
______ you in the right place? Yes, we ________.
Verb be: conversation practice
1. Practice the conversations orally. Don't write the answers.

1 2
__. _____ we in
o , I _____
N a. the same
_ Dian I ____ in
Are you I __ _
group class?
Ana? 3A Yes
____ we

3 4
____ it your No, it
phone _______. hey
number? ____ t Yes, they
your _______.

5 ___ you 6
interested e
Yes, I
in art? _____ you No, w _. We
American? ______ Can _____

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Personal preferences
Add 3 things to each space that are true for you.

I love...

I like...

I don't mind...

I don't like...

I hate...

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Bingo about likes and dislikes
Interview your classmates. When a student answers "Yes, I do." write their name in the box.
Say "bingo!" when you complete all the boxes.

"Yes, I do." "Do you like...?"

"No, I don't." "What's your name?"

Do you like Do you like

Do you like Do you like Do you like
going to going to
pizza? rock music? playing soccer?
Fiestas del Sol? school?

Do you like Do you like Do you like Do you like Do you like
Mexicali? pozole? reading? swimming? cats?

Do you like Do you like Do you like Do you like Do you like
taking Mexican Chinese food? cold weather? hot weather?
pictures? traditions?

Do you like Do you like Do you like Do you like Do you like
playing video dancing? going to the listening to chatting online?
games? movies? music?

1. Image taken from:

2. Image taken and adapted from:
3. Image taken from

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Present tense
1. Look at the information.
Affirmative form Negative form

I like I don't like

You like You don't like

He likes He doesn't like

She likes pizza. She doesn't like sushi.

It likes It doesn't like

We like We don't like

They like They don't like

2. Complete the sentences the affirmative and negative sentences.

1. I __________ visiting my grandparents. (like)
2. She _____________ hamsters. (not/like)
3. We ________ hanging out with friends (love).
4. He _________ doing exercise. (not/mind)
5. They ________ washing dishes. (hate)
6. I ____________ to English class. (go)
7. You __________ fantasy book. (not/read)
8. It __________ dog food. (dislike)
9. He _________ Mexican traditions. (celebrate) hang out with friends
10. We __________ doing homework. (not/mind)
11. She _________ stories. (not/write)
12. Karla __________ Hawaiian pizza. (prefer)
13. Marcos ________ guitar. (not/play)
14. Elisa and I ___________ lunch at school. (eat) wash dishes
15. My friend ___________ to music every day. (listen)
Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.
Reading: Find-a-friend
1. Discuss:
Do you like making new friends?
Do you prefer a lot of friends or a few very good friends?

2. Look for this information in the text:

Who has a pet? Who loves to cook? Who is 12 years old?

classroom Findafriend


Hello everybody. My name is Jessica and I’m 13 years old. I don’t like
playing sports, but I like running at the park. I love reading fantasy books,
and I also like listening to music and watching movies. I chat online with
my friends everyday. I looove food, but I hate vegetables . 😤
How's it going? I'm Marcus. I’m 14 years old. I love all sports, but my
favorite sport is football. I want to be a professional football player. I like
going to school and hanging out with my friends. At home, I like listening
to music and playing video games. I have a dog, his name is Milo.

Hi, I'm Amy. I'm 13 years old, and I live with my mom, dad and baby sister. I
love cooking dinner with my mom, and I usually don't mind washing the
dishes after . I am on the volleyball team at school. My hobby is
painting. My favorite painters are Frida Kahlo and Vincent Van Gogh.

Hey everyone! My name is Maximiliano, but my friends call me Max. I'm 12

years old. I like to make new friends. My hobbies are playing bass guitar
and listening to rock music. I don't play sports, but I like to watch soccer
games on TV. My favorite color is green, and my favorite food is

3. Who would you like to be friends with? Why?

4. Write your own profile for the website find-a-friend.

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Everyday Activities

sleep wake up take a shower brush my teeth get dressed brush my hair

do exercise drink water eat cook relax hang out with


take care of go grocery

the baby shopping clean do laundry iron clothes make the bed

feed the pet wash dishes go to school do homework study work

read chat online play video listen to music play an

games instrument take a picture

watch a movie drive ride a bike run walk play sports

What activities do you do every day?

