ADA (2022) - Cap. 5 Facilitating Behavior Change and Well Being Improve Health Outcomes - Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes 2022

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S60 Diabetes Care Volume 45, Supplement 1, January 2022

5. Facilitating Behavior Change American Diabetes Association

Professional Practice Committee*
and Well-being to Improve
Health Outcomes: Standards of
Medical Care in Diabetes—2022
Diabetes Care 2022;45(Suppl. 1):S60–S82 |

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The American Diabetes Association (ADA) “Standards of Medical Care in Dia-

betes” includes the ADA’s current clinical practice recommendations and is
intended to provide the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals
and guidelines, and tools to evaluate quality of care. Members of the ADA Profes-
sional Practice Committee, a multidisciplinary expert committee (https://doi
.org/10.2337/dc22-SPPC), are responsible for updating the Standards of Care
annually, or more frequently as warranted. For a detailed description of ADA
standards, statements, and reports, as well as the evidence-grading system for
ADA’s clinical practice recommendations, please refer to the Standards of Care Intro-
duction ( Readers who wish to comment on the
Standards of Care are invited to do so at

Building positive health behaviors and maintaining psychological well-being

are foundational for achieving diabetes treatment goals and maximizing qual-
ity of life (1,2). Essential to achieving these goals are diabetes self-manage-
ment education and support (DSMES), medical nutrition therapy (MNT),
routine physical activity, smoking cessation counseling when needed, and psy-
chosocial care. Following an initial comprehensive medical evaluation (see
Section 4, “Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and Assessment of Com-
orbidities,”, patients and providers are
encouraged to engage in person-centered collaborative care (3–6), which is
guided by shared decision-making in treatment regimen selection; facilitation
of obtaining medical, psychosocial, and technology resources as needed; and
*A complete list of members of the American
shared monitoring of agreed-upon regimens and behavioral goals (7,8).
Diabetes Association Professional Practice Com-
Reevaluation during routine care should include assessment of medical, mittee can be found at
behavioral, and mental health outcomes, especially during times of deteriora- dc22-SPPC.
tion in health and well-being. Suggested citation: American Diabetes Asso-
ciation Professional Practice Committee. 5.
DIABETES SELF-MANAGEMENT EDUCATION AND SUPPORT Facilitating behavior change and well-being to
improve health outcomes: Standards of Medical
Care in Diabetes—2022. Diabetes Care 2022;45
Recommendations (Suppl. 1):S60–S82
5.1 In accordance with the national standards for diabetes self-management
education and support, all people with diabetes should participate in dia- © 2021 by the American Diabetes Association.
Readers may use this article as long as the
betes self-management education and receive the support needed to work is properly cited, the use is educational
facilitate the knowledge, decision-making, and skills mastery for diabetes and not for profit, and the work is not altered.
self-care. A More information is available at https:// Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes S61

5.2 There are four critical times to active collaboration with the health care 3. When complicating factors (health
evaluate the need for diabetes team to improve clinical outcomes, conditions, physical limitations, emo-
self-management education to health status, and well-being in a cost- tional factors, or basic living needs)
effective manner (2). Providers are develop that influence self-manage-
promote skills acquisition in sup-
encouraged to consider the burden of ment
port of regimen implementation,
treatment (9) and the patient’s level of 4. When transitions in life and care
medical nutrition therapy, and
confidence and self-efficacy for manage- occur
well-being: at diagnosis, annually
and/or when not meeting treat- ment behaviors as well as the level of
social and family support when providing DSMES focuses on supporting patient
ment targets, when complicating
DSMES. Patient engagement in self-man- empowerment by providing people with
factors develop (medical, physi-
agement behaviors and their effects on diabetes the tools to make informed
cal, psychosocial), and when tran-
clinical outcomes, health status, and self-management decisions (15). Diabe-
sitions in life and care occur. E
quality of life, as well as the psychosocial tes care requires an approach that
5.3 Clinical outcomes, health status,

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factors impacting the person’s ability to places the person with diabetes and
and well-being are key goals of their family and/or support system at
diabetes self-management edu- self-manage, should be monitored as
part of routine clinical care. A random- the center of the care model, working
cation and support that should in collaboration with health care profes-
be measured as part of routine ized controlled trial (RCT) testing a deci-
sion-making education and skill-building sionals. Patient-centered care is respect-
care. C ful of and responsive to individual pre-
5.4 Diabetes self-management edu- program (10) showed that addressing
these targets improved health outcomes ferences, needs, and values. It ensures
cation and support should be that patient values guide all decision-
patient-centered, may be offered in a population in need of health care
resources. Furthermore, following a making (16).
in group or individual settings,
and should be communicated DSMES curriculum improves quality of
Evidence for the Benefits
with the entire diabetes care care (11).
Additionally, in response to the grow- Studies have found that DSMES is associ-
team. A ated with improved diabetes knowledge
5.5 Digital coaching and digital self- ing literature that associates potentially
and self-care behaviors (16,17), lower
management interventions can judgmental words with increased feel-
A1C (16,18–21), lower self-reported wei-
be effective methods to deliver ings of shame and guilt, health care pro-
ght (22), improved quality of life (19,23),
diabetes self-management edu- fessionals are encouraged to consider
reduced all-cause mortality risk (24), posi-
cation and support. B the impact that language has on build-
tive coping behaviors (5,25), and reduced
5.6 Because diabetes self-manage- ing therapeutic relationships and to
health care costs (26–28). Better out-
ment education and support choose positive, strength-based words
comes were reported for DSMES inter-
can improve outcomes and and phrases that put people first (4,12).
ventions that were more than 10 h over
reduce costs B, reimbursement Please see Section 4, “Comprehensive
the course of 6–12 months (20), included
by third-party payers is recom- Medical Evaluation and Assessment of ongoing support (14,29), were culturally
mended. C Comorbidities” ( (30,31) and age appropriate (32,33), were
5.7 Barriers to diabetes self-man- dc22-S004), for more on use of lang- tailored to individual needs and preferen-
agement education and sup- uage. ces, and addressed psychosocial issues
port exist at the health system, Guidelines for DSMES are based on and incorporated behavioral strategies
payer, provider, and patient evidence of benefit (2,13). Specifically, (15,25,34,35). Individual and group app-
levels. A Efforts to identify and DSMES helps people with diabetes to roaches are effective (36,37), with a slight
address barriers to diabetes self- identify and implement effective self- benefit realized by those who engage in
management education and sup- management strategies and cope with both (20).
diabetes at four critical time points (see Emerging evidence demonstrates the
port should be prioritized. E
5.8 Some barriers to diabetes self- below) (2). Ongoing DSMES helps peo- benefit of telemedicine or internet-
management education and sup- ple with diabetes to maintain effective based DSMES services for diabetes pre-
port access may be mitigated self-management throughout the life vention and the management of type 2
through telemedicine approa- course as they encounter new chal- diabetes (38–45).
lenges and as advances in treatment Technologies such as mobile apps,
ches. B
become available (14). simulation tools, digital coaching, and
There are four critical time points digital self-management interventions
DSMES services facilitate the knowledge, when the need for DSMES should be can be used to deliver DSMES (46,47).
decision-making, and skills mastery nec- evaluated by the medical care provider These methods provide comparable or
essary for optimal diabetes self-care and and/or multidisciplinary team, with even improved outcomes compared with
incorporate the needs, goals, and life referrals made as needed (2): traditional in-person care (48). Greater
experiences of the person with diabetes. A1C reductions are demonstrated with
The overall objectives of DSMES are to 1. At diagnosis increased patient engagement (49),
support informed decision-making, self- 2. Annually and/or when not meeting although data from trials is preliminary
care behaviors, problem-solving, and treatment targets in nature and quite heterogeneous.
S62 Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes Diabetes Care Volume 45, Supplement 1, January 2022

Technology-enabled diabetes self- preventive services (26,52,64) and less Changes in reimbursement policies that
management solutions improve A1C frequent use of acute care and inpatient increase DSMES access and utilization
most effectively when there is two-way hospital services (22). Patients who par- will result in a positive impact to benefi-
communication between the patient ticipate in DSMES are more likely to ciaries’ clinical outcomes, quality of life,
and the health care team, individualized follow best practice treatment recom- health care utilization, and costs (68–
feedback, use of patient-generated mendations, particularly among the 70). During the time of the coronavirus
health data, and education (40). Incor- Medicare population, and have lower disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic,
porating a systematic approach for tech- Medicare and insurance claim costs reimbursement policies have changed
nology assessment, adoption, and (27,64). Despite these benefits, reports (
integration into the care plan may help indicate that only 5–7% of individuals dsmes-and-mnt-during-covid-19-national-
ensure equity in access and standard- eligible for DSMES through Medicare or pandemic), and these changes may pro-
ized application of technology-enabled a private insurance plan actually receive vide a new reimbursement paradigm
solutions (8,50–53). it (65,66). Barriers to DSMES exist at the for future provision of DSMES through

