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ASSIGNMENT 1 – Nivel de Inglés 1 – Lic.

Gestión Cultural

Task 1: (Pre – reading stage) STAGE: ESCENARIO / ETAPA

The topic for this activity is CULTURE. Take 15 seconds and think of 5 or 6 words related to it.

R: society, comunity, music, arts, traditions, time.

Now, click on the link below, look at the cloud with different words connected to CULTURE. Are your words in the
cloud? Which ones do you think are the most appropriate for its definition? Cliqueemos en el siguiente link y
veamos una nube con palabras relacionadas a CULTURA. ¿Estás las que habian pensado? ¿Cuáles cree que están más
relacionadas a su definición?

Task 2: (reading stage)

2.a. Read different definitions of culture and check if your words are present: (Lea las diferentes definiciones de
cultura y verifique si sus palabras están mencionadas)

 Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion,
cuisine, social habits, music and arts.

 Culture is a word for the 'way of life' of groups of people, meaning the way they do things. A culture is passed
on to the next generation by learning, whereas genetics are passed on by heredity. Culture is present in
people's writing, religion, music, clothes, cooking and in their customs.

 Culture is the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or
societal characteristic.Ñ

 Culture is the patterns of learned and shared behavior and beliefs of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.

VOCABULARY FOCUS: What made you understand the definitions about culture (activity 2.a)? (¿qué los ayudó a
entender la definición de cultura?)

a. prior knowledge about culture.

b. vocabulary similar to Spanish.
c. easy verb structures.

2.c. If you have chosen option b., it is because there are words in English which are similar to Spanish and they are
called: COGNATE or TRANSPARENT WORDS. (si eligieron la opción b es porque hay palabras en Inglés que son
parecidas al español, por ejemplo: culture: cultura. Estas palabras son llamadas: COGNADOS or PALABRAS

Now, underline what cognates you can find in the definitions of culture you have read. (2.a.) Ahora subraye otros
cognados o palabras transparentes en las definiciones que han leido en el ejercicio 2.a.

2.d. There are other words in English which are similar to Spanish but they have a completely different meaning!
(Hay otras palabras en inglés que son similares en escritura al español pero que tienen un significado distinto). They
are called false friends. (Se las llama: False friends/falsos amigos). Examples of false friends:

You have to use the dictionary to make sure sometimes! (deben utilizar el diccionario para
verificar/asegurarse) EXAMPLE:

2. e. Visit the website of one of the definitions of culture from ex. 2.a. and look for more cognates / false friends.
(Visiten los sitios de las definiciones de cultura del ejercicio 2.a y busquen más cognados / falsos amigos)


3.a. Read the following sentences. What verb tense is common in all of them? Lea las siguientes oraciones. ¿Qué
tiempo verbal tienen todas en común?

R:Present simple.

 Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people

 Culture is a word for the 'way of life' of groups of people…

 Culture is the set of values, conventions, or social practices...

 Culture is the patterns of learned and shared behavior...

3.b. Tick which USE of verb to be is the correct one: (Cliquee cuál de los usos del verbo to be es correcto)

* to describe functions.
* to show qualities.

* to describe present actions.

* to locate objects.

3. c. Complete a chart with the FORM of the verb to be in the affirmative: Complete el cuadro con la forma del verbo
to be en su forma afirmativa.

Personal pronoun as Subject Verb to BE

(Present simple)

1st singular I Example: am

2nd singular You Are

3rd singular He/She/It Is

1st plural We Are

2nd plural You Are

3rd plural They Are

 How is the NEGATIVE FORM used? Are there examples in the text? And the INTERROGATIVE? (¿Cómo
formamos el negativo? ¿Hay ejemplos en el texto? Y la forma interrogativa?)

R: i am not, she/he/it isn’t, we/you/they aren’t

Interrogative: I am? , Is she/he/it? , Are we/you/they?

3. d. (After-reading stage). Complete these sentences related to culture with the new verb form (verb to be):
Complete estas oraciones relacionadas a cultura con la nueva forma verbal (verb to be):

Culture and Education:

When a child ____is____ born, he ____is___ a new part of our society. Culture __is___ the main aspect of any
society with a mutual corporation. Also, culture __is____ the social behaviour of any society .

Ethics, norms, traditions ___are____ part of our culture. Education helps in the establishment of schools, colleges,
and universities. Universities ____are____ important because they focus on culture development.
Now, visit the following sites and do some grammar games with the new VERB TENSE!

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