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.
Present tense: affirmative form
1. Look at the information.

Adding -s- to verbs

verb + s verb + es

love-loves watch-watches
read - reads wash-washes
eat-eats relax- relaxes
play - plays

irregular y --> ies


do - does study - studies

go - goes cry- cries
have -has

2. Complete the sentences. Add -s- to the verb if necessary.

1. I __________ my grandparents on Sundays. (visit)
2. She _____________ hamsters. (like)
3. We ________ hanging out with friends (love).
4. He _________ exercise every morning. (do)
5. They ________ cleaning the house. (hate)
6. She ____________ to the beach on vacation. (go)
7. You __________ fantasy books. (read)
8. It __________ dog food. (dislike)
9. He _________ Mexican traditions. (celebrate)
10. We __________ homework every day. (do) hang out with friends
11. She _________ two sisters. (have)
12. Karla __________ English after school. (study)
13. Marcos ________ guitar at home. (play)
14. My dad ________ the dishes after dinner. (wash)
15. Elisa and I ___________ lunch at school. (eat) wash dishes
16. My friend ___________ to music every day. (listen)

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Present tense: negative form
1. Look at the information.

to t add -
he v s-

He doesn't run.
He doesn't runs.
do not = don't
does not = doesn't

2. Change the sentence to negative form.

1. I play the violin.
2. He thinks about his friends.
3. We practice soccer on Mondays and Wednesdays.
4. She watches movies at the cinema.
5. They wash the car on Sunday.
6. You drink water after physical education class.
7. It uses AA batteries. drink
8. We listen to music at home.
9. He writes the answers with a pencil.
10. She talks to her friends every day. batteries
11. They water the plants.
12. I have a skateboard.
13. Mike cleans his room in the morning.
______________________________________________________________________. water the
14. My grandma cooks delicious food. plants

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Present tense: Short questions and answers
1. Look at the information.
Questions Answers
Yes No
Do I have class? Yes, you do. No, you don't.

Do you like broccoli? Yes, I do. No, I don't.

Does he love dogs? Yes. he does. No, he doesn't.

Does she dislike math? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.

Does it work? Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.

Do we have pencils? Yes, we do. No, we don't.

Do they hate sushi? Yes, they do. No, they don't.

2. Complete the questions and answers with the verb be.

Questions Answers
1. ______ you have lots of friends? Yes, I _________.
2. ______ he play basketball? No, he ________.
3. ______ she like watching movies? Yes, she _______.

4. ______ they prefer rock music? Yes, they ______.

5. ______ I have history class next? No, you _______.

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

6. ______ we clean the classroom? Yes, we _______.

7. ______ they hate homework? No, they ______.

8. ______ he hang out with friends? Yes, he ________.

9. ______ you watch TV all day? No, I _________.

10. ______ we open the secret door? No, we _______.

11. ______ you live in Ensenada? Yes, we ______.

12. ______ the cat have food? No, it ________.

13. ______ Emma like apples? Yes, she ______.

14 ______ Alex prefer the color blue? No, he _________.

15. ______ the teacher speak Italian? No, she ________.

The Bilingual Dictionary
1. Read the information about the bilingual dictionary.

Language students use bilingual dictionaries to

learn new words. The bilingual dictionary helps
you translate words from one language to
another. Your bilingual dictionary has two
sections: an English-to-Spanish section and a
Spanish-to-English section. The words in a bilingual
dictionary are organized in alphabetical order.
A dictionary entry gives you information about a word so you can use
it correctly. This an example of dictionary entry:

pronunciation part of speech synonym

entry word
listlessness- load guide words
little /li·tl/ adj. 1. [small]
translation pequeño, poco, chico; There is a little boy on
the tree! !Hay un niño pequeño en el árbol!

As you can see, a basic dictionary entry includes the entry word, guide
words, translation, part of speech, pronunciation, synonym, and an
example. Do you use a bilingual dictionary to learn English?

2. Read the sentences. Circle T for true, or F for false.

1. You can find words in two languages in a bilingual dictionary. T F
2. The bilingual dictionary has 5 sections. T F
3. Words in a bilingual dictionary are not organized. T F
4. A dictionary entry gives you information about a word. T F
5. You can use this book to learn English. T F

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Dictionary Entry
1. Cut out the words. Then, label each part of the dictionary entry.