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Current research supports diabetes health system, payer, provider, and telehealth channels.
care and education specialists including patient levels. This low participation
nurses, dietitians, and pharmacists as pro- may be due to lack of referral or other
viders of DSMES who may also tailor cur- identified barriers such as logistical MEDICAL NUTRITION THERAPY
riculum to the person’s needs (54–56). issues (accessibility, timing, costs) and Please refer to the ADA consensus report
Members of the DSMES team should the lack of a perceived benefit (66). “Nutrition Therapy for Adults With Dia-
have specialized clinical knowledge in dia- Health system, programmatic, and betes or Prediabetes: A Consensus
betes and behavior change principles. In payer barriers include lack of adminis- Report” for more information on nutri-
addition, a diabetes care and education trative leadership support, limited num- tion therapy (56). For many individuals
specialist needs to be knowledgeable bers of DSMES providers, not having with diabetes, the most challenging part
about technology-enabled services and referral to DSMES services effectively of the treatment plan is determining
may serve as a technology champion
within their practice (50). Certification as
embedded in the health system service what to eat. There is not a “one-size-fits-
structure, and limited reimbursement all” eating pattern for individuals with
a diabetes care and education specialist
rates (67). Thus, in addition to educating diabetes, and meal planning should be
(see and/or board certi-
referring providers about the benefits individualized. Nutrition therapy plays an
fication in advanced diabetes manage-
of DSMES and the critical times to refer, integral role in overall diabetes manage-
ment (see
efforts need to be made to identify and ment, and each person with diabetes
education/certification/bc_adm) demon-
address all of the various potential bar- should be actively engaged in education,
strates an individual’s specialized training
riers (2). Alternative and innovative self-management, and treatment plan-
in and understanding of diabetes man-
models of DSMES delivery (47) need to ning with his or her health care team,
agement and support (13), and engage-
be explored and evaluated, including including the collaborative develop-
ment with qualified providers has been
shown to improve disease-related out- the integration of technology-enabled
ment of an individualized eating plan
comes. Additionally, there is growing evi- diabetes and cardiometabolic health
(56,71). All providers should refer
dence for the role of community health services (8,50).
people with diabetes for individual-
workers (57,58), as well as peer (57–62) ized MNT provided by a registered
and lay leaders (63), in providing ongoing Reimbursement
dietitian nutritionist (RD/RDN) who is
support. Medicare reimburses DSMES when that
knowledgeable and skilled in providing
Evidence suggests people with diabe- service meets the national standards
diabetes-specific MNT (72) at diagnosis
tes who completed more than 10 h of (2,13) and is recognized by the American
Diabetes Association (ADA) through the and as needed throughout the life span,
DSMES over the course of 6–12 months similar to DSMES. MNT delivered by an
and those who participated on an ongo- Education Recognition Program (https:// RD/RDN is associated with A1C absolute
ing basis had significant reductions in
or Association of Diabetes Care & Edu- decreases of 1.0–1.9% for people with
mortality (24) and A1C (decrease of
cation Specialists. DSMES is also cov- type 1 diabetes (73) and 0.3–2.0% for
0.57%) (20) compared with those who
ered by most health insurance plans. people with type 2 diabetes (73). See
spent less time with a diabetes care and
Ongoing support has been shown to be Table 5.1 for specific nutrition recommen-
education specialist. Given individual
needs and access to resources, a variety instrumental for improving outcomes dations. Because of the progressive nature
of culturally adapted DSMES programs when it is implemented after the com- of type 2 diabetes, behavior modification
need to be offered in a variety of set- pletion of education services. DSMES is alone may not be adequate to maintain
tings. Use of technology to facilitate frequently reimbursed when performed euglycemia over time. However, after
access to DSMES services, support self- in person. However, although DSMES medication is initiated, nutrition therapy
management decisions, and decrease can also be provided via phone calls continues to be an important component,
therapeutic inertia suggests that these and telehealth, these remote versions and RD/RDNs providing MNT in diabetes
approaches need broader adoption. may not always be reimbursed. Some care should assess and monitor medica-
DSMES is associated with an inc- barriers to DSMES access may be miti- tion changes in relation to the nutrition
reased use of primary care and gated through telemedicine approaches. care plan (56,71). Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes S63

Table 5.1—Medical nutrition therapy recommendations

Topic Recommendation
Effectiveness of nutrition therapy 5.9 An individualized medical nutrition therapy program as needed to achieve treatment
goals, provided by a registered dietitian nutritionist (RD/RDN), preferably one who has
comprehensive knowledge and experience in diabetes care, is recommended for all
people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes mellitus. A
5.10 Because diabetes medical nutrition therapy can result in cost savings B and improved
outcomes (e.g., A1C reduction, reduced weight, decrease in cholesterol) A, medical
nutrition therapy should be adequately reimbursed by insurance and other
payers. E
Energy balance 5.11 For all patients with overweight or obesity, behavioral modification to achieve and
maintain a minimum weight loss of 5% is recommended. A
Eating patterns and macronutrient 5.12 There is no ideal macronutrient pattern for people with diabetes; meal plans should be

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distribution individualized while keeping total calorie and metabolic goals in mind. E
5.13 A variety of eating patterns can be considered for the management of type 2 diabetes
and to prevent diabetes in individuals with prediabetes. B
5.14 Reducing overall carbohydrate intake for individuals with diabetes has demonstrated
the most evidence for improving glycemia and may be applied in a variety of eating
patterns that meet individual needs and preferences. B
Carbohydrates 5.15 Carbohydrate intake should emphasize nutrient-dense carbohydrate sources that are
high in fiber (at least 14 g fiber per 1,000 kcal) and minimally processed. Eating plans
should emphasize nonstarchy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, as well as dairy
products, with minimal added sugars. B
5.16 People with diabetes and those at risk are advised to replace sugar-sweetened
beverages (including fruit juices) with water as much as possible in order to control
glycemia and weight and reduce their risk for cardiovascular disease and fatty liver B
and should minimize the consumption of foods with added sugar that have the
capacity to displace healthier, more nutrient-dense food choices. A
5.17 When using a flexible insulin therapy program, education on the glycemic impact of
carbohydrate A, fat, and protein B should be tailored to an individual’s needs and
preferences and used to optimize mealtime insulin dosing.
5.18 When using fixed insulin doses, individuals should be provided education about
consistent pattern of carbohydrate intake with respect to time and amount, while
considering the insulin action time, as it can result in improved glycemia and reduce
the risk for hypoglycemia. B
Protein 5.19 In individuals with type 2 diabetes, ingested protein appears to increase insulin response
without increasing plasma glucose concentrations. Therefore, carbohydrate sources high in
protein should be avoided when trying to treat or prevent hypoglycemia. B
Dietary fat 5.20 An eating plan emphasizing elements of a Mediterranean-style eating pattern rich in
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats may be considered to improve glucose
metabolism and lower cardiovascular disease risk. B
5.21 Eating foods rich in long-chain n-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish (EPA and DHA) and
nuts and seeds (ALA), is recommended to prevent or treat cardiovascular disease. B
Micronutrients and herbal 5.22 There is no clear evidence that dietary supplementation with vitamins, minerals (such
supplements as chromium and vitamin D), herbs, or spices (such as cinnamon or aloe vera) can
improve outcomes in people with diabetes who do not have underlying deficiencies,
and they are not generally recommended for glycemic control. C
Alcohol 5.23 Adults with diabetes who drink alcohol should do so in moderation (no more than one
drink per day for adult women and no more than two drinks per day for adult men). C
5.24 Educating people with diabetes about the signs, symptoms, and self-management of
delayed hypoglycemia after drinking alcohol, especially when using insulin or insulin
secretagogues, is recommended. The importance of glucose monitoring after drinking
alcoholic beverages to reduce hypoglycemia risk should be emphasized. B
Sodium 5.25 Sodium consumption should be limited to <2,300 mg/day. B
Nonnutritive sweeteners 5.26 The use of nonnutritive sweeteners as a replacement for sugar-sweetened products
may reduce overall calorie and carbohydrate intake as long as there is not a
compensatory increase of energy intake from other sources. Overall, people are
encouraged to decrease both sweetened and nonnutritive-sweetened beverages, with
an emphasis on water intake. B
S64 Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes Diabetes Care Volume 45, Supplement 1, January 2022

Goals of Nutrition Therapy for Adults In prediabetes, the weight loss goal is (e.g., purging) or compensatory changes
With Diabetes 7–10% for preventing progression to type in medical regimen (e.g., overtreatment
1. To promote and support healthful eat- 2 diabetes (76). In conjunction with sup- of hypoglycemic episodes, reduction in
ing patterns, emphasizing a variety of port for healthy lifestyle behaviors, medi- medication dosing to reduce hunger)
nutrient-dense foods in appropriate cation-assisted weight loss can be (56) (see DISORDERED EATING BEHAVIOR below).
portion sizes, to improve overall considered for people at risk for type 2 Disordered eating and/or eating disor-
health and: diabetes when needed to achieve and ders can increase challenges for weight
• achieve and maintain body weight sustain 7–10% weight loss (77,78) (see and diabetes management. For example,
goals Section 8, “Obesity and Weight Manage- caloric restriction may be essential for
• attain individualized glycemic, ment for the Prevention and Treatment glycemic control and weight mainte-
blood pressure, and lipid goals of Type 2 Diabetes,” nance, but rigid meal plans may be con-
• delay or prevent the complica- 10.2337/dc22-S008). People with predia- traindicated for individuals who are at
tions of diabetes betes at a healthy weight should also be increased risk of clinically significant mal-

