Poster Jabatan Kimia Malaysia Negeri Terengganu 28082023

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Whole Family Member Identification Chronology

Department of Chemistry Malaysia Terengganu State: Muhamad Sufiyan bin Azah, Mohd Shafizi bin Ab Aziz, Mohammad Azhar bin Mat Zin

An astonishing water surge takes place back on 1st July 2023 at Jeram Mawar, Air Putih, Kemaman Terengganu turns a happy vacation of whole 9 family members and 1 fiancé
to one of the victim into a grief tragedy. A chronology of the victim identification is outlined involving agencies such as Royal Malaysia Police, Forensic Medicine Department
of Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah Terengganu, Forensic Dental Expert from Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan Kuantan, Forensic DNA Section Eastern Zone Department of
Chemistry Malaysia Terengganu State and National Registration Department Branches of Terengganu. Eight of the family member and the fiancé was successfully found until
the end of 7 days Search and Rescue (SAR) operation starting from 2nd July until 8th July 2023 This chronology will highlight the issue of body identification mainly in the
perspective of Deoxyribonucleic Acis (DNA) profiling and the necessity of this analysis, particularly in this tragedy, as well as the technique used by other agencies involved
during the body identification. To the current date this poster presented, the final body is still missing and most probably will be a challenging to the DNA analyst as the
sample is expected to be highly decomposed.

➢A female (24km from site ) and a male body (2km

from site) was found, postmortem performed (PM
97/23 and 98/23).
➢Identification by fingerprint, match with National ➢ 7th body was found and the fingerprint match with
Registration Department’s record. National Registration Department’s record. ➢ 9th body was found but could not positively search
with National Registration Department’s record.
➢Forensic Dental Examination to cross check with ➢ 8th body was found but could not positively search
dental record and estimate age. with National Registration Department’s record. ➢ D13 Branch of Royal Malaysia Police of Bukit
Aman was involved and positively identified the
➢Another 4 bodies were found, and postmortem ➢ Forensic Dental Examination to cross check with 9th unknown body which is the fiancé to one of 7th
performed (PM 100/23, 101/23, 102/23 and 103/23) dental record and estimate age. body.
st 3 rdJuly 4 thJuly th th th
1 July 5 July 7 July 8 July
2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023
➢ Next of kin samples were collected ➢ Next of kin sample for the fiancé body was taken ➢ SAR operation was ended
comprising parents of PM 97/23 and 2 sibling comprising the sibling of the deceased. and continued by the Fire
of PM 103/23. and Rescue Department.
➢ Postmortem sample for 8th body was submitted
➢ All postmortem samples submitted to to Forensic DNA Section or Eastern Zone, ➢ 10th body still missing.
Forensic DNA Section or Eastern Zone, Department of Chemistry Malaysia on 5th July.
Department of Chemistry Malaysia.
➢ Processing of all samples performed
subsequently after they were received in the CONCLUSION & DISCUSSION
midnight. ▪ Identity of all body were successfully confirmed by
means of DNA analysis, fingerprint search, and
dental records when confirmation by the relatives
▪ In the perspective of Forensic DNA, initially there is
no requirement to conduct the DNA analysis for the
victim which is the mother and father as the identity
of them were confirmed by the relatives. However,
due to condition of the environment that can
expedite decomposition during searching, profiling
9TH for the close reference relative is essential.
PM 97/23 PM 103/23 ▪ Although DNA analysis is not fully used, profile of
the other victims i.e., the mother and the father, is
invaluable which will be further serve as reference
profile when the last body of the victim is found.

PM 98/23 PM PM
7th Body 8th Body PM 98/23 ▪ Case file from the Forensic DNA Section of
101/23 102/23
Eastern Zone, Department of Chemistry
Malaysia Terengganu State.

Deceased Missing body Living Next of Kin Unsubmitted Next of Kin 11—15 SEPTEMBER 2023 | KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

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