A dictionary entry gives you information about a word so you can use it
correctly. The words in a dictionary are organized in alphabetical order.

cheek- chin
child /chī(-ə)ld / n. 1. [kid]
niño, niña, hijo, hija; This child is is very tall. Este
niño es muy alto.

2. Write the correct part of the dictionary entry to complete the definitions.

1. _______________ is the main word in a dictionary entry.

2. _______________ consists of symbols that represent the sounds of words.

3. _______________ shows the headword in Spanish.

4. _______________ is an example using the headword.

5. _______________ help you identify the alphabetical order of the page.

6. _______________ shows the type of word: adjective (adj), noun (n.), verb (v), etc.

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

3. Organize the words in alphabetical order in your notebook..
computer - pencil - teacher - open - classroom - desk - table
student - apple - notebook - book - park - water - tree - happy
eraser - board - small - dictionary - glasses - work - Monday

pronunciation example part of speech synonym

translation guide words entry word

Using the bilingual dictionary
1. Look at the information about parts of speech.

noun (n.) adjective (adj.) verb (v.)

A noun is a name for a
An adjective A verb is a word that
person, an object, an
animal, or a place. describes a noun. expresses an action.

2. Use the bilingual dictionary to complete the chart.

3. Complete the sentences with the words from activity 2.

1. I use a ____________ to do my homework.
2. Harry potter wears ________________.
3. My sister ______________ at Walmart Supercenter.
4. I go to the ____________ to play and exercise.
5. My family decorated the Christmas ___________.
6. My dog’s name is Carmelo He is a chihuahua. He is __________.
7. Students, please ____________ your books to page 76.
8. Sarah always smiles. She is ____________.
9. I use a ______________ in English class.
10. My friends always _________________ before a test.
Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.
Conversation cards
1 2 3
1. Cut out the conversation cards.
2. Shuffle the cards and put them in a pile. Who

3. Pair up and use your cards to interview each other.

What is your Where do you What type of

favorite want to go on music do you
subject? vacation? like?

Who is your When is your Do you like

best friend? birthday? rainy days?

How many
Do you have a What is your
brothers and
pet? sisters do you
have? holiday?

Who is your What is your

What is your
favorite favorite TV
actor? show?
Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.
What time do Are you from Do you think
you go to Mexicali? English class is
bed? difficult?

Do you like
Do you like Who do you
going to
scary movies? want to visit?
Conversation cards

What is your Where do you What type of

favorite want to go on music do you
subject? vacation? like?

Who is your When is your Do you like

best friend? birthday? rainy days?

How many
Do you have a What is your
brothers and
pet? sisters do you
have? holiday?

Who is your What is your

What is your
favorite favorite TV
actor? show?

What time do Are you from Do you think Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

you go to Mexicali? English class is

bed? difficult?

Do you like
Do you like Who do you
going to
scary movies? want to visit?
Places in the city
1. Look at the vocabulary for places in the city.

school museum library movie theater mall

restaurant fast food restaurant ice-cream shop café bakery

supermarket store post office bank city hall

hospital veterinarian day-care center police station fire station

park hair salon/barber auto mechanic gas station airport

shop shop

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct place.
1. I need to repair my car. Let's got to the ______________________________.
2. We need some milk, eggs, and cereal. Let's go to the ________________.
3. My dog is sick. Let's go to the _____________________.
4. There is a good movie at _________________________.Let's go on Saturday!
5. I'm hungry, let's get a burger at the __________________________________.
6. We can see the painting La Mona Lisa at the ________________________.
7. I need to go shopping for clothes. Let's go to the _____________________.
8. She needs a chemistry book. Let's go to the ___________________________.
Prepositions of place
1. Look at the vocabulary about prepositions of place.

on under in front of behind between

in above next to around through

2. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition of place.

1. The book is _______ the bed.

2. The clock is ________ the guitar.
3. The cat is _______ the pillow.
4. The bat is _________ the desk.
5. The computer is _______ the desk.
6. The guitar is _______ the clock.
7. The window is ______ the computer.
9. The stool is _________ the desk.
10. The poster is __________ the bed.
11. The picture is __________ the computer.
12. The teddy bear is __________ the trophy and the flower vase.