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2. To address individual nutrition needs considered for behavioral interventions to adaptive eating behaviors (90). If clini-
based on personal and cultural pref- help establish routine aerobic and resis- cally significant eating disorders are
erences, health literacy and numer- tance exercise (76,79,80), as well as to identified during screening with diabe-
acy, access to healthful foods, establish healthy eating patterns. Services tes-specific questionnaires, individuals
willingness and ability to make behav- delivered by practitioners familiar with should be referred to a mental health
ioral changes, and existing barriers to diabetes and its management, such as an professional as needed (1).
change RD/RDN, have been found to be effective Studies have demonstrated that a
3. To maintain the pleasure of eating by (72). variety of eating plans, varying in macro-
providing nonjudgmental messages For many individuals with overweight nutrient composition, can be used effec-
about food choices while limiting and obesity with type 2 diabetes, 5% tively and safely in the short term (1–2
food choices only when indicated by weight loss is needed to achieve benefi- years) to achieve weight loss in people
scientific evidence cial outcomes in glycemic control, lipids, with diabetes. These plans include struc-
4. To provide an individual with diabetes and blood pressure (81). It should be
tured low-calorie meal plans with meal
the practical tools for developing noted, however, that the clinical benefits
replacements (82,89,91), a Mediterra-
healthy eating patterns rather than of weight loss are progressive, and more
focusing on individual macronutrients, nean-style eating pattern (92), and low-
intensive weight loss goals (i.e., 15%)
micronutrients, or single foods carbohydrate meal plans with additional
may be appropriate to maximize benefit
support (93,94). However, no single
depending on need, feasibility, and safety
approach has been proven to be consis-
Weight Management (82,83). In select individuals with type 2
Management and reduction of weight is tently superior (56,95–97), and more
diabetes, an overall healthy eating plan
important for people with type 1 diabe- data are needed to identify and validate
that results in energy deficit in conjunc-
tes, type 2 diabetes, or prediabetes with those meal plans that are optimal with
tion with weight loss medications and/or
overweight or obesity. To support weight metabolic surgery should be considered respect to long-term outcomes and
loss and improve A1C, cardiovascular dis- to help achieve weight loss and mainte- patient acceptability. The importance of
ease (CVD) risk factors, and well-being in nance goals, lower A1C, and reduce CVD providing guidance on an individualized
adults with overweight/obesity and pre- risk (77,84,85). Overweight and obesity meal plan containing nutrient-dense
diabetes or diabetes, MNT and DSMES are also increasingly prevalent in people foods, such as vegetables, fruits, legumes,
services should include an individualized with type 1 diabetes and present clinical dairy, lean sources of protein (including
eating plan in a format that results in an challenges regarding diabetes treatment plant-based sources as well as lean
energy deficit in combination with and CVD risk factors (86,87). Sustaining meats, fish, and poultry), nuts, seeds,
enhanced physical activity (56). Lifestyle weight loss can be challenging (81,88) and whole grains, cannot be overempha-
intervention programs should be inten- but has long-term benefits; maintaining sized (96), as well as guidance on achiev-
sive and have frequent follow-up to weight loss for 5 years is associated with ing the desired energy deficit (98–101).
achieve significant reductions in excess sustained improvements in A1C and lipid Any approach to meal planning should
body weight and improve clinical indica- levels (89). MNT guidance from an RD/ be individualized considering the health
tors. There is strong and consistent evi- RDN with expertise in diabetes and status, personal preferences, and ability
dence that modest, sustained weight loss weight management, throughout the of the person with diabetes to sustain
can delay the progression from predia- course of a structured weight loss plan, is the recommendations in the plan.
betes to type 2 diabetes (73–75) (see strongly recommended.
Section 3, “Prevention or Delay of Type Along with routine medical manage- Eating Patterns and Meal Planning
2 Diabetes and Associated Comorbidities,” ment visits, people with diabetes and Evidence suggests that there is not an and is prediabetes should be screened during ideal percentage of calories from carbohy-
beneficial for the management of type 2 DSMES and MNT encounters for a his- drate, protein, and fat for people with dia-
diabetes (see Section 8, “Obesity and tory of dieting and past or current betes. Therefore, macronutrient distribu-
Weight Management for the Prevention disordered eating behaviors. Nutrition tion should be based on an individualized
and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes,” https: therapy should be individualized to help assessment of current eating patterns,
// address maladaptive eating behavior preferences, and metabolic goals. Dietary Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes S65

guidance should emphasize the impor- sustainability (114), it is important to of glycemic index and glycemic load on
tance of a healthy dietary pattern as a reassess and individualize meal plan guid- fasting glucose levels and A1C, with one
whole rather than focusing on individual ance regularly for those interested in this systematic review finding no significant
nutrients, foods, or food groups, given approach. Most individuals with diabetes impact on A1C (122), while two others
that individuals rarely eat foods in isola- report a moderate intake of carbohydrate demonstrated A1C reductions of 0.15%
tion. Personal preferences (e.g., tradi- (44–46% of total calories) (103). Efforts (120) to 0.5% (123).
tion, culture, religion, health beliefs and to modify habitual eating patterns are Reducing overall carbohydrate intake
goals, economics) as well as metabolic often unsuccessful in the long term; peo- for individuals with diabetes has demon-
goals need to be considered when work- ple generally go back to their usual mac- strated evidence for improving glycemia
ing with individuals to determine the ronutrient distribution (103). Thus, the and may be applied in a variety of eating
best eating pattern for them (56, recommended approach is to individual- patterns that meet individual needs and
73,102). Members of the health care ize meal plans with a macronutrient dis- preferences (56). For people with type 2
team should complement MNT by pro- tribution that is more consistent with diabetes, low-carbohydrate and very-low-

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viding evidence-based guidance that personal preference and usual intake to carbohydrate eating patterns, in particu-
helps people with diabetes make increase the likelihood for long-term lar, have been found to reduce A1C and
healthy food choices that meet their maintenance. the need for antihyperglycemic medica-
individualized needs and improve overall An RCT found that two meal planning tions (56,102,114,124–126). Systematic
health. A variety of eating patterns are approaches were effective in helping reviews and meta-analyses of RCTs found
acceptable for the management of dia- achieve improved A1C, particularly for carbohydrate-restricted eating patterns,
betes (56,103–105). Until the evidence individuals with an A1C between 7% and particularly those considered low-carbo-
surrounding comparative benefits of dif- 10% (115). The diabetes plate method is hydrate (<26% total energy), were effec-
ferent eating patterns in specific individ- a commonly used visual approach for tive in reducing A1C in the short term
uals strengthens, health care providers providing basic meal planning guidance. (<6 months), with less difference in eat-
should focus on the key factors that are This simple graphic (featuring a 9-inch ing patterns beyond 1 year (97,98,109,
common among the patterns: 1) empha- plate) shows how to portion foods (1/2 110,125). Part of the challenge in inter-
size nonstarchy vegetables, 2) minimize preting low-carbohydrate research has
of the plate for nonstarchy vegetables, 1/
added sugars and refined grains, and 3) been due to the wide range of definitions
4 of the plate for protein, and 1/4 of the
choose whole foods over highly proc- for a low-carbohydrate eating plan
plate for carbohydrates). Carbohydrate
essed foods to the extent possible (56). (111,123). Weight reduction was also a
counting is a more advanced skill that
An individualized eating pattern also goal in many low-carbohydrate studies,
helps plan for and track how much car-
considers the individual’s health status, which further complicates evaluating the
bohydrate is consumed at meals and
food and numeracy skills, resources, distinct contribution of the eating pattern
snacks. Meal planning approaches should
food preferences, and health goals. (41,93,97,127). As research studies on
be customized to the individual, including
Referral to an RD/RDN is essential to low-carbohydrate eating plans generally
their numeracy (115) and food literacy
assess the overall nutrition status of, and indicate challenges with long-term sus-
level. Food literacy generally describes tainability (114), it is important to reas-
to work collaboratively with, the patient
to create a personalized meal plan that proficiency in food-related knowledge sess and individualize meal plan guidance
coordinates and aligns with the overall and skills that ultimately impact health, regularly for those interested in this
treatment plan, including physical activity although specific definitions vary across approach. Providers should maintain con-
and medication use. The Mediterranean- initiatives (116,117). sistent medical oversight and recognize
style (102,106–108), low-carbohydrate that insulin and other diabetes medica-
(109–111), and vegetarian or plant-based Carbohydrates tions may need to be adjusted to prevent
(107,108,112,113) eating patterns are all Studies examining the ideal amount of hypoglycemia; and blood pressure will
examples of healthful eating patterns carbohydrate intake for people with dia- need to be monitored. In addition, very-
that have shown positive results in betes are inconclusive, although monitor- low-carbohydrate eating plans are not
research for individuals with type 2 dia- ing carbohydrate intake and considering currently recommended for women who
betes, but individualized meal planning the blood glucose response to dietary are pregnant or lactating, children, people
should focus on personal preferences, carbohydrate are key for improving who have renal disease, or people with
needs, and goals. There is currently inad- postprandial glucose management (118, or at risk for disordered eating, and these
equate research in type 1 diabetes to 119). The literature concerning glycemic plans should be used with caution in
support one eating pattern over another. index and glycemic load in individuals those taking sodium–glucose cotrans-
For individuals with type 2 diabetes with diabetes is complex, often with porter 2 inhibitors because of the poten-
not meeting glycemic targets or for varying definitions of low and high glyce- tial risk of ketoacidosis (128,129).
whom reducing glucose-lowering drugs is mic index foods (120,121). The glycemic Regardless of amount of carbohydrate
a priority, reducing overall carbohydrate index ranks carbohydrate foods on their in the meal plan, focus should be placed
intake with a low- or very-low-carbohy- postprandial glycemic response, and gly- on high-quality, nutrient-dense carbohy-
drate eating pattern is a viable option cemic load takes into account both the drate sources that are high in fiber and
(109–111). As research studies on low- glycemic index of foods and the amount minimally processed. Both children and
carbohydrate eating plans generally of carbohydrate eaten. Studies have adults with diabetes are encouraged to
indicate challenges with long-term found mixed results regarding the effect minimize intake of refined carbohydrates
S66 Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes Diabetes Care Volume 45, Supplement 1, January 2022

with added sugars, fat, and sodium and occur 3 h or more after eating (56). If because it does not alter glycemic meas-
instead focus on carbohydrates from using an insulin pump, a split bolus fea- ures, cardiovascular risk measures, or the
vegetables, legumes, fruits, dairy (milk ture (part of the bolus delivered immedi- rate at which glomerular filtration rate
and yogurt), and whole grains. People ately, the remainder over a programmed declines and may increase risk for malnu-
with diabetes and those at risk for diabe- duration of time) may provide better trition (155,156).
tes are encouraged to consume a mini- insulin coverage for high-fat and/or high- In individuals with type 2 diabetes, pro-
mum of 14 g of fiber/1,000 kcal, with at protein mixed meals (144,150). tein intake may enhance or increase the
least half of grain consumption being The effectiveness of insulin dosing insulin response to dietary carbohydrates
whole, intact grains, according to the decisions should be confirmed with a (157). Therefore, use of carbohydrate
Dietary Guidelines for Americans (130). structured approach to blood glucose sources high in protein (such as milk and
Regular intake of sufficient dietary fiber monitoring or continuous glucose moni- nuts) to treat or prevent hypoglycemia
is associated with lower all-cause mortal- toring to evaluate individual responses should be avoided due to the potential
ity in people with diabetes (131,132), and guide insulin dose adjustments. concurrent rise in endogenous insulin.

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and prospective cohort studies have Checking glucose 3 h after eating may Providers should counsel patients to treat
found dietary fiber intake is inversely help to determine if additional insulin hypoglycemia with pure glucose (i.e., glu-
associated with risk of type 2 diabetes adjustments are required (i.e., increas- cose tablets) or carbohydrate-containing
(133–135). The consumption of sugar- ing or stopping bolus) (144,150,151). foods at the hypoglycemia alert value of
sweetened beverages and processed Refining insulin doses to account for <70 mg/dL. See Section 6, “Glycemic
food products with high amounts of high-fat and/or -protein meals requires Targets” (
refined grains and added sugars is determination of anticipated nutrient S006), for more information.
strongly discouraged (130,136–138), as intake to calculate the mealtime dose.
these have the capacity to displace Food literacy, numeracy, interest, and Fats
healthier, more nutrient-dense food capability should be evaluated (56). For The ideal amount of dietary fat for indi-
choices. individuals on a fixed daily insulin viduals with diabetes is controversial.
Individuals with type 1 or type 2 dia- New evidence suggests that there is not
schedule, meal planning should empha-
betes taking insulin at mealtime should
size a relatively fixed carbohydrate con- an ideal percentage of calories from fat
be offered intensive and ongoing educa-
sumption pattern with respect to both for people with or at risk for diabetes
tion on the need to couple insulin admin-
time and amount, while considering and that macronutrient distribution
istration with carbohydrate intake. For
insulin action. Attention to resultant should be individualized according to
people whose meal schedule or carbohy-
hunger and satiety cues will also help the patient’s eating patterns, preferen-
drate consumption is variable, regular
with nutrient modifications throughout ces, and metabolic goals (56). The type
education to increase understanding of
the day (56,152). of fats consumed is more important
the relationship between carbohydrate
than total amount of fat when looking
intake and insulin needs is important. In
Protein at metabolic goals and CVD risk, and it
addition, education on using insulin-to-
There is no evidence that adjusting the is recommended that the percentage of
carbohydrate ratios for meal planning
can assist individuals with effectively daily level of protein intake (typically total calories from saturated fats should
modifying insulin dosing from meal to 1–1.5 g/kg body wt/day or 15–20% total be limited (92,130,158–160). Multiple
meal to improve glycemic management calories) will improve health, and research RCTs including patients with type 2 dia-
(103,118,139–142). When consuming a is inconclusive regarding the ideal amount betes have reported that a Mediterra-
mixed meal that contains carbohydrate of dietary protein to optimize either glyce- nean-style eating pattern (92,161–166),
and is high in fat and/or protein, insulin mic management or CVD risk (121,153). rich in polyunsaturated and monounsat-
dosing should not be based solely on car- Therefore, protein intake goals should be urated fats, can improve both glycemic
bohydrate counting (56). Studies have individualized based on current eating management and blood lipids.
shown that dietary fat and protein can patterns. Some research has found suc- Evidence does not conclusively support
impact early and delayed postprandial cessful management of type 2 diabetes recommending n-3 (eicosapentaenoic
glycemia (143–146), and it appears to with meal plans including slightly higher acid [EPA] and docosahexaenoic acid
have a dose-dependent response (147– levels of protein (20–30%), which may [DHA]) supplements for all people with
149). Results from high-fat, high-protein contribute to increased satiety (154). diabetes for the prevention or treatment
meal studies highlight the need for addi- Historically, low-protein eating plans of cardiovascular events (56,167,168). In
tional insulin to cover these meals; how- were advised for individuals with diabetic individuals with type 2 diabetes, two sys-
ever, more studies are needed to kidney disease (DKD) (with albuminuria tematic reviews with n-3 and n-6 fatty
determine the optimal insulin dose and and/or reduced estimated glomerular fil- acids concluded that the dietary supple-
delivery strategy. The results from these tration rate); however, new evidence ments did not improve glycemic manage-
studies also point to individual differences does not suggest that people with DKD ment (121,169). In the ASCEND trial (A
in postprandial glycemic response; there- need to restrict protein to less than the Study of Cardiovascular Events iN Diabe-
fore, a cautious approach to increasing generally recommended protein intake tes), when compared with placebo, sup-
insulin doses for high-fat and/or high-pro- (56). Reducing the amount of dietary pro- plementation with n-3 fatty acids at the
tein mixed meals is recommended to tein below the recommended daily allow- dose of 1 g/day did not lead to cardiovas-
address delayed hyperglycemia that may ance of 0.8 g/kg is not recommended cular benefit in people with diabetes Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes S67

without evidence of CVD (170). However, ficient evidence to support the routine containing calories, such as sugar, honey,
results from the Reduction of Cardiovas- use of herbal supplements and micro- and agave syrup) when consumed in
cular Events With Icosapent Ethyl–Inter- nutrients, such as cinnamon (177), cur- moderation (185,186). Nonnutritive swe-
vention Trial (REDUCE-IT) did find that cumin, vitamin D (178), aloe vera, or eteners do not appear to have a signifi-
supplementation with 4 g/day of pure chromium, to improve glycemia in peo- cant effect on glycemic management
EPA significantly lowered the risk of ple with diabetes (56,179). (103,187,188), but they can reduce over-
adverse cardiovascular events. This trial Although the Vitamin D and Type 2 all calorie and carbohydrate intake
of 8,179 participants, in which over 50% Diabetes (D2d) prospective RCT showed (103,185) as long as individuals are not
had diabetes, found a 5% absolute reduc- no significant benefit of vitamin D ver- compensating with additional calories
tion in cardiovascular events for individu- sus placebo on the progression to type from other food sources (56,189). There
als with established atherosclerotic CVD 2 diabetes in individuals at high risk is mixed evidence from systematic
taking a preexisting statin with residual (180), post hoc analyses and meta-anal- reviews and meta-analyses for nonnutri-
hypertriglyceridemia (135–499 mg/dL) yses suggest a potential benefit in spe- tive sweetener use with regard to weight

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(171). See Section 10, “Cardiovascular cific populations (180–183). Further management, with some finding benefit
Disease and Risk Management” (https:// research is needed to define patient in weight loss (190–192), while other, for more characteristics and clinical indicators research suggests an association with
information. People with diabetes should where vitamin D supplementation may weight gain (193). The addition of nonnu-
be advised to follow the guidelines for be of benefit. tritive sweeteners to diets poses no ben-
the general population for the recom- For special populations, including preg- efit for weight loss or reduced weight
mended intakes of saturated fat, dietary nant or lactating women, older adults, gain without energy restriction (194).
cholesterol, and trans fat (130). Trans fats vegetarians, and people following very- Low-calorie or nonnutritive-sweetened
should be avoided. In addition, as satu- low-calorie or low-carbohydrate diets, a beverages may serve as a short-term
rated fats are progressively decreased in multivitamin may be necessary. replacement strategy; however, people
with diabetes should be encouraged to
the diet, they should be replaced with
decrease both sweetened and nonnutri-
unsaturated fats and not with refined Alcohol
tive-sweetened beverages, with an
carbohydrates (165). Moderate alcohol intake does not have
emphasis on water intake (186). Addi-
major detrimental effects on long-term
tionally, some research has found that
Sodium blood glucose management in people
higher nonnutritive-sweetened beverage
As for the general population, people with diabetes. Risks associated with alco-
and sugar-sweetened beverage con-
with diabetes are advised to limit their hol consumption include hypoglycemia
sumption may be associated with the
sodium consumption to <2,300 mg/day and/or delayed hypoglycemia (particu-
development of type 2 diabetes,
(56). Restriction to <1,500 mg, even for larly for those using insulin or insulin
although substantial heterogeneity
those with hypertension, is generally not secretagogue therapies), weight gain,
makes interpreting the results diffi-
recommended (172–174). Sodium rec- and hyperglycemia (for those consuming
cult (195–198).
ommendations should take into account excessive amounts) (56,179). People
palatability, availability, affordability, and with diabetes should be educated about
the difficulty of achieving low-sodium these risks and encouraged to monitor
recommendations in a nutritionally ade- blood glucose frequently after drinking
quate diet (175). alcohol to minimize such risks. People 5.27 Children and adolescents with
with diabetes can follow the same guide- type 1 or type 2 diabetes or
Micronutrients and Supplements lines as those without diabetes if they prediabetes should engage in 60
There continues to be no clear evidence choose to drink. For women, no more min/day or more of moderate-
of benefit from herbal or nonherbal than one drink per day, and for men, no or vigorous-intensity aerobic
(i.e., vitamin or mineral) supplementa- more than two drinks per day is recom- activity, with vigorous muscle-
tion for people with diabetes without mended (one drink is equal to a 12-oz strengthening and bone-strength-
underlying deficiencies (56). Metformin beer, a 5-oz glass of wine, or 1.5 oz of ening activities at least 3 days/
is associated with vitamin B12 defi- distilled spirits). week. C
ciency per a report from the Diabetes 5.28 Most adults with type 1 C and
Prevention Program Outcomes Study Nonnutritive Sweeteners type 2 B diabetes should engage
(DPPOS), suggesting that periodic test- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 150 min or more of moder-
ing of vitamin B12 levels should be con- has approved many nonnutritive sweet- ate- to vigorous-intensity aero-
sidered in patients taking metformin, eners for consumption by the general bic activity per week, spread
particularly in those with anemia or public, including people with diabetes over at least 3 days/week, with
peripheral neuropathy (176). Routine (56,184). For some people with diabetes no more than 2 consecutive
supplementation with antioxidants, who are accustomed to regularly con- days without activity. Shorter
such as vitamins E and C and carotene, suming sugar-sweetened products, non- durations (minimum 75 min/
is not advised due to lack of evidence of nutritive sweeteners (containing few or week) of vigorous-intensity
efficacy and concern related to long- no calories) may be an acceptable substi- or interval training may be
term safety. In addition, there is insuf- tute for nutritive sweeteners (those
S68 Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes Diabetes Care Volume 45, Supplement 1, January 2022