3. Pair up. Cover the sentences, and practice asking questions about the objects in the picture.

Where is the apple?

It's on the desk.

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Visiting the library
The library has many books that people can borrow. You need a library
card to take out books.

1. Read the conversation about a student asking for a library card.

Student: Good morning.
Librarian: Good morning. How can I help you?
Student: I want a library card, please.
Librarian: Ok. I need some information. What's your name?
Student: My name is Diego.
Librarian: What’s your last name?
Student: My last name is Rivera.
Librarian: How old are you?
Student: I’m 12 years old.
Librarian: What’s your address?
Student: My address is 579 Independence Street.
Librarian: What’s your telephone number?
Student: It's 686-123456.
Librarian: Ready. Here is your library card.
Student: Thank you.

2. Role-play the conversation with a classmate. Use the template below to create a library card with your personal

Student: Good morning.


Librarian: Good morning. How can I help you?

Student: I want a library card, please.
Librarian: Ok. I need some information. What's your name?

Student: ________________________________________________.
Librarian: What’s your last name?
Student: ________________________________________________.
Librarian: How old are you?
Date of birth:

Student: ________________________________________________.
Last name:

Librarian: What’s your address?


Student: ________________________________________________.
Librarian: What’s your telephone number?
Student: ________________________________________________.

Librarian: Ready. Here is your library card.

Student: Thank you.

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Visiting the library
1. Read the conversations about students taking out books from the library.
2. Pair up and use the vocabulary to practice the conversation.

Conversation 1
Student: Hello.
Librarian: Hi. How can I help you?
Student: I would like to take out this science book.
Librarian: Sure. Please show me your library card.
Student: Here you go.
Librarian: All set. Please return the book by next Monday.
Student: Ok. Thank you.

math history Geography biology art chemistry language technology health social studies

Conversation 2
Student: Hello.
Librarian: Hello. Can I help you?
Student: Yes. I'm looking for a fantasy book.
Librarian: This is a very good fantasy book.
Student: Great. Here's my library card.
Librarian: Thank you. Please return the book on September 25.
Student: Of course. Thank you for your help.

adventure mistery fantasy graphic novel romance detective poetry

Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.

Present Continuous Tense
1. Look at the information.
Affirmative form Negative form

I am I am not

You are You are not

He is He is not

She is studying. She is not sleeping.

It is It is not

We are We are not

They are They are not

2. Complete the affirmative and negative sentences.

1. I ____ _________ a fantasy story. (read)
2. You ____ ________ class work. (do)
3. He ____ _________ driving to Ensenada. (drive)
4. I ____ _________ the questions. (not/answer)
5. We ____ _________ to the radio. (not/listen)
6. She ____ _________ the information. (not/write)
7. They ____ _________ with friends. (hang out)
8. You ____ __________ the dishes. (not/wash)
9. She ____ _________ a phone call. (make)
10. He ____ _________ the zoo. (not/ visit)
11. We ____ _________ to the ice-cream shop. (walk)
12. It ____ _________ . It's broken. (not/turn on)
13. They ____ _________snacks for the party. (not/buy)
14. Erika ____ _________ with the students. (talk)
15. Javier and Nancy ____ _________ together. (not/work)
Elaborated by Erika Lopez Medina, 2023.
Day of the Dead
Match the vocabulary to the correct image.






cut out tissue paper




Bread for the dead

Original activity and artwork taken from / Adapted for educational purposes by Erika Lopez, October 2017.
Mexicali, B.C. December ____ 2023.

Dear Santa,
My name is __________________________.
I am _______ years old. I am from ______
_______________. I am a ________student.
The name of my school is
I do good actions all year:

❏ I do my homework.
❏ I help around my house.
❏ I eat healthy food.
❏ I exercise.
❏ I _________________________.

About me:

My favorite color is ___________________.

My favorite hobby is __________________.
I like ________________________________.
I like ________________________________.

Sincerely, ________________.__

Teacher Erika Lopez Medina 2021.

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