sufficient for younger and more (200). It is important for diabetes care by the type of diabetes, age, activity
physically fit individuals. management teams to understand the done, and presence of diabetes-related
5.29 Adults with type 1 C and type difficulty that many patients have reach- health complications. Recommendations
2 B diabetes should engage in ing recommended treatment targets and should be tailored to meet the specific
2–3 sessions/week of resis- to identify individualized approaches to needs of each individual (209).
tance exercise on nonconsecu- improve goal achievement.
Moderate to high volumes of aerobic Exercise and Children
tive days.
activity are associated with substantially All children, including children with dia-
5.30 All adults, and particularly those
lower cardiovascular and overall mortal- betes or prediabetes, should be encour-
with type 2 diabetes, should
ity risks in both type 1 and type 2 aged to engage in regular physical
decrease the amount of time
diabetes (201). A recent prospective activity. Children should engage in at
spent in daily sedentary behav-
observational study of adults with type 1 least 60 min of moderate to vigorous
ior. B Prolonged sitting should
diabetes suggested that higher amounts aerobic activity every day, with muscle-
be interrupted every 30 min for

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of physical activity led to reduced cardio- and bone-strengthening activities at
blood glucose benefits. C
vascular mortality after a mean follow- least 3 days per week (211). In general,
5.31 Flexibility training and balance
up time of 11.4 years for patients with youth with type 1 diabetes benefit from
training are recommended 2–3 and without chronic kidney disease being physically active, and an active
times/week for older adults (202). Additionally, structured exercise lifestyle should be recommended to all
with diabetes. Yoga and tai chi interventions of at least 8 weeks’ dura- (212). Youth with type 1 diabetes who
may be included based on indi- tion have been shown to lower A1C by engage in more physical activity may
vidual preferences to increase an average of 0.66% in people with type have better health outcomes and
flexibility, muscular strength, 2 diabetes, even without a significant health-related quality of life (213,214).
and balance. C change in BMI (203). There are also con-
5.32 Evaluate baseline physical activ- siderable data for the health benefits Frequency and Type of Physical
ity and sedentary time. Pro- (e.g., increased cardiovascular fitness, Activity
mote increase in nonsedentary greater muscle strength, improved insu- People with diabetes should perform aer-
activities above baseline for lin sensitivity, etc.) of regular exercise for obic and resistance exercise regularly
sedentary individuals with type those with type 1 diabetes (204). A (209). Aerobic activity bouts should ide-
1 E and type 2 B diabetes. recent study suggested that exercise ally last at least 10 min, with the goal of
Examples include walking, yoga, training in type 1 diabetes may also 30 min/day or more most days of the
housework, gardening, swim- improve several important markers such week for adults with type 2 diabetes.
ming, and dancing. as triglyceride level, LDL, waist circumfer- Daily exercise, or at least not allowing
ence, and body mass (205). In adults more than 2 days to elapse between
with type 2 diabetes, higher levels of exercise sessions, is recommended to
Physical activity is a general term that exercise intensity are associated with decrease insulin resistance, regardless
includes all movement that increases greater improvements in A1C and in car- of diabetes type (215,216). A study in
energy use and is an important part of diorespiratory fitness (206); sustained adults with type 1 diabetes found
the diabetes management plan. Exercise improvements in cardiorespiratory fit- a dose-response inverse relationship
is a more specific form of physical activ- ness and weight loss have also been between self-reported bouts of physical
ity that is structured and designed to associated with a lower risk of heart fail- activity per week and A1C, BMI, hyper-
improve physical fitness. Both physical ure (207). Other benefits include slowing tension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes-
activity and exercise are important. Exer- the decline in mobility among over- related complications such as hypoglyce-
cise has been shown to improve blood weight patients with diabetes (208). The mia, diabetic ketoacidosis, retinopathy,
glucose control, reduce cardiovascular ADA position statement “Physical Activ- and microalbuminuria (217). Over time,
risk factors, contribute to weight loss, ity/Exercise and Diabetes” reviews the activities should progress in intensity, fre-
and improve well-being (199). Physical evidence for the benefits of exercise in quency, and/or duration to at least 150
activity is as important for those with people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes min/week of moderate-intensity exercise.
type 1 diabetes as it is for the general and offers specific recommendations Adults able to run at 6 miles/h (9.7 km/
population, but its specific role in the (209). Increased physical activity (soccer h) for at least 25 min can benefit suffi-
prevention of diabetes complications training) has also been shown to be ben- ciently from shorter-intensity activity (75
and the management of blood glucose is eficial for improving overall fitness in min/week) (209). Many adults, including
not as clear as it is for those with type 2 Latino men with obesity, demonstrating most with type 2 diabetes, may be
diabetes. A recent study suggested that feasible methods to increase physical unable or unwilling to participate in such
the percentage of people with diabetes activity in an often hard-to-engage popu- intense exercise and should engage in
who achieved the recommended exer- lation (210). Physical activity and exercise moderate exercise for the recommended
cise level per week (150 min) varied by should be recommended and prescribed duration. Adults with diabetes should
race. Objective measurement by acceler- to all individuals who are at risk for or engage in 2–3 sessions/week of resis-
ometer showed that 44.2%, 42.6%, and with diabetes as part of management of tance exercise on nonconsecutive days
65.1% of Whites, African Americans, and glycemia and overall health. Specific rec- (218). Although heavier resistance train-
Hispanics, respectively, met the threshold ommendations and precautions will vary ing with free weights and weight Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes S69

machines may improve glycemic control exercises involving the large muscle Hypoglycemia
and strength (219), resistance training of groups (228). In individuals taking insulin and/or insulin
any intensity is recommended to improve For type 1 diabetes, although exercise secretagogues, physical activity may
strength, balance, and the ability to in general is associated with improve- cause hypoglycemia if the medication
engage in activities of daily living ment in disease status, care needs to be dose or carbohydrate consumption is not
throughout the life span. Providers and taken in titrating exercise with respect to adjusted for the exercise bout and post-
staff should help patients set stepwise glycemic management. Each individual bout impact on glucose. Individuals on
goals toward meeting the recommended with type 1 diabetes has a variable glyce- these therapies may need to ingest some
exercise targets. As individuals intensify mic response to exercise. This variability added carbohydrate if pre-exercise glu-
their exercise program, medical monitor- should be taken into consideration when cose levels are <90 mg/dL (5.0 mmol/L),
ing may be indicated to ensure safety recommending the type and duration of depending on whether they are able to
and evaluate the effects on glucose man- exercise for a given individual (204). lower insulin doses during the workout
agement. (See the section PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Women with preexisting diabetes, (such as with an insulin pump or reduced

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particularly type 2 diabetes, and those pre-exercise insulin dosage), the time of
Recent evidence supports that all
at risk for or presenting with gestational day exercise is done, and the intensity
individuals, including those with diabe-
diabetes mellitus should be advised to and duration of the activity (204,231). In
tes, should be encouraged to reduce
engage in regular moderate physical some patients, hypoglycemia after exer-
the amount of time spent being seden-
activity prior to and during their preg- cise may occur and last for several hours
tary—waking behaviors with low energy
nancies as tolerated (209). due to increased insulin sensitivity. Hypo-
expenditure (e.g., working at a com-
puter, watching television)—by breaking glycemia is less common in patients with
up bouts of sedentary activity (>30 Pre-exercise Evaluation diabetes who are not treated with insulin
min) by briefly standing, walking, or As discussed more fully in Section or insulin secretagogues, and no routine
performing other light physical activities 10, “Cardiovascular Disease and Risk preventive measures for hypoglycemia
(220,221). Participating in leisure-time Management” ( are usually advised in these cases.
activity and avoiding extended seden- dc22-S010), the best protocol for assess- Intense activities may actually raise blood
tary periods may help prevent type 2 ing asymptomatic patients with diabetes glucose levels instead of lowering them,
diabetes for those at risk (222,223) and for coronary artery disease remains especially if pre-exercise glucose levels
may also aid in glycemic control for unclear. The ADA consensus report are elevated (204). Because of the varia-
those with diabetes. “Screening for Coronary Artery Disease tion in glycemic response to exercise
A systematic review and meta-analy- in Patients With Diabetes” (230) con- bouts, patients need to be educated to
sis found higher frequency of regular cluded that routine testing is not recom- check blood glucose levels before and
leisure-time physical activity was more mended. However, providers should after periods of exercise and about the
effective in reducing A1C levels (224). A perform a careful history, assess cardio- potential prolonged effects (depending
wide range of activities, including yoga, vascular risk factors, and be aware of the on intensity and duration) (see the sec-
tai chi, and other types, can have signifi- atypical presentation of coronary artery tion DIABETES SELF-MANAGEMENT EDUCATION AND
cant impacts on A1C, flexibility, muscle disease, such as recent patient-reported SUPPORT above).
strength, and balance (199,225–227). or tested decrease in exercise tolerance,
Flexibility and balance exercises may be in patients with diabetes. Certainly, Exercise in the Presence of
particularly important in older adults high-risk patients should be encour- Microvascular Complications
with diabetes to maintain range of aged to start with short periods of See Section 11, "Chronic Kidney Disease
motion, strength, and balance (209). low-intensity exercise and slowly and Risk Management" (https://doi
increase the intensity and duration as .org/10.2337/dc22-S011), and Section 12,
Physical Activity and Glycemic tolerated. Providers should assess “Retinopathy, Neuropathy, and Foot Care”
patients for conditions that might (, for
Clinical trials have provided strong evi-
contraindicate certain types of exer- more information on these long-term
dence for the A1C-lowering value of
cise or predispose to injury, such as complications.
resistance training in older adults with
type 2 diabetes (228) and for an addi- uncontrolled hypertension, untreated
tive benefit of combined aerobic and proliferative retinopathy, autonomic Retinopathy

resistance exercise in adults with type 2 neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy, If proliferative diabetic retinopathy or
diabetes (229). If not contraindicated, and a history of foot ulcers or Charcot severe nonproliferative diabetic retinop-
patients with type 2 diabetes should be foot. The patient’s age and previous athy is present, then vigorous-intensity
encouraged to do at least two weekly physical activity level should be con- aerobic or resistance exercise may be
sessions of resistance exercise (exer- sidered when customizing the exer- contraindicated because of the risk of
cise with free weights or weight cise regimen to the individual’s triggering vitreous hemorrhage or reti-
machines), with each session consist- needs. Those with complications may nal detachment (232). Consultation with
ing of at least one set (group of con- need a more thorough evaluation an ophthalmologist prior to engaging in
secutive repetitive exercise motions) prior to starting an exercise program an intense exercise regimen may be
of five or more different resistance (204,231). appropriate.
S70 Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes Diabetes Care Volume 45, Supplement 1, January 2022

Peripheral Neuropathy In recent years, e-cigarettes have

5.34 After identification of tobacco
Decreased pain sensation and a higher gained public awareness and popularity
or e-cigarette use, include smok-
pain threshold in the extremities can because of perceptions that e-cigarette
ing cessation counseling and
result in an increased risk of skin break- use is less harmful than regular ciga-
other forms of treatment as a
down, infection, and Charcot joint rette smoking (252,253). However, in
routine component of diabetes
destruction with some forms of exercise. light of recent Centers for Disease Con-
care. A
Therefore, a thorough assessment should trol and Prevention evidence (254) of
5.35 Address smoking cessation as
be done to ensure that neuropathy does deaths related to e-cigarette use, no
part of diabetes education pro-
not alter kinesthetic or proprioceptive individuals should be advised to use
grams for those in need. B
sensation during physical activity, particu- e-cigarettes, either as a way to stop
larly in those with more severe neuropa- smoking tobacco or as a recreational
thy. Studies have shown that moderate- drug.
Results from epidemiologic, case-con-
intensity walking may not lead to an Diabetes education programs offer
trol, and cohort studies provide convinc-

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increased risk of foot ulcers or reulcera- potential to systematically reach and
ing evidence to support the causal link
tion in those with peripheral neuropathy engage individuals with diabetes in smok-
between cigarette smoking and health
who use proper footwear (233). In addi- ing cessation efforts. A cluster randomized
risks (237). Recent data show tobacco use
tion, 150 min/week of moderate exercise trial found statistically significant increases
is higher among adults with chronic condi-
was reported to improve outcomes in in quit rates and long-term abstinence
patients with prediabetic neuropathy tions (238) as well as in adolescents and
young adults with diabetes (239). People rates (>6 months) when smoking cessa-
(234). All individuals with peripheral neu- tion interventions were offered through
ropathy should wear proper footwear with diabetes who smoke (and people
diabetes education clinics, regardless of
and examine their feet daily to detect with diabetes exposed to second-hand
motivation to quit at baseline (255).
lesions early. Anyone with a foot injury smoke) have a heightened risk of CVD,
or open sore should be restricted to premature death, microvascular complica-
tions, and worse glycemic control when PSYCHOSOCIAL ISSUES
non–weight-bearing activities.
compared with those who do not smoke
Autonomic Neuropathy (240–242). Smoking may have a role in
5.36 Psychosocial care should be
Autonomic neuropathy can increase the the development of type 2 diabetes
integrated with a collaborative,
risk of exercise-induced injury or adverse (243–245).
patient-centered approach and
events through decreased cardiac respon- The routine and thorough assessment
provided to all people with dia-
siveness to exercise, postural hypotension, of tobacco use is essential to prevent
betes, with the goals of opti-
impaired thermoregulation, impaired night smoking or encourage cessation. Numer-
mizing health outcomes and
vision due to impaired papillary reaction, ous large randomized clinical trials have
health-related quality of life. A
and greater susceptibility to hypoglycemia demonstrated the efficacy and cost-
5.37 Psychosocial screening and fol-
(235). Cardiovascular autonomic neuropa- effectiveness of brief counseling in smok-
low-up may include, but are
thy is also an independent risk factor for ing cessation, including the use of tele-
not limited to, attitudes about
cardiovascular death and silent myocardial phone quit lines, in reducing tobacco
diabetes, expectations for med-
ischemia (236). Therefore, individuals with use. Pharmacologic therapy to assist
ical management and out-
diabetic autonomic neuropathy should with smoking cessation in people with
comes, affect or mood, general
undergo cardiac investigation before diabetes has been shown to be effective
and diabetes-related quality of
beginning physical activity more intense (246), and for the patient motivated to
life, available resources (finan-
than that to which they are accustomed. quit, the addition of pharmacologic ther-
cial, social, and emotional), and
apy to counseling is more effective than
psychiatric history. E
Diabetic Kidney Disease either treatment alone (247). Special
5.38 Providers should consider ass-
Physical activity can acutely increase uri- considerations should include assess-
essment for symptoms of diabe-
nary albumin excretion. However, there is ment of level of nicotine dependence,
tes distress, depression, anxiety,
no evidence that vigorous-intensity exer- which is associated with difficulty in quit- disordered eating, and cognitive
cise accelerates the rate of progression of ting and relapse (248). Although some capacities using age-appropriate
DKD, and there appears to be no need people may gain weight in the period standardized and validated tools
for specific exercise restrictions for people shortly after smoking cessation (249), at the initial visit, at periodic
with DKD in general (232). recent research has demonstrated that intervals, and when there is a
this weight gain does not diminish the change in disease, treatment,
substantial CVD benefit realized from or life circumstance. Including
AND E-CIGARETTES smoking cessation (250). One study in caregivers and family members
people who smoke who had newly diag- in this assessment is recom-
Recommendations nosed type 2 diabetes found that smok- mended. B
5.33 Advise all patients not to use ing cessation was associated with 5.39 Consider screening older adults
cigarettes and other tobacco amelioration of metabolic parameters (aged $65 years) with diabetes
products or e-cigarettes. A and reduced blood pressure and albu- for cognitive impairment and
minuria at 1 year (251). Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes S71

depression. B Monitoring of the honeymoon period), when the need frequency, and titration; monitoring of
cognitive capacity, i.e., the abil- for intensified treatment is evident, and blood glucose, food intake, eating pat-
ity to actively engage in deci- when complications are discovered. Signifi- terns, and physical activity) and the
sion-making regarding regimen cant changes in life circumstances, often potential or actuality of disease progres-
behaviors, is advised. B called social determinants of health, are sion are directly associated with reports
known to considerably affect a person’s of diabetes distress (267). The prevalence
ability to self-manage their condition. Thus, of diabetes distress is reported to be
Please refer to the ADA position state- screening for social determinants of health 18–45% with an incidence of 38–48%
ment “Psychosocial Care for People (e.g., loss of employment, birth of a child, over 18 months in people with type 2
With Diabetes” for a list of assessment or other family-based stresses) should also diabetes (269). In the second Diabetes
tools and additional details (1). be incorporated into routine care (266). Attitudes, Wishes and Needs (DAWN2)
Complex environmental, social, behav- Providers can start with informal ver- study, significant diabetes distress was
ioral, and emotional factors, known as bal inquires, for example, by asking reported by 45% of the participants, but

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psychosocial factors, influence living with whether there have been persistent only 24% reported that their health care
diabetes, both type 1 and type 2, and changes in mood during the past 2 teams asked them how diabetes affected
achieving satisfactory medical outcomes weeks or since the patient’s last visit and their lives (259). High levels of diabetes
and psychological well-being. Thus, indi- whether the person can identify a trig- distress significantly impact medication-
viduals with diabetes and their families gering event or change in circumstances. taking behaviors and are linked to higher
are challenged with complex, multiface- Providers should also ask whether there A1C, lower self-efficacy, and poorer die-
ted issues when integrating diabetes are new or different barriers to treat- tary and exercise behaviors (5,267,269).
ment and self-management, such as feel- DSMES has been shown to reduce diabe-
care into daily life (142).
ing overwhelmed or stressed by having tes distress (5). It may be helpful to pro-
Emotional well-being is an important
diabetes (see the section DIABETES DISTRESS vide counseling regarding expected
part of diabetes care and self-manage-
ment. Psychological and social problems below), changes in finances, or compet- diabetes-related versus generalized psy-
ing medical demands (e.g., the diagnosis chological distress, both at diagnosis and
can impair the individual’s (13,256–260)
of a comorbid condition). In circumstan- when disease state or treatment changes
or family’s (259) ability to carry out
ces where individuals other than the occur (270).
diabetes care tasks and therefore poten-
patient are significantly involved in diabe- An RCT tested the effects of participa-
tially compromise health status. There
tes management, these issues should be tion in a standardized 8-week mindful
are opportunities for the clinician to rou-
explored with nonmedical care providers self-compassion program versus a con-
tinely assess psychosocial status in a
(265). Standardized and validated tools trol group among patients with type 1
timely and efficient manner for referral
for psychosocial monitoring and assess- and type 2 diabetes. Mindful self-com-
to appropriate services (261,262). A sys-
ment can also be used by providers (1), passion training increased self-compas-
tematic review and meta-analysis showed sion, reduced depression and diabetes
that psychosocial interventions modestly with positive findings leading to referral
to a mental health provider specializing distress, and improved A1C in the inter-
but significantly improved A1C (standard- vention group (271). An RCT of cognitive
ized mean difference –0.29%) and mental in diabetes for comprehensive evalua-
tion, diagnosis, and treatment. behavioral and social problem-solving
health outcomes (263). There was a lim- approaches compared with diabetes
ited association between the effects on education (272) in teens (aged 14–18
Diabetes Distress
A1C and mental health, and no interven- years) showed that diabetes distress and
tion characteristics predicted benefit on Recommendation depressive symptoms were significantly
both outcomes. However, cost analyses 5.40 Routinely monitor people with reduced for up to 3 years postinterven-
have shown that behavioral health inter- diabetes for diabetes distress, tion. Neither glycemic control nor self-
ventions are both effective and cost-effi- particularly when treatment tar- management behaviors were improved
cient approaches to the prevention of gets are not met and/or at over time. These recent studies support
diabetes (264). the onset of diabetes complica- that a combination of approaches is
tions. B needed to address distress, depression,
Screening and metabolic status.
Key opportunities for psychosocial screen- Diabetes distress should be routinely
ing occur at diabetes diagnosis, during Diabetes distress is very common and is monitored (273) using person-based
regularly scheduled management visits, distinct from other psychological disor- diabetes-specific validated measures
during hospitalizations, with new onset ders (259,267,268). Diabetes distress (1). If diabetes distress is identified, the
of complications, during significant transi- refers to significant negative psychological person should be referred for specific
tions in care such as from pediatric to reactions related to emotional burdens diabetes education to address areas of
adult care teams (265), or when prob- and worries specific to an individual’s diabetes self-care causing the patient
lems with achieving A1C goals, quality of experience in having to manage a severe, distress and impacting clinical manage-
life, or self-management are identified complicated, and demanding chronic dis- ment. Diabetes distress is associated
(2). Patients are likely to exhibit psycho- ease such as diabetes (267–269). The with anxiety, depression, and reduced
logical vulnerability at diagnosis, when constant behavioral demands of diabetes health-related quality of life (274). Peo-
their medical status changes (e.g., end of self-management (medication dosing, ple whose self-care remains impaired
S72 Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes Diabetes Care Volume 45, Supplement 1, January 2022

after tailored diabetes education should impacting a person’s ability to carry out compulsive disorder, specific phobias,
be referred by their care team to a self-management, and the association of and posttraumatic stress disorder) are
behavioral health provider for evalua- mental health diagnosis with poorer common in people with diabetes (280).
tion and treatment. short-term glycemic stability, symptoms The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
Other psychosocial issues known to of emotional distress are associated with System (BRFSS) estimated the lifetime
affect self-management and health out- mortality risk (277,279). Providers should prevalence of generalized anxiety disor-
comes include attitudes about the illness, consider an assessment of symptoms of der to be 19.5% in people with either
expectations for medical management depression, anxiety, disordered eating, type 1 or type 2 diabetes (281). Common
and outcomes, available resources (finan- and cognitive capacities using appropri- diabetes-specific concerns include fears
cial, social, and emotional) (275), and psy- ate standardized/validated tools at the related to hypoglycemia (282,283), not
chiatric history. initial visit, at periodic intervals when meeting blood glucose targets (280), and
patient distress is suspected, and when insulin injections or infusion (284). Onset
Referral to a Mental Health Specialist there is a change in health, treatment, or of complications presents another critical

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Indications for referral to a mental health life circumstance. Inclusion of caregivers point in the disease course when anxiety
specialist familiar with diabetes manage- and family members in this assessment can occur (1). People with diabetes who
ment may include positive screening for is recommended. Diabetes distress is exhibit excessive diabetes self-manage-
addressed as an independent condition ment behaviors well beyond what is pre-
overall stress related to work-life balance,
(see the section DIABETES DISTRESS above), as scribed or needed to achieve glycemic
diabetes distress, diabetes management
this state is very common and expected targets may be experiencing symptoms
difficulties, depression, anxiety, disor-
and is distinct from the psychological dis- of obsessive-compulsive disorder (285).
dered eating, and cognitive dysfunction
orders discussed below (1). A list of age- General anxiety is a predictor of injec-
(see Table 5.2 for a complete list). It is
appropriate screening and evaluation tion-related anxiety and associated with
preferable to incorporate psychosocial
measures is provided in the ADA position fear of hypoglycemia (283,286). Fear of
assessment and treatment into routine hypoglycemia and hypoglycemia unaware-
care rather than waiting for a specific statement “Psychosocial Care for People
with Diabetes” (1). ness often co-occur. Interventions aimed
problem or deterioration in metabolic or at treating one often benefit both (287).
psychological status to occur (34,259). Fear of hypoglycemia may explain avoid-
Providers should identify behavioral and Anxiety Disorders
ance of behaviors associated with lower-
mental health providers, ideally those ing glucose such as increasing insulin
who are knowledgeable about diabetes doses or frequency of monitoring. If fear
5.41 Consider screening for anxiety
treatment and the psychosocial aspects of hypoglycemia is identified and a person
in people exhibiting anxiety or
of diabetes, to whom they can refer does not have symptoms of hypoglyce-
worries regarding diabetes com-
patients. The ADA provides a list of men- mia, a structured program of blood glu-
plications, insulin administration,
tal health providers who have received cose awareness training delivered in
and taking of medications, as
additional education in diabetes at the routine clinical practice can improve A1C,
well as fear of hypoglycemia
ADA Mental Health Provider Directory reduce the rate of severe hypoglycemia,
and/or hypoglycemia unaware-
( and restore hypoglycemia awareness
ness that interferes with self-
Ideally, psychosocial care providers (288,289). If not available within the prac-
management behaviors, and in
should be embedded in diabetes care tice setting, a structured program target-
those who express fear, dread,
settings. Although the provider may not ing both fear of hypoglycemia and
or irrational thoughts and/or
feel qualified to treat psychological unawareness should be sought out and
show anxiety symptoms such as
problems (276), optimizing the patient-- implemented by a qualified behavioral
avoidance behaviors, excessive practitioner (287,289–291).
provider relationship as a foundation
repetitive behaviors, or social
may increase the likelihood of the
withdrawal. Refer for treatment
patient accepting referral for other serv- Depression
if anxiety is present. B
ices. Collaborative care interventions
5.42 People with hypoglycemia un- Recommendations
and a team approach have demon-
awareness, which can co-occur 5.43 Providers should consider ann-
strated efficacy in diabetes self-manage-
with fear of hypoglycemia, ual screening of all patients
ment, outcomes of depression, and
should be treated using blood with diabetes, especially those
psychosocial functioning (5,6).
glucose awareness training with a self-reported history of
(or other evidence-based inter- depression, for depressive
Psychosocial/Emotional Distress
vention) to help re-establish symptoms with age-appropri-
Clinically significant psychopathologic
awareness of symptoms of ate depression screening meas-
diagnoses are considerably more preva-
hypoglycemia and reduce fear ures, recognizing that further
lent in people with diabetes than in
of hypoglycemia. A evaluation will be necessary for
those without (277,278). Symptoms,
individuals who have a positive
both clinical and subclinical, that inter-
screen. B
fere with the person’s ability to carry out Anxiety symptoms and diagnosable disor-
5.44 Beginning at diagnosis of com-
daily diabetes self-management tasks ders (e.g., generalized anxiety disorder,
plications or when there are
must be addressed. In addition to body dysmorphic disorder, obsessive- Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes S73

Table 5.2—Situations that warrant referral of a person with diabetes to a mental health provider for evaluation and treatment
 Self-care remains impaired in a person with diabetes distress after tailored diabetes education
 A positive screen on a validated screening tool for depressive symptoms
 The presence of symptoms or suspicions of disordered eating behavior, an eating disorder, or disrupted patterns of eating
 Intentional omission of insulin or oral medication to cause weight loss is identified
 A positive screen for anxiety or fear of hypoglycemia
 A serious mental illness is suspected
 In youth and families with behavioral self-care difficulties, repeated hospitalizations for diabetic ketoacidosis, or significant distress
 A positive screening for cognitive impairment
 Declining or impaired ability to perform diabetes self-care behaviors
 Before undergoing bariatric or metabolic surgery and after surgery, if assessment reveals an ongoing need for adjustment support

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significant changes in medical behavioral therapy), the mental health when hyperglycemia and weight
status, consider assessment for provider should be incorporated into the loss are unexplained based on
diabetes treatment team (297). As with self-reported behaviors related
depression. B
DSMES, person-centered collaborative to medication dosing, meal
5.45 Referrals for treatment of dep-
care approaches have been shown to plan, and physical activity. In
ression should be made to
improve both depression and medical addition, a review of the medi-
mental health providers with
outcomes (297). Depressive symptoms cal regimen is recommended
experience using cognitive be- may also be a manifestation of reduced
havioral therapy, interpersonal to identify potential treatment-
quality of life secondary to disease burden
therapy, or other evidence- related effects on hunger/caloric
(also see Diabetes Distress) and resultant
based treatment approaches in intake. B
changes in resource allocation impacting
conjunction with collaborative the person and their family. When depres-
care with the patient’s diabetes sive symptoms are identified, it is impor-
Estimated prevalence of disordered eat-
treatment team. A tant to query origins both diabetes-
specific and due to other life circumstan- ing behavior and diagnosable eating dis-
ces (274,298). orders in people with diabetes varies
History of depression, current depres- Various RCTs have shown improve- (301–303). For people with type 1 dia-
sion, and antidepressant medication use ments in diabetes and related health out- betes, insulin omission causing glycos-
are risk factors for the development of comes when depression is simultaneously uria in order to lose weight is the most
type 2 diabetes, especially if the individ- treated (297,299,300). It is important to commonly reported disordered eating
ual has other risk factors such as obe- note that medical regimen should also be behavior (304,305); in people with type
sity and family history of type 2 monitored in response to reduction in 2 diabetes, bingeing (excessive food
diabetes (292–294). Elevated depressive depressive symptoms. People may agree intake with an accompanying sense of
symptoms and depressive disorders to or adopt previously refused treatment loss of control) is most commonly
affect one in four patients with type 1 strategies (improving ability to follow rec- reported. For people with type 2 diabe-
or type 2 diabetes (258). Thus, routine ommended treatment behaviors), which tes treated with insulin, intentional
screening for depressive symptoms is may include increased physical activity omission is also frequently reported
indicated in this high-risk population, and intensification of regimen behaviors (306). People with diabetes and diag-
including people with type 1 or type 2 and monitoring, resulting in changed glu- nosable eating disorders have high rates
diabetes, gestational diabetes mellitus, cose profiles. of comorbid psychiatric disorders (307).
and postpartum diabetes. Regardless of People with type 1 diabetes and eating
diabetes type, women have significantly Disordered Eating Behavior disorders have high rates of diabetes
higher rates of depression than men distress and fear of hypoglycemia (308).
(295). When evaluating symptoms of disor-
5.46 Providers should consider re-
Routine monitoring with age-appro- dered or disrupted eating (when the
evaluating the treatment regi-
priate validated measures (1) can help individual exhibits eating behaviors that
men of people with diabetes
to identify if referral is warranted (296). appear maladaptive but are not voli-
who present with symptoms of
Adult patients with a history of depres- tional, such as bingeing caused by loss
disordered eating behavior, an
sive symptoms need ongoing monitor- of satiety cues), etiology and motivation
eating disorder, or disrupted
ing of depression recurrence within the for the behavior should be evaluated
patterns of eating. B
context of routine care (292). Integrat- (303,309). Mixed intervention results
5.47 Consider screening for disor-
ing mental and physical health care can point to the need for treatment of eat-
dered or disrupted eating using
improve outcomes. When a patient is in ing disorders and disordered eating
validated screening measures
psychological therapy (talk or cognitive behavior in the context of the disease
S74 Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes Diabetes Care Volume 45, Supplement 1, January 2022

and its treatment. More rigorous meth- and judgment can be expected to make it and auditory and visual processing, all of
ods to identify underlying mechanisms difficult to engage in behavior that which are involved in diabetes self-man-
of action that drive change in eating reduces risk factors for type 2 diabetes, agement behavior (318). Having diabetes
and treatment behaviors, as well as such as restrained eating for weight man- over decades—type 1 and type 2—has
associated mental distress, are needed agement. Further, people with serious been shown to be associated with cogni-
(310). Adjunctive medication such as mental health disorders and diabetes fre- tive decline (319–321). Declines have
glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor ago- quently experience moderate psychologi- been shown to impact executive function
nists (311) may help individuals not only cal distress, suggesting pervasive intrusion and information processing speed; they
to meet glycemic targets but also to of mental health issues into daily function- are not consistent between people, and
regulate hunger and food intake, thus ing (313). Coordinated management of evidence is lacking regarding a known
having the potential to reduce uncon- diabetes or prediabetes and serious men- course of decline (322). Diagnosis of
trollable hunger and bulimic symptoms. tal illness is recommended to achieve dia- dementia is also more prevalent in the
Caution should be taken in labeling indi- betes treatment targets. In addition, those population of individuals with diabetes,

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viduals with diabetes as having a diag- taking second-generation (atypical) anti- both type 1 and type 2 (323). Thus, mon-
nosable psychiatric disorder, i.e., an psychotics, such as olanzapine, require itoring of cognitive capacity of individuals
eating disorder, when disordered or dis- greater monitoring because of an increase is recommended, particularly regarding
rupted eating patterns are found to be in risk of type 2 diabetes associated with their ability to self-monitor and make
associated with the disease and its this medication (314–316). Because of this judgements about their symptoms, phys-
treatment. In other words, patterns of increased risk, people should be screened ical status, and needed alterations to
maladaptive food intake that appear to for prediabetes or diabetes 4 months after their self-management behaviors, all
have a psychological origin may be medication initiation and at least annually of which are mediated by executive
driven by physiologic disruption in thereafter. Serious mental illness is often function (323). As with other disorders
hunger and satiety cues, metabolic per- associated with the inability to evaluate affecting mental capacity (e.g., major
turbations, and/or secondary distress and utilize information to make judgments psychiatric disorders), the key issue is
about treatment options. When a person whether the person can enter into a col-
because of the individual’s inability
laboration with the care team to achieve
to control their hunger and satiety has an established diagnosis of a mental
optimal metabolic outcomes and prevent
(303,309). illness that impacts judgment, activities of
complications, both short and long term
daily living, and ability to establish a col-
(313). When this ability is shown to be
laborative relationship with care providers,
Serious Mental Illness altered, declining, or absent, a lay care
it is wise to include a nonmedical care-
provider should be introduced into the
Recommendations taker in decision-making regarding the
care team who serves in the capacities
5.48 Incorporate active monitoring medical regimen. This person can help
of day-to-day monitoring as well as a liai-
of diabetes self-care activities improve the patient’s ability to follow the
son with the rest of the care team (1).
into treatment goals for peo- agreed-upon regimen through both moni-
Cognitive capacity also contributes to
ple with diabetes and serious toring and caretaking functions (317).
ability to benefit from diabetes education
mental illness. B and may indicate the need for alternative
5.49 In people who are prescribed Cognitive Capacity/Impairment teaching approaches as well as remote
atypical antipsychotic medica- monitoring. Youth will need second-party
tions, screen for prediabetes Recommendations monitoring (e.g., parents and adult care-
and diabetes 4 months after 5.51 Cognitive capacity should be givers) until they are developmentally
medication initiation and at monitored throughout the life able to evaluate necessary information
least annually thereafter. B span for all individuals with for self-management decisions and to
5.50 If a second-generation antipsy- diabetes, particularly in those inform resultant behavior changes.
chotic medication is prescribed who have documented cogni- Episodes of severe hypoglycemia are
for adolescents or adults with tive disabilities, those who independently associated with decline,
diabetes, changes in weight, gly- experience severe hypoglyce- as well as the more immediate symp-
cemic control, and cholesterol mia, very young children, and toms of mental confusion (324). Early-
levels should be carefully moni- older adults. B onset type 1 diabetes has been shown
tored and the treatment regi- 5.52 If cognitive capacity changes or to be associated with potential deficits
men should be reassessed. C appears to be suboptimal for in intellectual abilities, especially in the
provider-patient decision-mak- context of repeated episodes of severe
ing and/or behavioral self-man- hypoglycemia (325). (See Section 14,
Studies of individuals with serious mental agement, referral for a formal “Children and Adolescents,” https://doi
illness, particularly schizophrenia and .org/10.2337/dc22-S014, for information
assessment should be consid-
other thought disorders, show significantly on early-onset diabetes and cognitive
ered. E
increased rates of type 2 diabetes (312). abilities and the effects of severe hypo-
People with schizophrenia should be mon- glycemia on children’s cognitive and
itored for type 2 diabetes because of the Cognitive capacity is generally defined as academic performance.) Thus, for myriad
known comorbidity. Disordered thinking attention, memory, logic and reasoning, reasons, cognitive capacity should be Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes S75

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